Genera and Species of the Neotropical ttElfinfr-Iike Hairstreak Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae) By Kurt Johnson REPORT\S of the Museum of Natural History, University of Wisconsin Stevens Psiri. No.22 (Vol. tr): Manmt (cotu.), Shapircana, Parulustrus, Penaincisalia, Galba, Radissirrlu & Outgroup Generu (Cisircisalia, Variegatta, Lotnosa, Ttgritnta, Igtwta, Arases, Micondra, Mithras, Mocusia, Denivia, Cryptocrcta & Solorcrum) No. 23 Taxonomic Additions to Recent Studies of Neotropical Butterflies Genera and Species of thb Neotropical "Elfin"-like Ilairstreak Butterflies (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae, Theclinae) By Kurt Johnson REPORZIS of the Museum of Natural Eistory, University of Wisconsin Stevens Point No. Zl (Vol. II): Rlwmu (coru.), Sltqircarc, Paruhrstrus, Penaincivlia, Cf,Ih, Rrdissinrt & Outgroup Generu (Cisircisalia, Yariegatta, Lannosa, Ttgrbton, Igwta, Arases, Micandra, Mithras, Mrcusia, Derivia, Cryptaerwta & Solawrutn) pp. 136-279 volume II continues from the text of volume I, p . s7 and includes the remaining figures and distribution maps for truca of the revisionary study and outgroups 136 Neotropical Haircteak Bwteflies Text continued from Vol. I, p. 57... markedly dark along costa; \IFTV,\IHW gfizzled red- brown, FTv postmedial anea and I{w postmedial and sclerotized only along the inner margin surrounding the medial areas with profuse deep red-brown sufftrsion often ductus seminalis. coalescing into angulate bands (appearing particularly IYPES. Holotypemale BMNH (fig.50A) la- concentric on the IIW). The major variation in the \IIIW belled "Ecuador. Hewitson Coll . '19-69. Thecla", of the species involves the clarity of these bands versus "[mark appearing as a "J", but most likely a cuniive the amount of general suffirsion. "TuJ tyrrius [male symbolJ, H. H. Dnrce T54)e", Malc genitalia. Valvae with the posterior and nB.M. "T54)e", Tlpe No. Rh. 605". TL: ECUA- anterior elements both prominently ellipsoid, caudal uEcuador". DOR. extensions robust and long compared to most congeners. DISTRIBUTION. SpUiaL Fig. 206; Andes Female genitalia. Inella postvagrnalis ap- of Ecuador; altitudes recorded on specimens include pearing widely bilobate because of a central fissure, each 27W-3300 m. Temporal. Dates on specimen range lateral lobe distended distally to an elongate, inwardly from November to May. directed, prong. REI\'IARKS. This species is superficially like DESCRIPTION. Malc. DFW,DI{W bright iri- R. austoxida (which lacks male F\ / androconial ele- descent blue-violet with thin apical and submarginal ments). This resemblance is typical of the kind of fuscous borders; FW dark costal border and androconial diversity and homoplasy apparent in Rharntna. I figure streak along costal vein of discal cell; Hw anal lobe a male and female (fig. 145A,8) from Cuicocha, Ecua- prominent. \lFTV,\lHw suffrrsed red-brown, FTv general- dor (AI\dNfD. This species is rather frequent in col- ly concolorous except for darker suffirsive postmedial lections and there is some consequent variation in the band; IIw with darkly suffirsed brown postbasal and medi- genitalia. This has been noted in several Theclinae al bands variously apparent over lighter, brown to red- groups with widely scattered montane populations brown, suffrrsive ground. Fw length: mean of 10 speci- occurring in Ecuador (Chlorostrymon pohnson 1989a, mens (AI\{NH, RCE, IML) 10.5 mm., range 9.5 11,.0 1991dJ; Penaircisalia pohnson 1990a1). Since the mm. (holotype) [apex/tail tip 1l .0 : 18.0 mm.l. Fernolc. robust, terminally hooklike, caudal extension is typical DF\il,DI{w dull purplish brown and without androconial of the species, I figure (along with the type male), a elements. \ZF\M,\lffW marked similar to males. FW specimen from Cuicocha (AIvINIil) showing another ex- lenglh: mean of 7 specimens (AI\{NH, RCE, IML) 11..0 treme of this useful character. mm., range 10.5 l. 1.5 mm [apex/tail tip 10.5 : l'l .s I|,IATERIAL EXALII{ED [for consistency mm.J. Male Genitalia. Fig. 51A. vincular dorsum with label data, diacriticals are purposely omittedl. lacking brush organs. Vincular ventnrm ovate, thin and ECUADOR. "Ecuador", I male (BMNIil); Quito, 1 steeply tapered from elongate spurs to parabolic saccus. male (BMNII); Cuicocha, Imbabura, 3300 ffi., leg. F. Valvae with both bilobed areas and caudal extensions M. Brown, 3l May 1939, 1 female, 29 May 1939, 1 robust and ellipsoid, latter robust and long compared to male, 2l May 1939,2 males (AI\{NID; Ugambiche, most congeners. Aedeagus length exceeding rest of 27U0.