Transcripts of Documents of the 3rd Regiment of York Militia During the War of 1812 With a Microfilm Index Taken from Library and Archives Canada Reference: RG9, Militia and Defence, Series 1-B-7 Volumes 1, 16-19 From Digital Microfilms On Line at http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/microform-digitization/006003-110.02- e.php?&q2=35&interval=50&sk=0&&PHPSESSID=v7eqsqq9pelq09h71e9obolmhm7en a182piflfvomaujktigni51 Transcribed by Fred Blair Copyright March 3, 2019 Introduction These documents were transcribed here in order by the date of each pay period or muster roll. The microfilm documents were not in this order. There were multiple copies of some documents and those usually included some changes. The transcribers comments appear in square brackets. A number of these payrolls include detachments in which the 3rd York men served with the 1st York and 1st Durham men. Note that there were variations in the spelling of the men’s names. Some men served in more than one company during the war and some were transferred between regiments and corps. It was difficult to ascertain which of the men in the mixed detachments were from the 3rd York Militia. The transcriber has identified as many as possible in each set of Remarks, based upon the same names having been found in other 3rd York companies and detachments. The 3rd York men were present at the Capture of Fort Detroit, the Battle of Queenston Heights, and the Capture of York. Captains Heward and Cameron commanded flank companies at Queenston. For a number of reasons, those payrolls were not found in this collection. The muster area of the 3rd York included the townships north and east of the Town of York. The 1st York Militia mustered from the town and the 2nd York Militia mustered from the townships to the west. This set of documents included muster rolls, pay lists, pay adjustments, officer’s property tax on pay, killed and disabled lists, officer’s commission and promotion dates, retired officer lists, and returns of men and ordnance. As well as routine militia serve, from the document titles and remarks, men were absent with and without leave, deceased, detained by sickness, deserters, disabled, escorting American prisoners, exempted from service, hidden in the woods, impressing teamsters, in companies, in detachments, in gaol, in the cavalry, in rifle companies, in Scotland, in the artillery, in the commissariat, in the engineers department, in the field train department, in the hospital, in the King’s works, in the presidents office, in the transport services, killed, looking for deserters, officer’s servants, omitted from pay lists, on bateaux service, on command, on duty, on furlough, on guard, on parole, on public service, paymaster clerks, prisoners, promoted and demoted, repairing roads, substitutes for other men, sick at home, teamsters, transferred to other companies or regiments like the Incorporated Militia, and wounded. Daily pay rates were: Colonel 17 Shillings Major 16 Shillings Captain 10 Shillings 6 pence Adjutant 8 Shillings 6 pence Lieutenant 6 Shillings 6 pence Quarter Master 6 Shillings 6 pence Ensign 5 Shillings 3 pence Sergeant Major 2 Shillings Sergeant 1 Shilling 4 pence Private 6 pence Officer’s Horse 2 Shillings 6 pence There are at least three other sets of documents from this regiment in other collections. Captain Samuel Ridout’s Order Book is online from Collections Canada at http://data2.archives.ca/e/e435/e010869208.pdf. His May 7, 1814, Muster Roll was also available online but I do not have a source for it. Captain Cameron’s 1812 muster rolls transcription is at http://my.tbaytel.net/bmartin/militia.htm and includes a muster roll of men at the Capture of Fort Detroit. There may be other documents in other collections. If you find more, please let me know. [1812] Microfilm t-10384, Volumes 18-19 Documents 16-28 Pages 1040-1052 Supplementary Pay List 1st Regiment York Militia Captain Selby’s Company 3rd Regiment York Militia Captain Cameron’s & Captain Heward’s Companies From 25 July to 24 December 1812 [and to Feb. 24, 1813] Rank and Name From To Remarks Capt. Cameron’s Sgt. Thomas Humberston 25 Sept. 24 Oct. Had leave of Absence from the late Major General Brock 6th October 1812 Sgt. Edward McBride 25 Aug. 24 Sept. On duty by order of the late Major General Brock 25 Nov. 24 Dec. Detained at Niagara by Sickness Sgt. Thomas Bright 25 Oct. 24 Nov. Had leave of Absence from His Sgt. John Thompson “ “ Honor Major General Sheaffe 18th November 1812 being married men and their families standing much in want of their assistance Capt. Heward’s Sgt. William Huntingdon “ “ Obtained leave to return to his family residing in the Township of Whitby, they being in great want, on the 18th of November – his aged Parents depending on for support his father is since Dead he was mustered for the month ending 24th December at York as a Private only. Privates [24] Capt. Selby’s Martin Stiles 25 Nov. 24 Dec. Was omitted in the Muster Roll He was that same day on Guard Capt. Cameron’s Henry Hale 25 Oct. 15 Nov. Had leave of Absence from His Samuel Lewis “ “ Honor Major General Sheaffe Thomas Simpson “ 24 Nov. 18th November 1812 being William Myers “ 21 Nov. married men and their families Charles Leonard “ 24 Nov. standing much in want of their assistance Adam Ward 25 Sept. 24 Oct. Very sick & allowed to return John Kennedy “ “ home for the benefit of their Health October 1812 William Lawrence 25 Oct. 24 Nov. ditto Novemr. 