AMENDED RETURN Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return OMB No. 1545-0687 Form 990-T (and proxy tax under section 6033( e)} Forcalendaryear2016orothertaxyearbeginning ~~!..._~..2016,andending _~~~!:_~_~..20 ~!.'__ ~@16 DepartmentoftheTreasury "'Information about Form 990-T and its instructions is available at www_irs.gov/form99Ot. Open to Public Inspection for InternalRevenueService ...Donot enterSSN numbersonthis form as it maybe madepublic if yourorganizationis a 501(c)(3). 501(c)(3) Orqanizations Only Nameof organization (0 Check box if namechanged and see instructions.) o Employer identification number (Employees'trust,seeinstructions.) B Exempt undersection Print AUBURN UNIVERSITY 0501( )( ) or Number,street, and room or suite no. If a P.O. box, see instructions. 63-6000724 o 408(e) 0220(e) Type 126 INGRAM HALL E Unrelated businessactivity codes (Seeinstructions.) o 408A 0530(a) City or town, state or province,country, and ZIP or foreign postal code 0529a AUBURN UNIVERSITY AL 36849 451211 531120 C Book valueof all assets F Group exem tion number (See instructions. ~ at end of year 3 062,637793 G Check organization type ~ 0 501(c) corporation 0 501 (c) trust 0 401 (a) trust 0 Other trust H Describe the organization's primary unrelated business activity. ~ BOOKSTORE; RENTALS; ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENTS During the tax year, was the corporation a subsidiary in an affiliated group or a parent-subsidiary controlled group? . ~ 0 Yes [{] No If "Yes," enter the name and identifying number of the parent corporation. ~ Gross receipts or sales Lessreturnsandallowances c Balance ~ 2 Cost of goods sold (Schedule A, line 7) 3 Gross profit. Subtract line 2 from line 1c. 4a Capital gain net income (attach Schedule D) b Net gain (loss) (Form 4797, Part II, line 17) (attach Form 4797) c Capital loss deduction for trusts . 5 Income(loss)from partnershipsand S corporations(attachstatement) 6 Rent income (Schedule C) . 7 Unrelated debt-financed income (Schedule E). 8 Interest,annuities,royalties, andrentsfromcontrolledorganizations (ScheduleF) t---.:=--I-----+--+------I---I-----+-­ 9 Investmentincomeofa sectionSOl (c)(?),(9),or(17)organization(ScheduleG) I---"'-----t-----+-+-----+--I-----+-­ 10 Exploited exempt activity income (Schedule I) . 11 Advertising income (Schedule J) 12 Other income (See instructions; attach schedule) . Total. Combine deductions must be directly connected with the unrelated business income.) 14 Compensation of officers, directors, and trustees (Schedule K) 14 15 Salaries and wages 15 6,621716 16 Repairs and maintenance 16 364065 17 Bad debts 17 26467 18 Interest (attach schedule) 18 19 Taxes and licenses. 19 20 Charitable contributions (See instructions for limitation rules) 20 '121'1 . 21 Depreciation (attach Form 4562) 77; o~ol !illt;:i::j~! 22 Less depreciation claimed on Schedule A and elsewhere on return l22al 1 22b 772050 23 Depletion. 23 24 Contributlons to deferred compensation plans 24 25 Employee benefit programs . 25 26 Excess exempt expenses (Schedule I) 26 27 Excess readership costs (Schedule J) 27 28 Other deductions (attach schedule) 28 5321902 29 Total deductions. Add lines 14 through 28 29 13106200 30 Unrelated business taxable income before net operating loss deduction. Subtract line 29 from line 13 30 542807 31 Net operating loss deduction (limited to the amount on line 30) 31 32 Unrelated business taxable income before specific deduction. Subtract line 31 from line 30 . 32 542807 33 Specific deduction (Generally $1,000, but see line 33 instructions for exceptions) 33 1000 34 Unrelated business taxable income. Subtract line 33 from line 32. If line 33 is greater than line 32, enter the smaller of zero or line 32 . 34 541807 For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see instructions. Cat. No. 11291J Form 990- T (2016) Page 2 35 Organizations Taxable as Corporations. See instructions tax computation. members(sections1561and 1563)check here ~ D See instructions and: a Enteryour shareof the $50,000,$25,000,and $9,925,000taxable income brackets (inthat order): (1) I$ I I (2) I$ I I (3) L:!.....-__ .,---l.----l b Enterorganization'sshareof: (1) Additional 5% tax (notmore than $11,750) (2) Additional 3% tax (not more than $100,000) . c Incometax on the amount on line 34. 36 Trusts Taxable at Trust Rates. See instructions for tax computation. Income tax the amount on line 34 from: D Tax rate schedule or D Schedule D (Form 1041) 37 Proxy tax. Seeinstructions. 38 Alternativeminimumtax. .... .... 39 Tax on Non-Compliant Facility Income. See instructions Total. Add lines 37 38 and 39 to line 35c or whichever 41a Foreigntaxcredit(corporationsattachForm1118;trustsattachForm1116) b Other.credits(seeinstructions). c Generalbusinesscredit. Attach Form3800 (seeinstructions) . d Credit for prior year minimumtax (attach Form8801 or 8827) . e Total credits. Add lines41a through 41d . 42 Subtractline 41e from line 40 . 43 Other taxes. Check if from: D Form4255 D Form8611 D Form8697 D Form 8866 D Other(attachschedule) . 44 Total tax. Add lines 42 and 43. 