~--- ------------ ----------- - ---------------------- THE WORLD TODAY E U.S. condemns North Korean offensive PANMUNJOM (UPI)- The United States told North Korea today it committed "A calculated act of aggression" when it shot down a U.S. Navy plane at least 90 miles from North Korean territory last OBSERVER Serving the Notre Dame and Saint Mary's College Community Tuesday. The U.S. spokesmen then walked out of the meeting called by North Korea without waiting for any reply. VOL. Ill, N0.117 FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1969 The North Koreans had the privilege of speaking first at the session demanded by them in Panmunjom's "truce village" head­ quarters. They used it to level accusations about alleged breaches of the Korean cease firs. The Americans then condemned them for • shooting down the plane, challenged the communists to propose a Rossie involves ND recess and, when they refused to call it, walked out. 1n suit North Korean Maj. Gen. Ri Choon Sun opened the 290th The National Student Associa­ "violate the equal protection of versity of Maryland. meeting of the Korean Military Armistice Commission-first face to tion, together with Notre Dame the law by drawing invidious "This action is very important face meeting between the United States and North Korea since the and two other Universities filed distinctions depending on source to students of all schools," plane was downed-and confined his remarks exclusively to accusing a suit yesterday challenging the of financial aid." Dedrick declared. the United Nations Command (UNC) of breaking the cease fire along constitutionality of legislation Dedrick stated that he felt The suit names Robert Finch, the Korean truce front. that would cut off Federal aid to that the main effect of having Sec. of HEW, Melvin Laird, Sec. Maj. Gen James B. Knapp, the U.S. Air Force officer who heads students who engage in disrup­ Notre Dame as a co-plaintiff was of Defense, and Leland J. the UNC delegation the these talks, then replied directly on the tive campus protests. "to lend our name to the bill." Haworth, head of the National subject of the lost Navy plane and its 31 men, all presumed dead. The move to have Notre He also cited the geographic Science Foundation, as defen­ "Gen. Ri, three days ago your air force staged an unprovoked Dame as a co-plaintiff, was distribution of the schools dants. Rossie commented on the initiated by ex-Student Body attack on a U.S. airplane," the bespectacled U.S. officer said in firm, involved. The other two univer­ reasons why these men were quiet tones. President Richard Rossie. NSA sities are Berkely, and the U ni- picked. contacted Rossie during the time between the election and swear­ CHINA ing in of Phil McKenna. NSA requested that the action not be TMH opens conference publicized. As a result Rossie was not able to secure Student The Rev. Theodore Hesburgh, of the university in an effort to Senate approval of his action, President of the University define its basic goals and values, before committing the Notre opened a three day conference and to maintain them against all of Japan Dame student government to the on "The Task of Universities in a internal and external forces that action. At the March 31 s~· meet­ Changing World" at the Center would pervert or denatvrc ing of the Senate 'Rossie for Continuing Education yester­ them." explained the entire matter, and day with a speech on the nature The University should provide received unanimous approval of of the challenge that faces Uni­ a means for all three of its the action. versities today. constituent groups to aid in Whc.n contacted Rossie said, "Perhaps the most central eradicating the problems that "I told the Senate that if I did challenge facing Universities in a effect it. But Hesburgh warned, not receive their approval, I changing world," Hesburgh said, the university must guard against would immediately telegram the "is: Can Universities adapt them­ confusing the capabilities and law firm and disavow the entire selves rapidly enough to survive the roles of the three groups of action." amid all the changes they have the community. He noted that When asked the reason behind stimulated?" "Latin American universities this action Rossie remarked, "I Hesburgh suggested that the have equated all roles with much map by Phil Bosco consider the law with those stip­ University is one of the most less than success." Knapp said the Navy plane was engaged "in completely legitimate ulations a suppression of dissent, traditional of institutions, yet at reconnaissance operations" and was never any closer than 90 miles at a time when it should be the same time is the one that is The University's creation of from North Korean airspace at any time in its flight. encouraged." most responsible for promoting community must be accom­ Knapp remarked that