Volume 82 Number 4 Summer 2016 The Magazine of Newtownbreda (St John’s) Presbyterian Church 1 Ministers Rev Anne Tolland [email protected] 9064 0178 077 4036 2390 Rev Bill Haslett [email protected] 9180 0859 077 4298 7589 Clerk of Session Sir Bruce Robinson [email protected] 9066 5946 Treasurer Denis Guiler [email protected] 9081 2898 Congregational Secretary Brian Compston [email protected] 9076 3612 Chronicle Editor Dr Joan McQuoid [email protected] 9040 1413 Musical Director David Stewart [email protected] 9442 3352 Designated persons for Child Protection Jim McManus [email protected] 9020 7558 Dr Allison Meek [email protected] 9082 6878 Church Announcements Janet McMullan [email protected] 9079 5478 Church Hall 9069 1159 Church Website www.newtownbreda.org Church Officer Philip Cupples 9079 7425 2 FROM THE STUDY At a recent visit to Mount Stewart, I came upon these words: ‘Serene I stand among the flowers And only count life’s sunny hours For me dark days do not exist I’m a brazen faced old opmist’ The words were inscribed on a sundial- and knowing that – they make perfect sense. I thought it was a really good descripon of the purpose of a sundial, and if you ever get the chance to visit in the gardens, go and check it out! Just as the sundial has stood the test of me, so too has our congregaon and building. Our renovaons are well under way and we are looking forward to returning to worship in the church sanctuary come September. But we will not be idle as we wait. Our Holiday Bible Club will be meeng from Monday 15th – Friday 19th August when all hands on deck will be required. Our Sunday service on 21st August will be followed by a congregaonal BBQ and a chance to see the cra and art work of ‘our monsters’. We will be beginning to get together our Mission Team for our Fields of Life trip to Uganda in summer of 2017 and Sunday School, Focus, Spark and our uniformed organisaons will be planning acvies and events for the start of another season. Just as the sundial in the garden bears the marks of age and inclement weather, so we too as a congregaon, need constantly to be striving towards the church God wants us to be. Next year sees us celebrate two big anniversaries – 175th of the congregaon and 125th of the church building and we are thankful to and for all those who have gone before to ensure are sll a witnessing presence in Ballynafeigh and now it is our me and turn to ensure that Newtownbreda / St Johns connues to stand the test of me and remains a landmark in the area – both physically and spiritually. Have a wonderfully relaxing and refreshing summer, with many sunny hours and very few dark days. And may the peace of God which is beyond all understanding guard your hearts and your thoughts in Christ Jesus. Rev Anne 3 CONGREGATIONAL RECORD Deaths Mrs Sheila Wilson Bethany Nursing Home Died 10th March 2016 Baptisms Xander Adam Philip Martin 14 Diamond View Road, Dromore Baptised 5th June 2016 Dates for the Diary July 3rd Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Doug Baker 10th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne 17th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne 24th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne 31st Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Mary Hunter August 7th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service with Baptism Rev Anne 14th Sunday 10.30am Dedication of Holiday Bible Club Leaders All-age service Rev Doug Baker 15th – 19th Mon- Fri10.00am – 12noon HOLIDAY BIBLE CLUB 21st Sunday 10.30am Holiday Bible Club Service followed by BBQ for congregation 28th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne September 4th Sunday 10.30am Leaders Dedication Service 11th Sunday 10.30am Celebration Service in Church followed by congregational Pot Luck Lunch 18th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne 24th Saturday AUTUMN FETE 25th Sunday 10.30am Morning Service Rev Anne 7.00pm Taize Evening Service FLOWER LIST July 3 Mrs W Robb 10 Mrs R Johnston 17 Mrs H Adamson 24 Mrs L Gray 31 Mrs I Brown Aug 7 Mrs J Cairnduff Sept 4 Ms M Wadsworth 14 Mrs A Livingstone 11 Mrs C Pollock 21 Mrs C Gibson 18 Miss J Caskey 28 Mrs G Chambers 25 Mrs J Russell 4 STEPPING DOWN OF CONGREGATIONAL SECRETARY On 1st April Robert Meek stepped down as Congregaonal Secretary aer more than 7 years in the role. In this me Bob has provided outstanding service to Newtownbreda. He had undertaken these responsibilies not long aer the opening of the Foyer and the new Halls suite. So he has been the person most directly involved in the implementaon of that part of our congregaonal mission strategy which relates to increasing