- rn., leg. F. M. Brown, 9 November 1938, I genitalia by about two-fifth, caecum relatively short, female, 13 November 1938, I female (AI\{NII); Pic- comprising about two-fifths of aedeagus lenglh and hincha, San Bartolo, 2800 ffi., leg. R. de LaFebre, generally not displaced out of the plane of the aedeagal February 1969, I male (AI\{E). shaft. Female Teryal Morplwhgt arrd Genitalio. Fig. 518. Sipc with ventral element diminutive, comprising only about one-fifth lateral expanse of terminal tergite. Rlumna anuthystiru (Hayvard) I-amella postvaginalis appearing widely bilobate because I\TEW COMBINATION of a central fissure, each lateral lobe distended distally to Figs. 51 , 146 elongate, somewhat recunrate, inwardly directed prongs. Thecla anuthystina Hayward 1949: 567, f. 3. Ductus bursae's paired lateral ridges thin and angled, Comstock and Huntington 1958-196/- [959]: extending to angulate ceruix bursae base. Cervix bursae 68; Hayward 1973: 149; Bridges 1988: I.18, ventmm sculptured; hood with bilobate elements ellipsoid II. 105, III.62. compared to most congeners. DIAGNOSIS. Wings. DFTV,DIIW bright TYPES. Holotype male (fig., 146A), IML with violet in male, dull purplish-brown in female, both the labels "Villa Nougues, 2l Enero 1931", "Thecla with apical and marginal dark border very thin but amethystina Hayw. Holotipo, male, K. J. Hayvard Det.", Neotropi cal Hairctreak Butt tfli es r37 "T54)e", "Holotipo", "Preparacion genitalia male No. Tlrcuman Prov., cenro Monos, Tafi del valle, 3000 ffi., 4o0, K. J. Halnrard", "coleccion Inst. Fund. M. Lillo February 1954,leg. R. E. Golbach G[L); Jujuy prov., (400), s. M. Tlrcumatr, Tlrcuman, Argentina". Allo- Dept. Ledesm?r 2 km. N cuchor2g December 1996, leg. tlpe female, same data and labels except dated B. MacPherson, 1 female (AIUMO; prov. Tucurfo, "r.L929" (see Remarks, regarding genitalia of the Dept. Yerba Buena, Anta M€rta Rt. 339, I km. s of t)'pes). TL: ARGENTINA, villa Nougues, Ttrcumdn summit Hotel, cumbres de san Javier, 1250 ffi., high Province. ridge margin of mesic forest and xeric savannah, leg. K. DISTRIBIITION. SpathL Fig. 206; known Johnson et al., 9 Febnrary lggl (1 male, 2 females) from numerous localities in the Nw Argentine Andes, (Ar\{Nrt. particularly those charactenzed by wet upland forest. Temporal. Recorded from January to May. REll{ARr$. There has been some confusion Rlwnnu comstocki, about the identity of this species because Hayvard's NEW SPECIES Spanish oD was short, there was no illustration of the Figs. 52, 147 adult, and more than one species of Rhamna occurs in DrAGNosrs. wings. Male DF\M,DI{W bril- I{\M Argentina. Based on the tlpes and additional ma- liant iridescent sky blue with contrasting green iridescence terial, anuthystirw clearly ^R. represents the Argentine occurring in the rrw discal area; Fw with black apical species with the variously emphatic suffirsive double and marginal borders and elongate androconial streak band on the \{filv. I figure the holotype male and a along costal vein of discal cell; HW wholely iridescent fresh toporipical female (AIvIM{) (fig. 146A,8) and, (female DF\M,DHW less brightly iridescent, F'w apical in the genitalic figures, topotypes of both sexes since and marginal borders slightly wider than on the male). the genitalic slide mounts borrowed from the IML are \zFw,\m\M of both sexes with dark iridescent blue suf- in poor condition. Samples of Rhantnta at the IML fusion across both wings from medial area basad; \lHw indicate Hayvard knew onty of R. anuthystina and had othenvise marked with very mottled hues of gray, brown not seen specimens of the several ne\f,, species collected or yellowish, framed in postbasal, medial and submarginal in recent years by Eisele and MacPherson or represen- areas by prominent red-brown meandering or dentate ted in material either not prepared or properly sorted lines. at the IML (see .R. roberti, R. austoxida, R. cuclw- MaIe genitalia. valval caudal extensions ex- ensr.s); this appears to have resulted from Haynvard's tremely diminutive compared to all congeners, eeuiling concentration of much of his local collecting on the only about one-half the tength of the adjacent bilobes. Cumbres San Javier near pro- his home in Ttrcumdn FemoJe genitalia. Iffella postvaginalis of great vince (see Remarks under Thecloxurina cillutincarae) breadthr eQU?lling twice the length of the adjoining ductus and his leaving study of "Th@la" until the years bursae's paired lateral ridges, and with caudal prongs ba- shortly before his death (see Discussion section of sally lobate tapering to comparatively short termini. Johnson, Eisele and MacPherson 1990). A distant DEscRrPTroN. Male. DF\M,DI{W ground sister species relationship appears to account for a brilliant iridescent sky blue, with contrasting green much more emphatic double band, distally distended in iridescent in I{W discal cell; F\il with black apical and the limbal area and over yellow-brown ground, in the marginal borders; rrw wholely iridescent and with anal species R. duplicata from Mendoza Prcvince, Argen- lobe pronounced. \lFw,rfi{\M basal disc of I{w and tina. baso-medial area of F\il dominated by deep uzrfie blue II{ATERTAL EXAMINED [diacriticals used suffirsion; Fw othenvise with gray ground, gfiazled dis- only as appearing on actual labelsl. ARGENTINA. tally with red-brown but without further noticeable 'Argentina" , I female (BMNrr); Ttrcuman, 13 May pattern; ttw ground gmy, dominated with highly mottled 1922, male (BMNrr); I Ttrcuman, 5 March 1922, z hues of darker gray, brown or yellowish, framed in post- females (BMNI{); Thcuman, ll00 ffi., leg.
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