PELLISSIPPI STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE MASTER SYLLABUS INTERMEDIATE FRENCH II FREN 2020 Class Hours: 3.0 Credit Hours: 3.0 Laboratory Hours: 0.0 Date Revised: Fall 2015 NOTE: Listening practice on D2L. Catalog Course Description: An introduction to French literature and film and a review of conversation skills. Language laboratory required; listening and practice materials on a CD. Entry Level Standards: Completion of developmental English and reading courses Prerequisites: French 2010 or three units of high school French Co-requisites: None Textbook(s) and Other Course Materials: Débuts – An Introduction to French by H. Jay Siskin, Ann Williams and Thomas T. Field. New York, New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Literary selections from Autour de la littérature on reserve in the ERC. Two French films – Amélie and À la folie, pas du tout – shall be viewed in class. I. Week/Unit/Topic Basis: Week Topic 1 Introduction to course. Débuts, chap. 18, vocabulary. Vocabulary quiz. View episode 18, Débuts. Relative pronouns. 2 Verbs like conduire. The construction verb + preposition + infinitive. Cultural reading. Review chap. 18. QEP presentation on Émile Zola. 3 Exam, chap. 18. Débuts, Chap. 19, vocabulary. Vocabulary quiz. View episode 19, Débuts. The present conditional. QEP presentation on Honoré de Balzac. Review of the present conditional. “If” sentences with the imperfect and the present conditional. QEP presentation on Michel de Montaigne. 4 Cultural reading. Demonstrative pronouns. QEP presentation on Jean de Lafontaine. Review chap. 19. QEP presentation on Montesquieu. Exam, chap. 19. 5 QEP presentations on André Malraux, Albert Camus and Jean Paul Sartre. Débuts, chap. 20, vocabulary. Vocabulary quiz. View episode 20. Impersonal expressions + infinitive. The subjunctive. Cultural reading. 6 Irregular subjunctive forms and the subjunctive of will. Cultural reading. Review, chap. 20. QEP presentations on Voltaire, Birago Diop and Colette. Exam, chap. 20. 7 Débuts, chap. 21, vocabulary. Vocabulary quiz. View episode 21. QEP presentations on Simone de Beauvoir and Mme de Lafayette. 8 The subjunctive of emotion and opinion. The subjunctive of doubt, incertitude and possibility. QEP presentation on Marguerite Duras, Christine de Pisan and Jacques Prévert. Cultural reading. Other usages of the subjunctive. Review, chap. 21 9 QEP presentations on Victor Hugo, Bernard Dadié and Paul Verlaine. Exam, chap. 21. Débuts, chap. 22, vocabulary. View episode 22. The preterit and the imperfect. 10 The plus-que-parfait. Cultural reading. Review chap. 22. QEP presentations on Charles de Gaulle and Guy de Maupassant. 11 Exam, chap. 22. View the Epilogue of Le Chemin du retour. Cultural reading. View the film Amélie. QEP presentations on Charles Baudelaire, Arthur Rimbaud and Robert Desnos. 12 QEP presentations on Gustave Flaubert and Michel Tournier. “Page d’écriture”, “Demain, dès l’aube”, “Le pagne noir”, “Chanson d’automne” and “Appel aux Français” from Autour de la littérature on reserve at the ERC. Review of the literary selections above. 13 Exam on: Epilogue of Le Chemin du retour, film Amélie, “Page d’écriture”, “Demain, dès l’aube”, “Le pagne noir”, “Chanson d’automne” and “Appel aux Français”. Read “La parure”, “Trois poèmes en prose”, “Spleen” and “Roman” from Autour de la littérature on reserve at the ERC. 14 View the film “À la folie, pas du tout” in class. Review for the final exam. 15 Final exam period. II. Course Goals*: The course will: A. Improve listening comprehension: I.1 B. Expand speaking skills: I.4, I.5 C. Increase reading comprehension: I.6 D. Build writing skills: I.3, I.5 E. Develop a deeper awareness of French attitudes, traditions, and literature: III.2, IV.3, IV.5 *Roman numerals after course objectives reference TBR’s General Education goals. Students will be able to: 1. Understand French spoken at moderate conversational speed within familiar contexts. A 2. Expand vocabulary A 3. Combine the elements of learned material to ask questions or make statements in French. B 4. Read a variety of short conversations and exercises with comprehension. C 5. Increase grammatical accuracy in writing. D 6. Identify specific aspects of French culture with reference to literature and film E * Capital letters after Expected Student Learning Outcomes reference the course goals listed above. IV. Evaluation: A. Testing Procedures: 80% of