Il~ SERVICE Baptist Church Dewitt Park "~A~ENTER..-F..L1ane

Il~ SERVICE Baptist Church Dewitt Park "~A~ENTER..-F..L1ane

K & R CLEANING SERVICES Complete Janitor Service· Commerical and Residential Window Cleaning - Floor Waxing and Polishing - Rug Shampooing and Steam Carpet Cleaning - Free Estimates 2250 N. Triphammer Rd. 257-4447 MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY 105 ITHACA ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY For Local Abbreviations and General Instruction See Preceding Page COPYRIGHT 1981. by H. A. MANNING CO. A Over 50 Yrs. AARP contoct Stuart Cobb tel 273-4622 SALES­ meets 4th Thurs at 11:00 a m First Il~ SERVICE Baptist Church DeWitt Park "~A~ENTER..-f..L1ANe. A M Auto Repair Alain Mauboussin prop FRIGIDAIRE 400 Spencer Rd 272-8050 A Touch of Class Judy Varricchio prop 417 W. Seneca St., Ithaca 273-6611 Triphammer Shopping Center 257-5533 Groton Ave. Plaza, Cortland 756-2896 A-Arrow Exterminating Co Dell L Grover pres 415 Hillview Pl 272-1591 (Cortland}................................................ 753-7108 ABBOTT DAVID M (Rosemary) pres 0 A-I (One) Charley's Automotive Service M Abbott Investors Corp and general Charles F Johnson mgr 318 State-West 273-5672 partner Abbott Associates Box 10 AAGAARD JOHN S (Janet L, prop H & Aurora H Liquor) mgr Madison Electric Co Inc Abbott Edward P (Clarice B, site mgr 615 Five Mile Dr Slaterville Springs Nutritional Program for the Elderly) Iwyr 539-7693 905 Cayuga North ® 273-2846 Aal William Hemp CU 306 Hancock 272-5912 Abbott Edward P Iwyr First Bank Building AAMCO Frederick L Doob prop 223 Elmira The Commons 200 -202 State East (707) 273-2846 Rd 273-8361 ABBOTT H CLIFFORD asst v-pres-mgr Abair Wayne F (Judith R, case wkr Social Judd Falls Ithaca Office Marine Services) tchr IS 306 Tareyton Dr ® ...... 257-0013 Midland Bank 8 Judd Falls Rd (res Abalis Ibrahim M (Aziza EI-Kashlan) stu CU inq) Pleasant Grove Apartments (80) 257-4372 Abbott Jeffrey C (Lori J, stu) grad stu 120 Abbaspour Madzid grad stu 9E Gaslight Linn 272-7564 Village 257-3066 Abbott Joseph P stu CU 100 Graham Rd Abbey Ward ret 100 Ellis Hollow Rd (6-0) Apartments . 277-0008 Abbott Julia J 320 Brookfield Rd Abbott Amelia L 320 Brookfield Rd ® . 272-8806 ABBOTT ROSEMARY (Mrs David M) Abbott Anna S (wid Abr) 320 Brookfield Rd 272-8806 sec-treas 0 M Abbott Investors Corp ABBOTT ASSOCIATES and general partner Abbott David M Abbott and Rosemary Associates Box 10 Aurora Abbott general partners 150 West Village Pl ···..····•· 273-5215 ABBOTT BRUCE 0 (Decade) and mgr West Village 614 State West (res Massachusetts Mutual inq) Life Insurance Co. Abbott Catherine J emp CU 903 Cayuga REPRESENTED BY North 272-2515 Walter W. Schlaepfer au Carman B. Hill, CLU ABBOTT DM INVESTORS Karl R. Messmer Charles F. Smka Peter F. Dean CORPORATION 130 FOREST HOME DRIVE 257-0434 pres David M Abbott sec-treas Rosemary Abbott Box 10 Aurora ...... 364-7779 • full service banking. @ MARINE MIDLAND BANK '_...