§mcrican 1.ibrarp §~~ociatfon FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY CONFERENCE, ATLANTIC CITY-PHILADELPHIA 0 CT O B E R 4 ~ 9, I 9 2 6 1876=1926 ~~~~~~~~~~~~-" i ~mtrican Eibr arp ~isisotiation [ t ~~~ 1876=1926 ~~~ r i OFFICIAL PROGRAM r t ~ FOR TY~ EIGHTH ~ r i ANNUAL MEETING AND ~ i FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY ~ i ~~CONFERENCE~~ ~ i ~ i ~ f ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ~ i ATLANTIC CITY-PHILA~ ~ i DELPHIA,OCTOBER4~9,1926 ~ K~~~~~~~~~~~)C l"""'"""'~""" CONTENTS PAGB i (!)ffic OFFICERS •• • • 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS 5 i IO PROGRAM OF GENERAL SESSIONS l(~~~~ PROGRAMS OF SECTIONS, AFFILIATED ORGANIZATIONS AND OTHER GROUPS . • . 13 CHARLES F . D. BEI AGRICULTURAL LIBRARIES SECTION .•. 13 AMERICAN AssocIATION OF LAw LIBRARIES . 13 jfit ART REFERENCE RouND TABLE .. 14 MRS. ELIZABETH CLAYP( BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SocIETY OF AMERICA . 14 Depart'ment, In CATALOG SECTION . .. 15 ~Ct CHILDREN. s LIBRARIANS SECTION 15 THEODORE W. KocH, No COLLEGE AND REFERENCE SECTION 16 A. L. A. COUNCIL . 17 CouNTY LIBRARIES RouND TABLE . 18 EDWARD D. TwEEDELL, HosPITAL LIBRARTHS RouND TABLE 18 LEAGUE OF LIBRARY COMMISSIONS . 19 LENDING SECTION . 19 The president, vice-J LIBRARY BUILDINGS RouND TABLE 19 m NATIONAL Assoc1ATION OF STATE LIBRARIES 2.0 .1fot U ORDER AND BooK SELECTION RouND TABLE 2.0 WILLIAM w. BISHOP, u PERIODICAL ROUND TABLE . 2.1 2.1 PROFESSIONAL TRAINING SECTION . JAMES I. WYER, New 2.2. PuBLIC DocuMENTS RouND TABLE jfor U RELIGIOUS BooK RouND TABLE . 2.2. CHARLES H. CoMP1 SCHOOL LIBRARIES SECTION . ERNEST J. REECE, School SMALL LIBRARIES ROUND TABLE. SPECIAL LIBRARIES AssocIATION TRAINING CLASS SECTION . .1fot ~ TRUSTEES SECTION . MILTON J. FERGUSO~ UNIVERSITY LIBRARY ExTENSION SERVICE RouND TABLE 2.7 F. K. wALTERJ WORK WlTH THE FOREIGN BORN 2.8 .1fot ~ SCHEDULE FRANKLIN F. HoPPB INDEX .. EmTH ToBITI • Appoin kd by the E::iecutivc Board 2. x_~~~~~,~~~~"~~~ i ~ i ®fficer~, 1925= 1926 ~ i ~ !(~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ttsibtnt CHARLES F. D. BELDEN, Public Library, Boston, Mass . .1fitst Wict-~ttsibtnt MRs. ELIZABETH CLAYPOOL EARL, Indiana Library and Historical Deparmient, Indianapolis; Address, Muncie, Indiana. ~tconb Wict=,latesibtnt THEODORE W. KocH, Northwestern University Library, Evanston, Illinois. m:reasuttt EDWARD D. TwEEDELL, The John Crerar Library, Chicago, Illinois. ~Xttutibt j/joatb The president, vice-presidents, treasurer and eight other mc;!J1bers as follows: .1fot m:etm ~xpiting 1926 WILLIAM W. BISHOP, University of Michigan General Library, Ann Arbor, Mich. JAMES I. WYER, New York State Library, Albany, New York. jfot m:etm ~xpiting 1927 CHARLES H. CoMPTON, Public Library, St. Louis, Mo. ERNEST J. REECE, School of Library Service, Columbia University, New York City .1fot m:etm ~xpiting 1928 MILTON J. FERGUSON,* State Library, Sacramento, Calif. F. K. WALTER, University of Minnesota Library, Minneapolis, Minn . .1fot m:etm ~xpiting 1929 FRANKLIN F. HOPPER, Public Library, New York, N. Y. EDITH ToBITT, Public Library, Omaha, Nebr. • Appointed by the Executive Board to fill vacancy for one year. 3 ~ecrttarp CARL H. MILAM, 86 East Randolph St., Chicago, Ill. 1,1!,-,"""'- ~ssistant ~ecrttarp i ~n SARAH C. N. BoGLE, 86 East Randolph St., C~icago, Ill. i k'~~~~; ~rustees of Qenbolument jfunb MELVIN A. TRAYLOR, Chicago. (Term expires 192.6.) HARRY A. WHEELER, Chicago. (Term expires 192.7.) The Ambassador, At GEORGE WooDRUFF, Chicago. (Term expires 192.8.) Hotel. For all members of th ~onorarp ®ffiters ference, except those me in the current year, there Honorary Presidents: (By-laws, Sec. I, paragra HERBERT PUTNAM R.R. BOWKER Each conference costs Honorary Vice Presidents: Members who attended 1876 conference: The purpose of the regis R. R. BowKER, CHARLES EvANS, expense on those who at leges rather than on all FLORENCE M. CusHING, W. E. FosTER, MELVIL DEWEY, E. FANNIE WHITNEY. it impossible to attend. Members who attended 1877 conference: The badge is your rm Please wear it all week. WALTER STANLEY BISCOE, WILLIAM HARDEN, ·. CAROLINE M. HEWINS. The Official Bulletin ] tration desk. Watch the j <!Committee on tbe jfiftietb ~nnibersarp will not be read at the G CARL B. RoDEN, Chairman. MARY EILEEN AHERN, ANDREW KEOGH, All members of the A. JoHN AsHHURST, WILLIS H. KERR, vote on one day during t ARTHUR E. BosTWICK, GEORGE H. LocKE, posted on the bulletin bo2 MRS. J. R. DALE, H. M. LYDENBERG, M. J. FERGUSON, T. L. MONTGOMERY, JENNIE M. FLEXNER, ANNE Ivl. MuLHERON, The Executive Commi w. E. HENRY, E. C. RICHARDSON, ation will act as a special FREDERICK C. HICKS, ALICE S. TYLER, Members of the New: DORSEY w. HYDE, JR., GEORGE B. UTLEY, badg-es marked "New Je ALICE M. JORDAN, HILLER C. WELLMAN, service, especially in welo L. W. JOSSELYN, .J. L. WHEELER, conference for the first ti1 J. I. WYER. JJnf Ex-Officio: The local Information CHARLES F. D. BELDEN, 192.5-2.6. Hotel, with members