CivilizationCivilization isis thethe amputationamputation ofof everythingeverything thatthat everever happenedhappened toto us.us. AnAn experimentexperiment createdcreated byby aliensaliens unableunable toto havehave sex.sex. CivilizationCivilization isis thethe molestationmolestation GREENGREEN ANARCHYANARCHY anan anti-civilizationanti-civilization journaljournal ofof theorytheory andand actionaction ofof everythingeverything wewe couldcould be.be. AA giantgiant repressionrepression meltingmelting intointo suppressionsuppression ISSUE #13 So that YOU never say what YOU mean. So that YOU never say what YOU mean. SUMMER 2003 Civilization is breathing down our necks Civilization is breathing down our necks $3 USA $4 CAN $5 WORLD SplittingSplitting usus apart.apart. FREE TO PRISONERS WeWe areare wreckagewreckage withwith beatingbeating hearts.hearts. CivilizationCivilization isis aa cancan ofof hairsprayhairspray SprayingSpraying forfor thethe senselesssenseless vainvain IntoInto aa hairnethairnet ...... OnlyOnly everever meantmeant toto bebe waves.waves. Civilization,Civilization, genocidegenocide beliefs,beliefs, MoralisticMoralistic See-throughSee-through lacelace blousesblouses Missiles,Missiles, ballisticballistic LackadaisicalLackadaisical MelancholyMelancholy redred lipsticklipstick WhenWhen oneone feelsfeels nauseous,nauseous, ButBut doesndoesn’’tt feelfeel sick.sick. CivilizationCivilization knewknew whowho youyou werewere beforebefore youyou werewere eveneven bornborn ForgaveForgave YouYou whenwhen youyou thoughtthought YouYou neededneeded forgivingforgiving AndAnd YouYou nevernever onceonce surprisedsurprised THISTHIS civilizationcivilization AndAnd YouYou nevernever onceonce feltfelt THATTHAT sensation.sensation. -- TimothyTimothy ““SpeedSpeed”” Levitch,Levitch, TheThe CruiseCruise ...IS GreenGreen AnarchyAnarchy POPO BoxBox 1133111331 CIVILI- Eugene,Eugene, OROR 9744097440 [email protected]@greenanarchy.org ZATION DRIVING YOU PO Box 11331, Eugene, OR 97440 [email protected] MAd?? YouthYouth Liberation:Liberation: Burn the Schools And Destroy the Media! In order for civilized villagers in South- This Is Personal And Political I wish I had never spent the east Asia to tame a wild elephant and use hours of my youth locked up it for agricultural labor, they must first break I spent 13 years being educated in the public schools, I have in school or numbing the its spirit. This is accomplished by luring an watched loved ones waste decades working at them, and I have pain of that experience with adolescent animal away from others of its even spent several years as a wage slave in the school system more hours spent staring at species, and then chaining each of its myself. Based on this experience, I have decided that from an a television screen and a legs securely to the ground. The elephant anarchist point of view, and especially a green anarchist view- computer monitor. In some cannot move, cannot seek assistance point, there is almost nothing redeeming about the experience of ways it’s too late for me now, from family and friends,cannot independently take care of itself. schooling and the public school system. Any helpful ideas and my spirit has been broken – The poor creature is totallydependent, imprisoned and surrounded emotional support that youth get from a stray iconoclastic teacher, but just like a tamed elephant that by strange thin-haired apes who laugh or applaud at its pain and tutor, or counselor are completely outweighed by the nature of one day snaps and tramples its overseers, I misery. After this goes on for days, the elephant’s wild spirit is the educational system as a whole: a mass bureaucratic machine too can lash out and fight back against the broken, and it becomes a docile plough animal. of increasingly militaristic and inherently prison-like institutions, voices that bent my soul, and in doing so maybe I can help to whose admitted purpose is to mold humans from their natural save the next generation from having their spirits broken. School serves a similar purpose for civilizing and breaking the spirits wild state into the roles of good citizens and docile workers. For of young humans. At the tender age of 4 to 6 a child has just begun to anyone who claims to oppose government, authoritarianism, or Are you with me? articulate clearly in complicated symbolic language, as well as starting hierarchy (let alone civilization) to apologize for or support the to master complex physical and mechanical tasks. It is at this point, public school system is sheer hypocrisy and back-stepping. that vulnerable, fragile young humans are forcibly taken away from Though my personal economic survival is still partially their family home, human neighborhood and eco-system. With the dependent on wage slavery in the