College of William & Mary Law School William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...) Archives and Law School History 1991 Amicus Curiae (Vol. 2, Issue 2) Repository Citation "Amicus Curiae (Vol. 2, Issue 2)" (1991). Student Newspaper (Amicus, Advocate...). 378. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers/378 Copyright c 1991 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository. https://scholarship.law.wm.edu/newspapers Demise of the Kinko's pack? See page 5 AMERICA'S FIRST LAW SCHOOL VOLUME IT, ISSUE TWO MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1991 1WENTY PAGES Three women attacked Two graduate students victims of attempted rape; city resident accosted and chased By HEATHER SUE RAMSEY dormitory by a man who emerged from Police are investigating the attempted the bushes. rape of two female graduate students and Both student victims gave sirnilarphysi­ an assault on a female city resident cal descriptions of their attackers: a li!!ht­ On Friday, September 6, at 4:30p.m., skinned Black male, approximately six an unknown assailant attacked a female feet tall, wearing black shorts and a base­ graduate student in the parking lot adja­ ball cap. The third victim described her cent to the Williamsburg-James City attacker as a tall, slim Black male. County courthouse. The following day, On Sunday afternoon, September 8, another student was attacked as she ap­ Vice President for Student Affairs W. Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell proached her apartment off Capital Land- Samuel Sadler had notices describing the (center) v~ted Marshall-Wythe last week. Here he is ing Road at about 8 p.m. On Sunday first two incidents posted prominently shown hobnobbing with Prof. Rod Smolla (left) and evening at around 12:30 am., a female Prof. Stephen Wermiel (right). city resident parked her car on Prince See ATTACKS, page 20 GeorgeStreetand was chased into a nearby Supreme Court Preview will analyze next Term's cases By WILL DeVAN Stephen Wermiel of the Bill of of the WashingtonPostandBruce sessions particularly lively." will provide a critique of the Sen­ The Bill of Rights Institute Rights Institute. Fein of the Washington Times. One new feature will be a panel ate's proper role under the "ad­ will host the Fourth Annual Su­ Of additional interest will be Srnolla noted that these journal­ discussion on the confirmation vise and consent" clause and a preme Court Preview on Friday discussion of cases involving the istscoverthecourteverydayand hearings of United States Su­ discussion of how the theory and and Saturday,September27-28. application of civil rights laws to said that "the mix of journalists preme Court nominee Clarence practice of confrrmation hearings The Preview provides an inter­ bar Operation Rescue from anti­ and law professors makes the Thomas. This panel discussion actually works. esting look at the issues the Court abortion protests and the First will decide in the corning term Amendmentirnplicationsof"Son through a series of panel discus­ of Sam" laws barring convicted College bails out bankrupt SBA sions, seminars and moot courts criminals from receiving royal­ open to the entire student body. ties on books about their crimes. SBAforegoesfuture revenues; directory may not appear This year's Preview will fea­ Additionally, the Court will By KEVIN KRONER not eliminate the SBA's budget fmances toanswermany of them. ture fewer cases than previous decide whether federally man­ The big question around Mar­ problems. Results of the audit are not ex­ years', however the previewed dated warnings on cigarette pack­ shall-Wythe lately has been, One consequence of the bud­ pected for another week. cases will be some of the most ages pre-empt state product lia­ "Will SBA members be gaining get debt will be a change in the One likely casualty of the bud­ important to reach the Court in bility laws. Also examined will any personal experience in bank­ business relationships between get crisis appears to be the law several Tenns. Moot courts will be three cases in which the Court ruptcy law?" According to re­ the SBA and CW. Representa­ school directory. Brooks said examine cases in which the Court will try to define when states portsfrom theStudentBar Asso­ tives from CW have said that if that the information used in corn­ is expected explicitly to overturn may be relieved ofcourt supervi­ ciation meeting last Wednesday, the debt is paid in full this month, piling the directory will not be the Lemon v. Kurtzman test, sion relating to school desegre­ the answer is almost, but not the foundation will continue to available until at least Friday, which has govern~ constitu­ gation. quite. do business with the SBA in the and it will take at