I > ' ■ • ■' ij- - - VOMpAT, MABOH1, IMI * • I I iriidj iOanrlfrBtrr ‘Enating ifrraUii A v «n i« Dnflg Clrmlatlsii hr the w u m eC The committee In charge of The Americkn Legion Auxiliary quarters. The 81JM0 coatrlbutad ao ticketa for the dinner-dance of win meet thU evening in the Le­ Wins Scholarship Red Cross O ff far la from corporation gifts nndar About Town Frank J. Manafleld Marine Ctorpa gion home. Coupon chairman Mra. the chairmanship o f Henry It. 9 ,496 t ' -------- Laague and Auxiliary, in celebra­ Dorothy NeUl aaka the membere Mallory and from garages and Myatle lUvtew, W oaa«i’a Ben«> tion of the fourth annlveraary, to bring in their coupona on varl- To Good Start aenice stations under the chair­ flt AMocUttoo, wlU mMt toioor> will meat tomorrow evening at oua products. Each coupon win manship o f Robert Bchaller, ■Neul'^ Spring Manehetter^A CUy o f VOiogo Charm row In Odd FeOowa hall. the home o f Mra. Lee Darling, enUtle them to a ticket on a Tou are reminded that U you live In Manchester jrou should give In All ipiard* are aaked to be prea* Church atreet. The affair la ached, drawing. The coupons ere turned First Ten Yards on the (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE POUR' ent aa rrhearaala will begin for tiled for Saturday evening at the In to the national organisation Manchester because it is through yO L. L X m , NO. ea rate if) MANCHESTER, CONN, TUESDAY, MARCH 2,1948 the Boor work at the convention Garden Grove, and all ticket re- from ell over the country and Grid Campaign Attain* thal Chapter that your needs will 129 in New London, Saturday, May tuma ahould be made at once. the proceed.^ ere need by the aux- be met. Milliken 32. Mra. Julia Rawaon, Mra. Paul­ lUarlee for Child Welfare work. cd in Wcck*End ine Bcrrett and Mra. Carrie Sam- The Maater Mkaon Degree will Acciues Gmdon of Red Associatioiia Report Blasts low will nerve refreahmenta at be conferred by Manchester Arthur Roy B:irk, 18. eon o f Mr. Manchester gave the Red Groan the aoclal time to follow. Lodge No. 73 A. F. * A. M. at a and Mra. Frank W. Burk, of Bol­ Drive a good boost over the week Woolens Taft Fears Steel Urges Congress Put special coremunlcatlon on Tues­ ton. enlUted In the Regular Navy Plumbing Friday. He enlleted for three end and kicked the Red Cross foot­ Bureau^sHead Mary C Keeney Tent, DUVCW, day, March 2, at 7:30 p. m. There will be refreshments following years, end wee transferred to the ball down the field to the first 10- Heating and will meet tomorrow evening at the yard stripe. In other words, the the degree work. Naval Training Center, Great ‘ Price Jumps May home <Mt Mra. Etta Loveland. 41. Lakes, 111., the same day. A for­ graphic cUsplay sign located at the As Weak link Elro atreet. A aoclal hour nill mer sbident at the Bolton Center Cheney Library represents a foot­ Oil Burner.,’io fellow the buctnewt meeting. The Pine Cl\1cs Association will $ 1*98 yd. Defenses of Nation hold Ita monthly meeting Wednes­ school, he enlisted In order to leam ball field and each 10-yard atrlpe day evening at 8 o'clock at the a trade. The Nsvy, the Navy Re­ represents $1,IV00, which was the Supplies TwoCongresaiomd Com* A meeting o f the Manoheater cruiting Office revealed, has more Besutlful ptaidi and novelty plalna Start Pay Raises Raataurant and Liquor Diapensera Community “Y.” Setback will be amount contributed over the week than 80 ratings, involving 400 end. Russell U. Paul of G. E. Willis to match or mix. For drcaaca, aulU, Aaa^atlon will be held this eve­ played after the business, and re­ jacketa and akirta. mittees Spurred Into freshments vtill be sert'ed by Mrs. skills. Choice of trade training de­ A Sons, Inc., who Is in charge of Free Cstiinates ning at 8:80 at the Club Chianti. pends entirely upon a recruit's ap­ Fklmund Brown, Mrs. Bradley Fo- displays on Chairman Arthur E. Action M Scientist Dapot Square. All mcmbera are titude. He may choose any trade Concerned That Hhie CluMpiaa Has Uttar In Better urged to be preaenL. gil and Mra. William Mehl. McCann's campaign committee is Accused of Red Lie he can qualify for. -,.V '5'J responisble tor the graphic bill­ No Job Too Small O f Fundamental Indnn- or IT Irish Sattars board and he will accordingly move __ V ' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Bnmner Miss Nancy Jewett the football down the field today. None Too lAirge »F tries Increates Pricea* Sharon, Maaa., March 2.