.... I m • 0z i '< ~ ~ C ,• 0 • 0 i • »'" • ~ • ~ i "0 < m< t 0 » -• z • 0 " ~ I m =. n s:0 •= s: • m Z 0 [ m j 0 ~ 0 -< • .... 0 I • m '"~ R£COMM£NDED PUBUCATIONS JAPANESE 'UILICATIONS Prices JubJect to alceratlon without notice and subject to beln, unJoId continued Till. Autho, Pnc.: Plckln... Poo' PII6 Prices Jubjeet to a/teratJo" without nOllce and subject to belnr unsold UK. Onl, Tilt. AUllles' p,lu; P,ckln. I Pon Pl,d THE DEMONSTIIATION Of THROWS T. P. Lefl'U U.K. Only CHAMPIONSHIP JUDO T. P. L....1t 1.05'" JUDO AND AIKIDO T"mlkl l.1S JUDO-BAStC PI\INCIPLES E. O<>",lny 1.0' JUDO AND SELF. DEFENCE FOR THE YOUNG "OULT L.BIII 1.-40 JUDO-UGINNU, TO BLACK ULT E. Do",In, 1.74 JUDO FOR THE GENTlE WOMEN ...... G..d~., 1.80 JUDO PRINCIPLES-NE WA1.A GNslnk 1.70 JUDO IN ACTION. GRAPPLING TECHNIQUES Itudl> I.8S MY CHAMPIONSHIP JUDO G• .,lnk I.U JUDO IN ACTION. THkOWING TECHNIQUES Kudo I.8S KEY TO JUDO C. N,kanlo~1 .n KANKUDAI KATA ...... ItlnUIWI ... BASIS OF JUDO F. W. p..lUln US KARATE: ART OF EMPTY HAND FIGHTING NI'~I,I"" '.21 KNOW THE GAME-JUDO a.J.A. .n KARATE DEFENCE I ATTACK (no.dl/Chllllesl", 1.65 SElf DEFENCE BY JUDO M. G. H t,. ca.E.. M.C LIS UkATE DOjO U'ban 2.'0 THE JUDO INSnUCTOR M. G. H '. c.a.E., H.C. 1.15 KAkATE: HISTORT AND TkADITIONS H.I.,eo 2.70 JUDO-AI\T Of JUJITSU E. J. HI"' n .n KOREAN KAkATE e.. 7.21 JUDO FOR aEGINNUS E. J. H."Io.... ... KUNG fU Jlk.b, .5O MANUAL Of JUDO E. J. Marn,on 1.10 MASTEItING KARATE o,lm. 3.'2 KODOItAN /UDO E. I. HI"loon 1.15 HODERN aUIUTSO & BUDO. Vol. 0"••", 7.11 JAPANESE JUDO CHAMPIONS C. Thlblult 1.60 PAK.HEI KUNG fU U•. l.U JUDO_HOW TO BECOME A CHAMPION j. Goodl>od, l.1 1 PRACTICAL KAI\ATE 1. fUNDAMENTALS N.klyl",. , 0 " 1.SS KNOW THE GAME KAI\ATE a.K.ec. ... PRACTICAL KARATE 2. UNAI\MEO ASSAILANT N.kaYlml & Dr .. 2.SS KAI\ATE TEST TECHNIQUES C /. Mlcl< 1.15 PRACTICAL KAkATE l. MULTIPLE ASSAILANTS NlkaYlml I D'II'" 2.SS AIKIDO-A DIALOGUE OF MOVEMENT J. Wilkinson 1.95 pkACTICAL KAkATE -4. AkMEO ASSAILANTS N,kIYl"'" • 0 ...... 2.SS aASIC KARATE L Morr,o .n PRACTICAL ItARATE S. fOR WOMEN tlakl,lml I Orl.,,, 2.55 MANUAL OF ItAI\ATE E. J. Hlrrlson 1,00 PRACTICAL KAI\ATE ,. SPECIAL SITUATIONS N.ka,I"'" I 0 ...." 1.SS ItARATE_aEG1NNEI\ TO aLACK aElT Plu l.IO SAMURAI SWOkD r_",o.o J.19 MOOUN ItAI\ATE S. Atn.ll I I. Dowl.r l.SO ~ECRET FIGHTING AI\TS OF THE WORlD Gllbe, J.SO TEAOl YOUIlSELF JAPANESE Dunn I T.nld. .n SECRETS OF JUDO WUln,bl 2.15 TEACH TOUIlSELF IUDO E. Domin, ... SECRETS OF THE sAMUI\AI Rlni I W.nbrook 1:2.96 ENCYCLOPAEDIA Of SPeI\T (To IU' ....1'1 ... sEo.ETS OF SHAOUN TEMPLE BOXING smll1l l.10 f"MOUS JUDO TMIlOWS. H....llo,lII. 1\0" I Sw....., I.ll SElf DEfENCE SIMPLIFIED IN PICTURES Hlpl., 1.61 fAMOIJS /UDO TMI\OWS, Sool...... Sween.y .. Good." I.ll So 10.11 NUNCHAKU TIlAINING MANUAL. ).U SHORINJI KEMPO McLI"n V.n"..u S.OO MAGNIFICENT SAHUIlAI Ab.llrd SHOTO·UN KAkATE l.1-4 K"b.,..hl 3.15 KUNG FU, " ..I.td. jlkabo 1.U SPORT OF JUDO SUMO: SPORT AND TkADITIONS Sor~Unl 1.