a / I FRIDAY, SEPTEMB^ 28,1966 The Weolher Averaige Daily N «t PreiM Run PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Partly uuhny, bre«sy and eoel fllanfl;ggtigr lEogniitfl Fqr ^ Week Ended today, high in 60a; fair and cool StoptaBibqr IT, ISM tonight and tom offow, low te* night in 40a, high tomorrow la Members of the .World War VFW Auxlllaiy will sponsof'’ 60s. I Barracks and Auxiliary. wiH a card party tonight at 8 at Don’t Get Overconfident, 14,663 About Town have their September nfeeiing the Post Home. ■ Hancheeter^A City of Village Charm / • .The Greater Hartforfl Home Sunday at 2 p.m. at the VFW THE MAYOR’S GEHIHG GOOD (ClMuified Advertiainc on Page IS) PRICE SEVEN CENT* Home. Members of the Auxil­ The Glastonbury Square Purtell Telh Bonee Backers MA,NCHESTER, CONN.,- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1966 Bconomios Oufb will meet Tues­ VOL. LXXXV, NO. 302 (SIXTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) day at Qengras Center. St. Jo­ iary are reminded to bring ar­ Dance Club will sponsor a dance ' By SOL COHOEN John Gerardo, GOP candidate seph Collegre, Asylum Ave., ticles for the cup auction. tomorrow at 8:10 p.m. At the Confidence over B«pubUcan for lieutenant governor was pre­ West Hartford. This is a joint Academy Juntor High School, chancea in the Nov. • 8 state sent, representing Gengras, who Main St., Glastonbury!. Dick AT GROUND-BREAKING! ieeU n * with the Northern Con­ elections was the theme o f last had previous - commitments, Nell J. Paterson of 104 Bald­ Steele will be the caller. necticut Dietetic Association. win Bd. and Clifford H. Fisher night’s fund-raising dinner in /Gerardo predicted Bonee’s 'Exclusive Club Biessert will be served before o i 347 Burnham St. have recent­ Hartford for Atty. -John Bonee, election and that of the state Airman John K. Anderson, ticket, citing “ the enthusiasm I . ^ meeting at 7:30 p.m. ly been awarded diplomas in en­ GOP candidate for U.S. repre­ :u e s e CXJATESVllkE. Pa. (AP) High-Flying Bombers son of Mrs. Isabelle T. Ander­ gineering technolo^ from the sentative from the First Con­ w6 have found in every town, —^There's only one way you son of 13 Oxford St., has recent­ city and hamlet we have vlsit- Ward Technical Institute of the gressional Distldct. can join the Kangaroo Club: ly completed basic training at However, the principal speak­ ed.’ , You must have survived a University of Hartford. Lackland AkFB, Tex. He has il^l LIG S En DRUG er, former U.S. Sen. William Obviously with the new book,. a traffic crash because you been selected for training as an A. Purtell, disagreed with the “ The Power Broker,” a bio­ used a seat belt. PARKADE A membership tea for the new aircraft maintenance specialist show of confidence expressed graphy of State Democratic Kangaroo Club Interna­ at Sheppwd AFB, Tex. OPEN officers and new members of by four speakers who preceded Chairnian John Bailey, in mind, tional was founded |n 1964 North Viet Again the Ladies of St. James vrill be Gerardo said that another book by the Chester County Safe­ him. A, smashed 'radio lay outside |7:45 A .M . to 10 P.M. held Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m. The Chester Oak Color Slide will be on the market on Nov.- KINSHASA, The Congo probably had the blearing of the ty Council. “ I am not at a|l sure or op­ the blinding. Looters hopped at St. James’ School. Association Will open its new timistic that victory will come 9. /AP^ - A ari*pATTiin(7 mob Oonjfolwe government. There are 292 life mem­ A ^ screaining moo accused the Con- from the second floor balcony to season Monday at 8 p.m. at the ‘T fs name,” he said, “will be bers. Each is entitled to ' I to our party without a lot harboring Angola rebels escape police. Several were Connecticut Historical Society, ‘The Power Breaker,’ a diary of of Africans and wear the club’s Insignia: A more work,” Purtell sai^.' grabbed ropghly and bundled Elizabeth St., Hartford. Joseph a political amateur, by E. Clay­ b u rn ed the Portuguese relations have been oooi. mama kangaroo with lU “ Most of the enthusiasm for Into j^llcp Jeeps. F. Mahoney of Boston, Mass, ton Gengras.” Embflssy toduy And niAn- Portuguese troops have been baby lashed in the pouch by B52s Strike our gubernatorial nominee, E. / Tnjf Congolese government will conduct a “Critique.” Former State GOP chairman handled its chief diplomat, fighting rebels in parts of Ango- Clayton Gengras,” Purtell^ said, has claimed Portugal permits a seat belt. and former Congressman Edwin and. two other Portuguese, ja for years The nonprofit club which “ is from Republicans who come mercenary bases to operate in Infiltration REUNroN GOES TO GRAD H. May Jr., chairman of the The government radio said ITie