RECORD ENROLMENT IN GRADE 12 HMB&S* "^SRAIAS SEMBIY HE HANNA HERALD MAKAiOPENINGOfSCHOOLTERM "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS'* Principal Addresses Student Body On *k- Importance of School Attendance; VOLUME XXXXIV—No. 45 THE HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS—THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1957 $3.00 per year in Canada — 7c per copy. "Up To You" Says J. C Charyk CAN THEY DO IT AGAIN? The Hanna high school officially opened last Tuesday with a general assembly of the students and the entire teach­ ing staff, under the chairmanship of the principal Mr. J. w- Charyk. Mr. Charyk introduced the teachers to the student body, and appointed 'the various "home room" instructors OS HUTTERITES BUY follows: R. West, grade 8; H. Unsworth, grade 9; Miss M. Ha­ milton, grade 10; R. G. P. Cochran, grade 11,- J. H. Meyers, grade 12, and Mrs. W L. Gourlay, the home economics room! ^ _ _ In reviewing last year's record M AV HI/I -1 Mr Charyk stated that 84 per cent Earth rill? IIIU : had achieved high school diploma LARGE HOLDINGS J marks which is well over the prov­ incial average, while 60 per cent For Paving Project had scored university matricula­ tion marks. Out of 32 grade • stu­ WEE BAR VEE RANCH OF 75,000 ACRES!rmnpVJ. fTf, dents, three received honor dip­ lomas and only one failure was Depends on Rain recorded. |0LD; ORDER-IN-COUNCIL PAVES | S "N * Fair Progress Being Made In addressing the senior high U ae NeW On Program to Improve school students Mr, Charyk emph­ Main Street Approaches asized the fact that they attended WAY FOR BIG LAND TRANSACTION school not by any provincial or One of Largest and Most Modern Management Work on the approaches to sec-! federal law, but solely on their Ranches In Alberta Now Open To Chinese Lads Lease ond avenue in preparation for pav-1 own accord. Said Mr. Charyk: "K Building and Purchase ing this fall, is progressing fairly you look at it from this viewpoint, Hutterite Brethern; Three Colonies Fixtures; Opens Today well, but has been held up toyo u will realize that it is op to WILL THIS YEAR'S goosehunting be as good as previous years? That's the foremost some extent by heavy rains of you, the individual, to make the Dennis E. Connelly, owner of last week. most of the opportunity thus of­ One of the largest land transactions in the history of this question in the minds of These nimrods, left t:> right, Bill Watson ond Pete Kennedy of Hari- jrt of Alberta, was made this week when the huge holdings Connelly's Cafe in Hanna ann- Lyle Grover and Sons Construc­ fered to you by expert teachers, na and George MacLachlan of Innisfail. Talon a year or two ago, this fine bag of Canada tion Ltd. contractors for the job or the possibility may present It­ the Vee Bar Vee ranch at Wardlow were sold to the Hutter-j „"" ^nL^Th ^ diSP°SaI °f 9 Greys will be the object of duplication for th- threesome during the 1957 season. If their are making good headway, and self that you may be dismissed |es for colonization purposes. TJie transaction was made pos- w'hich 'n'ave'tease/theTafeTund luck isn't os good as this photo indicates, it wjn't be for lack of trying. barring weather conditions, the from school." ble through order-in-council passed In Edmonton Saturday, ing and purchased all the fixtures project will wind up in good time The remainder of the morning fford to this effect was given the Herald Wednesday by J. R. are Messrs. Bob Mark of Drumhef later on in the fall. A hit of diffi session was taken up with the reg- •\cBeath, a member of the Special Areas Board at Hanna. The ler and Peter M. Mak, Moo K. culty has been encountered on the i istration of students and the out- •inch is some 90 miles south of Hanna. Wong, and Sam B. Mark, all young OPENING OF HUNTING SEASON COURT COFFERS south side of first street west lining of the various courses. Dur- Chinese who come to Hanna from where soil conditions necessitate ing the afternoon session the dis- I The Vee Bar Vee ranch holdings Yorkton, Sask. The new propriet­ BENEFIT FROM FINES removing considerable dirt before I tribution of text books on the ren- Tomprised a tract of some 75,000 ors took over the business this ECHOES WITH GUN BLASTS IN HANNA Speeding, illegal possession a gravel fill can be placed. So far tal plan was accomplished in less lores of titled land, which includ­ Assessment Of morning, following a three-day of liquor and creating a div north and south approaches as far than