ARAB WORLD | Page 18 BRITAIN | Page 21 Murdoch unfi t to run company, INDEX DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 4 – 16 COMMENT 30, 31 REGION 17 BUSINESS 33 – 38 say 13,328.63 8,672.01 106.33 ARAB WORLD 18, 19 CLASSIFIED 39 – 44 Palestinians warn of wrath +114.51 -31.63 +1.46 INTERNATIONAL 20 – 29 SPORTS 44 – 48 lawmakers +0.87% -0.36% +1.39% if jailed hunger strikers die Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 WEDNESDAY Vol. XXXIII No. 8615 May 2, 2012 Jumada-II 11, 1433 AH GULF TIMES www. gulf-times.com 2 Riyals In brief Key win for Gharafa Contracts QATAR | Aviation Airline to convert A330 jets to freighters Qatar Airways, which last year took may replace a big stake in a European freight carrier, will convert up to 20 of its Airbus A330 passenger jets into freighters, its chief executive, Akbar al-Baker, said at a Dubai travel show yesterday. Page 10 ‘sponsor’ ARAB WORLD | Unrest 30 die as violence continues in Syria system The UN peacekeeping chief accused both the Syrian regime It is expected that the number of Al-Mulla expected that the number and its foes of violating a ceasefire workers recruited to Qatar for of workers recruited to Qatar for infra- accord, as nine members of the infrastructure projects might go up structure projects might go up to 1mn, same family and 12 troops were to 1mn, but in phases but in phases. among more than 30 people killed Al Gharafa’s Othman el-Assas fighting for the ball with UAE’s Al Shabab Al Arabi player Jociel Da Silva during their AFC The offi cial said that Qatar had sub- yesterday. Page 19 Champions League soccer match at the Al Gharafa Stadium in Doha yesterday. Al Gharafa revived their Asian Champions atar intends to drop the spon- mitted a suggestion to the GCC that League hopes with a 2-1 victory over Al Shabab Al Arabi. Al Gharafa’s first win in five matches took their tally to six points in sorship system for expatriates a maid who absconded from her em- Group D where Saudi giants Al Hilal are sitting pretty with nine after beating top Iranian side Piroozi 1-0 at the Azadi Stadium Qworking in the country, replac- ployer in Qatar should be banned from in Tehran. Piroozi are second in the group with eight points, while Al Shabab Al Arabi are fourth with just two from five ing it with a contract which will be working in any member country. “This matches. Page 48 binding on the employer and the em- aims at curbing this phenomenon.” ployee, a senior offi cial has said. He said that new markets were being “As and when the new system comes opened to recruit domestic workers, into eff ect, a contract signed by the two mostly African countries such as Tan- parties (the employee and the employ- zania and Kenya. “Eastern European er) will be determining the rights and countries have also agreed to send do- duties of both,” said Hussein al-Mulla, mestic workers to the state but Qatari Lucky fan to walk away with undersecretary of the Ministry of La- families would not approve them be- bour, in an interview to the local Arabic cause of the high cost.” daily Al-Arab. “In most of our meetings with the He did not give any time-frame for the International Labour Organisation, QR1mn at Emir’s Cup fi nal introduction of the “contract” system they inquire about the non-existence “We have banned companies from of labour unions that defend the rights holding the passports of any employee of workers. Year after year the pressure ne lucky fan will laugh all the and this is a positive step towards de- is increasing on us,” al-Mulla said. way to the bank at the Emir’s veloping the contract process. It af- He explained that there had been ef- OCup football fi nal on May fi rms the intention to abolish the issue forts to establish a Labour Committee 12. All he has to do is win a shootout of sponsorship,” he pointed out. to protect the interests of the workers, competition, the Qatar Football As- He explained that the mere word whether Qataris or expatriates. “How- sociation (QFA) and sponsors Qtel an- “sponsor” caused a myriad of troubles ever, the committee should be formed nounced yesterday. with international organisations. of Qataris only. Expatriates will have the Top QFA offi cials, Mohamed Mu- “Consequently, we should eradicate right to vote but will not be nominated barak al-Mohannadi and Khalid this term and substitute it with a con- as members of the board,” he added. al-Kuwari, were joined by Hamad tract between the two parties guaran- “We had a labour committee during Mohamed Marzouqi from Qtel and teed by the Ministry of Labour. They the days of the oil companies. However, Fatima al-Kuwari, for a press confer- (international