'PORTLAND DAILY PRESS.~ ~ Established June voi. 7. "— — 23,1862. PORTLAND, SATURDAY MORNING,1 NOVEMBER 14 1868 ^ $8.00 annum, in , _________. 1olJO‘_Terms per advance. the Portland daily press it published every day, (Sunday excVtd.) at No. 1 Prill ter 9’ MISCELLANEOUS. INSURANCE. exchange, Exchange Streel, Portland, _INSURANCE. depot at Farmington has been overhauled N A. PROPRIETOR DAILY and while additional POSTER, THE PRESS. painted, freight facilities Perms:—Eight Dollars a In advance. year Reliable Insurance ! have been provided by the erection of new KP Single copies 4 cents. OOBIL4ND Fire Insurance platforms and the laying of side tracks.— Security i« the Agency THE MAINE STATE PRESS, is published at the Pnrnuiouut CouMidcratiou. Nearly all the stations on the road have been same place every Thursday moruing at $2.50 a year: Of the late J. B. Saturday Morning, November 14, CARROLL, will be continued a iggy 11 paid in advance $2.00 a year. FURNITURE ! FURNITURE ! improved, especially in the way of freight la- W. D. LITTLE A CO., 190 cilities and new turnouts. A radical Rates of Advertising.—One inch 01 In Fore Street. Crbel Kule in New Orlcnn*. very space, .A.T general insurance length 01 column, constitutes a “square.” CALL agents, change has been made at Lisbon. At East $1.50 per square daily first week. 75 cents per The Democratic in Louisiana Offlcc triumph Wilton a lot tor a new week alter; three or coutinu- 49j Exchange hired. depot has been pur- insertions, less, #1.00; needs no to have ug every other alter first 50 cents. explanation those who and day week, Represent the Howard Fire Ins. chase^ the will be next Halt three insertions or 75 cents one following FIRST-CLASS COMPAN- Co., building put up square, less, anil kept themselves informed as to the IES, are to issue progress spring Soon u week, $1.00; 50 cents pe; week alter. prepared Policies tor ®r>0,000 OF NEW YORK. new dej)ot wj)1 b(, eject_ Free and upward, on all ot events in Unde-'head ol & good property,at the moet favor- that State the ed at square EVANS St. under $2.00 per “Amusements,” Block, rates of uiilitaiy Livermora JOSSELYN’S, able Falls. other sound viz.: the per week; three inserti -ns or less, $1.50. oflices, C'a.h Capital paid iu. 3500,04)0. commander sent lcr the And see their Stock ol there to assist the Rebels The business or Special Notices, $1.(5 per squire first Large by t|ie road continues to (or each Phoenix Ins. Co. Surplus, 1*11,000. the in- insertion, and 25 cents per square subse- of Hartford,Conn, President. A vivid of tbe Con- and so la. as 1 tueul picture crease. can lea.., ,he insertion, Capital and federate rule manage- Advertisements Inserted in the “Maine Surplus, dl,350,000. under Rousseau is in the ment as it State given is popular, should be. It Press” (which has a large ciicuiattou in and Chamber Lamar Fire Insurance strikes every part Parlor, ftrawiug-ltoom Furniture, Co., following extracts from a letter to one of our no 01 the tor $1.00 lor first me there is railroad in the Stale Slate) per square insertion Merchants' Ins. Co. of OF NEW which and 50 cents per squate lor eitc.li Hartford, TOM. Maine a subsequent inter Capital „nd Congressmen written by has a more luture tlou. Surplus, gentleman promising before It. $143,000. Cash ot worth and Capital paid character who now holds an JOSEPH W. AKERS flair, and Excelsior Mattresses ! in, 31100,000 HEOI'ENISfll OK THE DEWITT HOUSE. Husk, Sponge, No. American Ins. Co. Hurplu., official in New >s State Agent for the Press. Daily and Weekly, i of Hartford. 434,000 position Orleans. He says Last occurred the formal anu Is authoiized to I Cnpitnl nnil evening reopening appoint local Agents, receive Surplus $430,000. on the day before the subscriptions and to settle hills. Here you will find everything pertaining to WINTHROP G. KAY, tKent. writing Presidential of the DeWitt House with a grand dinner. election: Citu Fire Ins. Co., of Hartford, Portland, Nov. 9, 1868. M&Thtl Notwithstanding the excessively bad state of Capital and 1 cannot allow the recent A First-Class Furniture Surplus $430 000, daily occurrences locomotion about three hundred sat down to BUSINESS tiABlMf. Establishment J of this city and surrounding parishes to pass Ins Fire tbc tables, having tirst made an examinat'on Metropolitan Co of New Fork, Insurance! without giving you a tew particulars which A lot of and of the Large Capital Surplus $400,000. perhaps you would not otherwise obtain.