~ JUDD FAUS ROAD TRI~HAMMER ROAD ~• 24 Hour Money Matic Banking at Each Location Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 106 MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY Acosta Luis C (Veronica) stu CU Pleasant Grove Apartments (10E) 257-1339 MILLER'S VENDING CO. Acragraphics Inc James P Rourke pres 208 "Your Local Vending Service" Buffalo East 272-2333 Action Audio Fritz Kass prop 407 College FULL LINE VENDING Av 272-2868 Also LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Ad People The (Bernard C Roe and James D Turner) 310 Auburn 273-3753 2127 Elmira Rd. (607) 564-7375 Adam Ali Ismali grad stu 52E Hasbrauck Apartments 257-5937 ADAMS & THEISEN Lawyers Abdalla Hyder 0 grad stu CU Pleasant (Armand L Adams and Henry W Grove Apartments (3E) 257-3063 Theisen) Ralph W Nash assoc Iwyr Abdo Susan tchr Trumansburg Middle Clinton House (301) 272-3442 School BOCES Uptown Village (2) ADAMS ARMAND L (Louise H) lawyer Abdulhadi Abdulaziz S (Sarah A) grad stu and (Adams & Theisen) 125 Pleasant Grove Apartments (lOA) 257-2042 Remington Rd-East R 0 1 ® 257-7029 Abdulky Brothers Fareed M Abdulky prop ADAMS ARMAND L Lawyer 207 Tioga South 272-7373 Clinton House (301) 272-3442 Abdulla Osman University Park Apartments Adams Arthur Holden (Ruth V) ref 206 (106H) 257-0939 Utica ® 272-7114 Abdullah Maimauna 308A Southview Adams Charles L retired West Village PI Apartments 304-410 Center (236) 273-0367 Abers Susan K stu CU 57E Hasbrouck Adams John C (Alice de B) retired 915 Apartments 257-2708 Highland Rd (Cay Hts) ® 257-6389 Abes Michael 1059 Danby Rd (6) 273-4448 Adams Margaret J tchr IC 210 State-West 272-8072 Abeyratne Shyamala D grad stu CU Adams Nancy J 563 Spencer Rd Pleasant Grove Apartments (14D) 257-6964 Adams Nathan (Marilyn) Lansing Abis David stu CU 100 Graham Rd (12-B) Apartments West (H-2B) 257-6702 Abkarian G 519 Tioga North Adams Richard M stu CU Carriage House Abraham Collin visiting faculty CU 100D Apartments (H5) 256-6667 Fairview Square (5P) 277-0854 ADAMS RICHARD W (Victoria) v-pres Abrams Barbara emp CU 113 Irving PI and controller First Bank & Trust Abrams Leo (Lunetta) retired 410 Clinton Company of Ithaca 3 Greystone Dr West ® 273-5166 Dryden 844-4405 Abrams Meyer H (Ruth) prof CU 512 Adams Robert C (Mildred L, waitress Highland Rd (Cay Hts) ® 257-7012 Mono's Diner) emp Local 589 658 Five Acacia Fraternity 318 Highland Rd (Cay Mile Dr 273-1817 Hts) 257-7055 Adams Robert D stu CU 115 Dearborn PI Ace Allied A L Fudger prop 525 Seneca Adams Thomas E (Claire) grad stu 50D West 273-8848 Hasbrouck Apartments 257-5238 Ace Patricia University Park Apartments Addis Bernard F (Lise) supvr CU 312 Siena (207A) 257-1317 Dr (Cayuga Heights) 257-6732 Ace Security Control A L Fudger v-pres 525 Addleman Howard B ret West View Terrace Seneca West 273-8840 Apartments (L-1) 257-6395 Ackerman Charles B drfts Fred H Thomas Addy Danny E (Sharon A, emp CUI emp Associates PC Marathon NYSE&GCorp 612 Tioga North 'H. ........ 277-4244 Ackerman Cheri Terrace Apartments (1-B3) 273-5937 Addy Douglas D (Charlotte L, bkpr Dr Rich Ackerman Dexter artist 1059 Danby Rd (4) Salerno) emp NYSE&GCorp 210 Marshall Ackerman Diane instr CU 126 Texas La ...... 257-3166 East ® 273-5462 Ackerman Doris D (wid Henry) ret 915 Addy Mitchell (Julie, emp Citizens Bank) stu Cayuga North ® 272-7806 CU 324 Seneca-East 273-0620 Ackerman Peter artist 1059 Danby Rd (4) 273-1896 Ade Robert C Jr 17B Gaslight Village Ackman Lauress M grad stu CU Chestnut Adelewitz Norman L 716 Aurora North ® 273-5812 Hill Apartments (31F) 272-8254 Adell Alvin stu West Village PI (313) 273-3834 Ackroyd Theodore W computer opr Aderhold Howard C (Florence M, emp NYSE&GCorp 57 Chateau Northeast Altman & Green) lab supvr CU 23 Muriel Apartments 257-2726 ® 257-1511 Adesso