SU8UI F8EE PUBLIC LIBRAHT 1*75 ST. GEOilCE AVE. RAiOAX. M.J. 07065 RAHWAY ^ Vitcarb New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper-Established 1822 VOL. 165 NO. 25 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 18. 1987 USPS 454-160 25 CENTS Recycling closer to reality by Pat DiMaggio establishing regulations as clable materials together —Approved a resolution trical inspections for the Ci- Rahway came one step to the manner, days and with all necessary equip- authorizing the appoint- ty of Rahway. closer to garbage separation limes of collections and the ment and personnel. ment of Sally Ann DiRini when the Municipal Coun- bundling, handling, location as the Tax Search Officer —Approved a resolution cil approved an ordinance and lime of placement for The ordinance slates that while Roger E. Pribush is authorizing the acceptance establishing a recycling pro- all materials curbside. The although the materials, on vacation from June 22 of a bid from Communica- gram at their regular meet- receptacles for the materials once placed curbside, to July 16. tion Specialists, Scotch ing held last week. The or- have not yet been determin- become the property of the —Approved a resolution Plains, for police radio dinance will come before ed, although the Solid city, residents may still authorizing the repaving of maintenance for an annual the council again for final Waste Management Plan donate or sell materials to Midwood Drive from sum of $7,044.32 adoption and a public hear- for the county has advised any person, partnership or Madison Ave. to a point of ing at their next meeting to against using plastic bags. corporation whether operat- 170 feet west from the in- —Approved an ordin- be held on July 13. Rahway has agreed to ing for profit or not-for- tersection of Midwood ance appointing the Office The ordinance calls for enter into the recycling pro- profit. These organizations Drive and Lakeside Drive. of the Municipal Clerk as the separation of glass, gram of the Union County must provide the city with —Approved a resolution the administrative agency, aluminum and newspapers. Utilities Authority who will reports as to the volume of authorizing the mayor and to administer the re- A recycling coordinator, to provide a central warehouse material collected. city clerk to enter into an quirements of the Senior be appointed by the mayor, for the collection, and sor- In other business, the agreement with the Middle Citizens and Disabled Pro- will be responsible for ting and disposal of recy- council: Department Inc. for elec- tected Tenancy Act. In Rahway Saturdays slated to be outdoor shopping days by Pat DiMaggio Association, said the pur- "We've already had peo- PROJECT BUSINESS ... Over 110 educators from cess which Is part of the Community Service Award to Downtown Rahway will pose of the outdoor ple contact us," said Robin. public and parochial schools and business leaders In Howard Kim (left) of Merck & Co.; Rocco Colluccl (stan- become an outdoor vendor's market is to attract "And we're careful not to the Middlesex, Somerset and Union County areas were ding right). Project Business teacher at vendor's market starting on more traffic into the down- put them where a local mer- honored recently for their participation In Junior School; and Catherine Turk (seated right) of Saturday, June 27, and run- town area. "We feel that in chant doesn't want them. Achievement's economic education award program, School, Rahway. They were comm ning on Saturdays until late order to get traffic into Nobody is looking at this as Project Business. The educators and business leaders cellence and achievement In the Implementation of this November. town we need more mer-' competition. We all feel it received Community Service Awards at a luncheon unique program which brings the business people Intp^ The City Council approv- chandise." said Robin. "We will be good for the down- hosted by the Junior Achievement Board of Directors at. 8th and 9ttt grade class rooms onc»B wee* for 12 to ' ed a resolution suspending have too many service type town area. We'd all like to the Sheraton/Newark Inn. James McAlplne (seated 14 weeks. More than 06 classes participated Jn**!