organisations) say the the situation in the Gulf is somewhat ence where the details of the prize word sponsor conveys a picture of en- diff erent now because Qataris rarely were unveiled to the media. slaving the worker more than anything work as labourers,” he said. Titled “Win a Million”, the new else,” he said. “The Labour Committee project is prize will be won by a fan who pur- “However, should the new system be being carried out with the assistance chases an Emir’s Cup fi nal ticket from QFA off icials Mohamed Mubarak al-Mohannadi and Khalid al-Kuwari with Hamad implemented, the cancellation of the of the Arab Labour Organisation, the one of the top four points - Villag- Mohamed Marzouqi from Qtel and Fatima al-Kuwari during the press conference. contract does not allow the foreigner to International Labour Organisation and gio, City Centre, Landmark or Katara switch jobs automatically,” al-Mulla said. some Gulf trade unions. They came and - and then takes part in a long-range worth QR3mn during the Emir Cup fi - joyable gathering for young kids and “A foreigner can resign to take up an- studied the circumstances in Qatar.” shootout during the halftime of the nal. The prizes include 15 Lexus cars, their families,” QFA secretary general other, maybe more lucrative job. How- The private sector is to be incorpo- match. 20 bikes, 20 iPhones and 20 Black- Saud al-Mohannadi said. ever, the resignation annuls the con- rated into this committee and it would However, prior to the fi nal, some Berry phones can be won by the fans. “The football season ends with the tract and the expatriate will have to go function independently from the Min- 50 participants must qualify for the Cash prizes of QR2,000 (100 prizes) fi nal of the Emir Cup. We would like home and the new employer will draw istry of Labour. The committee would Emir’s Cup fi nal event by taking part and QR 1,000 (500 prizes) will also be to thank our offi cial sponsors,” he up a new contract with him that will al- have the right to receive the complaints in a shootout by May 11. Out of those given to the lucky winners. Tickets to added. Last week, Al Rayyan beat Al low him to return to Qatar,” he said. of workers and address them accord- 50, the top 10 lucky participants will the fi nal can be bought from all major Sadd to win the Heir Apparent Cup fi - He also affi rmed that there was no ingly. The project had been discussed be eligible to take part in the “shoot- shopping malls in Doha. Tickets can nal. More than 23,000 fans turned up justifi cation whatsoever for any com- by the cabinet and subsequently re- out” in the fi nal for a possible top also be purchased at kiosks in Souq to watch the fi nal at Thani bin Jassem pany to delay the salary of its employ- ferred to the Advisory Council. prize of QR1mn. Waqif, Souq Haraj and Katara. Stadium. ees. “This issue is of utmost impor- “We are now awaiting the Emiri ap- The prizes will be handed over to “This is the big event in Qatar and The prizes will be handed over to tance and HE the Minister of Labour proval for this project: HH the Emir is the lucky winners at Qtel Towers on keenly followed by the fans. Like every the lucky winners at Qtel Towers on himself emphasises that workers must personally interested in this issue,” al- May 17. Fans can also win up to prizes season, we want to make this an en- May 17. get their rights in the due time.” Mulla said. 1,000-room Lusail Marina Towers ‘to be ready by 2016’ US, Afghanistan sign strategic By Pratap John world’s most recognised hospitality Chief Business Reporter brand identities.” partnership deal Katara Hospitality CEO Hamad Abdulla al-Mulla said: “The modern usail will be home to a luxuri- aesthetic of the Lusail Marina Tow- Reuters ous world-scale property in ers complements the more traditional Kabul Lfour years with the Doha-based properties we have in our eclectic Katara Hospitality unveiling plans to portfolio of hotels, which are great ex- complete the QR1.7bn Lusail Marina amples of classic architecture – such S President Barack Obama ar- Towers by 2016. as the Peninsula Paris for instance.” rived in Afghanistan last night The “extravagant” property, de- Aiming to be operational well Uto conclude an agreement signed for a fi ve-star status, will have ahead of the FIFA World Cup 2022 in charting future relations with the more than 1,000 luxurious rooms Qatar, the Lusail Marina Towers will country, making the unannounced trip comprising hotels, residence apart- be constructed in the Marina district in darkness on the fi rst anniversary of ments, offi ces, recreational facilities, of Lusail.
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