Portuguese Embassy is has 237 chapters in the U.S. gri*rr.vuow/ to cheer and to donate funds, thu neighboring Portuguese ter­ SLATON, Tex. (AP) —A hfgh dinner, predicted a Republican the mob of about 300 was made next door to the U.S. Embassy and Canada, does not manu­ but who don’t get out and ritory of Angola in support of a school reimion will be taken to year, saying, “I don’t think we up of exiles from the neighbor­ which was not bothered by the facture or sell seat belts—or Runs, Depots work.” ' ing Portuguese colony of Ango­ mob. new bid for power by ex-Pre- 2 the man rather than the old He warned, “We will only win have had any right to be this anything else. mler Moise Tshombe. Mercury Cougar coming grad returning to the school this optimistic in 10 years.” la. Most rioters fled as Congolese in November if we appeal to Radio Kinshasa broadcast an SAIGON, South Viet weekend. State Chairman E. Searle Lt. Col. Bangala, the Kinsha- police converged on the burning Sept. 30! the independedts and to those ___ editorial today accusing Portu- Nam (AP)—Waves of U.S*' A charter busloqd of 30 West Pinney*'ag^ed. “This is a Re­ sa niilUary governor, aaid the three-story building. Papers, thinking Democrats who see photographs gaj pf crimes against the Congo B52 bombers raided North at Mercury Dealers Texas residents who are former publican year for sure — we’re three Portuguese were injured passports and the dangers of a one-party sys­ floor of the — among others that the Portu­ Luci, Pat Viet Nam today for the - pupils of Slatoa High School will going to make it — stick with by the mob and taken to a hos. smouldered on the tem, now facing the state and guese charge d'affaires in Lub- go to Houston, Tex., as the it.” pital. They were discharged aft­ consular section and the interi­ third time in four days. |,'country.” umhashi — ElisabethvUle — . The huge bombers, I flying guests of Houston Mayor Louie But, it was Purtell who warn­ er treatment. ors of two cars outsidu were ^Star’ in ' The 520 per plate “Dinner was behind the recent attempt above the weather, struck again ed against overconfidence. “I He identified them as Charge burned. Smashed furniture, N Welch, a Slaton graduate. With Bonee,” - held at Hart­ in the southern end of North plead with you,” he said, ’’don’t . (!'Affaires Antonio Reasano Gar- books and dishes Uttered the on the life of Holden Robert, ford’s Hotel America, was at­ head of the Angolan revolu­ Viet Nam just a few miles north take it for granted we Will win " cia, 46; the embassy’s first, sec­ floors. New Film tended by about 300 Republi­ of the demilitarized zone. \ in the fall.” \ retary, Carlos Milheirao, and a Police carrying sub-machine tionary government in exile. 3 cans of the 13-town Congres­ JOHNSON CITY, Tex. (AP) The bombers hit Communtri "For goodness sake,” he ex­ stenographer, Miss Marla. Hel- glms held back a crowd of about The attack took place in Zam­ sional District. — Luci and Patrick J. Nugent infiltration routes, truck parkt horted, “talk to everyone wltl^ ena Sllve. 1,000 persons who jammed the bia. are the stars in a new White and storage depots. Manchester was represented whom you have influence. ’The^ In Usbon, Portuguese offi- tree-shaded street which passes Angolans and (Congolese of the House color film given a special Samller U.S. tactical bomberu ANYONE FOR CHICKEN? by Atty. John F. Shea, GOP Republicans alone can’t win it.” cials condemned the attack on the embassies in Kinshasa, lower Congo region are of the “ world premiere” in an air­ gave the once demilitarized state central committeeman the embassy as a brutal and formerly Leopoldville. same general ethnic group. plane hangar at the LBJ Ranch. zone between North and South from the 4th Senatorial District, savage act. They contended it The mob started by rushing The military situation in The hour-long documentary, Viet Nam a going over, pound­ and Russell B. Grannls a VISIT THE the building and tossing gaso­ Kl.sangani — formerly Stan­ member of the Republican THREE NEW FIREHOUSES line over a small Portuguese leyville — remained tense. entitled "The Golden Chalice" ing seven North Vietnamese depicts their wedding last A\ig. CHICKEN KING Town Committee. Also on hand MANCHESTER auto. Then they broke through Communications were cut be­ storage areas in the zone. 6. It includes everything from was George T. LaBonne of Glas­ Escaped Youths the heavy iron doors and tween Kinshasa and Kisangani In South Viet Nam, ground (T H A T ISl tonbury, GOP candidate for the SHOE BOX stormed the upper floors., shortly after fighting between the walk down the aisle to Luci fighting was small and scat­ doing the frug in her wedding tered.
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