public schools, I would be threat of police violence and imprisonment or overjoyed to see every school at the least kidnapping of their child, waved at burned to the ground. I don’t wanna grow up parents to ensure compliance, countless When I’m lyin’ in my bed at night children are loaded on mass transport carriers If you doubt that the youth of today I don’t wanna grow up are turned into docile consumer and carted away. For the next 13 years they Nothin’ ever seems to turn out right Our I don’t wanna grow up. spend as many as eight hours a day with drones by the double whammy of Welcome to How do you move in a world of fog hundreds of other displaced youth in massive, school and the media, I suggest that That’s always changing things sterile, unfriendly institutional buildings. At these you spend some time around masses of young people. Listen to the way Makes me wish that I could be a dog “ institutions they are trained, under constant threat When I see the price that you pay Drop-Out and Fight-Back of various cruel and unusual psychological small children parrot the lines of I don’t wanna grown up punishments, to sit still, follow orders unques- movies and TV shows, and structure I don’t ever wanna be that way tioningly, and most importantly to fear what their entire identities and daily I don’t wanna grow up. routines around them. Observe the might happen if they ever stray outdoors, Seems like folks turn into things beyond the walls or yard of their little prison vacuous, worn out, dragged down That they’d never want and the watchful eyes of their overseers. lack of curiosity in many high school The only thing to live for students – that is, beyond interest in Is today… At the same time as young children are being product consumption, and media I’m gonna put a hole in my T.V. set schooled, another powerful force begins to icon worship. I don’t wanna grow up fully eclipse and dominate their perception of Open up the medicine chest And I don’t wanna grow up the world. For many children in the first world, Green Anarchy #13 the flickering of the cathode ray behind TV Making Some I don’t wanna have to shout it out I don’t want my hair to fall out sets and computer monitors, and the recorded Space to Think In I don’t wanna be filled with doubt sound vibrations of radio, record, tape and CDs, thee deathdeath cultureculture begins itsits I don’t wanna be a good boy scout Most American public schools are may become essential to their perception at mmanipulating,anipulating, controlling, I don’t wanna have to learn to count the earliest developmental stage possible — severely understaffed and underfunded. I don’t wanna have the biggest amount when their hearing and vision become clear and wounding from birthbirth They can ill afford to hire increased I don’t wanna grow up. security or to rebuild following serious and senses distinct . In other cases, the child’s Well when I see my parents fight sabotage or attacks. If a campaign of such actions took place on a parents attempt to defer this experience until their kids reach the I don’t wanna grow up age of 3 or 5 or even 14 – but beyond that point it becomes virtually national level, where would this leave the youth of America? Well, They all go out and drinking all night impossible to save any human from the brainwashing experience of not locked up in schools for starters. And, in a world where And I don’t wanna grow up ” the commercial corporate media. consumption and production reign divine, idle hands can be the I’d rather stay here in my room Summer Special tools of the devil. Nothin’ out there but sad and gloom Sometimes these sounds and images offer children a rebellious voice, I don’t wanna live in a big tomb which seems to counter and subvert their schooling by extolling the Of course in such a scenario a lot of youth autonomy would be On Grand Street recouped by real prisons and private schools—and certainly by pursuit of maximum “cool” social status via product consumption. When I see the 5 o’clock news At other times the media simply parrots the same messages of television. (Unless of course, the equipment and buildings needed I don’t wanna grow up obedience, fear and conformity first learned in the educational to broadcast and receive this pacifying influence were also under Comb their hair and shine their shoes system. At all times TV, radio, stereos, computers and other constant attack, at both a local and international level, by diverse I don’t wanna grow up electronic media are defining and delimiting a young human’s small autonomous groups.) The same strategy could also be used Stay around in my old hometown existence, from the level of the physiological to that of the mythical. against the Internet, or any
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