The Prince George Citizen - Wednesday, December 27,1995 - 41 The business com m unity greeted Paul M artin's (right) tough bud­ get on Feb.27 with applause. Of course, so did fellow Liberals Jean Chretien (left), Herb Gray and others. The House of Commons’ annual seven-week Christmas break has arrived in the nick of time, giving Prime Minister Jean Chretien and his demoral­ ized Liberal troops a chance to regroup. They now have some time to regain perspective after a traumatic and exhausting autumn, time to get out of Ottawa and the oppressive atmosphere of impending doom that has gripped Parliament Hill. Chretien, Liberals heed time to regroup by JOAN BRYDEN younger Quebec face at the cabinet in late February — a logical conclusion concentrate on selling Canada to Cana­ Southam News table. However, insiders now say Ouel­ to the deficit-busting first half of the dians, rather than foreign investors. UPDATE let is unlikely to leave since it’s uncer­ mandate — before formally embarking He’s expected to spend a lot of time OTTAWA — Jean Chretien has been The issue: Prime Minister Jean tain the Liberals could retain his Mon­ on a new jobs-oriented second half. travelling the country, starting with a saved by the bell — Christmas bells, to Chretien’s government has been treal seat in a byelection. Of course, Chretien must have a new caucus meeting in Vancouver at the be exact. reeling ever since the near-loss in If Ouellet doesn’t leave foreign af­ agenda to announce if the throne end of January. His government was sent reeling by the Oct. 30 Quebec referendum. fairs, insiders say Axworthy, who has speech is to be more than just political Distributed by the SouthamStar Net­ the near-loss in the Oct. 30 Quebec ref­ What’s new: Liberals are hop­ long coveted the post, has threatened theatre. w ork. erendum and has been on the ropes ing they can pull themselves to­ to quit. To that end, a special committee of ever since, pummelled from all sides gether over the Christmas break, At the same time, Chretien could lose cabinet is working on proposals to re­ over the prime minister’s haphazard ef­ put the referendum behind them Tobin if he decides to return home to vitalize the government’s job creation forts to pull the country back together and come back in the new year Newfoundland to succeed Premier efforts — the issue upon which the Lib­ Have a great time & Support 74 Local Charities at again. with a new agenda focused on jobs Clyde Wells. Wells is widely expected erals won election but which has since PRINCE GEORGE’S PREMIER But the Commons’ annual seven- and the economy. to be appointed chief justice of the taken a back seat to deficit reduction. week Christmas break has arrived in What it means: Chretien will province’s supreme court within days. Exactly what the committee will rec­ the nick of time, giving Chretien and take a number of steps to give his The loss of Tobin and/or Axworthy ommend is unclear. Insiders say sub­ his demoralized Liberal troops a government a fresh look, including would be a major blow to Chretien, stantive new initiatives will be intro­ BIN G O chance to pick themselves up off the a cabinet shuffle in January and a one that could be interpreted as rats duced but the government will also at­ mat. They now have some time to re­ throne speech, likely in February. fleeing a sinking ship, reinforcing the tempt to better publicize existing pro­ group, re-gain perspective after a trau­ sense of a government in crisis. grams. HUGE PAY-OUT! matic and exhausting fall and escape While a cabinet shuffle is key to mak­ Even before the committee finishes 'All Charities of The GoodTime Bingo Association endeavor to the oppressive atmosphere of impend­ and either Hedy Fry or Herb Dhaliwal ing a fresh start, Chretien is expected its report, Chretien will attempt to refo­ pay maximum prize payout of S7.500.00 subject to attendance. ing doom that has gripped Parliament from Vancouver. As well, several secre­ to reinforce that message by prorogu­cus the agenda during his Team Cana­ Hill. taries of state, in particular Montreal ing Parliament and opening a new ses­ da trade mission to India. He will be I 7-DAYS-A-WEEK sion with a throne speech setting out a accompanied by at least seven pre­ By itself, the seven-week respite from MP Alfonso Gagliano, could be elevat­ Monday-Friday 11:45 am • 6:45 pm • IthOOpm. petty partisan politics will be a healing ed to the ranks of senior ministers. new agenda for the second half of his miers and hundreds of business leaders $ 'Friday 10:15 pm salve, not only for shaken Liberals but Liberal insiders