-40 JAPAN£S£ PU6LlCATlONS T'AI CHI C~.n. M.n.Ch·ln. & S"",h S.lS TECHNIQUES OF JUDO T"k","kl/shlr, J.lt ADVANCED KARATE O,.m. 10." THIS 15 AIKIDO Tollel 7.50 AIKIDO U,uhlba ,.,. THIS IS KENDO $o"mo,1 -4.90 AIKIDO AND THE DYNAMIC SPHEIlE W...brook/ll.t~ '.U TI\A01TIONAL AIKIDO. Vol. I. auk T.c~nlq"tI 51110 6.12 Tolle. AIKIDO IN OAILT LIFE l.OO TkAOITlONAl AIKIDO, V"I.J. Applied T,hnlq"tI hl!o 6.12 Kanulwl/l\o.... BASIC ItAIlATE KAlAS UO TkAOITIONAL AIKIDO, Vol .1, Ad ••need T",hnlqu.. SIIIO 6.12 S",i.h aASIC UI\An ItATAS VOL. 1 1.45 VITAL UkATE Oy,,,,. 1.-4) aLACK aELT KAI\ATE '0", /-4.11 VITAL JUDO Oklno '.l7 BOYS KAI\ATE o,..ml US WAY OF KARATE Hlmon S.l7 CHINA FOUIl MINUTE EXEIlCISE How.1I .n WEAPONS AND FIGHTING ARTS Of THE INDONESIAN CLASSICAL aUJUTSU, Vol. Oru." -4.l7 AkCHlPELAGO Orlt... 6.76 CLASSICAL BUDO. Vol. 1 0 ....... -4.61 WHAT 15 AIKIDO TOMI 1.7S COMPETITION KAlATE V.I..I 1.10 WHAT IS SHOI\INJI KEMPO '0 1.94 fUNDAMENTAL KENDO J'p.n K.ndo F.d.rlflon 6.61 WING CHUN KUNG FU Won./Cllu,nluor 2.S0 HAND IS MY SWOI\O T"II S.H WHAT IS KARATE 0,1"" 6.t2 ILLUSTRATED KODOKAN JUDO Kod.nohl 11.'0 THIS MONTH'S FROHT COV£" ORDERS TO: Jean-Luc Rouge of Frarl(t throws Amlran Munev of Runia with uchi-mua for wanrl in the European Tum hent FinaL Rouge WOrl thit light.hu.. ywei,ht contest for the JUDO 28, HIGH STREET, TOOTING, LONDON, S.W,17 French tum but Russia were the o..erall winners and took the ,old medal for the __,,"om fourth year In succeulon. Photo by David Finch C.,ltfl by *P901ntmtn. only _ phone 01· 672 654S AUGUST 1975 .JUDO YOLo XYIII No.6 1975 MEADOWBANK OPEN JUNIOR BOYS CHAMPIONSHIPS Published by JUDO LIMITED. 28, HIGH STREET. TOOTING. LONDON. S.w.17 CONTENTS 11 TH OCTOBER 1975 MEADOWBANK SPORTS CENTRE 1975 NATIONAL TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS 2 EDINBURGH EH7 6AF YOUNG WOMEN'S NATIONALS , TELEPHONE: 031·6615351 FAMOUS JUDO PERSONAliTIES No.3 7 A HISTORY OF THE B.jA , Lesl year saw the largest ever entry for the Meadowbllnk Open Junior Championships. with over 600 young players taking part. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO THE "GENTlE WAY" 12 ThIs year's event should be even larger due to the Inclullon of an espoir category. B.j.A. NEWSLETTER SUPPLEMENT 15 PUT THE DATE OF THIS YEAR'S CHAMPIONSHIP ON YOUR CALENDAR NOW. I HAD A DREAM 2J KATA FROM THE TRADITIONAL VIEWPOINT 27 Rules of EntTy : 1. Juniors musl be untler 16 on Iha day of the Championships. SOUTHERN AREA BEAT NORTHERN FRANCE JO 2. Espolre must be under 18 on the day of the Championships. 