H • PAGE FORTY-FOUR WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1971 m anirliPBter lEoBnins iim U i Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock fforth Manchester Al-Anon W. Allen Kingsbury, a Man­ Youth Ministry family group will meet tonight chester native, recently was Av«rag« DaUg N«t PrtM Ran About Town at 8 at the Second Congregation­ awarded the U.S. Public Health ’ Hie annual businesa meeting al Church palish house. The Service Commissioned Corps Conference Set For Iho Week Ended The Weather o( Uriel Lodge of Masons, in­ Thursday group will meet to­ Commendation Medal for his November M, 1971 Cloudy and mild through to­ cluding elecUmi of officers, will morrow at 8:30 p.m. at tho leadership In maintaining the At St. Mary’s morrow morning with light bo held at the Masonic Temple Pathfinders Club, 10? Norman federal program In New Eng­ rain/drlnle; tonight’* low near "Which Way, St. Mary’s," a lit Merrow on Saturilay at 7:30 SI. Both groups meet weekly land for certifying Interstate 15 ,5 9 0 iianrllTfitTr iEuTmttg llrraUi 40. Partial clearing Friday af­ p.m., followed by a meeting of and are open to friends and ro- milk carriers. A sanitarian, he conference on Youth Ministry ternoon; high In 40a. Uriel Temple Corporation. Re­ lutives living with a drinking is. now stationed in the San for the whole parish, will be MancheMter— A City of ViUago Charm freshments wrlll be served after problem. Francisco, Calif., office of the conducted Saturday from 9:30 the meeting. Public Health Service. a.m. to 3 p.m. In Neill Hall and VOL. LXXXXI, NO. S9 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1971 (OlMeifled AdvwthdM ea Phfiit M ) The commission on missions PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS Registration closes tomorrow tho Old Parish Hall of St, Matys of South united Methodist The Church of tho Nazarene for the annual VFW CSilldren’s Episcopal Church. Church will meet tonight at 7:30 will have a midweek service of Christmas party on Dec. H and at the church. Bible study and prayer tonight A light lunch .will be served may be made by contacting at 7:30 In the lower auditorium after a midday informal Euchar­ Mrs. Jessie Turell of 312 Oak­ of the church. ist. The conference slogan Is The Sunday School staff of land St. or Cary Crane of 06 “ There's a new you coming the Choppers, Allies Zion Evangelical Lutheran Essex St. The property committee of great Christ way,” and Its Church will meet tonight at 7 :30 Soldiers Jam Ganges theme Is "What realistically at the church. Center Congregational Church First Church of Christ, Scien­ will meet tonight at 7:30 In the could happen In youth ministry, tist, will have its regular mid­ church office. and what would be Involved In Batter Reds In week testimony meeting tonight Emanuel Lutheran Church making It happen?” at 8 at the church, 447 N. Main Choir will rehearse tonight at The Senior Choir of Commun­ Tho conference Is open to all St. The meeting Is open to the 7:30 In' Luther Hall of the ity Baptist Church will rehearse members of St. Mary’s Church In Retreat to Dacca public. church. tonight at 7:30 at the church. free of charge. Registrations will bo accepted through Fri­ Cambodia Clash The evangelism committee of day afternoon at the church of­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS they were In a building in the given to Bast Pakistan by the rear. rebels and IiuUa. Emanuel Lutheran Church will fice. SAIOON (AP) — U.S. hcli- tack from two aides. But fight­ India claimed today Its troops meet tonight at 7:30 in the Advisors and consultants for coptor gunahlpa and South Vlet- ing near a prison camp 10 had pressed to within 26 miles Associated Press correspond­ "The forces of our army and the Mukti Bahlni guerrillas act­ tm ind It at church board room. the conference are the Rev. nameae troope battered North mUes south of the Chmbodian of Dacca, that thousands a t ent Peter O’Loughlin reported Douglas T. Cooke, diocesan con­ Vletnameae force* In Cambodia capital ended as the North Viet­ fleeing Pakistani soldiers were that the feeling in Dacca “was ing not only in concert but un­ 1^1 i o m Wesley Circle of South United sultant on youth ministries; and today, and a apokanman report­ namese troops pulled out under trying to cross the Ganges Riv­ that the Indians, attacking der a unified command are kWithoursto. Methodist Church will have a the Rev. Russell H. Allen, as­ ed 7S Nmth Vletnameae Mlled a heavy bombardment that de­ er to that East Pakistan capi­ from several directions, are forcing the Pakistani forcss to m r m and ao weapon* captured. tightening the noose.” India pull out from their strongholds \ dinner party tonight at 6:80 at sistant to the rector