'n ** t??f ASSOCIATED STANDARD SOUTHERN PRESS NEWSPAPER THE ATLANTA STITUTIQN SERVICE Dally «*<* Su»«»y, carrier delivery. J2 cf»tn »r*e«Uy. Vol., XLVH.-TNo. 253. ATLANTA, GA., TUESDAY MORN^Te, PEBBUABY 23, 1915.—TWELVE PA&ES. £!•*!« eautea «• the Mreete amd at ne«nHt»BdB, B ceMte. WHERE MERCHANT SHIPS HAVE BEEN SUNK AROUND BRITAIN TRAFFIC BLOCKED AND THE DISTANCES TO THE GERMAN SUBMARINE BASES NO FREE PASSES , Calais Is Bombarded INSPECTORS FORJETP/ES By Zeppelin Airship Decreasing Revenue Forces ARE "LOCKED OUT' Street Car Company to Retrenchment, Says Presi- And Civilians Killed If Demands of Carmen' dent Arkwright. Union Are Not Granted a Bombs Were Dropped Preston S Arkwright, president of Sympathetic Strike of Rail- the y Georgia Bailway and Power com- on French Port by German pany, • told the city's street railway Air Raider, But the Ma- road Men May Be Called committee Monday afternoon, in ex- v planation of the street car company's terial Damage Was Unim- refusal to issue free ride passes to cits DISCHARGE OF ONE MAN detectives, that decreasing revenue and portant. a policy of retrenchment caused the .1 CAUSE OF THE TROUBLE directors to abolish the 900,000V free passes issued annually. i President Arkwright informed the GERMANS SHELL RHEIMS; committee that, despite the, fact that MANY CIVILIANS KILLED Labbr Representatives Say the free list (his been absolutely abol- Submarine War Inaugurated ished, and despite the further fact that That He Was Let Out Be- every employee of the company, from by the Kaiser to Influence \ cause He Declined to With- the president to the humblest office Gai^ns for the Anglo-French hoy, must now pay a nickel or wal'k Policies of tfie Allies in draw HisCa^d From Union the company loses'about $50,000 a year Forces Are Claimed at toy allowing- policemen, firemen and Regard to Contraband. other uniformed officers of the city to Many Points on the West- Following a "lockout" of the force ride free. oT car inspectors, stationed at the Ter E\er» foody Pays Way. y ANTI-GERMAN FEELING ern Front—German Losses minal station, last 'night, when out- > "Beginning January 1," said Presi- Said to Be Heavy. going trains were delayed for several dent Arkwright, "no passes of any INTENSE IN HOLLAND v hours," well-known mem'bers of the kind have been issued. Brotherhood of Railway Carmen of "I happen\ to be president of the \ \ Paris, February 22.—(Via London, America asserted that if, the demands company, and I pay my way on the February 23, 12.24 a- m.)'—The offi- * of ^the union -were not granted by the cars just like every other citizen of And Also in the Scandina- cial communication Issued by the Atlanta Terminal company It was Ifke- Atlanta does. All the directors of the French war office tonight tells of the ly a sympathetic strike would 'be de- company pay their fares. AH the em- vian Countries —^ Neutrals bombardment of Oalais by a Zeppelin clared. In this event, the car inspec- ployees, save those in uniform, pay their way out of their own pockets. I v dirigible which dropped bombs and tors at the Inman Yards and the South •don't see how" we could be expected to Aroused Over Menace to killed five civilians. The text fol- snaps, both of which a.te auxiliary treat the city's employees more favor- lows: shdps of the Atlanta Terminal com- ably than we treat our own." Shipping by German Sub "A Zeppelin airship bombarded Cq.- pany, would leave their jobs. Councilman Jesse B. Lee, chairman lais this moining. It dropped ten of the committee on street and electric marines—Allies to Retal Also a well-known rhember of the v projectiles which Killed five persons ' Brotherhood of Engineers declared that railways, called a special meeting iate. i (belonging to the civil population and th,e car Inspectors had the sympathy the committee .Monday afternoon tor caused unimportant material damage. £he purpose of trying to induce tha of the engineers, who expected to stand \ "Our batteries demolished a heavv Georgia, Railway and Power company London, February 22.