— hotel, which was so coniioi table in all Merrill, Prince & the Co, past week has been one of its heated, as it is Atlantic Fire and continual parts, by steam throughout, JOBBEltS OF Marine Ins. Co., Hide and bloodshed and mob law. and Leather Ins. at this time Hon. J. B. Ham was the President Glass at OF PROVIDENCE, Co., there is no real lor of the Crockery and Ware Selling Cost! security the lile and prop- and OF BOSTON, MASS. ot evening and the divine was Fancy Dry Goods, Capital Surplus, 8300,000. erty any person suspectul of entertaining blessing invoked 140 Middle Street, Portland. MUST BE SOLD IMMEDIATELY to make room lor Republican principles. Within one week at by Rev. Dr. Balkam. After the viands came Union Insurance Co. least twenty-five colored meu have been Invite the upec.al attention ot the IraOe of Maine of Bangor, kill- sundry short and pithy speeches, led by At- Capital and Surplus $450,000. Capital $300,000. ed in this city and the adjoining palish of St. to their large stock of Bernard. These torney General Frye, who was followed by Insure disturbances are called “ne- UPHOLSTERY GOODS! against nil l>oss or Damage by Fire Rev. Dr. Dr. fall and winter goods Enterprise Ins. Co. of Cincinnati, gro riots," by tne Democracy, when it is in- Balkam, Garcelon, N. Morrill, at reasonable the -- rrtes of case that Hon. Now Opening. oct27-2m Assets, $1,400,000. Premium. variably assaults are made up- F.sq., N. Dingley, Jr., Rev. Dr. Teflt, on Republican processions, aiid colored Mr. A. JOHN W. CARTWRIGHT, Jr., President. men D. Lockwood and others. All WKIS & alone in the Streets. It will spoke ZOFMSCII, Merchant*, Trailers. Builders, an 1 other*, wanting seem strange to of the Persons about to FURNITURE or CROCKERY OLIVER H. COLE, Secretary. these DaWitt in most terms. purchase large lines with Tellable offices, may he accomnto- Unaccustomed to these Idoodv affairs, complimentary daieil wilh us at the LOWEST RATES. The festival was also Wholesale Manufacturers of Furs! DWELL- that in all these “negro riots" but lew, it any enlivened with music INGS, and FARM PROPERTY, insured for ONE, NATWL F. will SAVE MONEY us a call. DEERING, of the are but such is the trom Johnson’s band. And thus have OF EVKBY DESCBIPJ ION. of any kind, by giving THREE, FOUR or FIVE Y EARS, on highly favora- Democracy killed; Messrs. case. The and ble terms. “Thugs” Rebel element with- Waterhouse and the Dew landlords tSFA fiill assortment constantly on hand. Order Ag-entnt. Portland, Mellen, of in the last week have virtually had control of tram the count* y promptly attended to. EVAIHS Si Free Street Block. the DeWItt started with favorable omens. JOSSELYX, I NS CHE Come of Middle and JPlum Streets. this city, and are carrying out their plans and 308 Nirert, Mass. Nov 10-dtt YOUR LIFE Washington Rostou, October 9,1868, put poses notwithstanding the orders or re- Baslow. WITH THE OBKAT ectlOddm Bcpt23 Opposite Boston Theatre. d3m quests ot Gen. Rousseau to a pursue differ- V JNo. S. ent course. Xt is said by the Democracy that iirleties. w. 11. VIA have TON, Mutual Life Short & they 20,000 armed men in this citv who —A Ins, Loriog, Harmon, do pedlar was found starved to death in SIMILIA SmiLlBUS 0UE.ABTUR. Co., not recognize I be validity of the recon- OB' NEW YORK, his room at the other Attorney and WALTER COREY & Under Falmouth Motel, struction laws, and therefore they are entire- Birmingham, Pa., day, Counsellor, CO., with an emaciated ly null and void, and in the maintenance of dog watching the corpse. 64$ middle Nirc‘« f, next dooi to Canal ESTABLISHED liV 1843. Bank, these views, have resorted —Street robberies have We wish to call the they to intimida- become so frequent Humphrey’s Homoeopathic Specifics, Cash attrition of the RETAIL Assets, $30,000,0001 tion, bloodshed and violence. The in New York that bark-runners now PORTLAND, MAINE,1 TRADE ol PORTLAND to the police have Oct 22-d<fcwti PROVED, from the most ample experi- loree of this is Thus the city newly organized ineffici- their wallets chained to their wrists. HAVEence, an entire success; Simple—Prompt-Effi- affording Greatest Security, the and ent to maintain peace. Gov. Warmouth with- cient and Reliable. They are the only Medicines Lowest Kates tlie Largest Dividends ol Neat —Mrs. Lander’s of Marie An- in this and Attractive Store out State personation PC periecuy adipted to popular use—so simple that any Company country. any militia, or any means of de- U MBING! FURNITURE! in which now character she is \ mistakes cannot be made in using them; so harmless oc30ff W. D. MTTI i; & tense called upon Gen. iiousseau for toinette, playing CO., Agents. we have military as to be free from and so efficient as to be al- Just opened.
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