at St. stroyed the village of Kleah tal, and that enemy planes had the WtVaelc of malaltriUt the home of Mrs. John Muschko, Mary’s. The apokeaman, Lt. Col. Do Sanday. been driven from the skies. claim ed Wednesday It* forces In conflision,” R am aaasrtod. dowfltown maneheitet*. Ram aald ComlUa, southeast 277 Spring St. There will be a The Rei3^ 'Mr. Cooke has Viet, aald there were no South Most cf the fighting was Indian troope were reported were within 28 miles of Dacca. of Dacca, and Bylhet, in the discussion of "The Christmas worked in parishes In New Mil­ tnetnameae coaualtlea. south and southwest of the cap­ holding their ground in Kash­ Defense Minister Jagjivon northeast comer of the territo­ Spirit— Commercialism versus ford and Oakville and has led It was the second big enemy ital, with some as close as mir on the western front. Ram told the Indian parUament ry, toll Wednesday. Ho r^Mrted opM tonight till 9, and the Religrious Aspect." high school conferences, ad­ loss in aa many days claimed eight miles to the city, but Pakistan's eastern command that Indian troop* and their al­ that the capture cf Rangpur vised area youth programs and by the South Vietnamese north most of the cldshes were small in Dacca countered with re­ lies in the East Pakistani seces­ and Dlnajpur In the north­ every night till Christmas! The ways and means commit­ of Highway 7 In the enemy’s and scattered. ports of fierce fighting cn most sion movement have “freed led inner-city youth conferences western part of the province tee of Center Congregational Dam Be base camp area about Meanwhile, some 280 U.S. fronts in the east and said large areas of Bangla Desk we have a fantastic assortment of chlrstmas decora­ In New York City. was Imminent. Church will meet tonight at 7 :30 80 miles from the V^tnameae warplanes attacked the Ho Chi “ enemy thrusts are stlU being from the occupying forces of t tions tor inside and out! The Rev. Mr. Allen, directed The Pakistani command in Mlnh trail In Laos, keeping up successfully countered by Paki­ Pakistan.’’ Bangla Deah—the o tree • mantle In the church library. Manchester’s Slimmer ’66 and border. Another 80 North Viet­ ’70, and has advised two coffee namese were reported killed the strong air effort to Inter­ stani troops.” Bengali nation—Is the name (See Page Two) o doorway s window A midweek service of prayer houses and was the assistant at Wednesday by South Vletnam- cept Norih • Vietnamese war An Indian army communique will be held tonight at 7:30 at Calvary House In New York SM ground farces and U.S. taell- materials and reinforcements reported Its troops had ad­ Calvary Church. City. He now coordinates youth, q ^ r a . The South Vietnamese moving south to Cambodia and vanced to the Meghna River 26 we have everything at fairway prices | urban, ecumenical, and liturgi­ toU than was two kUled and 28 Soutti Vietnam, miles from .Dacca. Boy Scout Troop 123 will meet cal ministries at St. Mary’s wounded. “ With improved weather Lt. Gen. Jagjlt Singh Aurora, Sabers Silencing for your hofiday deeoratiens! | tonight at 6:46 at Community Church. there is more truck traffic commander of India’s eastern Baptist Church. along the trail, and a strong fnmt, said in Calcutta that U.S. air effort Is being made to 'organiMtional discounts, too!' thousands of Pakistani troops I The Senior Citbir of Center Southeast Intercept and Interdict the ene­ under air attack were trying to Mail Deadlines m y,’’ said one Informant. Cbngregatlcmal Church will re­ t n R e t r ^ t reach Dacca or the port cf Tashkent Pledge hearse tonight at 7:80 in Mem- Help Deliveries Scores cf support planes also Chittagong in the east In an ar­ ' orlal Hall of the church. were In the skies over Lajos, In­ mada of sampans, barges and B y 8PENOEB DAV18 cluding rescue aircraft and es­ Tashkent Declaration died kxig Manchester Postmaster Ed­ river boats. ago because Pakistan never Im- Ool. Viet sold It was the most cort fighters on the lookout for WASHINGTON (AP) — ward Sauter today remlned Of these eight Pakistani bat­ pCemented its provisions for a significant acU<m since the 28,- North Vietnamese MIQ’s. Whatever tu^pened to the residents of the mailing dates talions, about 7,000 men, were Tashkent Declaration in which ministerial meeting. OOO-man South Vietnamese One P106 escort fired a recommended by the postal Of attempting to cross the Ganges American officials say no force drove Into eastern Cam- Shrike mlssfie at a North Viet­ India and Pakistan solemnly service for Christmas parcels from the west to make a stand Ifledged after a six-day war In major power la oUe to {flay a I ^i/teAaAAl-BilEYER'S iCE CREAM SALE bodU on Nov.
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