least another tional analysis in state-church The Preview will feature pan­ According to President Rich­ future. However, in the future four to five days to get the book relations, and a case in which the elists who "know the Supreme ard Brooks, the SBA very nearly CW will require a deposit of up printed. Court will consider the constitu­ Court better than anyone in the ceased to exist financially, due to to 75% of the cost of any sched­ Brooks suggested to i.he SBA tionality ofso-called hate speech country" according to Professor a $6,000 debt owed to Colonial uled event that instead of spending $400 on for the first time. Rodney Srnolla, who will serve Williamsburg (CW). As ofTues­ At Wednesday's meeting, the free directory, it would be 'The Preview is one of the as moderator of the event day evening, there seemed to be Brooks urged SBA members to wiser to ensure that all law stu­ best ways to get a feel for the Among those attending will no alternative but to shut down come up with creative fund-rais­ dents receive a copy of the cam­ tough and important cases the be S \1Z3Dne Sherry from the Uni­ all operations. By 11 :00 am. on ing ideas. Because of the agree­ pus directory. Those directories court will be deciding this year versity of Minnesota, author ofA Wednesday, however, Brooks ment reached by Brooks and are scheduled to be distributed from people who not only know History of the American Consti­ and Ken Smith, Dean of Student Smith, all of the usual law school during the first week of October. the law, but who also know the tution. Prominent journalists who Activities, had worked out an functions, such as Fall from Grace According to Brooks, the cam­ Court and its players," said Prof. will participate are Ruth Marcus agreement which will keep the and Barristers' Ball, will be held pus directory offers more com­ SBA running. this year. However, all SBA plete information, including stu­ Details of the agreement are functions will have to be planned dents' permanent addresses, as not fully available, butitinvolves with extra care. Brooks said that well as information on faculty the College paying the remain­ every SBA activity will have to and staff for the entire campus. der of the debt to CW and de­ operate at a profit this year. Although the Campus directory ducting it from the money the Many questions regarding the was not made available to Mar­ SBA would have received from budget problems remain unan­ shall-Wythe students last year, next semester's student fees. swered. Both Brooks and SBA Brooks has been assured that the Brooks said that while he is sat­ treasurer StephanieCangin (3L), College will provide the book to isfied with the agreement, it does expect the ongoing audit of SBA all law students this year. 2 =================================================================:===:;=Monday, September 16, 1991 THE AMicus CURIAE From the Editors' desks ... Out of our heads My mother always told me actual- rapes, Sadler's office would be for the College to have Is it time to sue? that the best place to find a help­ has been notably silent. The only an organized escort program, but Most law students would probably agree that the reason the ing hand is at the end of your effort most law student have seen that doesn't seem to be much of parking situation irks us so much is that many aspects of it seem arm. In the wake of the recent on the part of the Campus Police a priority for the folks over on the unjust. For example, before frrst-years arrived here they received assaults on two female graduate has been the ticketing of student main campus. Until those priori­ literature that made owning a parking sticker seem like a good students, the Marshall-Wythe cars parked in the Common Glory ties change, law students will idea. So they bought stickers by mail, or during orientation, only community has learned the wis­ parking lot at last Friday's Lake need to keep looking out for each to discover later that the $50 stickers were virtually worthless. dom of mom's adage. Matoaka party. other. Likewise, other law students who made the wise decision not To give credit where credit is The students of this school, The current situation is an to buy stickers have recently been outraged to learn that (1) cars due, Vice President for Student particularly Kate Atkins and the awkward one for both sexes. parked on campus without a sticker can be ticketed at any time, Affairs Sam Sadler did inform Campus Safety Committee, Some women don't like to admit not just before 5 p.m., and (2) any student who receives a ticket the community of the attacks should be commended for their they'refrightened,andsomemen is automatically required to purchase a sticker.
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