Anne University Park Apartments ACME PEST CONTROL CO (109B) 257-3192 Carl Foote prop Adesso Lewis J (Mary P, dept sec CUI golf 359 South St Ext Dryden 844-8689 professional City of Ithaca 137 Hawthorne PI ® 272-2217 Acorn Elizabeth Mrs 218 Ellis Hollow Rd Adkins Ralph W emp IGCo 116 Plain South Apartments 273-6664 T~~ VlJOOD OFFIC~ Insurance Since 1853 • Brokers Counselors. Risk Management 700 FIRST BANK BUILDING, ITHACA, N.Y. 14850 (607) 273-3303 P. W. WOOD & SON, INC. MANNING'S ITHACA DIRECTORY 107 Adleman Morvin I (Susan L) assac prof CU 32 Cornell ® 272-3233 LAWN-CARE PROFESSIONALS Adur Leora acct 308 Tioga North 273-6103 R "We have the specialized equipment to AERO MAYFLOWER TRANSIT CO get the job done, on time, and done Dean of Ithaca ogents 401 -409 State A right to save you money." East 272-7894 Complete Lawn Maintenance AETNA LIFE & CASUALTY Life Division M Snow Removal Gary E Pflugfelder gen agent One Landscaping and Gorden Services Lincoln Center Syracuse, 13217 PO 5 2250 N. Triphammer Rd 257-4447 Box 4963, (315)424-7332 Africana Studies and Research Center (CU) James Turner dir 310 Triphammer Rd (Cornell And Coy Hts) 256-4625 AGWAY PETROLEUM INC Agard Frederick B (Hildegard R) prof emeritus CU 1023 Hanshaw Rd (Cayuga George R Cameron plant mgr Hts) ® 257-0001 AGARD J RICHARD (Beverly S, prop 702 Hancock 272-8002 Corner's) real estate broker and pres-gen mgr JD Gallagher Co Inc Agway Research & Technical Center M C 404 Upland Rd East (Cay Hts) ® ...... 257-0643 Stillians dir 777 Warren Rd 257-2345 Aghajanian Edmond M grad stu CU 6A Agyeman Opoku asst prof CU 6B Gaslight Gaslight Village 257-6775 Village Agnew Palmer W emp IBM Glendale 416 Ahl Frederick M (Mary E, typist) prof CU Highland Rd (Coy Hts) 305 Mitchell ® 273-7940 Agnew Rolph P (Anne W) prof emeritus CU Ahlers David M (Clore E) assoc prof CU 416 Highland Rd (Coy Hts) ® 257-6382 604 Cayuga Heights Rd (Cayuga Hts) ® 257-6110 Agostini Juan C phys First Notional Bonk Ahmad Hussain Maple Hill Apartments (H-3) 273-3403 Bldg 202 State East (605) 273-5282 Ahmed Mushtaq (Nasrin Mimi, stu) grad stu Agresti Vincenze (Moria G, emp TCTCo) CU 123 Cornell Quarters 272-7286 prop Ramo Pizzeria 313 Richard PI ® .... 272-9099 AIMOLI STEVEN P pres Credit Bureau Aguilar Domingo D (Lucy) retired 730 Cliff of Ithaca and prop Medical-Dental ® Service Bureau 119 Cayuga South AGWAY FARM AND HOME CENTER (res inq) hardware farm supplies and lawn Ainslie Elsie M (wid Kearney) retired 202 and garden equipment James Sours Center ® 273-6070 mgr, 213 Fulton South 272-1848 Ainslie Harry R (Virginia L) prof CU 126 AGWAY FARM STORE Pine Tree Rd ® 272-3809 Ainslie Julie J stu 126 Pine Tree Rd James Sours mgr 208 Meadow South Ainslie Timothy L stu 126 Pine Tree Rd (rear) .•.•••.•.•.•.•......•.•.•.•.•...•....•.•.•..•.•..•.• 272-1848 Airport Lounge Jimmy Delibera prop Brown 272-1849 Rd 272-9783 AGWAY FEED STORE Aitken Peter G (Kathryn) postdoctoral Donald A Flatt mgr 120 Fulton South 272-2938 fellow CU 115 Pork ® 273-9127 Agway Insurance (Edward Ledermann and Akers Allen E (Lauro A, emp McGuire Joseph Colangelo) 111 Cayuga South Gardens Inc) prop Akers Pointing Ser (400) 273-5643 1469 Trumansburg Rd ® 272-5403 AGWAY LAWN MOWER AND CHAIN Akers Daniel J 1469 Trumansburg Rd SAW CENTER Green & Fulton-South 273-2505 AGWAY LUMBER & BUILDING SUPPLY L.

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