23164 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE September 30 pension laws. Of most interest this ses­ maintenance of Cleveland harbor and articulate congressional districts in the sion is the House passed bill to increase river facilities in 1965. entire Nation. I take particular pride in non-service-connected pensions for vet­ The Department of Health, Education, the fact that these citizens have awarded erans and their widows, and to revise up­ and Welfare will spend $709,000 on the me their confidence and support during ward limits of permissible income with­ Lake Erie Portion of a comprehensive the decade I have served them in the U.S. out loss of pension. This measure is on study of the Great Lakes to find a solu­ House of Representatives. the Senate Calendar awaiting action. tion to the problem of pollution of lake My Cleveland and Washington offices waters. are always ready to provide counsel or PUBLIC WORKS It is an honor to represent the nearly assistance for constitutents who are in­ Over $3.5 million will go into survey half a million residents of the 23d district, volved in the increasingly complex prob­ work, construction, and operation and one of the most highly informed and lems of Federal Government. APPROVAL OF PUBLIC WORKS districts and they have a responsibility HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES PLANS to meet the commitments they made in all good faith. Having gone this long WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1964 The SPEAKER laid before the House the following communication which was and, may I say, Mr. Speaker, far beyond The House met ait 12 o'clock noon. read and referred to the Committee on any reasonable time in my opinion that The Chaplain, Rev. Bernard Braskamp, Appropriations: we should have gone, certainly there is D.D., offered the following prayer: great concern on my side of the aisle as HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, I am sure there is on the other side, as to - I Corinthians 4: 2: Moreover it is re­ Washington, D.C., September 25, 1964. just what the timetable is. quired in stewards, that a man be found The Honorable JOHN W. McCORMACK, The Speaker, House of Representatives, When Republicans were in charge of faithful. Washington, D.C. the 80th Congress we adjourned the 2d Almighty God, as we go forth into MY DEAR MB. SPEAKER: Pursuant to the pro­ session June 20. the hours of this day, may we put to visions of section 2 of the Watershed Pro­ When Republicans were again in good account all the talents and capaci­ tection and Flood Prevention Act, as charge of the 83d Congress we adjourned ties for service with which we have been amended, the Committee on Public Works the 2d session August 20. endowed and entrusted. has approved the work plans transmitted to Both of these Congresses were highly We humbly acknowledge that we are you which were referred to this committee. productive in the best interests of the frequently content to merely do our bit The work plans involved are: State, watershed, executive communica­ country. We did the job that needed to and follow the way of least resistance. tion No., committee approval: be done with dispatch. Grant that we may be inspired with Colorado, Home Supply, 2428, September 24, Now, with a Democratic administra­ a lofty sense of mission and give the very 1964. tion and a Congress that is controlled by best of mind and heart ·to discharge, Georgia, Beaverdam Creek, 2428, Septem­ an overwhelming Democrat majority, we faithfully and well, our duties and re­ ber 24, 1964. find a situation in which this body can­ sponsibilities. Georgia, South Fork of Little River, 2428, not seem to legislate and, for some In seeking to please and find favor with September 24, 1964. North Carolina, Crabtree Creek, 2428, Sep­ strange reason beyond my comprehen­ our fellow men, may we never betray or tember 24, 1964. sion, does not know how to quit and go surrender our most assured convictions Oklahoma, Four-Mlle Creek, 2428, Sep­ home. and cherished principles. tember 24, 1964. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, will the May we seek to win and Possess the South Carolina, Three and Twenty Creek, gentleman yield? peace of the joyous ·victor, whose con­ 2428, September 24, 1964. Mr. HALLECK. I yield to the gentle­ science gives him the glorious prospect Idaho, Montpelier Creek, 2539, Septem­ man from Oklahoma. that he belongs to that blessed company ber 24, 1964. Oregon, Sutherlin Creek, 2539, Septem­ Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, in re­ of the faithful, who have no vain regrets ber 24, 1964. sPonse to the distinguished minority and no shattered ruins to lament over. Sincerely yours, leader may I advise that the hope that To Thy name we shall ascribe all the CHARLES A. BUCKLEY, M.C., he expressed that we can complete the praise. Amen. Chairman, Committee on Public Works. business of the session is felt, I think, pretty generally. , Mr. Speaker, all Members would like THE JOURNAL THE LEGISLATIVE SITUATION to go home. Most Members have to The Journal of the proceedings of The HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I ask campaign. Most Members, like myself, yesterday was read and approved. unanimous consent to address the House are canceling speaking engagements for 1 minute. dally. I canceled three of mine this The SPEAKER. Is there objection momi.Iig. MESSAGE FROM THE ~ENATE to the request of the gentleman from But, of course, the obligation to be in A message from the Senate by Mr. Indiana? our districts is also qualified, I think, by Arrington, one of its clerks, announced There was no objection. the obligation to complete the necessary that the Senate had passed without Mr. HALLECK. Mr. Speaker, I have business pending before the House and amendment a concurrent resolution of asked for this time in order to see if we the Congress. the House of the fallowing title: might clarify the legislative situation The gentleman knows full well that H. Con. Res. 367. Concurrent resolution au­ here in the House of Representatives for neither the authorization act nor the thorizing the Clerk of the House to correct the balance of this week and for next appropriation act for foreign aid has the enrollment of the b111H.R.6593. week, if we are to be here next week. been signed into law. The gentleman Before I make the inquiry I think it also knows that both of those acts were The message also announced that the should be said for the record that on passed by the House of Representatives Senate had passed a bill and a joint this side of the aisle, as I am sure is the by the end of the last fiscal year. I be­ resolution of the following titles, in which case on the other side of the aisle, many the concurrence of the House is re­ lieve the Foreign Aid Appropriation Act quested:• · · of us have had no doubt but what this was passed in the House about the first session of Congress would have been ad­ day of this fiscal year. The authoriza­ S. 2249. An act to provide for the estab­ journed before this time. We have made tion bill had been previously passed. We lishment of the Indiana Dunes National commitments to be home in our districts hope to .dispose of those matters expedi­ Lakeshore, and for other purposes; and where we have a right to be and, as a tiously. : S.J. Res. 139. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the United matter of fact, where we have an obliga.­ Also, the gentleman knows that the States -relating to succession to the Presi- tion to be, because we are now in an House has passed all of its appropriation 4ehcy and Vice Presidency and to cases where election year. r bills in due time this year. And, he the President ls unable to discharge the Candidates seeking reelection from the knows further that the social security powers and duties ot his office. House feel this obligation to be in their bill is still in conference. The gentle- 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 23165 man knows that many matters of top I realize there are Members on the I think it is significant, in this time priority are under consideration in con.­ Democratic side of the aisle who are al­ we are here when the press keeps em­ nection with that bill, not only the mat­ ready elected. I am quite sure a lot of phasizing the differences between the ter of increased retirement benefits, but people in some of the big city controlled United States and France, that this the matter of hospitalization for our districts have been reelected, or what many people would voluntarily, paying senior citizens. amounts to that, and it would not make for it out of their own pockets, come to The gentleman knows that that sub­ any difference whether they went home this country for a month or so, to show ject is still before the Congress and that or not. they are friends of ours and that the in trying to give it adequate considera­ There have been some suggestions that ties that have existed between the United tion even at this stage of the session, the maybe this is part of a sinister plot to States and France for so many years are House is responding, I think, not only to keep us here so that we cannot go home still strong in the hearts of the French a national demand but to a great national and campaign, referring to Members on people.
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