d \\ire ana PhOto semce Iowa City. Io wa. wed: June 18. ill51i Adams Denies U sing• And Then There Were None CHECKERS. ANYONE? M.ny SUI .tvclents. old pros antI fruhrNn .lik., puul.d ov., sch.dul•• Tu.s4ay ......., ~i.ter.d for the 5tth SUI summ.r .."ion . Althouvh lhe ....i.tr.tlon layout co .... red an'" .bout Infl uence' rongfully half 01 tho FI.ldhou.. b•• k.tltall floor. and IHrNd mini.tur. In Ilu 10 .tu." .. whe h.ve ._ thre",h f.1I reti.tration, the probl.m. of clo ••d cour ....nd 100 rn.ny • a.m. cI..... c.u.. d many he.decMs and worrl.d frowns. -D.ily low.n Photo. lowa1s Hoegh To Continue Senate Okays u.s. Troops Parking Also Got Gift As Aide To Bill for Mild Might Go Rules From Goldfine Eisenhower I Admits Imprudent Labor Reforms ~~H1~O~ ~~~"." :;:,;E::'~::~~~::~,: ~i:~~·~:c~::i~~!;ing Action, In Goldfine Case of Siale Dulle Tuc day pledged the .umrNr ..lSlon. WASHI GTON IUPII _ Iowa'. WASHINGTON (uPI ) - The WI. H1NGTON 11\ - Shermnn the use of U.S. Iroop if they are I form r "O\'arnor • -- H~ 11 I' one I Senate Tuesday passed a "moder­ .. b ., All stu.nh mUlt rei It.r lhelr • ~ LA:V "" Adam swore Tuesday he never nee d e d t 0 maintain Le anon m· of number of "0\' rnor or I.'X- ate" labor reform bill designed to de""ndence H' wo d creattd a c.r. with tho busln ... oHic ••"d .. used his White Hou I.' po IUon to crack·down on labor racketeers by ... ~ . I r • governors of 14 lat who id aU mpc laiD In, favored tffilt· nurry among Senate Democrats. must the r ••lrlcl.d p.rit:. 'rue, d y they receh'ed aift of safeguarding union Cunds. guaran­ obso"". ment from ,overnment aac-nele teeing secret elections and promot· "I would hope that IC any action I", r.,ulationl. woolen clolh in 1955, pr' umably for Bernard GoldCl~ or nyone Ing other democratic practices. is taken it will be taken undl'r The r.. trltl.d '.r.. rul .. will Crom New England m nufaclur r 1.'1 . United Nation auspic ." Sen, Bernard GoldCin . be .nforc.d betw•• n 7:30 •. rn. But Adams conceded to Ho~ The measure also would require Huberl H. Hump h rey (0- linn.) Bul hardly any of th 10\'l~rnor employers as well as union oCCi­ told an interviewer. .nd 5 p.m. Aft.r S p.m. all lot. knew the wool cam from GoldCln , inv tiaalor thai "a ,t atet mea­ urI.' of prudence would have ob­ 'cers to sign non·Communist aCCi­ On the Senale floor, Sen, Wayn .rt conllMr.d optn for ••".,.1 10 t oC th m thou ht it a a davits before they could seek the vi ted lOme of the qu !Ions before Morse ID·Ore.) said that if the u •• unl ... otherwl.. spaeIH.d. pr ent from Go\'. La Owln II of Man In The Spotlight your commlU "- a ,roup ex­ help of Government services in any Administration is thinking of in· '('w Hamp hire in connection with labor dispute. AS HE UNDERWENT QUESTIONING Tu.sd.y by a Hoult lubcommltteo .bout his M.Ii.... with I.rn­ plorlnl his relation. with Goldfine voking the Eis('nnow r Middle th 1955 Go. rnor's Conference. a w althy Bo ton Indu trlall t. The legislation was aimed at cor· .rc! Goldfln., Pr•• idenU., Anlst.nl Sherm." Adam. w ••• m.n of rn.ny moods. In tho wi ...... ch.I" East Resolution "now i the lime Body of Drowned Altho",h Pre.IMntl.1 AI. Ad.rnl 1I11.n.d e.r,fully to the qu.,tlons, th.n I.V. hi. anlw.,. in • firm volc •. - AP Wlr.pholo•. recting the union corruption and tor the Secretary or State to make Sh.rm.n AII.rns ••Id In Wash· Adam Ii te~d ,rfmly and In- I tenth' to an accusation that he undemocratic practices exposed the situation known to Contre " Lone Tree Youth Inglon th.1 hi. fri.nd. Goldfin., during the past two years by the so the public can be pr pared, ..nt ciotti .11 41 .o.... -------------------------1I obtain d lOme Information on '0 "'or •. Federal Employee Goldrlne's troubl with the Fed­ Senate Rackets Committee. Vital 10 U.S. FO II R d m.ny lop It.t.... cutival Mni.d Dam Gates Lowered eral Trade Commi sion ( FTC) and 1st Sine. T .ft.H.nl.y The Middle Easl