Bedford, New Hampshire 1994 School District Annual Report Applaud Education ... Look To The Future Support Your Bedford Schools BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORTS for the Year Ending June 30, 1994 DISTRICT OFFICERS MODERATOR Ryk Bullock 1995 CLERK Martha P. Harris 1995 TREASURER H. Richard Spurway 1995 SCHOOL BOARD James Dias, Chairman 1996 Margaret Comiskey, Vice Chairperson 1996 Maureen Kelley 1995 Linda Camarota 1997 Jeffery Hudson 1997 SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION Dennis J. Pope Superintendent of Schools Ross Lurgio Assistant Superintendent of Schools Pauline Armstrong Business Administrator Kenneth Williams Principal, Peter Woodbury School Deborah Gibbens Assistant Principal, Peter Woodbury School Gail Paludi Principal, Memorial School Arnold MacDonald Principal, McKelvie School Charlene Carper Assistant Principal, McKelvie School Robert Forsten Director of Special Services BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT NEED TO WRITE OR CALL US? Superintendent's Office Memorial School School Administrative Unit #25 55 Old Bedford Road 103 County Road Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 627-1776 472-3755 McKelvie Middle School Peter Woodbury School 108 Liberty Hill Road 180 County Road Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 Bedford, New Hampshire 03110 472-3122 622-0476 Tlianks to: Alphagraphics, Inc. for their production of this report, using a desktop publishing system, at a special Bedford School District reduced rate. Sue and Walt Staples of Visual Impressions, Inc. for their rendering and donation of the front cover design. Min-A-Print, Inc., for their production of the cover at a reduced rate. The many Bedford students who submitted art- work for this report. BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Dedication 4 School Board Report 5 Superintendent's Report 6 Peter Woodbury School 8 Memorial School 10 McKelvie Middle School 12 We Applaud Our Support Staff 14 Bedford School District Meetings 16 School Warrants 26 1995-96 Proposed Budget 28 Budget Summary 30 1995-96 Preliminary Revenues and Credits 31 Budget Analysis 32 Expense and Revenue Analyses 33 Resident School Enrollments and Bond Maturity Schedule 34 Comparative Enrollments 35 Student Enrollment Projections 36 Special Education Report 37 The Real Cost of Education Bedford High School Students 38 Independent Auditor's Report 39 NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Applicants for admission and employment, students, parents, employees, sources of referral of applicants for admission and employment, and all unions or professional organizations holding collective bargaining or professional agreements with the Bedford School District are hereby notified that this district does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, handicap, disability or marital status in admission or access to, or treatment or employment in, its programs and activities. Any person having inquiries concerning the Bedford School District's compliance with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, or Section 504 or ADA is directed to contact Pauline Armstrong, Business Administrator, SAU #25, 103 County Road, Bedford, NH 03110, telephone (603) 472-3755, who has been designated by the Bedford School District to coordinate the district's efforts to comply with the regulations implementing Title VI, Title IX, Section 504, and ADA. BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT THIS ANNUAL SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORT IS DEDICATED TO MAYNARD CONTOIS FOR HIS 36 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT AND THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT OF THE BEDFORD SCHOOL BOARD James Dias, Chairman From July 1, 1993 through June 30, 1994, the Bedford School District continued to provide an excellent education for our students. The School Improvement Program (SIP) teams worked throughout the district with staff, par- ents, and citizens sharing thoughts, ideas, and concepts on methods to improve the way chil- dren learn and grow, both in and out of the classroom. The school board proposed, and the voters approved, a budget during the March, 1994 Annual School District Meeting which pro- vided for a new Assistant Principal at Peter Woodbury School, a new eighth grade teacher, and several new paraprofessionals. In addi- tion, it provided all funds requested by the three school administrators for books, sup- plies, training aids, and resource material for the children to excel. The 1993/94 school year produced many rewarding moments for the school district. McKelvie School Science teacher Saundra Kent received the 1993 Presidential Award for Ex- cellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching in the area of Secondary Science from the Na- tional Science Foundation. McKelvie School Technology Education teacher Dorothy Yager BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT REPORT OF THE SUPERINTENDENT students, and the board's response to commu- OF SCHOOLS nity input. The voters at the Annual School District Dennis J. Pope Meeting in March, 1994 supported the pro- posed budget which required