two hours. This was due ed grazing and cultivated acreage shutdown to enable workmen to turbance ware charges dealt east as first avenue west, have chiefly to the fact that Mr. Charyk bnd a substantial frontage along redecorate the premises. DISTRICT; HUNTERS HAVE FAIR IUCK with in Hanna Polk* Court been "cut" and gravel is now be assisted by P. Cochran and J. H. he Red Deer River. Mr. McBeath Hanna Property "Denny" Connelly as he is well before Magistrate H. Hard­ ing put into place and packed. Meyers had done all the necessary told the Herald that some mem- known to many residents of Han­ Ducks and Geese In Fair Supply; castle in recent days. All were Gallelli and Sons paving con- j preliminary work ia three days ers of the Hutterite colony were na and district, is one of the real laid by the Hanna Police De­ tractors will be here later in the I prior to the school opening. Inow on the premises, but was of oldtimers in the restaurant busin­ Few "Outsiders" Here For Early Part partment. Five cases of speed­ fall to put the initial coat of as­ Strange as it may seem, the lar­ |the opinion that eventually there Now Under Way ess. He came to Hanna in 1940 Of Season; More Expected Later ing resulted in fines of $25 phalt in place, and it is expected gest enrolment of high seb Iwould be three colonies on the Assessors Here Expect with his family, following many and costs; while others rang­ they will also lay the finish coat grades is that of grade 12, wh • holdings. The Vee Bar Vee was on second avenue. If weather con­ 34 students have registered to | To Complete Job Some years' experience in the business The marshes and fields, lakes and ponds in the Hanna ed from $5 up to $25 plus tho lone of Alberta's largest and most in Calgary and other centres. In ditions remain good from now un­ with oae or two to follom-i Time In October district once again echoed to the sound of shotgun blasts as usual court costs. Chief F. I modern ranches, with electric the operation of the business he Bedingfteld told the Herald til late in the fall, the project will dramatics teacher J. H Meye [lights, natural gas, and fully mod- A general assessment of proper­ has been assisted by his wife and the season on migratory game opened last Saturday. The op­ be completed well in advance of an interview stated to the ' on Tuesday that there were freeze-up. that dramatics 20 would fern buildings, plus a huge amount ty in Hanna is now underway, and son Tony and a brother Jim. In ening dav saw a typical fall atmosphere prevail, with darkened signs of a decrease in the [of the latest farm equipment. It is expected to be completed some announcing the disposal of hisskie s and the temperature a little on the chilly side. If the wea­ offered this year as but number of speeding and traf­ dents enrolled for this class. [was owned by the Credit Foncier time in October. Assessors under business Mr. Connelly declined to ther was cool, the enthusiasm of the early hunters was any­ fic offences, although the pol­ ranco Canadian Mortgage Comp­ authority of the Department of comment as to his future plans, said, however,, that at least thing but, and those who like their game early in the season ice department will continue three-act play would be presented any. The price for which the Municipal Affairs have been in but for the time being he and his its efforts to reduce this men­ (ash Bingo ranch sold was not ^disclosed. Con­ town for the past two week?, and wife will continue to reside here. were out in full force. .__ t . .. by the dramatics 10 class this year. mg turned into swaths where good ace even greater. Based on Information to date, trary to belief in some quarters up to date have just nicely got Local ducks and geese were in feeding, if not disturbed condi­ Ihie -Hutterites are all from Can­ started on the task of evaluating J. Hrashowski and Ron Moore, fair supply, although the geese tions will prevail. Farmers are D 1 Has Value Of grade 12 graduates of last year ada, said Mr. McBeath, disclaim­ for tax purposes all property with­ Paint Job At welcoming the opening of the sea­ ing the belief that they were com- in the town limits. appeared to have escaped the in­ son to keep the birds on the move will attend the University of Al­ fing in from the United States. Curling Rink itial onslaught without too many berta. Shirley Robinson, also of A general assessment is usually and thus reduce crop damage.
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