.. •- · VOL. TWO, · Ne. 14 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. AIPIJUL 20, 1945 I Industrial, union leaders Unionists called upon to ur ne increase bond purchases agree on 7-point program WASHINGTON, D. C.-Labor and management paved t~e A special appeal to all laborites . to redouble their efforts in I r way for the esta~lishment of ~ndustrial peace and pros~erity in financing the war through the purchase of war bonds is made Ithe post-w.ar penod by adopting a charter for cooperative re.Ia- in a letter signed by William A. Ring, reg1onal representative I tions. o~ ~he. labor. finance ~ection of the Tr,easury Department. Say~ Parties to the precedent-shattering agreement, announced at Rmg, m part. · its definite understanding of the one of the lmgest press conferences . in washington' s history' "Again I call upon you and your problems that face us ·in this time 1 were the American Federation of Labor, the United States Cham­ organization to do an even greater of need and the undeniable· fact_ Iber ·of Commerce and the CIO. The National Association · of job than you have in the past in that members of tli°e America11 Manufacturers withheld its imme­ - --------------- promoting the w.elfare of our coun- Federation of Labor unions are diate participation, although many For industry President Eric try. The dates for the 7th War good citizens. Brothers, this is a : employers affiliated with that or­ Johnston, of the U; S. Chamber of Loan Drive have been set for May \ call to arms, and if we do not ganization_~pproved the pact. 14th to June 30th, with _a payroll achieve our -purpose we will be re­ Commerce; Paul C. Hoffrpan, presi­ I Th-e seven-point charter, aimed savings drive to be incorporated in miss in our duty to our country. dent of the Studebaker Corp. and at maximum post-war production the · 7th War Loan. To accom;;ilish "I 'am ·taking the liberty a.t this · with full employment at high wage chairman of the Committee for the goal of $14,000,000,000,· with a time of enclosing a chart w_hich -' levels, gave recognition . to ' the Economic Development; Henry. J, · " $4,000,000;000 E bond quota, organ- can be used as a guide )Jy your.· • . - _,~ ,. -· ~- •• - -- - I;_ .'Ti'gh'ts"' otjS'fiva f'e - property · on the Ifaiser, o~tstamling· ~\;; iii.d~:st;1;1; --- . <l.·Zed: Jal;io.r tvill be -called upoYi' as membersl).ip foi: ·purchasing . War . one hand and to labor's right to never b.efore · to exert evei·y effort Bonds -on the --.payroll savings plan. ist"; Otto Seyferth, pre~ident_of the I organize _l:),nd bargain collectively · and use every means., within its I A similar chart has been mailed to West Michigan St-eel Fow~dries; on the other. It pledged support to power to insure the success of this the various companies in the ter- the establishment of social security Edward J. Thomas, president of gigantic enterprise. Iritory. This . guid~ shows ho~v we President :Harry s. Truman and- to international organization Goodyear Tire & Rubber, and J. "If you and your membership · can meet the Senes E quota 1f the for world peace and called for ex- Da_vicl ZeHerbach, president of the wm · bend every effort to make this \ membership of your . organi~ation The whole world felt saddened by pansion of world trade: Crown-Zellerbach Pa.per Corp. coming _drive a success organize!d . has deducted from. th,e1r salanes on the tragic passing of Franklin D . Ra.bor will again prove to the gen- the payroll savings plan the Roosevelt. But the finest monu- To implement the charter a p.er- (EDITOR'S NOTE: On Page 2 in 1 ment we ca'n build in memory of manen_t committee will be· set up. this issue will be found the com- er:al public of these United Stat1:s amounts set forth in the chart." this outstanding figure in history This committee will formulate plete text of this 7-point charter SEVENTH WAR LOAN QUOTA GUIDE is to unite behind his successor, joint labor - management policies subscribed to by management and Subscription Maturity pledgecl to carry out the Roosevelt and will present them to the Gov- the heads of American labor to _ Wage Needed Weekly Value of policies in war and pea.ce. For a .ernment for action and approval. strive for prosperity and full em- , Per Month (Cash Value) Allotment Bonds Bought special tribute to our . departed By this means, labor and manage- ployment in the post-war period.) / ' 7th War Loan $250 and up ................ $187.5Q $15.63 $250 President, turn to editorial page. ment propose a maximum of self- ,-----------------; ( 225-250 ...................... 