©* provisions of the Code of businesses and not enough see Rahway go back to center) Division Manager, PSE&G, and a member: of the project during this school year. the City of Rahway (side- retail." what it used to be like JA Board of Directors, explains new JA pyramid to sue- walk encumbrances) to Robin explained that out- downtown." honor the request of the side retailers will be afford- Rahway Businessmen's As- ed a space not utilized by an Joseph Hudak, President sociation. The purpose of in-town merchant. Service of the Rahway Chamber of Council approves ordinance the outdoor vendor's mark- businesses and empty store Commerce, has high hopes et is for "strengthening and owners have agreed to for the market. "We have promoting the existing allow space in front of their pledged to work together to revamp city streets businesses in the downtown buildings to be utilized, she for a common goal," said business area," stated the said. "This is for all new Hudak. "This is not the ab- by Pat DiMaggio Also Newton Street (W. resolution. items, not flea market solute solution for the retail The Rahway City Coun- Grand Ave. to Cottage St.); Rev. Joseph N. Radden Merchants and outside stuff," Robin emphasized. district, but it will help. We cil approved a bond or- Pratt Street (Milton Blvd. to guest speaker vendors will be alloted "We will ask for tax num- arc supportive of the Rah- dinance in the amount of Elm Terr.); Princeton spaces on Main, Cherry and bers so we'll know they are way Businessmen's Asso- $380,000 to resurface city Avenue (W. Lake Ave. to Irving Streets and a portion legitimate." Spaces will be ciation's outdoor vendor streets at a meeting held last Grove St.); Raleigh Road of Milton Avenue. The rented for $15. market." week. (Whittier St. to Knapp Dr.); Friendship Baptist Church Rahway Businessman's As- Richmond Terrace (W. In- celebrating 70th anniversary sociation must obtain the Following is a list of man Ave. to Bramhall Rd.); necessary permit or license. Free tennis lessons. slreets to be resurfaced by River Road (St. Georges However, the license will be The 70th anniversary An Anniversary Ban- the City: Booth Court Ave. to Church St.); sufficient for all general Rahway Tennis Courts. It is of the Friendship Baptist quet will be held Saturday, Hilda Manhardt, member (Knapp Drive to Terminus); Rudolph Avenue (W. Lake vendors, except food ven- open to all ages from 7 Church, 809 E. Hazelwood July 18 at the Landmark of the U.S. Professional Grcslin Terrace (Elm Ter- Ave. to Grove St.); dors, who must obtain in- years old and to all levels. Ave., Rahway will begin Inn, Woodbridge, 6:30 p.m. Tennis Association, joins ruce lo Revoir Drive); Seminary Avenue (St. dividually whatever permits No registration is necessary, Sunday, June 21, 11 a.m.. Tickets are $35 and may be her fellow pros all over the Grove Street (Madison Georges Ave. to Irving St.); or licenses are necessary. just come to the courts. with former pastor Rev. purchased from any church country in celebrating Na- Avenue lo St. Georges Villa Place (Colonia Blvd. Robin Guinta, owner of tional Tennis Week by of- For more information Ave.); Hillside Road to Murray St.); Washington Joseph N. Radden as guest member. Mrs. Ruby K. speaker. He is currently liv- Edgar is general chairperson The Kitchen Cupboard on fering a free week of tennis call the Rahway Recreation (Milton Blvd. to Elm Ter- Street (Montgomery St. to Main Street, and newly- lessons and tournaments, Dept. 381-8000 Ext. 322 or race); Jensen Avenue (W. Brady Ct.); West Lake ing in Greenville, South and Mrs. Samuel Hayes and Carolina serving the Enoree Lafayette Lewis arc co- elected president of the from June 22 to June 26, Hilda Manhardt at 574- Lake Ave. to Grove Street); Avenue (St. Georges Ave. Rahway Businessmen's 9:30 to II a.m. at the 9122. Jensen Avenue (W. Inman to Pierpont St.); and repair Fork Baptist Church, and chairmen. Ave. to Bramhall Road); of sections of Madison attending William Morris Linden Avenue (Whiltier Avenue and Hamilton College, majoring in Chester Holmes and St. to Knapp Dr.) Murray Street due to water main pastoral theology. Ms. Lis Idlctt are co- Strect/Lcntz Court/Concord breaks. SUNDAV CELEBRATION...PIctured are Newark Ar- Miss Susie L. Green is chairmen for the ad journal. Street loop. chbishop Theodore E. McCarrick with Msgr. Charles F. chairman of the Spiritual Rev. Allen Thompson, Buttner, Pastor Emeritus of St. Mark's R.c; Church In Committee and has invited pastor, has given praise to Rahway, who has served there since 1941. Arch- area congregations and the committees for their bishop McCarrick celebrated Mass at St. Mark's last ministers to join in the ser- work on celebration ac- Season swim rates Sunday. vice. tivities. The Union County season pass members can Board of Chosen Freehold- participate in special swim ers announced that season sessions held on Tuesdays swim plans are now and Thursdays, 6:30 to 8:30 Rahway Y.M.C.A. announces available through the p.m. at Wheeler Pool; and Union County Department Mondays and Fridays, 6:30 of Parks and Recreation, to 8:30 p.m. at Rahway 1987 softball marathon for use at both county- Pool. operated pools, Rahway According to Freeholder The third Annual Rah- first two years, however, in raisers as the celebrity lights will assist those teams Pool, and Wheeler Pool, Edward J.
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