a change in the changes The 1993 / 94 school year saw many school day at the primary grades (K-4). With a School in the Bed ford School District. Memorial staggered opening schedule, the board agreed retired on Principal Maynard Contois June 30, to provide a "Before School Program" for the service to the 1994, after 36 years of dedicated children of working parents. This program children of Bedford. A testimonial was held on was planned and successfully implemented. May 13, 1994, at the Sheraton Wayfarer in Bedford at which time over 300 friends and colleagues honored and recognized him for his many contributions to public education. June, 1994, also brought the retirement of two other long-time employees: Gerry Vallee, Director of Food Services and Transportation Coordina- tor; and Al Latulippe, Memorial School custo- dian. On behalf of the School Board, the staff, and the children of Bedford, I extend a sincere thank you and best wishes for a long and happy retirement. " Together everyone achieves more" (TEAM) is a belief and truism in Bedford. A dedicated staff, involved parents, and a sup- portive community worked together in 1993/ 94 to cause good things to happen for children in the Bedford schools. Community relations and communication continued to be a priority. Special meetings Superintendent Pope discusses a Geography Project with were held to inform members of the commu- McKelvie students. nity and answer questions on various topics. School visitations provided first-hand infor- mation regarding programs and student Assistant Superintendent Ross Lurgio and I participated in the town's Economic Devel- achievement. Two successful school district opment Commission - Business Visitation Pro- meetings - one in Fall, 1993 and one in March, gram. This activity provided us an opportu- 1994 - resulted from communication, commu- nity to meet and dialogue with members of the nity awareness of the needs and success of our business community, to provide a service to the town, and to learn how the school district is perceived and judged. The business commu- nity accorded the Bedford schools the highest rating among fourteen items in responding to " the following question: If you were deciding where to locate your business and you were considering this community as a possible site, how would you rate the community with re- spect to the following factors?" The survey response, which rated the schools number one, is a significant indicator of the district's proof 'Mastering a New Culture" of goodness. by Cara Conti, grade 6 BEDFORD SCHOOL DISTRICT 1994 ANNUAL REPORT During the school year, the members of the pected to learn, to grow, and to be the very best Quality Performance Standards (QPS) Com- at what they do. Teachers, administrators, cus- mittee worked on their report. They read a todians, secretaries, etc. - everyone - and espe- great deal. They met with staff. They held cially students must strive for excellence. community forums. They dialogued at length about what our students should know and be able to do as a result of attending the Bedford public schools. They were guided by the district's culture which demands quality, a positive attitude, and the acquisition of know- ledge and skills. The QPS Committee established high stan- dards and expectations with a future orienta- tion. We, as educators, must learn from the past, while living in the present, with an eye to the future. Today's students, as we adults have come to realize, will live in a different, high- "Together We Grow" tech, more complex, ever-changing world by Matthew Ntitt, grade 3 which demands increased knowledge and Schools reflect their communities. Bedford skills. is an outstanding community with top-notch schools. The staff and I welcome visits to the " Together everyone achieves more' schools and invite you to see them in opera- tion. If you have any questions or comments, (TEAM) is a belief and truism in please share them with us; and remember, Bedford. "together everyone achieves more" (TEAM). Let us continue to work together to define and New Hampshire's State Department of bring life to our vision, beliefs, and expecta- Education reinforced higher standards, and tions while making sure that the educational increased knowledge and skills through the process and children benefit from our deci- NH Assessment Program. Our third graders sions. were administered the new assessment test in This report would be incomplete without a April, 1994. The results showed that our stu- personal thank you to David Barnes and Kathy dents have accomplished a great deal and yet Cassano for their years of dedicated service on could do better. After further analysis of the the School Board. In addition, I would like to assessment data, the staff will determine what thank the current School Board members for must and can be done to cause our students to their support, school employees for their hard achieve more in order to meet the higher stan- work and dedication, volunteers for their dili- dards. gence and caring, and the citizens of Bedford Implementation of the district's Technol- fortheircontinued support and cooperation.
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