believe Chretien mandate. on the trip, which is expected to rustle Saturday*12:45 p.m. • 6:45 pm • 10:15 pm The timing for the throne speech is up roughly $4 billion in trade deals. for the battered national psyche. Liber­ must add a few new faces if only to X Bonanza Pre-Call 30 Minutes Eadier al and Reform MPs alike admit politi­ demonstrate to his increasingly restive up in the air, since all bills die on the Strategists hope the sight of the Sunday *12:45 p.m. • 6:45 pm • 10:15 pm cians only helped push the country caucus that rewards await those who order paper when Parliament is pro­ prime minister and premiers working ® 'Bonanza Pre-Call 30 Minutes Earfer closer to the brink during the last few remain loyal. rogued. Chretien is unlikely to pro­together to hustle trade and job oppor­ — Clear out the dead wood. Hapless rogue until the Tory-dominated Senate tunities — instead of squabbling over venomous weeks of name-calling and Talking G00DTINE finger-pointing in the regionally balka- Heritage Minister Michel Dupuy is passes his regional constitutional veto unity strategies — will send a positive Yellow nized Commons. widely expected to get the boot, al­bill, which won’t happen until at least signal about the government’s new pri­ Pages 564-2929 Indeed, the antics have been so though he may be given a soft landing Feb. 2 and which could take weeks orities. BINGO HULL mean-spirited, Chretien's composure with an ambassadorial appointment. more if the Senate decides to amend After India, however, Chretien will 490 Vancouver Street so rattled, many Liberals are now urg­ Health Minister Diane Marleau ap­ the bill. ing the prime minister to keep the pears to have redeemed herself recent­ In any event, insiders say Chretien Commons shut down until late Febru­ ly but is expected to be demoted to awants to get the budget out of the way ary or early March. So far, however, less-sensitive portfolio, like National PRINCE GEORGE KNIGHTS SOCIETY Chretien seems inclined to stick to the Revenue. [ /—• theatre— A scheduled Feb. 5 re-opening. — Reward his most effective com­ [ L o r o n e T I Whenever MPs return, Liberal strate­ municators and politically astute minis­ | 494 George St. Phone561-0303 | gists acknowledge the government ters with the high-profile portfolios t must take bold steps to ensure the that will be key to the feel-good agen­ THE *1 MOVIE ON ANY PLANET! \ ew Vea/* Is Sue fMa/l Commons doesn’t devolve again into da. a unity slugfest. Chretien must regain Fisheries Minister Brian Tobin, the control of the agenda and shift the fo­one unqualified star in cabinet, is tout­ cus off the corrosive unity debate, ed for industry or health and Justice c557 Stirne/'<Sc which only seems to exacerbate region­Minister Allan Rock for health or hu­ Sunday, Decem ber 31, 1995 al tensions. man resources. Deputy Prime Minister P I X A K EL— A _ Columbus Community Centre - Domano Boulevard In essence, insiders say he needs to Sheila Copps and Immigration Minister 7:10 & 9:00 pm Sergio Marchi are also touted for pro­ Cocktails 6:30 p.m.»reservea return to his pre-referendum strategy. CootouQ Dally Matinees: 12:00,2:00 & 4:00 •PARTY No more symbolic or quasi-constitu­motions, possibly to health and her­ > FAVORS Dinner 7:30 p.m.tableVor M tional gestures to accommodate Que­itage, respectively. • DOOR T ^ PRIZES Dance 9:00 p.m.group bec. Instead, prove to Quebecers that There are a number of factors, how­ Canada works by providing good gov­ever, which could complicate Chre­ Tickets are limited, avoid disappointment get your ticket today tien’s efforts to put a new face on his ernment focused on job creation, eco­ $30.00 per person nomic growth and sound fiscal man­ government. agement. For instance, it has been widely as­ Tickets available at: To dothat, however, Chretien will sumed that veteran Andre Ouellet McGill Home Hardware Columbus Community Centre first need to shuffle his cabinet, reinvig- would be appointed ambassador to orating a team that appears to have Paris, opening up foreign affairs for 3041 McGill Cres. 7201 Domano Blvd. run out of ideas. Human Resources Minister Lloyd Ax- Call 964-2744 Insiders expect a shuffle in January, worthy and making room for a new, 150967 either just before a Jan. 8-20 trade mis­ sion to India, or — more likely — just after Chretien returns. Conflicting rumors abound about Please refer to TV Times published every Friday, who will get what portfolio but most for the full week's listings. Liberals agree Chretien needs to ac­ LOCAL. Listings are provided by the stations.
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