H6002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 28, 2013 We must defund Obamacare before it can The government would stop issuing permits event of a Government shutdown, and do additional damage to our economy and to conduct drilling operations on Federal ask for its immediate consideration. health care system. Health insurance pre- lands, and would stop or delay environmental The Clerk read the title of the bill. miums across the country are skyrocketing, reviews of planned transportation and energy- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. POE and employers are shifting workers from full related projects, keeping companies from of Texas). Pursuant to House Resolu- time status to part time. Employers have been working on these projects. tion 366, the bill is considered read. given an extension in complying with the law, If this CR were to become law, defunding but individuals are still subject to the mandate. the Affordable Care Act, not only would it put The text of the bill is as follows: This double standard is not fair and must be health insurance companies back in charge of H.R. 3210 our health care, it would end free preventive changed. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- This resolution also repeals the medical de- services that 105 million Americans including resentatives of the United States of America in vice tax, a very unpopular tax created by 71 million Americans in private plans and 34 Congress assembled, Obamacare that is stifling future medical re- million seniors in Medicare have received. search and development. I encourage my col- The list of those who would lose under this SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. league to join me in defunding Obamacare bill is too long to enumerate. The Affordable This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Pay Our and support this resolution. Care Act is law. Elections have con- Military Act’’. Ms. Kaptur. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong op- sequences. SEC. 2. CONTINUING APPROPRIATIONS FOR MEM- position to the bill before us. We all know this bill is dead on arrival in the BERS OF THE ARMED FORCES. The United States has been the world’s Senate and the President has said he would (a) IN GENERAL.—There are hereby appro- shining example in how democracy can work. veto it should it reach his desk. We are wast- priated for fiscal year 2014, out of any money Our history shows that the nation is stronger ing our time. Instead we should pass a clean in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, when we come together to govern and solve CR and get on with the business of the Amer- for any period during which interim or full- the serious issues that face our country. ican people. year appropriations for fiscal year 2014 are Yet, tonight we find ourselves on the preci- In closing, I urge my colleagues to vote not in effect— pice of a government shutdown. Make no mis- against this measure and urge my Republican (1) such sums as are necessary to provide take, the bill we considering at this late hour colleagues to accept reality and not shut the pay and allowances to members of the Armed essentially ensures that the government will Forces (as defined in section 101(a)(4) of title government down. 10, United States Code), including reserve shut down. Ms. BROWN of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I rise We cannot continue to ‘‘govern’’ by stag- components thereof, who perform active today in complete disgust and opposition to service during such period; gering from manufactured crisis to manufac- the House Republicans misguided plan to (2) such sums as are necessary to provide tured crisis. The madness must stop. shutdown the government. As the current con- pay and allowances to the civilian personnel It seems we have learned nothing from re- tinuing resolution is set to expire on Monday of the Department of Defense (and the De- cent history. To use just one example, during at midnight, the sad truth remains that Speak- partment of Homeland Security in the case the fiscal cliff in December of 2012, the Dow er Boehner has surrendered the gavel to the of the Coast Guard) whom the Secretary con- fell more than 400 points or 3.1 percent. Tea Party’s hopeless attempts to defund or cerned determines are providing support to These sudden drops in the stock market delay the Affordable Care Act. With the Afford- members of the Armed Forces described in have real impacts, particularly for individuals paragraph (1); and able Care Act, passing both chambers of the who have substantial amounts of their family’s (3) such sums as are necessary to provide United States Congress, being signed into law hard earned savings in the market for retire- pay and allowances to contractors of the De- by the President of the United States, upheld ment. partment of Defense (and the Department of Our economy is still in the process of recov- by the United States Supreme Court, and se- Homeland Security in the case of the Coast ering from the Great Recession. We should be curing the approval of the American people Guard) whom the Secretary concerned deter- during the last election, it is now time for mines are providing support to members of debating ways to spur economic growth, not the Armed Forces described in paragraph (1). debating a shutdown that will slow economic House Republicans to accept reality and dis- growth. continue their obstructionist tactics of trying to (b) SECRETARY CONCERNED DEFINED.—In For the entire country, the Republican shut- prevent a law that is beneficial for millions of this section, the term ‘‘Secretary concerned’’ Americans across this country. As House Re- means— down proposal will have real immediate nega- (1) the Secretary of Defense with respect to tive consequences. publicans continue to use the Affordable Care matters concerning the Department of De- The impacts will be felt in our economy and Act as the hostage that will trigger a govern- fense; and in the services that the Federal Government ment shutdown, the fact remains that even if (2) the Secretary of Homeland Security provides, which the taxpayers pay for. the government shuts down, the Affordable with respect to matters concerning the Coast According to the Administration: Care Act will continue to be implemented with Guard. Nearly 1.4 million active duty military per- the health insurance exchanges opening on SEC. 3. TERMINATION. sonnel deployed at home and overseas de- Tuesday, October 1, 2013. Earlier this week, Appropriations and funds made available fending our nation’s interests would not be the Senate passed legislation that will keep paid for their work until after the shutdown and authority granted pursuant to this Act the government funded and prevent a govern- shall be available until whichever of the fol- ends. ment shutdown, if the Republican leadership lowing first occurs: (1) the enactment into Hundreds of thousands of Federal employ- was serious about keeping its commitment to law of an appropriation (including a con- ees would be immediately and indefinitely fur- the American people, the House should imme- tinuing appropriation) for any purpose for loughed, and many Federal employees and diately schedule a vote on the legislation which amounts are made available in section contractors that continue to work would not be passed in the Senate. 2; (2) the enactment into law of the applica- paid during the shutdown. The American people have seen enough. ble regular or continuing appropriations res- Housing loans to low and middle-income The time has come for Republicans to aban- olution or other Act without any appropria- tion for such purpose; or (3) January 1, 2015. families in rural communities would be put on don their reckless and irresponsible agenda hold, as would start-up business loans for and in Democrats to honor America’s commit- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- farmers and ranchers. ments, create jobs, and strengthen the middle tleman from Georgia (Mr. KINGston) SBA would stop approving applications for class. and the gentleman from Virginia (Mr. small businesses to obtain loans and loan The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time MORAN) each will control 20 minutes. guarantees. In a typical month, SBA approves for debate has expired. over $1 billion in loan assistance to small busi- The Chair recognizes the gentleman Pursuant to House Resolution 366, from Georgia. nesses. the previous question is ordered. All facilities and services in our national Pursuant to clause 1(c) of rule XIX, GENERAL LEAVE. parks would be closed, as would the Smithso- further consideration of the motion of- Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I ask nian, impacting the hundreds of thousands of fered by the gentleman from Kentucky unanimous consent that all Members people that visit these sites daily. is postponed. may have 5 legislative days in which to This would have severely negative impacts f on the surrounding local communities that rely revise and extend their remarks and in- on the revenue generated by travel and tour- PAY OUR MILITARY ACT clude extraneous material on the con- ism to these destinations. Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, pursu- sideration of H.R. 3210. Important government research into life- ant to House Resolution 366, I call up The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there threatening diseases, environmental protec- the bill (H.R. 3210) making continuing objection to the request of the gen- tion, and other areas would be halted. appropriations for military pay in the tleman from Georgia? VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:01 Sep 29, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00078 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A28SE7.025 H28SEPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE September 28, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6003 There was no objection.
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