Re olulion de. Ina y ecovere rec.lvlng .... cloth or Hid tfIey Pay Hike Passes the Sec1u'lti s and Excllana Com­ It was the (irsl major labor bill elares the independence of Leba· I . h.d no r.colI.ction of .uch a ml Ion (SEC) in \'1 01 lion ot laws to clear the Senate since passage of non and olher countrie in th Th body of DaVid Rilflan, 15, gift. Both Houses and rule ,overnl", the alen­ the 1947 Taft·Harlley Act t1 years area to be of vital inlerest to the wo recovered Tuesday from th On of tho who dldn't let thf' To Protect Iowa City el . clOlh, ex·Gov. John F. Slmm oC ago. The measure now goes to lhe United States, Jowa Riv r n ar Lone Tre . N w Mexico, said rll fully "maybc I WA IIlNGTO. ( PH - Till Th control eat oC th CoraMll D m w rl' low r d Tu sdoy to "C.",* ww..lly 01 ......... House where il faces on uncertain Dulles, speaking at a news con· Th body was found al II t5 a.m. )'11 ha\ beUer luck n 'xt time," 1I0u ~ppro\'('d and 'nl 10 Pre I- pr venl th pool of wat r cr all'd by r cent h avy rain to e. cape And In Ih end, Pr~ Id nl Eisen­ fate. However, its supporters have ference, laid down a line oC U,S, Tuesday noatin, about 150 feel H(){'gh said h lhoulht the wool d -nl . EI nhow r Tue day a. bill loward Iowa City. hower's chief assistant aclmow· promised an all·out effort to obtain military support for th Lebane I.' cam Crom Gov. Luthcr lIodge. of 10 II\(' mort' than on' million Re idt·nt nlin r at Ih d m, G('Orie R(){'hr, nld the trlpl ledaed thal Implication and Infer· House action. starling wilh, but not limited to, down. tream from th point where orth Carolina and n. j tt'd '11whitt' roll r INiernl GO\il'rnm n' 11811.' wer lower d TUl'dllY Ul prol1.·ct low City nd point down­ r nces could be drawn with some Senate approval 01 lhe bill came the United Nation. the boy Is reported to have drown· didn't get any thine Crom Goldfine." worker. B 10 per c nt r tro cU\'e river from any po ibillty of flooding. Justlrtcation. He said that in the after five days of debate in which He said "there or other po. cd. Lou chc, ho spent $75 to hav Ih' IJ Y rill. Operation or th gal shad nol bern plann d until Au,u t I, when Ulht or experience, " I would have supporters of the middle-oC-the­ sible contingencies" which might Voluntcer seorch rs hod conducl· clolh m d Into a . lilt. Id he b d I TI compromi m a Uti'. whl~1 11mb< r in th r(' rvo r WI) to ha, ('n cleared away. act d a litt! more prud ntly. I rand approach turned back virtual­ require use of American forces In ed an around.the-clock watch lor "n VCr hard" of Goldrln cl ·arl·d th 1I0u. on a voic vot. nt' l'rvolr work 'rs th' 10. t C w day hav work d to cl~.r the en­ cannol wholly dis Iree with some ly all efforts to wrile more drastic Lebanon. But he declined to list the body sinc th drownina la t Th White 1I0use aid Tu sday would add .boul $542 million to tranc to t lat and til' dam of tre '. and d brls cau d by ri Ina of the ImpUcaLlollS In your qu - union curbs into tile legislation. any. Friday, Accordinl to reports by In. that Pr sid nl EI. nhow r rccelv- n I m' annual payroll, w t r . llon. " Whit. H.u.. ..,... sec,.t.ry The roll call vote was 88·1. The Ma,inu R•• dy v tigatin, authorlti , the body d a bolt 01 Vicuna cloth In t9- Th bill brin, to $1,383,000 ()O() With Ih u. of th lat . tb now Crom th ehann I can bc r ,u­ lone "No" vote was co t by Sen. The secretary said the U.S. 6th apparently was cau"hl on som. Crom GoldCin . th~ walt incrt'a cs approHd by Int d at approximately 3.000 cubic fe t per 5('cond. J.rN. c. H... rty ..III the Prell· Fleet in the M diten·an 'an I • I t P 1"_ tl I P So C [hi It II au _ ... setH h. ""I clllfl~. In George W. Malone (R·Nev.). thing beneatll the water wh n drao. u re. _n. ~... cr.- onar s year. ar er . Thl' r (nair wat'r I ,\' 'I ,Iood at 74 r et above a lev I late watching the situation.
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