Stars in Georgia Mercedes-Benz Club of America Peachtree Section Volume 38 Number 2 April, 2017 2017 Upcoming Events – NEXT EVENT – Apr 7-8 – Natchez Euro Fest Classic European Auto Monastery of the Holy Spirit Show – Plan a visit to Mississippi and enjoy this great car show. See article in this issue. Saturday, April 29, 2017, 10:30 a.m. Apr 22 – Board Meeting – Location TBD. Contact JoAnne by Taylor if you wish to attend. Geri Whaley-Ewers, Event Planner Apr 29 – Monastery of the Holy Spirit – Come tour this fa- oin us for a memorable tour of the Monastery of the cility in Conyers and enjoy a day with fellow Mercedes-Benz - Holy Spirit in Conyers on Saturday, April 29, 2017, at enthusiasts. A special private tour just for our group has 10:30 a.m. been arranged. See article in this issue. Brother Callistus, Fundraising and Development Director, May 6 – Holmes Towing Museum and Paper Clip Proj- will take us on a personal tour of the Heritage Center, which ect – Join us for a caravan ride to Chattanooga. Visit the includes a twenty-minute movie. The tour will end with a visit Tow Truck Museum, enjoy lunch at the Chattanooga “Choo to the Chapel, where we will listen to Chants by the monks. Choo”, and visit the “Paper Clip” exhibit honoring Holocaust victims. See article in this issue. After lunch, we will explore the Bonsai Garden and the Ab- bey Shop. May 4-8 – Pinehurst Concours – The Tarheel section has a host of activities planned for members to enjoy in conjunc- A lunch box will be available and we can eat in the Dining tion with this premiere event. See article in this issue. Room of the Monastery or around the pond. Lunch includes a sandwich, salad, chips, cookies, and lemonade or tea. May 19 & 22 – HeimatFest 2017– Performance Driving at Barber Motorsports Park, Birmingham, AL. See article 7KH0RQDVWHU\UHTXLUHVDWZRZHHNFRQ¿UPDWLRQEHIRUHWKH in this issue. event for the lunch boxes. June 8-11 – Highlands Motoring Festival – In the area of Registration fee is $15.00. The lunch box is $11 per person. Highlands, Georgia during this time period? Plan to enjoy The remaining $4 is a donation to the Monastery. To register this annual event. See article in this issue. on-line go to: http://msreg.com/MonasteryHolySpirit or visit June 10 – Membership Appreciation – Join us at the Toc- the Peach Page to register by mail. Registration deadline coa Riverside Restaurant just south of Blue Ridge, Georgia is April 22, 2016. Questions? Please contact Geri Whal- for a FREE lunch. ey-Ewers by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (770) 558-1219. July 22 – Board Meeting – Location TBD. Contact JoAnne Taylor if you wish to attend. Sept 16 – Concours 2017 – This years event will be held at the Atlanta Atheltic Club in Johns Creek. Mark you calendar View Through The Star now! See article in this issue for all of the details! by Sept 30-Oct 1 – Atlanta Concours 2017 – This years JoAnne Taylor, Section President event again will be held at Chateau Elan in Brasselton, pring! That beautiful time of year when a drive anywhere Georgia. See article for volunteer opportunities in this issue. S in Georgia yields views of dogwoods, azaleas, rhodo- dendrons, and more beautiful spring blooms. Let's get out and Oct 27-28 – Fall Drive 2017 – Join us at Fontana Village drive before pollen season! for our fall leaf “peeping” drive. See article in this issue. Our annual Membership Appreciation lunch is coming up Watch for following: soon...June 10th. More details are available in this newsletter, Ź&RQFRXUV-XGJLQJ&OLQLF with information about the unique and lovely setting for this year's celebration of our members. I look forward to seeing MBCA Peachtree Section Sponsored Event continued on page 2 -2- View Through The Star continued from page 1 www.mbcspeahtree.orgZKHUH\RXZLOO¿QGFRSLHVRIUHFHQW newsletters, a complete calendar of scheduled events, many of you there! If you have never had the opportunity to FRQWDFWLQIRUPDWLRQIRURXUVHFWLRQRႈFHUVDQGPDQ\RWKHU attend a club event, the Membership Appreciation event is interesting and informative things. always a sellout, so make your reservations early! The best part of a Mercedes Benz Club Membership are the As you can see from the calendar, our Vice President of Events, PDQ\PHPEHUEHQH¿WVVRPHRIZKLFKDUHOLVWHGEHORZ Diana Quinn, has been busy scheduling our club's events as 1. The Star® Magazine - Your membership to the Mercedes- well as providing information about other car events in our Benz Club of America includes a subscription to our bi- region. There are plenty of opportunities for participating in monthly magazine, The Star®. the event(s) of your choice. 