1925 CONGR.ESSIONAL R.ECOR.D-SENATE 4499. plans complete together with use proposed for moneys to be ~ETITIONS, ETC. raised by the sale of the commemorative coins; to the Com­ mittee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid By 1\Ir. MEAD:· Resolution (H. Res. 453) directing• the Com­ on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce of the House of 3877. By the SPEAKER (by request): Petition of E. H. Representatives to investigate the activities of the United D"uffield, vice president Arizona Wool Growers' As ociution States Railroad Labor Board, and for other purposes; to the asking for grazing fee relief; to the Committee on Agriculture: Committee on Rules. 3878. By Mr. BACHARACH : Petition of sundry citizens of By the SPEAKER (by request) : Memorial of the Legislahll'e Egg Harbor, fa~oring the passage of the Sterling-Reed bill; of the State of South Dakota, petitioning the President and to the Committee on Education. Congress relative to future wars; to the Committee on Military 3879. By Mr. CLAGUE : Petition of sundry citizens of A~oca, Affairs. Mum., not to concur in the passage of compulsory Sunday By Mr. CHRISTOPHERSON: Memorial of the Legislature of observance bill (S. 3218) ; t() the Committee on the District of the State of South Dakota favoring legislation that will pre­ Columbia. vent water being remo~ed from the Great Lakes by the Chi-. 3880. By Mr. COOK: Petition of IIarrie Plummer and 5S cago Sanita1·y District; to the Committee on Ri~ers and others of Van Buren Grant County, Ind., for passage of the Harbors. Cramton bill; to the Committee on the Judicia·ry. .Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of South Da­ 3881. By Mr. CRXMTON: Petition of Joy Morton, II, and kota, favoring the enactment into law of the un i~ersal draft other residents of St. Clair County, :1\fich., in support of tlle bill; to the Committee on Military Affairs. game refuge public shooting ground bill ; to the Committee on Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of South Da­ Agriculture. kota, requesting Congress to enact adequate truth-in-fabric leg­ 3882. By Mr. DAVIS of Minnesota: Petition of the South islation; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. St. Paul Kiwanis Club and the South St. Paul Commercial By Mr. WILLIAMSON: Memorial of the Leg.slature of the Club, of South St. Paul, Minn., favoring the e1·ection of a State of South Dakota, favoring correction of the abuse by the Federal building in that city; to the Committee on Public Sanitary District of Chicago in the use of water from the Great Buildings and Grounds. Lakes; to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. 3883. Also, petition of sundl·y residents of Fairbault unu Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of South Da­ Rice County, Minn., oppo ing S. 3218; to the Committee on tbe kota, urging the early enactment into law of the uniyersal draft District of Columbia. bill ; to the Committee on M litary Affairs. 3884. By Mr. MOORE of Indiana: Petition of many persons Also, memorial of the Legislature of the State of South Da­ against S. 3218, the compulsory Sunday observance bill; to kota, favoring truth-in-fabric legislation; to the Committee on the Committee on the District of Columbia. Interstate and Foreign Commerce. 3885. By Mr. NELSON of Maine: Petition of sundry citizens By Mr. LEAVITT: Memorial of the Legislature of the State of Maine, opposing the enactment of S. 3218, or any similar of Montana, petitioning Congress to amend the interstate com­ legislation; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. merce act so as to protect sh ppers and livestock in their con­ 3886. By Mr. O'CONl'I'ELL of New York: Petition of the tracts with carriers; to the Committee on Interstate and For­ Maritime Association of the Port of New York, favoring the eign Commerce. pas age of S. 3927; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign By Mr. DAVIS of Minnesota: Memorial of the Legislature of Commerce. the State of Minnesota, urging Congress to create an additional 3887. By Mr. WYANT: Petition of the Pennsylmnia State Federal district judgeship, and pro\iding for filling the vacancy Grangers, approving the Dickinson _bill (H. R. 12216) ; to the the1·e n caused by the death of Federal Judge John F. 1\IcGee; Committee on Agriculture. to the Committee on the Judiciary. 3888. Also, petition of the secretary Of agriculture of Pennsyl­ By Mr. KVALE: Memorial of the Legislature of the State of vania, protesting against amendments to Capper-Volstead Co­ Minnesota, stressing the urgent need of an additional district operative Act and approval of Dickinson bill (H. R. 12216) ;. judgeship in that State, and urging that the Congress of the to the Committee on Agriculture. United States provide immediately by legislation for fi1ling the vacancy caused in said judgeship by the death of the late Fed­ eral Judge John F. McGee in the public and private interest; SENATE to the Committee on the Judiciary. TuESDAY, F eb1·ua.ry 934, 1925 PRIVATE BILLS .ll.""D RESOLUTIONS (Lc[lisla.tire day ot 'J.'uesday, Feb'ruar-y 1"1, 1!125) Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions w~n-...