OCCASION This publication has been made available to the public on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation. DISCLAIMER This document has been produced without formal United Nations editing. The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this document do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or its economic system or degree of development. Designations such as “developed”, “industrialized” and “developing” are intended for statistical convenience and do not necessarily express a judgment about the stage reached by a particular country or area in the development process. Mention of firm names or commercial products does not constitute an endorsement by UNIDO. FAIR USE POLICY Any part of this publication may be quoted and referenced for educational and research purposes without additional permission from UNIDO. However, those who make use of quoting and referencing this publication are requested to follow the Fair Use Policy of giving due credit to UNIDO. CONTACT Please contact [email protected] for further information concerning UNIDO publications. For more information about UNIDO, please visit us at www.unido.org UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION Vienna International Centre, P.O. Box 300, 1400 Vienna, Austria Tel: (+43-1) 26026-0 · www.unido.org · [email protected] T3CII1-; O-ECOil'CI..IC 2 Ji u L i L m S T U M ICR THE ESTABLISH...!!! T 01 A PIV</0Ci> MILL IE THE SUDAH i i u & 1 Report. to the Iniled Radons Industrial bevelopment Organization V ienra prepared by the forest Research Institute in Svolen and rolytechns, foreign Trade Corporation, Prague J a r vi v r y 12'7 6 a » f>JX*C, y j ' { ^ y L+it «U. 5 many a desert have I crossed, many a treasure discovered, and many e difficulty solved. ✓ Contenta Page I Summary 5 Terms, abbreviations, conversion factors 7 II Report 0 1 Introduction 8 2 The market 10 3 The raw material 20 4 Transport 29 5 The plant 37 6 Economic and financial evaluation 43 7 Findings and recommendations 52 III Annexes 55 1/A Conditone of field work 56 1/B The production process of plywcc-'3 59 2/A Plywood imports 61 2/B The price of plywood 63 2/C Particle boards enc hsrdboards 65 2/P Imports and production of oownwood 66 2/E Market survey in Egypt 67 3/A The forests and their utilization 69 3/B Stumpage recommendation 72 3/C Evaluation of timber resources 75 3/D Forest inventory recommendations 93 3/E Suitability of tree species for veneer 94 and plywood 3/F Testing of Sudanese tree species in 55 Czechoslovakia 3/G Aerial survey recommendations 9S 4/A Distances and freight rates 100 - 4 - Page 5/A Sliced veneer 104 5/B The production process of plywood 109 5/C Material cud energy consumption 127 5/D Calling for tenders 132 5/E Cost of electricity produced by 139 consumer s power plant 6/A Pricing of the output and receipts and 141 costs during the start-up period 6/B Investment costs 145 6/C Calculation of annual repayments of 150 loans 6/D Cash-flow forecast 152 6/E Calculations of the commercial 153 profitability of the project 6/F Sensitivity analysis 157 6/G Macro-economic evaluation 159 References 165 List of background papers 166 Rote: Map of the Sudan 35 Map of the Southern Region 36 - 5 - I - Summary In summer 1975, a Polytechna team consisting of team- leader F.PAPAEEK, Forest Economics Expert, A.POliSlK, Wood Technologistv and J#BIM, Industrial Engineer, undertook a mission to the Sudan for UKIDO spending there a total of 22 manweeks. The findings of the team can be summed up as follows# The present market of plywood in the Sudan is charac­ terized by exorbitant consumer prices and an acute shortage of plywood# Annual imports of plywood amount to 2,500 m3, but consumption could be easily doubled, if the plywood price could be substantially reduced# In Equatoria and Bahr-el-Ghazal provinces there are Important timber resources in the surroundings of Katire, Nzara and Wau, where an annual yield of between 12 and 13 thousand m3 of peeler logs can be expected* A detailed forest inventory in the ares of the potential plywood mill is necessary for the preparation of a utilization plan of forests for plywood production. From among sites mentioned, Wau is recommended, for the existing sawmilling capacities installed in the region and for other reasons, as