our outreach to the local community. There is no beer testament to the success of that outreach work and Bob’s personal contribuon than the need now to split away from the Congregaonal Secretary responsibilies those elements that relate to the usage of our Halls! I do not think I am far wrong when nong that each and everyone of us has reason to be grateful to Bob for either leng us into the Halls or church, or for accommodang at very short noce a request for a meeng room. In addion to all of this work Bob has been pivotal in so much of the building and repair work on our premises in this period. I could construct a long list signifying his involvement in many projects but will note only two of the largest -the refurbishment of the manse and that of the church porches. So on behalf of our Ministers, the Kirk Session, the Commiee and the enre congregaon I want to thank Bob for this sterling work as Congregaonal Secretary. Newtownbreda has been very blessed to have had him in this role -shouldering such a very heavy workload. We as a congregaon are also very grateful to those who have taken on the responsibility for this important work from Bob. Bruce Robinson CHRONICLE Joan McQuoid the present editor of the Chronicle has also decided to resign aer 30 edions and almost eight years of eding. She wishes to thank all those who have helped and inspired her over the years, whether by contribung arcles and photos, proof reading , formang, helping with the prinng and collaon or coming up with interesng ideas. Without all of them, too many to menon individually, the quarterly magazine would not have arrived at people’s doorsteps in the hands of the elders in the shape that it did. 5 HANDS ACROSS THE SEA On Saturday 2nd April Newtownbreda hosted a wonderful concert in aid of the new Northern Ireland Hospice, courtesy of Alastair McQuoid, a previous member of the church choir, and conductor of the Queens Island Victoria male voice choir for the past twelve years. Under his musicianship they have performed three mes in the Albert Hall, in Balmoral Castle and in many churches in Ireland and Scotland. The choir has also formed bonds with other choirs in England and Wales, the April concert welcoming the St Edmundsbury male voice choir to join them in a programme of secular and sacred choral songs, with solos from the soprano Sarah Jane Gibson, and Tom Whyte on the church organ. The aendance level was high, the concert and the supper enjoyed by all and the Hospice richer by £2,000 due to the generosity of the audience (see picture on front cover with Sir Bruce and Rev Anne ). LOOKING FOR SOMETHING TO READ? Colourpoint books held a launch of Captured by a Vision: A Memoir by Rev Dr Ken Newell on Saturday, 23 April at 11:00am at the Welcome Centre, Fitzroy Presbyterian Church, Belfast. Ken was born in North Belfast in 1942, just aer the Blitz, graduang in Classics and Philosophy at Queen's University before studying Theology at Union College. Aer further training at Cambridge and in Holland, he was ordained in 1968, going on to teach in Timor, Indonesia. He returned to Belfast in 1976, at the height of the 'Troubles', to work in Fitzroy Presbyterian Church. His work of religious bridge-building and a special friendship with Fr Gerry Reynolds triggered many ground-breaking iniaves within the turbulent life of Belfast through the creave and persistent influence of the Clonard-Fitzroy Fellowship. He became involved in secret discussions with Republican and Loyalist paramilitary groups, contribung to the IRA and Loyalist ceasefires of 1994, for which work he and Fr Reynolds were awarded the Pax Chris Internaonal Peace Prize for a 'grassroots reconciliaon iniave'. In 2004 he became Moderator of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland and received an OBE for 'his contribuon towards peace'. The book is on sale in Waterstones, Easons and from Amazon at £12.99, whose descripon of the contents is paraphrased above. I’m sure our own Rev Ken will sign a copy for his fellow members of St John’s. 6 KNITTING FOR MALAWI Since the last Chronicle five more containers loaded with baby clothes and blankets have been despatched to the David Gordon Memorial Hospital, Livingstonia Malawi, where they are gratefully received. Once again many thanks to all those who knit and crochet for the project, to those who contributed wool and also to those who have generously financed the sending of the containers. Parcular thanks are due to Sister Rita who has marshalled a vast group of fellow nuns and friends throughout the whole of Ireland and now Scotland to knit for the project.
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