grade Written Tests: 80% B. Laboratory Expectations: 20% of grade Oral Tests: 20% C. Field Work: optional field work experience will be offered at least once per semester D. Other Evaluation Methods: None E. Grading Scale: A = 90-100 B+= 87-89 B = 80-86 C+ = 77-79 C = 70-76 D = 60-69 F = 59 V. Policies: A. Attendance Policy: Pellissippi State expects students to attend all scheduled instructional activities. As a minimum, students in all courses (excluding distance learning courses) must be present for at least 75 percent of their scheduled class and laboratory meetings in order to receive credit for the course. Individual departments/programs/disciplines, with the approval of the vice president of Academic Affairs, may have requirements that are more stringent. In very specific circumstances, an appeal of the policy may be addressed to the head of the department in which the course was taken. If further action is warranted, the appeal may be addressed to the vice president of Academic Affairs. Grades will be dropped one step on the grading scale for each absence over 6 MWF classes or 4 T/R classes. B. Academic Dishonesty: Academic misconduct committed either directly or indirectly by an individual or group is subject to disciplinary action. Prohibited activities include but are not limited to the following practices: • Cheating, including but not limited to unauthorized assistance from material, people, or devices when taking a test, quiz, or examination; writing papers or reports; solving problems; or completing academic assignments. • Plagiarism, including but not limited to paraphrasing, summarizing, or directly quoting published or unpublished work of another person, including online or computerized services, without proper documentation of the original source. • Purchasing or otherwise obtaining prewritten essays, research papers, or materials prepared by another person or agency that sells term papers or other academic materials to be presented as one’s own work. • Taking an exam for another student. • Providing others with information and/or answers regarding exams, quizzes, homework or other classroom assignments unless explicitly authorized by the instructor. • Any of the above occurring within the Web or distance learning environment. Please see the Pellissippi State Policies and Procedures Manual, Policy 04:02:00 Academic/Classroom Conduct and Disciplinary Sanctions for the complete policy. C. Accommodations for disabilities: Students that need accommodations because of a disability, have emergency medical information to share, or need special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated should inform the instructor immediately, privately after class or in her or his office. Students must present a current accommodation plan from a staff member in Disability Services (DS) in order to receive accommodations in this course. Disability Services may be contacted by sending email to [email protected], or by visiting Alexander 130. More information is available at http://www.pstcc.edu/sswd/. D. Other Policies: Correct grammar and spelling are required for this course. In case of emergency closure of PSCC, check D2L for updates of assignments, etc. If the college is closed for an extended period of time, instruction will continue. Students are required to check the PSCC e-mail account and check PSCC’s “online courses” to receive instructions as to the exact manner in which the course will proceed during the closure. The QEP presentations will count as four quiz grades. KEEP ALL CELL PHONES AND ELECTRONIC DEVICES OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT DURING THE ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD. Tutor.com is a free, online tutoring service for anyone who has an e-mail address with the @pstcc.edu domain at the end. The URL to access the free, online tutoring is www.tutor.com/pstcc.edu. Without the /pstcc at the end of the URL, you will be asked for a credit card to pay for this service. STUDY ABROAD. PSCC is the home of the Tennessee Consortium for International Studies (TnCIS) with programs in 20 countries, including France, the Great European Capitals, Spain, Greece, Italy, England, South Africa, India, China, Ireland, Japan, Peru, Brazil, etc. Scholarships are readily available from PSCC for these programs and they cover approximately one half of the program’s cost. .
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