~ introduced and severally referred as follows: The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of By Mr. HERSEY : A bill (H. R. 123D3) granting an increase the rece. s. or vasion to Matilda R. Snow; to the Committee on Invalid The PRESIDEN'r pro tempore. The Senate will receive a Pension . me sage from the House of Representatives. By Mr. JACOB STEIN: A bill (H. R. 12394) gr.mting an in­ crease of 'l}ension to Caroline Boerodaile ; to the Committee on MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Pensions. A message from the House of Representatives, by 1\lr. Far­ Also, a bill (H. R. 12395) granting an increase of pension to rell, its enrolling clerk, announced that the House had passed Hannah Dyslin ; to the Committee on Pensions. the bill ( S. 4207) to provide for the regulation of motor­ Also, a bill (H. R. 12396) granting an increase of pension to vehicle traflie in the District of Columbia, increase the num­ Josephine C. Jones; to the Committee on Pensions. ber of judges of the police colll't, and for other purpo ~es, Also, a bill (H. R. 12397) granting an increase of pension to with amendments, in which it requested the concurrence of Mary Neff; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the Senate. By Mr. KEARNS: A bill (H. R. 12398) granting an increase The message also announced that the House had passed a of pension to l\1ary E. Harl; to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ bill (H. R. 12331) to amend an act entitled "An act making sions. it u misdemeanor in the District of Columbia to abandon or By Mr. KINCHELOE: A bill (H. R. 12399) gTanting a pen­ willfully neglect to provide for the support and maintenance sion to Jane Calahan; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. by any person of his wife or his or her minor children in By Mr. MOREHEAD: A bill (H. R. 12400) granting an in­ destitute or necessitous circumstances," approved l\1arch 23, crease of pension to Louis Wise; to the Committee on Invalid 1906, in which it requested the concurrence of the Senate. Pensions. By Mr. RAMSEYER: A bill (H: R. 12401) granting an in­ ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED crease of pension to Eliza M. Young; to the Committee on The message further announced that the Speaker of tl1e Invalid Pensions. House had affixed his signature to the following enrolled bills, By Mr. STRONG of Kansas: A bill (H. R. 12402) granting and they were thereupon signed by the President pro tempore: an increase of pension to Violet Purnell; to the Committee on H. R. 4202. An act to amend section 3186 of the Revised Invalid Pensions. Statutes, as amended; Also, a bill (H. R. 12403) granting an increase of pension to H. R. 5204. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior Lucinda Young; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to adjust disputes or claims by settlers, entrymen, selectors, By l\Ir. SWING: A bill (H. R. 1240-1) granting an increase grantees, and patentees of tlle United States against the United of pension to Thomas Mahan; to the Committee on Pensions. States, and between each other, arising from incomplete or LXVI--285 4500 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 24 faulty surveys in toWnship 28 south, ranges 26 and 27 east, Whereas employees of the Postal Service are handicapped In the Tallahassee meridian, Polk County, in the State of Florida, matter of agitating for just increases because they are denied affilia­ and for other purposes ; and tion with powerful labor organizations, and are forbidden to strike H. R. 7190. An act to amend the China trade act, 1922. to enforce their demands ; and Whereas House bill 11444 has just passed the House of Representa­ PETITIONS A:'ID MEMORIALS tives of the Congress of the United States providing for increnses i.n The PRESIDENT pro tempore laid before the Senate the pay for postal employees that will in great measure remedy the in­ following memorial of the House of Representatives of the justice now being perpetrated upon these faithful servants of the Legislative Assembly of the State of Montana, which was re· Government and provide equitable compensation for their labors: 'ferred to tile Committee on Interstate Commerce: Therefore be it Resolt•etl by the m.emberB of the House of Representatives of the House memorial No.
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