1812 John Tirer “ “ A Musket Ball through both legs at the Battle of Queenston 13 Octr. 1812 & allowed to return home 10 November 1812 Thomas Smith 25 Sept. 13 Oct. Killed in the Battle of Queenston Andrew Kennedy 25 Dec. 24 Jan. Severely wounded at the Battle of Thomas Major “ 24 Feb. Queenston & remained in Hospital at Fort George, Andrew Kennedy ‘til January & Thomas Major until Febrary 1813. Capt. Hewards Elisha Dexter 25 Oct. 24 Nov. Was allowed to return to York on the 1st November, he being dangerously ill. As soon as he recovered he returned to his Company on the Lines on the last of November but was not mustered for that month at York – he was only mustered for the Month of December John Young “ “ Obtained leave on the 18th of November to return to York to his family, who were sick Leonard Marsh “ “ Had leave on the 18 November to return to his family, who were in great distress & wholly depending on him for support. N.B. The Three last mentioned men & William Huntingdon, the 5th Sergeant above mentioned, did Duty on the Lines ‘till the periods mentioned in the Column of Remarks & were taken Ill after they returned home Thomas Adams “ “ Obtained Leave to return to York on the 18 November last his family being sick (his Wife is since dead) & did duty until that day (18th Novr.) William Smith “ “ Had leave on the 18 Novemr. To return to York being sick & unfit for duty & to endeavour to procure a substitute. William Harrison “ “ Had leave about the 1st Novr. To return to York he having been for some time in bad health & unfit for duty Jacob Anderson “ “ Had Leave to return to York, after being mustered as above, to see his family, who were represented as sick, he being one of three Brothers then in Captain Heward’s Company. N.B. LeCompte & Anderson after being with their families some days returned to the Garrison of York & did duty from 16 to 24th Novr. For which they received pay. Peter Whitney 25 July 24 Aug. Was omitted in the Muster Roll for this month the Pay Lists being completed before the Detachment returned from Detroit, he being in that Detachment – it was not discovered ‘till the money was received for and paid to the Company, the day previous to the Embarkment of the same for Niagara. Anthony Gilgore “ “ On Command at Detroit at omitted to be mustered as above stated William Brock 24 Nov. 24 Dec. Arrived at York from Niagara Lines in the 20 December, and went into the County to see his friends & did not return to the Garrison in time for Muster on the 24th. Signed 12th March 1813. Microfilm t-10384, Volume 17 Documents 31-33 & 193-194 Pages 377-379 & 478-479 Third Regiment of York Militia Captain Thomas Hamilton’s Company [Sept 7 to 22, 1812] Rank and Name From To Capt. Thomas Hamilton 7 Sept. 22 Sept. Lieut. Ely Playter “ “ Ensign William M. Jarvis “ “ Sgt. Thomas Jobbett “ “ Sgt. Robert Johnson “ “ Privates [45] Collin Drummond 7 Sept. 15 Sept. Andrew O’Keeffe “ 22 Sept. Andrew Bingham “ “ Alexander Legg “ “ Andrew Thomson “ 15 Sept. Alexander Thomson “ “ Alexander Hamilton “ 22 Sept. Amos Allden “ 15 Sept. Bradshaw McMurry “ 22 Sept. Daniel Carley “ “ Eliakum Andrews “ “ Erastus Gilbert “ “ Edward Webster “ 15 Sept. Francis Rolo “ 22 Sept. Henry Ernest “ “ Henry Webster “ “ Harvey Gilbert “ “ Henry Stoner “ 15 Sept. John Jordan “ 22 Sept. John Lyons “ “ John Hayes “ “ John McBeth “ “ John Murphy “ “ John McPherson “ “ John Vanzanter Jr. “ “ Joseph Burton “ “ James Penny “ “ Joseph Charles “ “ James Thomson “ 15 Sept. Isaac Lemereaux “ “ John Hunter “ 22 Sept. Moses R. Eaton “ “ Mark McCauley “ 12 Sept. Peter Ernest “ 22 Sept. Philip Peters “ “ Peter Pelkie “ 15 Sept. Timothy McPherson “ 22 Sept. Thomas Coates “ “ Thomas Wood Jr. “ “ Thomas Deary “ “ Thomas Forfer “ 15 Sept. William Lancaster “ 22 Sept. William Phillips “ “ William Moody “ “ William P. Patrick “ 19 Sept. Microfilm t-10384, Volume 17 Document 34 Page 380 Particular of the Regulated Stoppages for Provisions for Commissioned Officers And Particulars of the Assessment for Property Tax on the Pay of Officers Sept.
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