EE414 Transceiver Design Laboratory EE414 Transceiver EE414 - Design of RF Integrated Design Lab Circuits for Communications Systems Professor Tom Lee Home Department of Electrical Engineering Announcements Spring 2000/2001 MW 12:50 - 2:05 pm Handouts 550-553R Useful Information Go To Spring 2002 Website Course Description This course covers the design, construction, analysis and experimental evaluation of radio-frequency circuits at the transistor level, with a focus on microstrip implementations in low GHz range. Throughout, there is an exceptionally strong emphasis on reconciliation of theory with experiment. Students will design, construct, and experimentally characterize every block in a 1-GHz transceiver, including antennas, low noise amplifiers and modulator/demodulators, roughly at the rate of one significant block per week. Performance will be evaluated using equipment such as noise figure meter, phase noise analyzers, spectrum analyzers, vector network analyzers, and time-domain reflectometers. The course culminates in groups of students successfully demonstrating two-way wireless communications with their hardware. Prerequisites: 314, 344. Instructor Professor Tom Lee tomlee@ee http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee414/ (1 of 2) [8/29/02 8:12:27 PM] EE414 Transceiver Design Laboratory Office hours: generally the hour after class, or by appointment CIS-205 (725-3709) Teaching Assistant Moon Jung Kim ta414@smirc Office hours: any time at CIS, or by appointment CIS-063 (725-4538) Course Administrative Assistant Ann Guerra guerra@par CIS-207 (725-3725) Lab location Packard 002 (725-1769) http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee414/ (2 of 2) [8/29/02 8:12:27 PM] EE414 Transceiver Design Laboratory Handouts ● HO #1 EE414: Transceiver Design Laboratory ● HO #2 Instrument Reference Manuals and Component Data Sheets ❍ Supplimentary Handout from EE344: Quick Reference Guide: Using the Digitizing Scope to Make TDR Measurements ● HO #3 Lab Assignment 1: Microstrip Structures ● HO #4 Connectors, Cables and Waveguides ● HO #5 Microstrip, Stripline and Planar Passive Elements HO #1 ~ #5 are available as hardcopies in CIS-070. ● HO #6 Passive Components ● HO #7 Time Domain Reflectometry ● HO #8 Network Analyzers ● HO #9 Derivation of Fringing Correction ● HO #10 Noise Figure Measurement ● HO #11 Narrowband LNA Design Lab ● HO #12 Narrowband LNA Design ● HO #13 Antennas ● HO #14 Filters ● HO #15 Microstrip Filters ● HO #16 Antenna and Filter Design Lab ● HO #17 Power Amplifier Design Lab ● HO #18 Synthesizer Design Lab ● HO #19 MC12181 Datasheet http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee414/handout.html [8/29/02 8:12:33 PM] ¡ ¡¢¤£¥£ ¦¨§ © § ¥¥ "!#"$%'&()+*, -/. 3&(465%7(9824:;5< ="3&(4?>@)A:BC25DAFE GH:JIK8L E "G ($%'M6¡&¨5 021 1 1 £ VW¥XZY []\^[_© []`W[_ \ba^c de[gf_f]a^c dha¥i [_j© fgklCdek¥ml § c Ymk¥cnko© [_ Y a^ k¥[_q dh©;a^ © qWs [_c NPO Q¨R:SUT Q O Q Q Q Qhp Qer Q Q Q NPO \^§ [_Y © kt c:u¥a^§© q a^§ \ © dek¥fg[]l qk© []a^vk¥wY[_x©;q ayYw§ d cHc;a^ a¥z{© l|k¥c [_d}z k© § q cHa¥z~© c dha¥i s Q Q O O O Q Q Q O Q Q Q O Q Q ¦¨cH/[]© a¥© q § [_iw x©n[g© f_kl © £ VW¤£^¦J c k¥ iwf_[g \ k¥Y|[_cHc;© k© [_d c c []© [] |c;al c § q O O Q QW Q O Q O QoR¨ST O Q p Q Q Q Q ©;a\¥q a^§w Yu¥a^§ qc f_z©;a© d k¥cc [_cHl za¥q dha^ dh© [_ \a¥q/q ay[g \u¥a^§ q/de[]q3de§ []© ces Q O Q O Q Q Q Q w#| c;a¥z©;t uyc:k©P© l<a¥©;©;a^ 9a¥z{© Yw[_c;iwf_k#ujkq q z q q Yv©;ajk¥c; y§t ucemk¥ Y© c;a¥z©;t uc N/O Q Q O Q O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q O Q Q k¥f]a^ \© q[]\ ©Pc [_Y a¥z~© Y [gc;iwf_k#umkq z § dh© [_a^t