oft are p~epared to give info plannmg short excursions 4 ~~~~~~~~~~~~)C i ~ i ~nnounctmtnt~ ~ i ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~)( 1i,eabquatters The Ambassador, Atlantic City, will be the Headquarters Hotel. l\egistration For all members of the Association attending any regular con­ ference, except those members who have paid an initiation fee in the current year, there shall be a registration fee of one dollar. (By-laws, Sec. I, paragraph A.) Each conference costs the Association from $1,000 to $3,000. The purpose of the registration fee is to place the burden of this expense on those who attend the conference and share in its privi­ leges rather than on all members, including many who have found it impossible to attend. The badge is your receipt. It entitles you to many privileges. Please wear it all week. jlilulletin jliloarb The Official Bulletin Board is placed near the A. L. A. regis­ tration desk. Watch the board for announcements. Some of them will not be read at the General Sessions. ~ledion All members of the A. L.A. who have not voted by mail may vote on one day during the conference. Announcement will be posted on the bulletin board. 1i,ospitalitp The Executive Committee of the New Jersey Library Associ­ ation will act as a special New Jersey Hospitality Committee. Members of the New Jersey Library Association will wear badges marked ''New Jersey'', and will be glad to be of any service, especially in welcoming members attending an A. L. A. conference for the first time. 3Jnformation ,Desk The local Information Desk is situated in the Ambassador Hotel, with members of the local committees in attendance. They are prepared to give information about the city and to assist in planning short excursions to places of interest. 5 · Emily Van Dorn Miller, g ~ail Helen Burling, editorial assi A special postal employee is assigned under direction of the courses, and Everett 0. Fon ti hotel to take care of letter and parcel mail for people at the con - will be at the A. L. A. exhibi ference. hours to be announced, or b Local mail, messages and packages should be directed and sent courses and suggestions for to the individual's hotel room whenever possible. The A. L. A. a Purpose series will be wel registration desk will handle mail when other delivery is not I possible. All exhibit booths, prof 'QJ::rabel ~ommittee main floor of the Ambass. Representatives of this Committee will be on duty near the charge. In addition to "1 registration desk in the Ambassador Hotel at announced hours to publications, children's boo assist members in their travel arrangements. there are "commercial" dis binding, pictures, encyclope< -eeting ~laces An exhibit representing 1 The schedule of meetings on page 30 of this program ind_i­ most complete exhibit of iti cates the room in which each meeting will be held. Those m the Education Building o charge of meetings who find it necessary to arrange for ot~er than Philadelphia. scheduled meetings should make the request for room assignment Souvenirs of the Revolut through the office of the Secretary of the A. L. A. in order to shelves of the University o : avoid confusion. is on exhibit at the library. Easily accessible places in the Ambassador Hotel will be desig- and includes items relating nated ·as consultation places. Placards will be posted for the Independence, Washington, different groups, to facilitate the getting together of those inter­ vania, early American plays ested in particular subjects. ~ ~ersonnel 1.Dibision Special trains will run on Members of the Personnel Division will hold regular office attending the Anniversary hours during the conference. A; room _has _been_ assigned ~o the morning, the buffet luncheo Division where those interested m securing librarians or assistants and the afternoon receptio and those desiring a change of position may discuss their problems. vania. Railway tickets wi and Tuesday at the Amb See the bulletin board for announcement. For information about sig jfree ~eriobs sult F. H. Price at the Tra\l The free periods on_ the sc~edule h~v_e been arran~ed by th_e A popular program wi Forum, Education Buildin~ Program Committee with a view to giving opportunity for pri­ vate conferences and freedom for recreation. Officers of the vari­ o'clock, Arthur E. Bostwic ous groups are urged not to announce special meetings for these ,»inner free periods. Wednesday evening and l\abio ~rogram and luncheon meetings ofi Through the courtesy of broadcasting station WPG a number arrangements for which are of A. L. A. radio talks have been scheduled for the week. office. Watch the bulletin jl}etu ~ublications The A. L. A. Publicit The Fiftieth Anniversary publications, new readin~ ~~urse_s, publicity assistant will ha and other important A. L. A. publications are on exhib1t1on rn them promptly about all im booth No. 2.1 on the main floor of the Ambassador. 6 · Emily Van Dorn Miller, general editor of A.
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