HE GOLDE T ERA. VOL. V. NO. 4a GOLDEN B.C., SATURDAY, MAY MO. 1S86. 92 PER YEAR The Mm Flirni,ure cGun Club lacked nothing in showing [ NEW: hospitality, but wo did so badly that H U D S 0 N' S ! (Limited) ° ' (Limited) ivo cannot appreciate it to such a de­ Will mail, free of charge, one of their gree of intensity us we did tlie sports Pats, Caps, Clothing, Illustrated Catalosiiec and Price lit which we "out ii better figure " BAY CO. Lists to any person sending them their address. (INCIIIU'lll'ATJ'I) 11170.) The Neilson Furniture Co., 'NIC OilII I l.lll. Boots & Shoes, Some of its members on the first "A Drop Calgary, Alberta. team hud better quit nud "play mar­ .Going; Cheap ! . bles" as our boarded fiiond would say. "In the Bucket" Oil! I'll WN. Any team Unit cannot break more than Golden, on the main Hue of lho Canndbln L'f> p,o. must be "it bird" to tho on­ Pacific Railway, at its connection .villi the 1 • . Doiyt Miss Them ! doesn't amount to much, steamboat navigation of the Columbia rlvur; lookers. How can wo account for sucli but a drop in prices iho mineral nntl commercial I'onlreofEiifi'ci'n liritisli Columbia : headquarters of tlu Gold­ bad shooting? The average of the amounts to a whole lot en Smelting works, tin. Upper Columbia lowest man on tlie team wus 40 p c. or ee Bargain Counter for One Week, com­ to most people. That's Navigation Co,, t.ml lumber industry; the I outlet for the widely known ami fnr so. On Thursday evening when prac­ mencing' on Monday 13th inst. what has happened in t'aiiit'il agricultural ami griming bind of the ticing the whole members of the team Columbia A Kootoniiy Valleys t itnrlviiliotl the Grocery Department for scenery of idhkinds i rim distributing broke (ill p.c. as the following score 1 w point for the richest mineral country uu the will show ; Mattraises, Spring & L on Beds. of the Hi"- Store on Ste­ continent. phen Avenue, Calgary. Dr. Taylor 12 out of IC, 0. 11. McDermot 11. There's no reason why LOCAL JOTTINGS. you shouldn't get the P. Leake 11, br-IAS. A. WARREN. benefit so drop us a card A. Taylor 11. and g'et more valuable The Archiloacon will preach in St. W. McNeish 10. information on the sub­ Paul's Church to-morrow evening. .1. Lnke 10. ject. II. Semple |l. Watch, Clock & Jevvlery 1'his shows that our captain can "The host boat in Canada" has re­ shoot though he only broke 25 p.c. at cently arrived in town- owing to nn Donald. Now when the club is shoot­ Repairing extra cont ot paint. It's well connect­ ing under the American rules as tbey HUD-OX'S GAY STORES, ed they any—even with Noah's Ark. do when not at home, I think they in the best style of the trade with the CALGARY, ALTA. should tako advantage of the benefits least possible delay. Mail and Express A ladies gun club is in vogue. This nllowod by them. There is no .doubt orders receive prompt attention. would be vary very nioo.riud we should to any ono who hns practiced it that GILMOUR'S whon the bird is known, putting the JOIIX STcMII.IiAiy, stand a chance of yet beating our 1st Rheumatic Wafers team's score at Donald on the 25th, gun to the shoulder before giving the Watchmaker nntl Jeweller. "puss word" is an ndvantnge. Then why not make use of this? Then Oolden, B.C. GUARANTEED TO CORE The operator has been operating a again our ammunition as a rule is not bicycle this week, much to the injury Rhoumatisn, good enough, most of the n.omber of of tho sidewalks, no doubt thinking il Neuralgia, other clubs loud their own cartridges necessary to "relay" tin IA. The work fresh with tlie bo-rt smokeless powder. Sciatica, was supervise i by ih' gent who was H. G. PARSON, Vou cannot bo sure of good shooting Inflamation of no bettor than the opi rati r. Lung-.Lagrippa and all Fevers unless you do. Could not the com­ mittee of the club meet about, this THE BIG STORE. J. G. TIIMI'LETOX'S Mr. Noil Burton wns very funny, .jitostion, viz.: whether the American Calgary wasn't bey ami inebriated man even, rules shall be hereafter used. gave consolation better even than Napoleon Bonepnrte got from Bill .Adams To "Prince" Mara. Jam veto etiano sucuris ad radicem arborum positu es*. Omnis igitur Spring Stock I forgot to mention that Peter Se­ arbor non fcrens fiiictuni bonum exci- bastian hus found some tin. I thought ditur. (.And now also is the nxe laid perhaps it was in the form of a pocket Complete with all the Latest Fashions