E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 113 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 160 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 2014 No. 90 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was direct result of the administration’s in- 4805, the No Subsidies Without Verifi- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- sistence on moving forward with their cation Act of 2014. pore (Mr. SMITH of Missouri). arbitrary October 1, 2013, open enroll- The tax credits and cost-sharing as- f ment date, regardless of the con- sistance for ObamaCare premiums ad- sequences. ministered by HHS is estimated to DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Consider the problem this presents as amount to a staggering $10 billion per TEMPORE there is currently no realtime system month, making this one of the largest The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- in place to ensure only those who qual- entitlement programs in the Nation. fore the House the following commu- ify for subsidies receive them. This My bill would simply require an in- nication from the Speaker: means that hardworking American tax- come verification system to be put into WASHINGTON, DC, payers may be left on the hook for po- place before any additional taxpayer June 11, 2014. tentially billions of dollars in fraudu- subsidies are given out. I hereby appoint the Honorable JASON T. lent subsidy payments. Furthermore, it Mr. Speaker, ObamaCare has become SMITH to act as Speaker pro tempore on this means that someone who simply fills such a boondoggle that the nonpartisan day. out their ObamaCare enrollment appli- Congressional Budget Office can’t even JOHN A. BOEHNER, cation incorrectly could be hounded for score it anymore. My commonsense Speaker of the House of Representatives. years by the Internal Revenue Service legislation would slow the bleeding this f for back taxes owed on improper pay- law is having on American taxpayers, MORNING-HOUR DEBATE ments. and I look forward to working with my This problem was entirely prevent- colleagues to move it forward. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- able. That is why, in the wake of the f ant to the order of the House of Janu- clandestine holiday rules change that ary 7, 2014, the Chair will now recog- delayed income verification provisions COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION nize Members from lists submitted by in ObamaCare last summer, I intro- REFORM the majority and minority leaders for duced legislation that would have pre- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The morning-hour debate. vented any ObamaCare subsidies from Chair recognizes the gentleman from The Chair will alternate recognition being doled out until a system was in Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. between the parties, with each party place to make sure that only those who Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, some limited to 1 hour and each Member were determined eligible would receive things do not change after a primary, other than the majority and minority them. The House acted on this legisla- even a primary result that no one, in- leaders and the minority whip limited tion, passing it in a bipartisan vote cluding the winning candidate, had pre- to 5 minutes, but in no event shall de- last September to help protect the dicted. The thing that does not change bate continue beyond 11:50 a.m. American taxpayers from rampant with the political winds in Washington f fraud and abuse. is the calendar. There are only 10 legis- Unfortunately, instead of giving my lative days before the July Fourth re- NO SUBSIDIES WITHOUT bill the consideration that it deserved, cess. VERIFICATION ACT the Senate stripped the verification Another thing has not changed. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The provision contained in the bill and re- Republican Party and the Republican Chair recognizes the gentlewoman from placed it with language requiring a leadership have a difficult choice. They Tennessee (Mrs. BLACK) for 5 minutes. mere report to Congress by Health and can choose to address the immigration Mrs. BLACK. Mr. Speaker, more than Human Services Secretary Kathleen issue head-on and get it resolved, and 1 million Americans who signed up for Sebelius at the end of last year, certi- give the Republican nominee in 2016 a health care on the Federal ObamaCare fying that there is a system in place to fighting chance in his or her run for exchange may be receiving an incor- verify incomes before subsidies are the White House, or they can go back rect taxpayer subsidy for their plan paid out. to the bunker, sharpen their anti- due to the fact that the Obama admin- Predictably, this weakened income Obama knives, and never get to the istration pushed this law through be- verification language has failed, and White House in the next generation, fore the systems were in place to accu- we have now learned from news reports possibly two. rately confirm eligibility. that over 1 million Americans are po- As I have said on the floor before, if This isn’t mere incompetence on the tentially receiving an amount in error. there is no serious immigration reform part of the White House; no, this is a That is why I have now introduced H.R. action headed toward a floor vote in b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5251 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:43 Mar 21, 2015 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\RECORD14\JUN 2014\H11JN4.REC H11JN4 bjneal on DSK2TWX8P1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE H5252 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 11, 2014 the House by July Fourth, we will not Not a single Republican who opposes Reynolds High School, the second- see action at all, and it will be left up immigration reform needs to vote for largest in the State of Oregon, was the to the President to rescue the country it—not one. And we will still have a scene of the tragic murder of 14-year- from the worst aspects of our dysfunc- majority of the House voting to do old Emilio Hoffman, a junior high tional immigration system. what a majority of Americans want school varsity soccer player and volun- On the Democratic side, we all prefer them to do; that is, address our broken teer soccer coach. He was gunned down; a legislative solution where the House, immigration system. a teacher was wounded, and the shoot- like our counterparts in the Senate, Next week in Judiciary we will have er, apparently an ex-student, dead. pass bills signed by the President. But a hearing on the crisis of unaccom- I was struck by, just a few days ear- in the absence of anything resembling panied minors fleeing Central America, lier, when The Onion, the satirical leadership from the legislature, the and we will be pointing fingers at ev- newspaper, had their response to this President will not just sit back and eryone but ourselves, and not, I would recent spate of shootings that has watch a bad situation get worse. He note, using the few remaining legisla- shaken us all. will act in accordance with existing tive days available to craft a sensible The Onion headline read: law to protect all immigrants he can. I border and immigration strategy as ‘‘No Way To Prevent This,’’ Says Only Na- believe he can protect literally mil- our colleagues did in the Senate almost tion Where This Regularly Happens. lions of them through executive action. a full year ago. The article read: Immigration reform is not dead. It Let us not accept the latest excuse In the days following a violent rampage in will just move to the White House for for inaction on immigration, especially southern California in which a lone attacker action if none comes from this House. from those who want to take no action killed seven individuals, including himself, So with 10 days left before July under any conditions. This Nation— and seriously injured over a dozen others, Fourth, where do we stand? The major- built by and sustained by 400 years of citizens living in the only country where this ity leader released his legislative kind of mass killing routinely occurs report- immigration—needs a coherent system, edly concluded that there was no way to pre- schedule for the month of June, and re- and we need politicians brave enough forming our immigration system is no- vent the massacre from taking place. ‘‘This to craft one. was a terrible tragedy, but sometimes these where to be found. Immigration is the f things just happen and there is nothing any- single most important issue to address one can do to stop them,’’ said North Caro- for the Republican Party’s ability to be CELEBRATING FLAG DAY AND lina resident Samuel Wipper, echoing senti- competitive at the national level after THE ARMY ments expressed by tens of millions of indi- this fall, and it is nowhere on the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The viduals who reside in a nation where over schedule before this fall. Chair recognizes the gentleman from half the world’s deadliest mass shootings So what lessons have we learned? have occurred in the past 50 years and whose Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Half-measures to legalize some immi- citizens are 20 times more likely to die of minutes. gun violence than those of other developed grants here and allow legal immigra- Mr.
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