such reconnaissance missions through Rossie cited several specific change. plished to insure its role as "soci­ interantional airspace were make necessary by communist threats to reasons why he opposed the bills "It seems curious to suggest ety's most persistent and tena­ peace in the area. But he made clear the U.S. position that the passed by Congress. One reason than an institution is contribu­ cious critic." United States had international law on its side in this incident. being that he considers them as ting by its activity to its own "I personally believe," "No one can believe a single propeller driven airplane represented giving the universities "an im­ downfall, or that, in other Hesburgh said, "that the Univer­ a threat to you," Knapp said, adding that the attack was "a proper delegation of congres­ words, the university has caused sity can be a real critic of both calculated act of aggression." sional authority." Rossie was so much change, so quickly, that the public and private sectors "What is this large plane you talk ab out?" Ri snapped when referring to the section in the it cannot change itself quickly if it is honest, if it maintains Knapp finished speaking. ! bill which allows the universities enough to survive the conditions within its university community "I have nothing further to say. Do you propose a r~cess?" to decide which students should it has created," llesburgh said. a very real commitment to Knapp replied. The two exchanged the same question and answer have their Federal funds cut off. Hesburgh said that the ope ness, to rationality, to civil­ once more, whereupon the UNC delegation stood up and walked Rossie also felt that the bill ~~!:":ivai of the university ity, to all the virtues that make from the room. The meeting had lasted exactly 45 minutes from its violated the first amendment, depends on its ability to recreate the University, in the words of II a.m. 9 p.m. EST starting time. concerning freedom of speech. "a vital university community." the Post Laureate Masefield of Only the combination of fac­ Fred Dedrick, Student Body England, "a splendid place." ulty, administrators and students Vice-President also commented Hesburgh lamented the fact Sirhan convicted of first degree would be able to confront the on the action, saying "Phil and I that today's rapidly changing problems that the University LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Sirhan B. Sirhan was convicted of first concurred with Rich on the world has created a generation faces today. degree murder yesterday for the assassination of Sen. Robert F. case." that is so "a historical." "The university today," "Somewhere, when all is Kennedy-a verdict that could send him to the gas chamber. Dedrick also listed his objec­ Hesburgh claims, "needs great changing, "llesburgh said, "there The same jury that convicted the 25 year-old Arab must decide tions to the bill. lie felt that the inner strength, a strength that must be some constants, some next week whether Sirhan's sentence will be death or life imprison­ bills are "ambiguous and gener­ has been sapped by inner dis­ anchors, some unfailing faith in ment. Attorneys estimated prosecution and defense arguments on al." He also cited the five rea.­ unity-faculties that have forgot­ God, or man, or truth, or the the penalty would take only one and one-half days with the jury sons put forth by NSA against ten that the most important good, or all of these in some beginning deliberations Tuesday afternoon. the bills. They are: the bills are a function of a professor is to workable combination." Sirhan pressed his lips tightly together but neither spoke nor violation of "free speech, free teach, to profess; students who Hesburgh continued, "Man, moved as the maximum verdict was read after a 15 week trial. conscience, ·and freedom of have on occasion pressed dissent no matter how much he changes, assembly;" the bills in effect are to the point of violence and is still man, and his problems are "bills of attainder;" the bills Dubcek asked to resign; Husak In boorishness that militate against still profoundly human." Con­ "violate due process and punish PRAGUE (lJPI)- Alexander Dubcek, first secretary of Czechoslo­ those central, values of the uni­ sequently, the university must violators according td economic vakia's Communist party, resigned under fire yesterday night for versity' reason and civility; not forget that although it must status;" the bills are unlawful having led the nation down a "blind alley." He was replaced by administrators who have forgot­ be concerned with "real" delegation of legislative power to Gustav Husak, a conservative regarded as more acceptable to the ten that their greatest function is improvements for mankind, its the universities;" and that they Soviet Union.
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