. Jf, V Monmoutta County* Oiw*' - Afarkel P(»ta " All Uw Wowi ot The IKgUlef. CUWlBtf ; J;| BED. DANH Department-. ' n^ui Towni When the SoUet Clad* ToU Vwleuly and Wlthonl BIM. 1EDBANK tb» Huyef. I Iihiad WMHT. EntoroJ »• Bceond-ClaM Hitter at tha Poit- VOLUME LIV, NO. 34. oRlea at Rod Dink, N. J, undtr tht Act ot Match 4, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 17,1932. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 TO Honor Birthday ADMIT TAKING LUMBER, Republican Club's Newspaper Man FIBE IN FOSTOFTICE. Improvements For Rumson's Aid to Red Bank Men Bay They Took Tim- Fair Haven Building Damaged by Scenes From Life the Unemployed of Washington ber to Use a» Firewood. Annual Banquet at Rotary Club Blaze Sunday Night. East Keansburg Edward Sullivan of Wallace street The interior of the Fair Haven of Washington and Fatrlok Comar fof Wall streot, Red;; Bank Club Held, Lincoln Columnist' for Philadelphia Po-. postofnee was damaged by fire Sun- Forty-Four Men Were Hired in Young Woman's Club Pay* charged with-stealing .lumber from day night about eleven o'clock. Hans Garbage Collection Service to hrcwabury Public School Pupil*' - Two Month.' Period and Tribute to Fint President at he 8. S. : Thompson company,,told Day Pinner Friday; pert Gives Talk About Per- Llebeck Bent in the alarm, and due be Resumed and Additional to Present Tabldamt Fridty Their Wages Amounted to Party Monday Night-H-PIan* justice Gilbert M. Keith when ar- Addresses' by Senator Sterner <oiu He Has Interviewed— to tho prompt arrival and efficient Jetties to be Built for the Pro- Aftemoon—Tree Planting ta ' raigned before him Monday morn- and Commissioner Hoffman. Tells of Manchurian Situation. work of tho firemen the blaze was $3,178—More Work Yet. , For Future Main. , Ing, that they bad taken the mater- confined to a small area In the rear tection of the Public Beach. - Follow Program.' Up to last wook*Uio borougrf* ot Tho Young Woman's club held o ial for firewood.' They said that they Over 200 persona from all: parts of Tho Red Bank Kotarlans and their of tho poatofflco. • The damage 1B The needs of East Keansburg oc- During tho past week tho pupil* of party last did riot know the, timber belonged Monmoutb county attended the sec-guests mot last Thursday at the Elks estimated at $500. The fire Is be- Burnson had Bpont $3,178 for wages Washington's birthday' ' tnn cupied most of the time at tho meot- e Shrewsbury publlo school hav» irs-on •'"•' Thompson company. Both ond jxnnual dinner of the Young restaurant for their weekly luncheon leyed to have _been_jcaused Jjy_an_ liig of the township committee of : waived-7a~hearing~an'dweom Moi?6 Ropu6Ho5n"cliiT5"onica^BHi5E lnite"ad-of*!it-tKo-Globo-HoIeF on ao- overheated stove; • Fred Dennis, post- Mlddletown-township -last Thursday ng of costumes, the painting ot scetl- held at the Klka' auditorium Friday ht mlttod to tho county jail at Freehold count of tho death of Harry T. Metz- master, stated that no mall-had been afternoon. A petition with 150 sig- ry and tho construotlon of stags Thursday nle ' In .default'Of ball. ,Tho charge wa,B night Among the \ guests were a gar, proprietor of the hotel. destroyed,, but some stamped en- natures was presented asking that mayor and council of that place by Tho party opened with tho sing- large number of women who have properties In preparation for tha Ing of "America" by all present. Mtse madeiby S.ehenck'.S. Thompson, pres- Although tho.chango of dining velopes in stock had been damaged. garbage collections be resumed at tableaux "From the Lifo of Wasb>' Ralph Longstroet, Korotary of tha ident of tho company,1 and tho arrest become actively Identified with the place for the day waa mado hurried- The building la owned by Charles W. that place. Last year this v unemployment committee Tho re-Catherine Russell told >ot Washing- Republican party.. Ington" -which they will present in' port also stated that 44 men were ton' at-Valley Forgo, Mr». Miriam Was made by Constable Frank P. ly, no formal announcement being Bardelll. was provided, but the contract of tho he school building Friday aftornoon fclxlcr described Washington's trip Strykor. ...... Senator E. Donald . Sterncf and Bent out, yet fifty Rotations attend- garbago collector expired a few )f this week at hnlf-paat ono o'elocle employe...d .fro—m December 14th to Harold G. Hoffman, motor vehicle weeks ago and it was not renewed. February 11th, that a chvk for to,tho West .Indies, and Miss Scott ed and listened to an. exceptionally ,nd to which tho publla is invited, r commissioner, wero tho principal well delivered address by "Bill'' ' After considerable discussion How- Tho program will feature fottr' *J,080-waa received from tho state related