Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER 1987 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy Papers 27 October 1987 3421 TUESDAY, 27 OCTOBER 1987 Mr SPEAKER (Hon. K. R. Lingard, Fassifem) read prayers and took the chair at 10 a.m. REPORT OF PARLIAMENTARY LIBRARY COMMITTEE Mr SPEAKER: I have to report that I have received the report of the Parliamentary Library Committee for the year ended 30 June 1987. Ordered to be printed. PETITIONS The Clerk announced the receipt of the following petitions— Firearm Licences From Mr Henderson (21 signatories) praying that the Parliament of Queensland wiU take action to ensure that strict mles apply to apphcations for firearm hcences. Cenfral Place Development From Mr Beanland (20 signatories) praying that the Parliament of Queensland will ensure that the Brisbane City Council's town-planning processes wiU prevaU especiaUy in relation to the proposed 107-storey (Central Place development. Confrols on Use of Ffrearms From Mr Beanland (191 signatories) praying that the Parliament of Queensland will take action to ensure the implementation of stricter controls on the use of firearms. Disposal of Sewage Effluent off Sunshine Coast Beaches From Mr Ahern (6 000 signatories) praying that the Parliament of Queensland will ensure that there will be no disposal of sewage effluent off the Sunshine Coast beaches. Petitions received. PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed— Reports— Queensland Science and Technology Council for the year ended 30 June 1987 Department of Works for the year ended 30 June 1987 Queensland Housing Commission for the year ended 30 June 1987 Builders' Registration Board of Queensland for the year ended 30 June 1987 Bundaberg Harbour Board for the year ended 30 June 1987 Films Board of Review for the year ended 30 June 1987 Queensland Tourist and Travel Corporation for the year ended 30 June 1987 Raine Island Corporation for the year ended 30 June 1987. The foUowing papers were laid on the table— Orders in Council under— Logan Motorway Agreement Act 1987 Health Act 1937-1987 3422 27 October 1987 Ministerial Statement Urban Public Passenger Transport Act 1984 and the Statutory Bodies Financial Arrangements Act 1982-1984 Harbours Act 1955-1982 (Canals Act 1958-1987 Regulations under— Health Act 1937-1987 Traffic Act 1949-1985 State Transport Act 1960-1985 Motor Vehicle Driving Instmction School Act 1969-1985 Motor Vehicles Control Act 1975-1985 Tow-Tmck Act 1973-1985 Motor Vehicles Safety Act 1980-1985 (Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Act 1984 Irrigation Act 1922-1986 By-laws under the Harbours Act 1955-1982 Report of the North Brisbane Hospitals Board for the year ended 30 June 1987 (A) Proposal by the Govemor in CouncU to revoke the setting apart and declaration as State Forest under the Forestry Act 1959-1984 of:— (a) All that part of State Forest 60, parish of Rundle described as Area "A" as shown on plan FTY 1140 prepared by the Department of Mapping and Surveying and deposited in the Office of the (Conservator of Forests and containing an area of about 2 980 hectares,—and (b) All that part of State Forest 154, parishes of Brigalow, BuUi, Vignoles, Waggaba, Westem Creek, WUkie and Yandilla described as Area "A" as shown on plan FTY 1492 prepared by the Department of Mapping and Surveying and deposited in the Office of the Conservator of Forests and containing an area of about 331 hectares,—and (c) All that part of State Forest 34, parishes of Qemant and St Giles contained within stations 2-3-4-5 on Plan WG317 deposited in the Office of the Department of Mapping and Surveying and containing an area of 1.566 hectares,—and (d) All those parts of State Forest 29, parishes of Barranga, Blackboy, Davy, Dromedary, Fairfield, GoomaUy, Waratah and Wooroona described as Areas "A", "B" and "C" as shown on Plan FTY 1490 prepared by the Department of Mapping and Surveying and deposited in the Office of the Conservator of Forests and containing in total an area of about 11 150 hectares. (B) A brief explanation of the Proposals. MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Rail Tank Car Explosion, Cairns Hon. B. D. AUSTIN (Nicklin—Minister for Mines and Energy and Minister for the Arts) (10.08 a.m.), by leave: Honourable members wiU recaU that a massive explosion occurted at (Caims on Monday, 17 August 1987, involving a rail tank car of liquid petroleum gas at the depot of Gas Corporation of Queensland Limited. Extensive dams^e occurted to company property and to adjoining residential and industrial properties. Twenty-eight people were injured, of whom 26 sustained bums caused by the boUing liquid expanding vapour explosion (BLEVE) when the rail tanker burst. One victim, a Ministerial Statement 27 October 1987 3423 71 year-old man, died three days later from the effects