L I 15 R A R Y MAY 2 1938 LITARY Jimmy Dorsey To Easter Hops in Play For Monogram Pictures— Hop She t H3L Cabci Page Three VOLUME XXXI No. 2778 LEXINGTON, VIRGINIA MAY 2, 1938. NUMBER 27 IPiP Priscilla Lane Cast In Film Version Ot "Brother Rat" Authenticity Of Sets Is Guaranteed By The j Producer VMI Glee Club Participates In Apple Blossom? Festival At Winchester Ij Fifty-Six Members Location Unit Here Make Trip to Take Now Making Shots Part In Gala Event For Final Version Beebe Leads Figure With Olivia De Haviland 111; i Queen Shenandoah May Have To Be XV; Cadets Escort Dropped From Cast Princesses By MAC GILLIAM ^ • riWWMfcsn a By J. S. McCRACKEN Announcement that Priscilla m - Lane, one of the finest young new- & % April 30—The VMI Glee Club comers to Hollywood, and formerly % returned early this morning from % * one of the Lane Sisters who were Jk" their three day trip to Leesburg featured with 'Fred Warings band, and Winchester, Virginia. The pur- wiU take a leading role in Warner wLt&fw&k y MB pose of the trip was to take part Brothers' screen version of "Broth- pic. • | r*. K i in the Coronation of the Apple ? er Rat" has been made by the cast- III f* ;' Blossom Queen which took place ing office. Difficulties have arisen * sv t i 1p? m in Winchester Thursday. Adelaide in the casting office owing to the % „ % H?' ii®.' .,. V %i !?::: p* . ' Moffett, New York socialite, was illness of Olivia De Haviland, one f • d li sM * 1 the girl crowned queen. Miss of the principals already selected, • m ' I*W4 , W ; 1 h ' Moffett was escorted by the VMI and the necessity of securing singers and had Cadets Beebe and juveniles with sufficient ability to Baldwin as her body guard. play in an important production Blossom Queen's Guard Take Part In Colorful Ceremonies and yet take their youthful parts. The Glee Club stayed in private This has caused the date for shoot- "A" Company Commander Matthew R. Bee be, Glee Club President, and Members of Warner Brothers staff who are oil location at VMI to film homes in Leesburg Wednesday ing to be moved from June fifteenth "F" Company Commander Newland Baldwin who acted as body guards "Brother Rat" shown in a script conference Saturday afternoon. They night after giving a concert at the to July first. Miss De Haviland's for Miss Moffet in Shenandoah Apple Fete. are (I—r) Bon Haskins, Special Effects Expert; Carroll Sax, Unit Man- high school auditorium for the appearance in the picture is doubt- —Courtesy: Northern Virginia Daily. ager; Max Parker, Art Director, and Robert Lord, Producer.—Photo benefit of the local Boy Scout ful because of her illness, but the Courtesy Warner Brothers. General Marshall troop. Mayor Harrison of Lees- casting has not yet been definitely Tech Is Host burg, a VMI graduate helped con- changed. siderably in showing the Glee Club Jimmy Dorsey In Independent Debut Producer Enthusiastic Is Finals Speaker; a very wonderful time. The trip To Ten Cadets Entire satisfaction has been ex- Graduated In 1898 to Winchester was continued early Here for Saturday Night of Finals Thursday morning and the first pressed by Mr. Robert Lord, pro- ©- ducer, with this location trip so Has Colorful thing on the program for the club April,27.—The Hop Committee to- MONOGRAM MAESTRO At Ring Dance far. His presence here is a com- was the practice for the ceremonies. day completed arrangements for Record; Acted As mentary on the importance Warner Ranking Second The afternoon was filled with many the appearance of Jimmy Dorsey Commandant Brothers is attaching to "Brother Classmen Spend important functions including and his orchestra in Ninety-Four Rat." Very seldom does the pro- Of Cadets '00-'01 meeting the thirty-two princesses Hall on the occasion of the Mono- Week-End At VPI ducer of a picture leave his desk April 28.—The address to the who were escorted by members of gram Hop which will start the and work on location—especially a By JOHN HUNDLEY graduating class to be given at the the Glee club. The Pageant was Finals dance set June 11th. May 1.