45a Payments:A 2015 overpaymentcredited to 2016 b 2016 estimatedtax payments . c Tax deposited with Form8868. d Foreignorganizations:Tax paid or withheld at source (seeinstructions) e Backup withholding (seeinstructions) . f Credit for smallemployerhealth insurancepremiums(Attach Form 8941) . g Other credits and payments: D Form2439 _ D Form4136 D Other Total ~ 46 47 48 49 51 At anytime during the 2016 calendar year, did the organizationhavean interestin or asignatureor otherauthority over a financial account (bank,securities, or other)in a foreign country? IfYES, the organizationmay have to file FinCENForm 114, Report of ForeignBank and FinancialAccounts. If YES,enter the nameof the foreign country here ~ 52 Duringthetaxyear,didtheorganizationreceiveadistributionfrom,orwasit thegrantorof,ortransferorto,a foreigntrust? If YES,see instructionsfor otherforms theorganizationmay haveto file. 53 Enterthe amount interest receivedor accrued the tax Paid Preparer Use Only (2016) Form 9OO-T (2016) Page 3 1 Inventoryat beginningof year Inventoryat end of year 2 Purchases 7 Cost of goods sold. Subtract 3 Cost of labor . line 6 from line 5. Enter here and 4a Additional section 263A costs in Part I. line 2 . (attachschedule) b 5 (seeinstructions) 1. Descriptionof property (1)AUBURN ARENA (2)JULE COLLINS SMITH MUSEUM OF FINE ART (3) STUDENT CENTER (4) FROM CONTINUATION - SEE STATEMENT #8 2. Rent receivedor accrued Deductionsdirectly connected with the income (a) From personalproperty (if the percentageof rent (b) From real and personal property (if the 31al in columns 2(a)and 2(b)(attachschedule) for personalproperty is morethan 10% but not percentageof rent for personal property exceeds morethan 50%) 50% or if the rent is based on profit or income) (1) 44244 32308 (2) 65395 1147 (3) 112655 85693 (4) 635815 368747 Total 858109 Total (b) Total deductions. (c) Total income. Add totals of columns 2(a)and 2(b). Enter Enterhereand on page 1. here and on page 1. Part I. line 6. column (A) ~ 858109 Part I. line 6. column (8) ~ 487895 Schedule E-Unrelated Debt-Financed Income (seeinstructions) 3. Deductions directly connected with or allocableto 2. Gross income from or debt-financed property 1. Descriptionof debt-financed property allocable to debt-financed (a) Straight line depreciation Ib) Other deductions property (attachschedule) (attach schedule) (1) (2) (3) (4) 5. Averageadjusted basis 4. AJnountof average 6. Column 8. Allocabledeductions acquisitiondebt on or of or allocableto 7. Gross income reportable 4 divided (column6 x total of columns debt-financed property (column2 x column 6) allocableto debt-financed by column 5 3(a)and 3(b» property (attachschedule) (attach schedule) (1) % (2) % (3) % (4) % Enter hereand on page 1. Enterhereand on page 1. Part I. line 7. column (A). Part I. line 7. column (8). Totals .~ Total dividends-received deductions included in column 8 ~ Form 990- T (2016) Form 990- T (2016) Page 4 Schedule F-Interest, Annuities, Royalties, and Rents From Controlled Organizations (see instructions) Exempt Controlled Organizations 1. Name of controlled 2. Employer 5. Part of column 4 that is 6. Deductions directly 4. Total of specified organization identification number 3. Net unrelated income included in the controlling connected with income payments made (loss) (see instructions) organization's gross income in column 5 (1) (2) (3) (4) Nonexempt Controlled Orqanizatlons 10. Part of column 9 that is 11. Deductions directly 9. Total of specified 8. Net unrelated income included in the controlling connected with income in 7. Taxable Income payments made (loss) (see instructions) organization's gross income column 10 Add columns 5 and 10. Add columns 6 and 11. Enter here and on page 1, Enter here and on page 1, Part I, line 8, column (A). Part I, line 8, column (B). 1. Description of income 2. Amount of income directly connected (attach schedule) Enter here and on page 1, Enter here and on page 1, Part I, line 9, column (A). Part I, line 9, column (B). 3. Expenses 4. Net income (loss) 7. Excess exempt 2. Gross directly from unrelated trade 5. Gross income expenses unrelated 6. Expenses connected with or business (column from activity that (column 6 minus business income attributable to 1. Description of exploited activity production of 2 minus column 3). is not unrelated column 5, but not from trade or column 5 unrelated If a gain, compute business income more than business business income cols. 5 through 7. column 4). 7. Excess readership costs (column 6 2. Gross 6. Readership 3. Direct 5. Circulation minus column 5, but 1. Name of periodical advertising costs advertising costs income not more than income column 4). Totals . ~ Form 990- T (2016) Page 5 'Uftil" Income From Periodicals Reported on a Separate Basis (For each periodical listed in Part II. fill in columns 2 th 7 on a Ii 4. Advertising • Excessreadership 2. Gross gain or (loss)(col. costs(column6 3. Direct 5. Circulation 6. Readership 1. Nameof periodical advertising 2 minuscol. 3). If minuscolumn5. but advertisingcosts income costs income a gain. compute not morethan cols. 5 through 7. column4). Enterhereand on Enterhereand page 1.
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