Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A News Briefs ............................... 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 44, NO. 18 JANUARY 3, 2020 6 TEVET, 5780 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ UCF has a ‘Top 5’ Hillel ATLANTA—Hillel Inter- “Central Florida Hillel national, the largest Jewish serves as a model of how campus organization in the Hillels around the world suc- world, presented awards this ceed in engaging and edu- week to recognize campus cating students, no matter Hillels that are creating their size or location,” said innovative experiences and Hillel International Interim meaningful connections President and CEO Adam to help students develop Lehman. “We’re incredibly stronger ties to their Jewish proud of our talented pro- identities. Central Florida fessionals for the work they Hillel was one of only five do every day to inspire and Hillel’s in North America to support Jewish students and be recognized for its achieve- their entire campus com- ment in being among the munities.” TOP 5 with the “Greatest The awards, which also Growth in Depth.” recognize those who re- This category measures flect Hillel’s culture of the amount of times that excellence, were presented Getty Images/Photo illustration by Grace Yagel Jewish students on campus at Hillel International’s Dozens of Jewish figures had enormous impacts on the 2010s. are connecting to Jewish annual Global Assembly in life on campus through a Atlanta, attended by more particular Hillel in a given than 1,100 Hillel profes- year and it is considered to be sionals from around the The Jews who defined the 2010s a highly reliable benchmark world as an opportunity for indicating the vibrancy of a professional development, By JTA Staff than the Israeli prime minister. He took bear hug of President Trump have put Jewish community on cam- networking and continuing office nine months before the decade him at odds with most American Jews pus. Central Florida Hillel education. (JTA)—The 2010s were nothing if not began and, barring a drastic change, will and have played a part in changing a has more than doubled the Drive to Excellence Awards turbulent. still be in office when it ends. once-bipartisan consensus on support- number of students it serves recognize campus Hillels The decade brought us unprecedented Over the past 10 years, Netanyahu has ing Israel. in this category in just under that exemplify the mission political polarization, war and increas- governed through two wars in Gaza, two The decade has seen Netanyahu 5 years. of Hillel International in ing conflict in Israel, dozens of horrific fruitless rounds of negotiation with the become Israel’s longest-serving prime “We are humbled by this its continuous efforts to mass shootings, and a new age of elec- Palestinians and two extremely differ- minister. But he ends it under criminal award which really reflects identify and implement best tion hacking and private data collection ent U.S. presidential administrations. indictment for fraud, bribery and breach the leadership and vision practices to engage every enabled by the proliferation of social Under his leadership, Israel’s economy of trust—and teetering on the brink of of our assistant director, Jewish student. media. It was capped by arguably the has grown and the country has shifted electoral defeat. In that sense, the tail Danielle McKinstry, who has “This reward reflects most shocking presidential election in right. Prospects for a Palestinian state end of the 2010s may be the most criti- been the architect behind what I see every time I American history. have become increasingly remote as cal period for the man who defined the this growth,” according to visit Central Florida Hil- These are the Jewish figures who relations with other Arab states have Jewish decade. Aaron Weil, executive di- lel: students engaged with, steered us through it all, and who had started to thaw. —Ben Sales rector and CEO of Central enjoying and learning from the largest impact on life and culture in But Bibi’s influence has stretched far Bernie Sanders Florida Hillel. “Through in- one another. It delights me the last 10 years. beyond the borders of the Jewish state. Before the 2010s, no one could have spirational leadership of her to no end that we are being Benjamin Netanyahu He has aimed to marshal a global cam- expected a septuagenarian Jewish so- team, Danielle has created a recognized for achieving Love him or hate him, no one person paign against Iran’s nuclear program. His campus culture where Jew- one of our primary goals, has dominated the Jewish 2010s more iciness toward President Obama and his 2010s on page 14A ish students can access their which is to inspire the next heritage and identity on their generation of Florida Jews terms and the growth in our to experience the depth of numbers is testament to the their connection to their KCOA rescues