150.00 12.50 200 * * * 210-225 ..................... _ 13i.2s 10.94 115 1:~~11a~io:,inimum of I 200~210 ...................... 112.50 9.28 150 Afl PROGRAM ASKS . ~~::::::~~ May-5 next meet 180-200 ...................... 9.3.75 7.82 ·' 125 th th The next ,regular meeting of 140-180 ....... .............. 7-5 .00 6.25 · 100 MORE TVA SET-UPS ou~s:;~~~r~: e committee at e I 100-140 ...................... 37.50 3.13 50 the Operating Engineers Local Under $,100................ 18.75 1.57 25 IVE·R VALB ·EYS For the American Federation of No. 3, May 5, 1945, 8 p.m., 200 , ''This· would include present ·allotments plus .extra special 7th War IN R3 I!. Labor- President William Green, Guerrero Street, San Francisco, Loan allotments and extra cash purchases-for April, May and .June. Washington, D. C. Secretary-Treasurer George Meany will have a, special order of Strong support for the creation arrd . International · Representative business; that of nomination of of more TVA's in some of the great Robert J. Watt. 'officers for the coming election. river valleys of the nation during For the CIO-President Philip I All members are requested to Notice and .i. nformat· n to post-war years was advanced in Murray, R. J. Thomas and Sicbrny be present at . this meeting. 1 I the AFL's "America United" .•radio Hillman; forum. * * * candidates for office The place to begin the , battle ag.ainst crime is in the high chair, Check y.o~r ·dues tu1d ?dd~esses ., ·conititution of the Jnternationci:J Union of Operating Engineers oot )he electric chair.--iMARVIN carefully before electnonu !s J and Local Unions coming . uiid,:it _its jurisdiction, page 7 4: and ROSENBERRY. JP.age 75, ,Article 23: · · ·· ·. It · looks a: th~ug: before 'long f.nnou:11cacd secretary's warrnng "GOVERNMENT OF LO.CAL UNIONS Herr Hitler will be taking vodka Election of officers for Operating· Engineers -Local No. 3 is not "The laws, rules and procedure by whi'ch Local Unions shall with his pretzels. - SAN DIEGO - LABOR LEADER, far away! For those of you who wish to p.articipate in the voting .conduct their affairs shall be as follo~s: there are two important things for you to remember! · Subdivision I-Of~icers·. · First: You must be in good ·standing in order to be ,eligible to Titles. Section a. The ~fficei·s of a increase ,-the term; but in no event ·Spedai Notice! cast a vote for your choic:e._ of candidates. Local lJnion _shall· be the Pr.esident, shall any officer.· be elected for a I All men~bers of the Operating Second: If we do not have your correct address in our records 4 . Vice,President, Recor'ding,-_Gofre - greater period tljan four < ) years. I Engineers now working at the it is possible that you: will not get your ballot-or you may get sponding Secr.etary, Financial -Sec- T.he term's of,th~' Trustees and· Au- Standard Oil Plant at Rich­ it too late! If ther,e is any question in your mind about whether retary/ Treasurer, three Trustees,' .dttors shall be for three ~3) years ' mond, California, are requested ·fhree Auditors: Conductor, G1fard each and said terms shall be stag- to contact Wni. C. "Bill" Waack, or not we. have your latest correc,t address, send it in again! and ·such delegates and com~ittees g-ered so that the office of only one at 213 Standard Avenue, Rich- Our addressograph system is not· infallible-and it cannot fol- if . I as may be elected. The offices of ITrustee and one Auditor shall be mond, immediately. low you· memb.e_rs around when you,,.,. move! y _ou must not Y us. Financial Secretary and Treasurer for election in any one year. No The purpf:>se of this contaet . Give us both your old and new addr,ess when mailing in a sh~ll not -be held by the same: per- member shan · be elig-ible, for elec- is to assist in the organization son. tion, be elect-ed nor hold office un- of the oil industry of Northern ·' change L , ' · Terms. Section b. The terrris of less h.e :· shall 'have. be~n _continu- California ·for the .Inte1·national Nomination of officers will be the order .of business at the ~ay taiJ. 111 th .,,, all offi:i::ets, excepting those of · the o~~ly m goo~ S ~g e Local · Union · of Operatfng Engineers meeting! Election of officers will be the ~rder of business fo:i; the • Tn:istees and Audaors, shall be for _Uruoi~_ electmg 'lnm for not less and sits associate crafts; affili­ June· meeting! ·Check your cards carefully-be sure you are in a th r one year.. or-until their succes~ors an one year, nor. unless ·he shall. ·ated wi~h. the Aniericari Federa- po_sition Jo e:><er.cise.
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