2. Section Newsletter - Section newsletter is published six 7KDQNVWRWKHHႇRUWVRI3DVW3UHVLGHQW'RXJ*HJDQWRDQG times a year. club member Dave Richards, we have an exciting new venue 3. Loyalty Rewards Program (U.S.) - If you've been a for the annual Peachtree Concours d' Elegance which you will member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America for 12 read more about in this newsletter. We are looking forward consecutive months or longer without lapse and are a to a great event, with nearby facilities and a beautiful setting. FXUUHQWPHPEHUQRZ\RX UHHQWLWOHGWRUHFHLYHRႇ Mark your calendars and clean those engines! the purchase or lease price of any NEW Mercedes-Benz This year's Board of Directors has taken a leadership role vehicle. in governance. Along with adopting updated processes 4. &ODVVL¿HG $GV - Mercedes-Benz Club of America, and procedures for handling your money, we have also just may sell merchandise, goods and services through this unanimously passed a motion to require a background check website and in our award-winning magazine, The Star®. IRU DOO RႈFHUV 7KHVH FKDQJHV \RX PD\ UHPHPEHU ZHUH initiated due to the unfortunate circumstances of one of our 5. Club Trips to Germany0HPEHUVKLSEHQH¿WVLQFOXGH sister sections whose treasury was completely wiped out. For WKH H[FOXVLYH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR H[SHULHQFH D ¿UVWFODVV WKLV\HDU VHOHFWLRQFDQGLGDWHVIRUSRVLWLRQVZKLFKFDQDႇHFW European vacation and VIP tours that places you at the WKHWUHDVXU\ZLOOXQGHUJRDQRႈFLDOYHWWLQJSURFHVV:HYLHZ heart of Mercedes-Benz rich history. this as a healthy change and would value your feedback and 6. 15% Discount on Parts from the Mercedes-Benz opinions. Classic Center&OXEPHPEHUVUHFHLYHRႇKDUG WR¿QGSDUWVIURPWKH0HUFHGHV%HQ]&ODVVLF&HQWHULQ Welcome Irvine, California. 7. Discounts on Parts, Service & Accessories at New Peachtree Section Members Participating Mercedes-Benz Dealers - As a Mercedes- by Benz Club of America member, the presentation of your Doug Geganto, Membership Director membership card may entitle you to 5%, 10% or (up to) Welcome to the following new MBCA-Peachtree members: RႇSDUWVVHUYLFHDQGDFFHVVRULHVIURPSDUWLFLSDWLQJ U.S. and Canadian Mercedes-Benz dealers. Helen Flanagan - Martinez, GA Bruce Herstowski - Cumming, GA 8. Refer a Friend Program - Refer a friend to the Mercedes- Michael Middleton - Hephzibah, GA Benz Club of America and get one additional month of Arno Hardtke - Atlanta, GA Club membership FREE, for every friend who joins. Kent Spruill - Martinez, GA 9. Local, Regional & National Events - As a member of Will Wells - Duluth, GA the Mercedes-Benz Club of America, you'll be able to Rory Young - Roswell, GA attend a wide range of driving events and activities in whole heartedly welcome you to the MBCA- your own back yard, your region of the country and in I Peachtree Section, "2015 Section of the Year." We are ¿YHVWDUGHVWLQDWLRQVDFURVVWKH86DQG&DQDGD more than a car club we’re a family all, of whom, enjoy getting 10. &OXE5DႉH - Up to twice a year, the Mercedes-Benz Club out and meeting new members and driving our cars. Through RI$PHULFDFRQGXFWVD5DႉHIRULWV0HPEHUV0HPEHUV the years, my wife and I have been fortunate to have met and purchase tickets for a chance to win great prizes. made many lifelong friends at many of our monthly events. )RUDFRPSOHWHOLVWRIPHPEHUEHQH¿WVSOHDVHYLVLWWKH0%&$ ,FHUWDLQO\KRSHWKDW\RXZLOO¿QGWLPHWKLV\HDUWRSDUWLFLSDWH membership webpage at: https://www.mbca.org/membership in one or more of the events we have scheduled. Our scheduled events include driving, socializing and a variety We thank the members and dealers that assisted in recruiting RI WHFKQLFDO DQG UHVWRUDWLRQ WKHPHV ,¶P FHUWDLQ \RX¶OO ¿QG these new members. DQHYHQWWKDW\RXZLOO¿QGLQWHUHVWLQJ%HVW\HW\RXZLOOJHW to meet and enjoy the company of other Peachtree Section members. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Changes and/or additions may occur between issues, so please check our website at As a member, you will be receiving our section newsletter http://www.mbcapeachtree.org/ to insure you have the “Stars in Georgia” which is published and distributed six latest information. times a year. Please take some time to visit our webpage -3- parts, and having been an authorized Bosch Service Center for over 30 years. They expertly service both new and late model M-B’s with the latest in MBUSA diagnostic tools/devic- es, as well as the older “classic” models (e.g., I saw a 250SE Cabriolet and a 280SL in for service, and Josi still has a gor- geous ’59 220SE Ponton Cabriolet Rudi purchased in ’76 as Article by: Roger McKissick D ³EDUQ ¿QG´ VXEVHTXHQWO\ UHVWRUHG 7KHLU FOLHQWHOH QRW Austrian Motors, Ltd. 627 14th St. NW, Atlanta, GA 30318 From Austria to the U.S. – Austrian Motors, Ltd. is another great American success story. Rudi and Josi Waldschuetz both grew up in Vienna, Austria. Rudi worked with an autho- rized M-B repair facility in Vienna and studied mechanics for ¿YH \HDUV PRYLQJ LPSUHVVLYHO\ IURP $SSUHQWLFH WR 0DVWHU Mechanic. Rudi and Josi married and emigrated to the U.S. in Nov. 1970, where Rudi worked with an authorized M-B dealer in Baltimore until Josi’s sister and brother-in-law invited them to live in Atlanta in the fall of ‘71.
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