holiday meal fact empowering students to identity and community”, own their own Jewish experi- said Eloise Stiglitz, chair ences is the greatest way to of the Central Florida Hillel program from closure grow community.” Board of Directors. The Kinneret Council on the recipients of this program Aging, a nonprofit agency that live in Kinneret Apartments. provides ongoing programs The holiday meal program Netanyahu easily and services to residents of was instituted to provide a Kinneret Apartments, has hot, delicious kosher meal rescued a holiday meal pro- for Jewish residents during wins Likud primary gram that was formerly run three of the Jewish holidays by Jewish Family Services. throughout the year including By Ben Sales Approximately, 83 percent of Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah and Passover. “JFS’s deci- (JTA)—Israeli Prime Minis- sion to sunset the program ter Benjamin Netanyahu has provided KCOA with the op- won his party’s leadership portunity to not only take over primary with 72.5 percent of this program to benefit our the vote. own residents, it has also pre- Challenger Gideon Saar sented us with a real chance got 27.5 percent, according to explore ways of expanding to Haaretz. Turnout for the this program to benefit our primary was 57,677, or 49 community on other holidays percent of the total number as well,” said Ali Polejes, vice of registered members. president, Dining Services. Saar, a popular Likud stal- According to KCOA Board wart and former interior min- President Carol Feuerman, ister, had aimed to dethrone “Kinneret Council on Aging Netanyahu after the prime sees this program as a way to minister was twice unable to serve our current Jewish resi- form a government following Benjamin Netanyahu dents while incorporating the consecutive rounds of elec- core mission of KCOA to create tions this year. Netanyahu’s Israel will hold its third community for low income se- rival, Benny Gantz of the round of elections in less than niors and to reach out to Jewish Ken Davis with bags filled and ready for delivery. centrist Blue and White Party, a year on March 2. seniors who are homebound. was also unable to assemble a In this way we can expand our funded by generous donors in ron Weil, executive director governing coalition. ‘community of care’ and em- the community as well as the of Nonprofit Operations at Netanyahu is also under brace the mission of Caring for Jewish Federation of Greater Kinneret Council on Aging, indictment for fraud, bribery Those Who Cared for Us.” Orlando and the Hevra Kadi- and breach of trust. He has This program is being sha of Central Florida. Sha- KCOA on page 15A led Likud for 20 years. PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, JANUARY 3, 2020 Coming up this month at The Roth Family JCC Israeli-Palestinian Peace They spent four days traveling children’s failures and suc- illness, brain development, Visiting Author: Marcia presentation will be held on Prospects: A View from in Bethlehem and surround- cesses impacts how they see emotional issues that affect Jo Zerivitz Sunday, Jan. 19, 2020, from the Palestinian street ing areas, East Jerusalem, themselves and their place in learning, and parenting. In honor of Florida Jewish 2 p.m.-4 p.m. Tickets are On Thursday, Jan. 9, 2020, and Ramallah, meeting with the world. Learn how to talk This discussion is free and History Month, The Cultural $5 and can be purchased from 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., a diverse array of Palestinian to your children in such a way open to the community. Free Arts Department of The Roth at orlandojcc.og/calendar/ Keith Dvorchik, executive civil society leaders, busi- that they develop resilience, babysitting is available in Kid Family Jewish Community visiting-author-Marcia-Jo- director of the Jewish Federa- ness people, negotiators, and grit, and a growth mindset. Zone with advanced notice Center welcomes home, vis- Zerivitz tion of Greater Orlando and grassroots activists for an op- Join other parents for for children 6 mos. and/or iting author Marcia Jo Zeri- This program was made CEO of The Roth Family JCC, portunity to hear and consider bagels and coffee as Juliana sitting up. vitz, presenting her book and possible with the generous and Central Florida Hillel CEO the perspectives of those who Sanchez Bloom, Ph.D., dis- To register, email register@ lecture, “Jews of Florida— support of Roz Fuchs, Rachel Aaron Weil will discuss their live there. cusses “Raising Successful orlandojcc.org, visit the Regis- Centuries of Stories,” the Heimovics and Mati Braun, recent meetings in the West This event is free. Register Kids: Why You Should Never tration Desk in the main lobby first comprehensive history Sara and Louis Stern, and Lisa Bank with senior Palestinian online at orlandojcc.org/ Tell Your Kids They’re Smart or call 407-621-4036.
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