of bums to more than 80 per cent of his body. The accident has been thoroughly investigated by the Chief Gas Examiner of my Department of Mines under the provisions of the Gas Act 1965-1985, and a detaUed report has been submitted to me. I understand that a coronial inquiry will be held in Caims to establish the cause of death of the victim of the accident. It is almost certain that the Chief Gas Examiner will be called to give evidence before the inquiry and to produce a copy of his report. I have therefore decided that it would be improper for me to release the report prior to the coroner's inquest. However, I am able to inform the House of the essential findings of the investigation and to assure honourable members that steps have been taken, and every necessary step will be taken, to ensure that such a disaster could not happen again. The rail tank car owned by Boral Gas (Qld) Pty Ltd contained about 22 tonnes of commercial-grade liquid petroleum gas when it was delivered to the rail siding in the company's depot at Bunda Street, (Caims, in the aftemoon of Monday, 17 August. During normal preparations for unloading, a substantial leak occurted, probably from a burst hose on the top of the tanker. The resultant gas cloud was ignited by the pilot light of a gas hot-water system in one of the adjoining houses, and the tank car was engulfed in flames. The pressure inside the tank car increased to the point where the pressure rehef valve operated and the vertical jet also ignited. Nine minutes after the initial ignition, while firemen were attempting to moderate the heat from the buming gas, the tank car mptured at one end, releasing its contents and causing a boiling liquid expanding vapour explosion. The remaining section of the tank car was propelled like a rocket across Bunda Street, coming to rest some 109 metres away. Other pieces of the tank car and fittings were thrown in aU directions up to 300 metres away. Miraculously, no person was injured by the flying debris, but extensive damage was done to adjoining properties, including the Caims brewery, a hotel and two houses. While the investigation has established the most probable source of the initial leak of gas, the exact cause is unknown. However, several contributing factors were also identified and some action has already been taken to eliminate them as potential sources in the future. It was clearly established that valves inside the tank car designed to shut off automatically in the event of a msh of liquid—excess flow valves—failed to operate. Immediate action was taken by Boral Gas (Qld) Pty Ltd to inspect other rail tank cars as they arrived at the company's terminal at Pinkenba and to replace any suspect valves. The fire protection system on the site, although complying with statutory requfrements, was clearly deficient in the circumstances. All bulk LPG loading and unloading sites will be required to include a deluge fire protection system. Of prime concem to my Department of Mines is the question of the adequacy or otherwise of the statutory requirement covering such installations, in this case principally standards or codes published by the Standards Association of Australia. Subject to any relevant findings of the coroner's inquest, it is proposed to review the relevant codes or standards through the appropriate committee, on which my Department of Mines is represented. As could be expected, the (Caims gas explosion has aroused considerable concem among statutory authorities and others interested in safety. It is my intention, therefore, to make the findings of our investigations known as soon as possible and as widely as possible. Finally, I must pay tribute to the efforts of the emergency services and others whose selfless regard for the safety of others above their own undoubtedly contributed to the relatively low incidence of injury. 3424 27 October 1987 Ministerial Statement MINISTERIAL STATEMENT Transfer of Basic Nurse Education to Colleges of Advanced Education Hon. L. W. POWELL (Isis—Minister for Education) (10.12 a.m.), by leave: The issue of the transfer of basic nurse education to colleges of advanced education has been the subject of considerable debate for the past few years, and more particularly in recent weeks. The debate is not, from the Queensland Govemment's point of view, about whether or not it should be transferted from hospitals to colleges. It is State Govemment policy that the training should be transferted to colleges. Contrary to what the honourable member for Murmmba alleged in this Parhament recently, I am not opposed to the transfer of nurse education to coUeges of advanced education. In fact, with my backing, the colleges are prepared to undertake basic nurse education at any time when funding is properly provided.
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