the best possible site for establishing a plywood mill in the Sudan# The annual output of the plant is expected to be 5,000 m3 of plywood, the necessary timber supply is 11,100 m3 of peeler logs, the required labour force is 123 people# About the same number of people shall be em- - ployed in logging and forestry operations# The locally produced plywood could be sold with an adequate profit in Khartoum to wholesalers for XS 180 per m3 instead of the present price of XS 390 per m3, and its retail price would be XS 198 per m3 instead of XS 500 per m3 as at present, thus reducing the present price level by 54 % and 60 %, respectively# At the seme time, important savings of foreign currency would be achieved# The project would bring to the Sudan important gains both in commercial profits and in macro-eco­ - 6 - comic benefits. The Costs/Benefits Analysis shows an internal rate of return of 23.2 %. The accumulated surplus after 15 years of operation according to the cash-flow forecast amounts to XS 1,593,317. The return on investment as ratio of net profit to investment is 6.3 % for the average year. Total value added is 492,442 in the eigth year. As shown by these figures, the seller's market existing at present in the Sudan can be reversed by establishing a domestic plywood industry. After the first plywood mill in Wau a second and third mill should be established in quick succession in the South in order to reach larger production which would meet increasing demand and allow oven for ply­ wood exports. - 7 - Terms, Abbreviations, Conversion Factors Measures I'/one foot/ = 30.48 cm l”/one inch/ = 2.54 cm 1 feddan = 0.42 ha 1 m3 /cubic metre/ = 35.31 cubic feet Weights 1 m3 of logs /fresh/ = 1,000 kg /air dry/ = 800 kg 1 m3 of plywood = 720 kg Conversion 1 m3 of plywood = 150 sheets of 4'x 6'x 3 m i Currency and exchange rates One Sudanese Pound /%S/ = 100 Piasters /Pt/ = 1,000 milliemes /mms/ ¿s 1 = l 1.33 = US 0 3 l 1 = is 0.75 = US 0 2.25 US 0 1 = is 0.333 = t 0.44 One Egyptian Pound //.Eg/ = IOC Piastres /It/ = 1000 milliemes /mms/ /Eg 1 = l 0.8 = us t l.s is 0.6 l 1 = ¿Eg 1.25 US 0 1 * ¿Eg 0.555 IS 1 = ¿Eg 1.666 - 6 - II R e p c r t 1 Introduction In response to o request of the Go\erneiaent of the Sudan for a feasibility 3tudy for plywood production a contract has been signed by URIDO in Vienna and POLYTECHEA in Prague on 9 September 1975» According to this contract, the study should cover the following topics: a/ present market for plywood in the Sudan and neighbour­ ing countries and its future development; b/ evaluation of the raw material situation; c/ elaboration of a specific proposal for the erection of a plywood factory. This work has been entrusted to a team consisting of the team leader, i'.PAP/l'EX, Forest Economics Expert; A.POl/ciK, wood Technologist; and J.Bii.i, Industrial Engineer. The team spent a total of 22 weeks in the field, col­ lecting nece3saz’y data and information and visiting potential sites for a plywood mill in the South of the country. The du­ ration of stay of the members of the team in the field was as follow^: Jj'.PAPJiKEK: 10 July to 6 October 197? B9 days A.POLACiK: 10 July co 22 August 1975 44 days J.Bifcl : 14 August to 3 September 1975 21 days Total 154 days The field work was hampered by the rainy season in the South and, in a certain way, also by tne month of Ramadan in the North and in Egypt as is explained in detail in Annex 1/A. The names of people contacted in the Sudan and in Egypt are given in Annex 1/B. A c Icn owl e d g emen t This study has been prepared by the team of experts in close cooperation with Sudanese authorities, institutions, counterparts and staff. In carrying out the necessary in­ - 9 - quiries end field trips a greet number of organizetions, both public end privet 2, have been contacted and s very large body of informers approached. It is a pleasure to recall these numerous visits and meetings with people who were all ex­ tremely hind or.d helpful and did their best to assist the experts in their task. Special mention should be made of the Industrial Re­ search and Consultancy Institute in Khartoum and its Director, Mr.Abdel Rahman Abdel Halim Obeid who provided in Mr.Ahmed Ali Ahmed an excellent counterpart for Khartoum.
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