incldonta' concerning Wash- speakersk . Senator' Sterner saiid hhe Church Women in ard W. RobertB, thVtbwriship clerk, lost -week and that tho balance In tho ington during? thoRevolutlpn; The Coming Red Duncan, a columnist for two of Phil- pedal jiaits. The first part I* en- wanted to make It plain that the Re- adelphia's papers. , . was instructed to advertise for bids Itlod "Play at Hobby'8 School" and fund was |00a, Efovcrloy Bremer and Juiet publicans in the stato legislature for garbage collections for one or Tbore was a dleouBston as to howattired In colonial'costumes,-"dantfed were in accord with Gcovernor Tho speaker stated lie had Inter- Washington Play threo years. The committeemen wir 'ill bo presented by the pupils of tha tho balanco shpuld bo Spoilt. James a minuet, Mrs. Cart Bremer was at Cross Horse Show Mooro in hjs Idea of reducing state viewed over 1,400 national and Inter- uso their own judgment ttB to the eginners' class, tho first and second ,]?. Bruco,:ohalrman of tho road com- the piano, - . expenditures arid In bringing relief national celebrities and ho gave his Presbyterian Women's League length of period of tho contract. The xades, under the direction of Mrs, Impression of several of these well Elizabeth Thompson, teacher. The mittee, said It would coat about $400 At'a business meeting following A Large Attendance Looked for to tho taxpayers, but be said the Re- Honors Patriot at Enter- entire cost will bo assessed agains' la labor to spread sing on streets to the .party. ,pjans were rnado for an at the Exhibition to be Held publicans did not agree with Gover- known personalities. Of all the per- tho owners of properties^at East iccond pait will bo presented by tha t> bo Improved under tho relief pro? Eastor party to 'bp given tbo "chil- nor.Moore as to tho boot way of ob- sona ho haa met ho gave Clarence tainment Monday Night— Keansburg. Last year. this assess pupils ot tho third and fourth gradei grain, and JameB C. Auchlnel03B, dren of Red. Bank, on Saturday, at the Red Bank Armory Sat- taining this result. Senator Sterner Darrow, the great lawyer.'flrBt placo. ment arnounted to about $2,100. under tho direction of Mlsg Hel«.n Others described by Mr. Duncan - Next Meeting in March. C.-Lang, teacher. This foaturo wjll . chairman of tho police committee es- March 10th, at thetclubhouse, Miss urday Afternoon and Night. said, that tho Republicans believe The committeemen passed the firs timated'tho labor cost on tho new,Catherine Roge"r* and.MisB Marsoret that tho Btato automobile tax should were Governor Roosevelt of New The Women's league of tho Pres-' empthaalzo "Waohlngton Crossing York. "Scarface" Al Capone, Senator reading of an ordlnanco for addition- he Delaware." ? addition to the h"TiiigrPliall for po-Supp will.be In charge. a-UBed-for-tho-purpoBewfor-^vhloh-lt- hyfcerian church held a Washington's fll jpff|pff pf 'TTinnf Tfpnntthlirrj- for thft lloo headquartersoat'$700. Tho cost Officers of the club-and the chaliv was' designed—that of. constructing Borah, "Ham/'-Lowls,- the late Knute birthday entertainment last Monday WaBhlngton~4gVet y TorgeIsT show which Is to be held at the Bed protection" of the public-owned shore . ot tho eiagrwaB catlmntcd at $900 and men of the standing committees -will new highways. He said he favored Rockne, Connie Mack and Governor night at the church. A^eaturo of the property at that place. Engineer tho tltlo given to the third part, Bank • armory Saturday, afternoon tho Inimediate use. of these fjmda for Ritchlo. affair was a play presented under the which will bo presented by 'tH« .'•'.'the material: for the borough hall ad- mqet.on Sunday, February 28th,.at and evening. Thore Is every Indica- Herbert O. Todd estimated' that the :••"'• illtlon at $1,585, but. these amounts the clubhouse for the purpbso of.hav- tliat^purposa as a means of helping During his description, of several direction of Mrs. Edward; yomSteeg cost would be about $1,000.'. Thl >uptln of tho fifth and sixth grttfloa tion of a large attendance. Tho pro- the, unemployment, situation. Sena- of the above named personages he under tho direction of Mm. Made are paid: from a different appropria- Ing their ; pictures taken' for the gram is as follows: and Mrs. Harrison Banci!. Those expense wlll'bo paid by tho property tion. It was stated that.tho Rumson Bcrap book to bo entered In the' na- tor. Sterner also referred to his bill brought Into his talk- the names ot who took part were Mrs.. Newton owners benefited.' Alex Krueger 0! Irwln, teacher. "Tho Inauguration Improvement aiaoclaUon had donat- tional scrap'book contest to bo con- FlEBNObN/ which ho proposes, to introduce, many .others.
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