—Returning from a week- location three thousand miles away. graduation exercises which will be held in the afternoon at which time Back From Coast end as guests of the VPI Class of Mr. Lord, whose latest productions held June the fifteenth is to be the Queen of the fifteenth Shenan- Jimmy Dorsey and his orchestra, '39 during the latter's Junior Ring include such successes as "Tava- given by General R. C. Marshall, doah Apple Blossom Festival was who recently returned to the East Dance, the ten senior members of rich", stated that the VMI is the Jr., an alumnus of the Institute crowned. and the Terrace Room of the Hotel the Second Class report that the perfect location for a movie, con- who graduated in the class of 1898. New Yorker after an extended tour figure was very elaborate and most Pnblic Concerts Given sidering the cooperation of the Acted As Commandant of West Coast engagements, is ush- impressive. The hospitality was Two concerts were given by the Corps, administration, and alumni General Marshall served as as- ering in spring with a brand of amazing, and—to quote one of the members of the Glee Club at the as well as the flexibility of the or- sistant professor of mathematics swing music that is warming the "two-stripers"—the visitors "were pavilion across from- the City Hall, ganization and the local color and and military tactics after his hearts of their many friends and treated like princes.' Don Bestor Thursday night. These were fol- customs ideal. Originally, plans graduation from school and served fans in the home sector. and his orchestra played for the lowed by the Princesses Reception called for a two weeks stay here, as acting commandant and as Pro- set of dances Which was held in the at the George Washington Hotel. It Four-Star Band but perfect weather except for fessor of Military Science and Tac- VPI gymnasium Friday and Satur- was the privilege of the cadets es- The Dorsey clan, lured to the Saturday morning when only a few tics during 1900 and 1901. Coast many months ago by lucrative unimportant shots were scheduled day evenings. corting princesses to introduce JIMMY DORSEY Colorful Record radio and dance engagements, has has made plans run so smoothly Two Figures them to the queen at this reception, The military record of General developed into a "Four-Star swing teson have developed a high de- that they will leave by Thursday Instead of one figure there were and Matthew Beebe led the dance Marshall is an admirable one; he attraction" (The Orchestra World) gree of team work and are ably or Frid|y. two—one for the civilian members figure, escorting Adelaide Moffett, has served in several capacities by a cooperative interest in their supported by trumpets Bill Clark of the student body and one a mili- the Apple Blossom Queen. Graduation To Be Staged and now holds the ranks of Brigi- work, and the capable leadership of and Shorty Sherock. tary figure. In both formations, Plans call for one day of photo- dier General. During the World Attend Several Dances Jimmy, who is one of the finest Ernoni Bernardi, Charles Frazier, the leaders carried arm bouquets graphing a garrison review and a war General Marshall esrved as Several dances were held alto saxophone and clarinet per- Leonard Whitney, and Herb Hay- of red roses while the other girls re-enactment of graduation exer- Chief of Construction Division the throughout the festivities including formers in the business. mer form a two alto, two tenor sax wore gardenia corsages. The color tea dances at the Country Club in cises in J. W. Hall and another duties of which he very success- Uses Alto Sax quartet that takes good care of the of the dress worn was optional. Winchester. The members of the day of baseball game and practice fully carried out. Contrary to the prevailing trend reed assignments. Fred Slack, For the civilian figure, the boys Glee Club escorted the Princesses for which the corps will occupy the Graduation Exercises Terminate of substituting tenor saxophones, piano, Roc Hillman, guitar, Jack wore tails, and for the military of the Pageant to these, and other stands and form a cheering section Year Jimmy Dorsey has kept the alto Ryan, string bass, complete the figure the cadets wore white trous- dates were secured for those men besides other minor shots. This is The address by General Marshall sax in the picture. Jimmy takes instrumentalists. ers with mess jackets, sashes, and not escorting princesses. to be done on the first two fair will preceed the presentation of plenty of measures for his superb sabres. Admiral R. E. Byrd Crowns Queen Hillman, Matteson, and Bob days of this week and the party will Reserve Commissions and Diplomas. sax and clarinet artistry and is Eberle, who is the featured vocal- ClvUIans Form 39 Admiral R. E. Byrd, who spent make all efforts to return to Holly- These exercises which are followed easily the outstanding star of his ist, from the vocal trio, with an Beginning at 10 o'clock, the civi- two years at VMI before attending wood as soon as possible. Their immediately by the final formation own organization. occassional bit of vocal clowning lian figure was held first, with the United States Naval Academy, route coming out went over eight on the hill terminate the school Although well sprinkled with by Jack Ryan that is well received.
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