uyces O Q O Q O Q Q Q w { D" Vs § ©H© cdha¥i [g© aY S O Q Q O Q} e¡¢¤£g¢h¥ Q ¦ f dh© §D¨©Wª|«x¬^­ z®qa^ +© l<a¥©;©;a^ 6 y§¯t uycmu¥a^§° kWu¯ Y±©;ai q c c ² ³µ´ ¶ ©;a·c k¥f_f Q Q O Q Q Q QeQ Q QeQ © a¥i © []a^ c¤3s O Q q c cH© §D¨©Wª|«x¬^­K² ³x¸¶ z§ wdh© []a^t uv§ µ© [gf<© c ©;© [_ \q k¥Y cH¹ ¶^´D©x¨y©¤º|s S Q O Q Q O Q Q Q ¡ c § q © i qc [_c;©Hc ©;© [g \[_cP¢¥¥ ces Q O Q Q Q ¦ ys q za¥q ¼»nk¥f_[]l q3k© []a^ § d S{Q QW Q Q ¦ f dh© ² ³µ´¶ ½ ¶^ºx¾ ³^´x¿ z®qa^ À© l<a¥©;©;a^ 9 y§%s Q Q O Q Q ¦ f dh© Áy¬y« a^v© ©;a¥iz§w dh© []a^t u¥s Q Q O Q Q ¹y´¶w©¶µºK ¶xà «µ¶ ĤºÅÁ¥Æw¬ÇyÇ ¶« s q c c S Q q c c  ¶µÃ «µ¶ ĺÈÁ¬y« s S Q »na^ dh©P© c a¥q ©Pzq a^ ,© XnÉb»Èdek¥f_[_l qk© []a^Ct[]©es Q O Q O O Q q c c  ¶µÃ «µ¶ ĺÈÁ¬y« s S Q »na^ dh©P© f_a^k¥Yv© q [_wk© []a^vzq a^ ,© XnÉb»Èdek¥f%t[]©es Q O Q Q O Q q c c  ¶µÃ «µ¶ ĺÈÁ¬y« s S Q Ë ÎÏÐ Î Ê ±ÌÍ yÌÍD VsÒÑ}i © []a^ k¥f®¦¨Y¤Ó § c;© x© cH©;a© Y [_c;iwfgkWu Q O Q aÔc;©;q © d © © [_ k¤Õ [_cePc f dh© Öw¨W×D¶Ø|¬ ©¥¶ zq a^ ?© y§Ùt uces Ú§ c ©;a N Q O O Q Q Q Q O Q Q Q N/O Q Q ÛÜ c ©;q © d © k¤Õ [_ces Q O O Q Á¥Æ|¬¤ÇyÇ ¶« © zq a^ © y§t uycW Ý^ÃyÃ|©¶µº z®qa^ © a@k¥Y¤Ó § c;©)© q © [_dek¥fwiDa^c[]© []a^%¥c f dh© O Q Q Q O Q N O Q Q Q Q z § dh© [_a^t uyces Q ys/Þ¨c © de§ qc;a¥qH©;ajq k¥Y© Yw[_c;iwf_k#u Q O Q Q O Q ß alwk¥d t©;am© ©àa¥q tv aY c f dh© ½ ¶µºµ¾ ³^´x¿ zq a^ ,© y§vt uc33s O Q Q Q Q Q O Q Q Q [_cn© [_ c f dh©  ¶xëx¶ Ĥº a^v© ©;a¥iz § de[]a^t u¥s N/O Q Q Q O Q Q []©H© Á¥á´D©¥³^´ z § dh© []a^t u¥s R O Q Q § q© Yw[_k¥f©;aC© Y c []q YiDa^[gµ©/[g© k# z®a¥q3 J©;a kt k¥c § q µ© c¨a¥z)q dh© []a^ N O Q O Q Q Q O Q Q Q Q Q Q QerwQ dha de[ x©ã3%d kq3k¥dh© q[_c;© [_dä[_ i Y k¥wd Òå}3|© [_ çæ(è 3Dk¥wY·Y [gc;© k¥ d é3s}ê Qeâ Q O Q Q Q Q Q ¢¤ëy¡ ¥ìí¥¥ ¥ì î í¤¢3ë¡ hîj hï|¥¢îí¤ð¥ @¢W hï ¢W Wñ ò µ ß qk© i|f]a¥© Vs Q Q Q ¦ f dh© ¹ «x³^º z®q a^ ,© y§vt uycWs Q Q O Q Q Q á º³K¹ ¶¥Ç ó·kt c§ q q k¥Y c:³¥Ç%s ô Q Q Q ó·kt c§ q ¹¶¥Çöõ¤ªw¶y¶µ¸ q k¥YwcH÷ ¬ ©¤º|s Q Q Q ß qk© u¥a^§ qiwf]a¥©[_}© q c;© iwcÐlxu¨i q c c[_ \© t ucÐf_kl f Y ¹ «x³^ºZøw¬^ù¶xÃy³µ´¥×© ¹ «µ³µºÈúµ´ ¬^ºw¨yÄ#á|«x¶ Q Q Q O QeQ Q Q O Q Q Q Q ¹ «x³^ºÈ÷ ¬Äº ³^´D© s k¥wY ys/¦:l<a¥q ©Hiwf]a¥© q c c ¹ ¬¤á%©¶ Áy³Ç º|¨#Çyá ¶ Ø ³µ´xº s S Q ¥ì hï ô û ýÎ ü ¡ þ¨a^%ÿ ©/c ©/k¥µuy© [_ \ kWyu°a¥q/k¥f_§ klwf a^© zq a^µ©Pf Y \ a¥z~© dekq ©£¢x[]©¨[_cH a¥©P q uc;© § q3Y u¥s Q O O Q Q O Q Q Q O Q Q k\ S Q HO#6: DRAFT: RF Laboratory Experiments, Measurements and Practice Passive Components 1.0 Introduction In this chapter, we examine the properties of passive components commonly used in RF work. Because parasitic effects can easily dominate behavior at GHz frequencies, our focus is on the development of simple analytical models for parasitic inductance and capacitance of various discrete components. 2.0 Resistors Even a component as simple as a resistor exhibits complex behavior at high frequencies. We may construct a very simple model by acknowledging first that current flows in both the connecting leads and the resistor proper. The energy stored in the magnetic field asso- ciated with that current implies the presence of some series inductance (typically about 0.5nH/mm for leads in axial packages, as a rough approximation1). In addition, there is necessarily some capacitance that shunts the resistor as well, since we have a conductor pair separated by a distance. The simplest (but by no means unique) RF lumped circuit model for a physical resistor might then appear as follows: FIGURE 1. Simple lumped RF resistor model L R C The presence of parasitic inductance and capacitance causes the impedance to depart from a pure, frequency-independent resistance.
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