at the foot of the tree, etc.) John book, but they say he has now founu Andrew Mara tlie axe is laid, and to and Novelties of the Season, viz.:— the "pnre i-uill." Ho should get the electors of the Tale-Cariboo Divi­ Dress Gixids Crapes Blouse Silks Direct all rail route to I "magnum bonum" from the Govern- sion you have brought forth no fruit, ment Heneriettas Cloths Dress Muslins M;)NTREJ\L ' therefore what do you expect to bo Paramattas Cashmeres Ducks TORONTO your doom. And again you have been Costume Cloths Mr. Warren lias some attractions trying to servo two masters, you have Baratheas Creepons NEW YORK now in the form of musical clocks, he been trying to servo John Andrew 'avy, Black & Ginghams Table Damask Napkins and all Eastern Points, is musical himself you kuow, and Mura and your electors, whose inter­ Or via since Im lias removed his stove he has ests arc far from being identical. Yon blored Heps Regattas Art Muslins LAKE ROUTE FROM erg-es Flannelettes T.ace Curtains some stove polish for sal>, nnd if vou have been trying to make u "prince" FORT WILLIAM. will look at his ad. you will see lots of the one nnd slaves of tlie other, and 'wills Towels Poles, Brackets Steamers sail every Tuesday, Thurs­ Ring's and Pins mere. therefore we tlio electors despise you. rints [ Towelling-3 I day and Sunday. You may suy you repent »t tin's the Passengers for Old Country go direct 1 lilt hour, onr answer is : repent and A Large Assortment of from train to Ocean steamer, Baggage There was scon on Monday night at checked on board. Field, ou tlie post office, the following j riio, us you surely will on thc 2<lrd of Trimmings Veilings Parasols TO THE notice: "Good Greener guns uinl .Inuo to come. Laces Lisle Silk & Umbrellas plenty of ammunition for sale, cheap. Quui FACER-M. Ribbons Kid Gloves Rain Coats Kootenay Apply, The Sick Boys Homo, Field, Mining B.C " I wanted u Greener gun so I Mr. Hewitt Bostock lias, by bis so- A Large Range of applied, lizt thoy must have boon liiitor, Mr. .Archer Martin, issued a adies Underwear I Country "sold" beforo. writ against the Colonist Printing nnd Mens and Boys Suits Publishing Company, uud Mr. if. M. WITHOUT CHANGE IX TWO DAYS Horiu'-Paviie, claiming *20,000 dam­ All Shapes, Sizes and Prices Mr. Mara lias gone up tlie river, Scenic Koute to the Pacific Coast ages for libel ou account of an article J 0 what for I cannot suy. •.hough 1 hear Felt Hats from SOcts. TJnder Shirts 50cta __ ' ' __B|_^___| bended "All Investor's Advice," which 0 ,l to White Dress Shirts iiOcts. CHINA&JAPAN from Vancouver \ --"-' *•-"* •"•i ' ° ."•"•*"-'"° «" \ "•»"appeare d in the Colonist of Mny 7th Empress of China May 11. last. This is in addition to the action py Regattas with 2 Collars and Cuffs for fillets. up there, but it s only right thut hc Empress of Iydia dune 1. should go und thank them for past against Horne-Payne, claiming $10,- Boots and Shoes a large range. TO kindnesses. Tin's is tiie first visit he Ot'O damages for slander alleged to HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, litis made up there ill many years I have been spoken against Mr. Bostock NEW ZEALAND, believe. Why is ho making it now? at Goldon. —Kamloops Sentinel. & AUSTRALIA so quietly too, there must be some* Warrlmoo Mav .'10. tning in the wind. Huve a care up An ingenious person has invented an jrocery Department Miowora June .'10. tliere. —^^ asbestos boot. It is said to be damp Apply for descriptive pamphlets ... , , , 'proof niiii In protect the mile nf tl.-> Stocked With New & Fresh Groceries. guide books, etc., to We have to express our many thanks ••„,„ -,,,„, ool(, /„ wil,tc'r"al J^,*n ° KOBT. KERR, Give Our Time and Attention to Business. to thc people of Donald for the kind : heat of sun baked pavements in sum- Traffic Manager, and hospitable way in which they ' 'nor. If some person would invent an Try to Study the Wants of Our Customers. Or to Winnipeg. treated us on Monday and Tuesday j -***-*"10-* covering which would protect C. E. WI'I.LS. last and cspcciallv thc members of tho j ! , • •'" '"''J''il '"A,1" l"~v~! •- ™ay Sell For Cash -Prices Away Down. To„ ;. rii..i. .i t t . I "ale in view nl passible future contiu- NE Agent. fs.il.lcii. totinin s Club, though I nm sure the goncles, I 5i5lt3 (!5-<lt*n.it Visa knowledge hut that Darwin wns right Bend To-iluy.
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