—The wasp o gun occupying? a. position near Loni- by their^ in their demands, v to enter into some sort of agreement ibaertzyde. Between the Lys and the Traffic In Tied Up. with the city through whicfn the de- modern warfare, the suibmarme, dailj Alsne there has (been effective practice The, "lockout" came at the 'busiest tectives who work in civilian attire Ibecomes a factor of more and moie 1m by our artillery, which dispersed a biv- hou^ of the night, and it was nearly might be'permitted to ride free on the porta.nce in the great war of Europe ouac and convoy. with respect to its influence on the midnight 'before Chief Clerk Rogers street cars. "The enemy violently bomibarded i ! President Arkwright was invited by policies of the nations engaged in con Rheims SUnday night and Monday. The and Station Master Peek, of the AtV ^S? *ff%--.Mlfe 'jfe&ffi the committee to explain the attitude of nectlon with the contraband question so bombardment -resulted in numerous lanta Terminal company, were able to the company, and Chiet Beavers, of the vital to neutral slates. victims who represent the toll taken announce that normal traffic conditions The war zone proclaimed by Ger- Ganteaume, October 2fl; 2, (Malachite, Felbpuary 16, and HZ, Clitra, sunk on police, and Chief Lsinf ord, of the detec- Almost coincident with unofficial re- by the Germans for their defeats of ivere restored, and that 'outgoing trains many Includes the entire coasts of all November 28; 8, Primo, November Zfi; October 20. In addition to these ves- tive departments, were also asked to ports' thai Austria will follow the exam the last few days. the British isles and the coast of north- 4, Durward, January 21; 5, Icaria, Jan- sels the French steamship Dinorah i(No appear before the ^committee to give ; Captured Line ot .Trendies. were moving on schedule. ^ ern France, including the English chan- uary 30\; 6, Toko Maru, January 30; 13) and the Norwegian steamship BeK pie of her ally by making war on mer- any information that might solve the "On the Souain-BeauseJour front^ we Southern train. No 44, to Wajshlng- nel. In these waters already the fol- 7, Linda Blanche: 8, Ben Cruachan, and ridge (No. 14) were torpedoed by Ger- problem. chant ships in the Adriatic, came the ton and New Tork, and the Dixie Flyer lowing ships have.been sunk, indicated 9, Kilcoan, all sunk January 30; 10, man submarines in the English, chan- have made pa-ogress, capturing -a line by numbers on the map: 1, Admiral VIlle de iLille, and 11, Dulwich, sunk on nel, but did not slnsk. At the outset, President Arkwright announcement toy Premier Asquith In of trenches and two woods, completely to Jacksonville, were Wth delayed for made it plain that the company would the house of commons that Greai repulsing two particularly violent coun- ever an hour, and all other trains leav- not \issue ftee passes to the detectives. Britain's ictaliatory plan, though stii: ter attacks, taking numerous prisoners ing about 7-30^ o'clock were more or He told the committee that the' power ^tentative, was much <broaderMn scope and inflicting heavir losses -on the less late. ^ I company pays its taxe^s Jiist like every enemy V \ School in Flames citizen or corporation, and that it is en- than previously hail been suggested; in However, the officials of the Atlanta titled to the 'benefits of police and fire that it was a matter for the considera- "In the Argonne our artillery and Terminal company expected trouble, POLICE SITUATION FELDER IS PUSHED protection such as is guaranteed others. tion of all the allies, and that a Join infantry have asserted theix superiority, He informed the committee that in 19H particularly near Fontaine Aux- and were prepared for the emergency. Panic Is Averted note concerning it might be expected Charmes and Marje Theresa, as well as More car inspectors than' were needed the company redemmed 900,OOQ free ride from the allies passes, and explained that the value of at Bolalit. Between the Argxmne and •were on hand within a. (few hours, and The statement was Ukewlkejnade in jthe Meusft our progress .in the last, two By Brave Teacher the paeae^ was $45,000. ' v ev en Master Mechanic "Alrins answered TO BE DISCUSSED the house'of commons fhaTf t'he TUfitish days at iCheppy Wlood has been ex- TO SUCCEED Cost Company *5O,OOO. the call to duty. „ ... ^ _.L_;1 t \ government might deem it necessary tended and consolidated. " In addition, the company allows Uni- "By fresh attacks at Les Ep'arses Fearing that violence would toe at- formed employees of the city to ride on to alter its_ decision whereby cottott tempted by the men "lacked out'' and Miss Anna Campbell, Prin- has not been* olassed as contraband. ^ we have continued to gain ground We Orville Hall to Lead Police, Macon Man May Be Chosen their badges without a pass. He esti- The day passed without news of any now hold almost the whole of tlie th«3r, sympathizers to enforce their de- mated that the courtesy granted to the additional merchant ship having fallen enemy positions at Combres, southeast mands, the officials called in Policeman Provided He Is Indorsed cipal of Lakewood Heights Census Director as Wilson uniformed men cost the company a. victim to a German submarine, 'but of Les Eparges, which Is thus under Byron Benson, and asked him to re- $60,000 last year, and will cost about three small British craft are missing.
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