3. Players can only erller for one of the above two categories. MIDLAND MEN'S AND BOYS' TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS J2 4. Applications only on official lorms. JUDO EQUIPMENT J6 5. Payment of fee of 3Sp. We:ght Categories: Normlll Espolr and Junior weight divisions will be In use. Editorial: Trophies: Gold, Silver and two Bronze medals lor eech weIght G. A. Edwards Alan R. Menzle1 John Goodbody Rkhard Williams category. A.C.I.S .. f.S,c'A. 2nd DAN 2nd DAN B.Se CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES: Offices/elrclilOllon &. Adverllsln,: Telephone: 01-672 65'1S MONDAY, 15th SEPTEMBER. 1975 Prodllctlon: Roland Gross Telephone: 01.2S3 4S6S Slibscrlption Rates £3,00 per annum post free ii 1975 National Team Championships By Tony Reay The 1975 National Team Cham­ Oritish judo but two llSpcctS llPI>culed pionships were this year It great 10 me more thlln an)' other. Firstly. success in nearly every respect. Held I would say that the National Team at Thornaby Pavilion, Cleveland, on Championships were "lifted" to the Saturday, 281h June. the event was former ~Iory when it was the only organised by the Northern Area with national event of the year. Secondly, thc tremendous support of Stocklon­ two righters in particular who have on-Tees Borough Council. It was had It. dillicult time in the last year ,here that the North showed to Ihe proved to themselves and to the rest rest of Great Britain that. not only of us that not only can they belong can they compete with the bigger to that special realm of champions and perhaps richer Areas. but they - but more important - that they can improve on standards already can stand up as men when faced set. Taking on this event the year with trying adversity. after Scotland's magnificent effort Thirteen leams entered and was a tall order. The challenge was booked in on the day with very few accepted by the North and with a changes in the line-up. Dennis small organising committee of thrte. Wrightwebb, the North-West Team Patll D.. en~ ~tand;; on the ... inncl"lj rostrtlm Ila,'in~ ... on the Oe"eland Dilen Jeff Hawksby. Gerry Kearsley and Manager was plagued mostly with 12 Stone and tinder title. A. McKonna of $cotland ...011 the aih-er ...jth Mary Bradley-the recently formed last-minute problems but it says J. ROlherham of North-West and Danny lIarJlur (utrel1l6 right) or 1111, County of Cleveland was put well much for his generalship when his S:)\lth both ...inning a hronxe. and truly on the map. Jeff is the team got into the medals for the the quarter.fina15 by beating the Chairman of Northern Area and the rifth year running. Eastern Area was Wales and Northern Ireland came National Director of Examiners. the only geographical Area notice­ out of the hat together. As is usual, North (3-2). Gerry is an absolute "find" and only able by their absence and wherever the semi-finalists of the previous Pool 'C' showed last year's win­ became involved two years ago be­ are the Universities? There was a year were seeded.
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