— ' i ’■4 m Washington, March 2—(P) — A Knowland Advocates m m who have been In Florida for the S4 (ff)— Champion Red Shadow la Breaks Air Mark Of course, it is too early for any Despite Pleas o f L l a rsport blasting tbo hsad of the Anti-Lynching tion as W ell as CbM^ past three weeks, are expected Miss Nancy Jewett, of 2 9 1 report from the residential canvass mothering a Utter o f IT beady* government's Bureau of Standards home the latter part of this week. as each worker must turn in his eyed Irish setters today. Tba Haynea street, has been awarded | Hew Spring Tmnian and Others as "one of the weakeet links In our batting ComnmnfaiM a four years scholarship at Syra­ or her collections after completing A. T. S. Supply owner, Frad Shaw, said ha be* Miss Mary Kauffmann of Mil- atomic aecurlty” spurred two con- Law One Step Wake Up Your Scalp cuse University as the result of the territory. No such reports are To Hold Down Prices Ueved It was the largest UtMr gCk 4- Through Aid to ISk- ton, Mass., was the week-end guest yet available. It Is expects that In Co. of the type ever bom ia the gresslonel committees Into action her awsrd In the WestInghouse today. of her uncle, Robert K. Anderson, Talent Search. She was awarded mid-week these reports will start United States. He estimated rope; *Must Have A ir of 133 Oakland street. 35 Oak St. TcL 2-M06 Washington, March 2.— (ff) Dr. Edward U. Oondon, the 48 Nearer Voting a science citation on February 3 to come In at Red Cross head­ the valiM o f the puppies at If your scalp is slug- Milliken —Senator Taft (R., Ohio), 84,000. year old acientiat so accused by a Force in Being, Not and she has already been accept- House Un-American Actlvitlsa ffish and unhealthy, The second In a series of record j ed by the university. She will en- sxpreaaed fear to ^ y that the The father ia Red Star of Just in Blurprint,* concerts will be given tomorrow HoUywood. The parents hold ■ubcommlttes, rstortsd: Southern Demoermt In your hair naturally I ter Symctise In September. Miss W e n t steel price increase *^ ls la gratifying Information evening at 8 o'clock In the cata­ I Jewett Is a senior at Lauralton obodlenoa show badges. Senate Told Today loses its lustre and logue room of the Mary (Jheney Shetland might touch on new demands because I'm absolutely reliable House Shouts *Harry I Hall. Milford. At Syracuse she beauty. Wake up your Library. Those attending are ask­ Beary A. WaOaee, right, to kto toiusei' capacity aa aeeretary of eeas- and therefore wa have nothing to I will major in chemistry. for wage boosts. He said he ia Truman Is Dead Bird’ Washington, March scalp throuffh a series ed to assemble in the young peo­ concerned that “one of the aseree, abowa a riuut oa fatare asea of atomie eaergy to Dr. Edward worry about. Tha country can re­ of our special treat­ ple's room. The last concert >^as U. Coadaa. dtoector of the U. B. Bareaa of Staadardo, whom U'al- lax." As Action Revealed ■•-Senator Knowland (R., greatly enjoyed, and since the list Woolens fundamental industries comes British Fight tooe rsfsaamadsd for the Job. Tbo Hoooe CMaadttee oa UaAiaetl- To an accompanying riiarga that Calif.), urged today that ments. You’ll find your eaa Aettvltleo baa aow ebanrsd tbM Coadaa. who oerved oa the pceol- he "knowingly or unkonwlngly en­ was plinth a number of new rec­ along and increases its ^'aehlngton, March 2—(P)—An- hair has new beauty, ords have been added. Music rec­ prices'* despite ptess from Presi­ deat’o ooaanittao.to ovatoato tiM olteeto af tbo Blktol atom booab teat, tertained and aaaoclatad” with al- Congress put American de* Smart plain colon In aoft grten, bright more life to it. And ords may be borro\b’ed from the li­ Atlantic dent Truman end others to hold Beside Jews baa asaoctoSed with flovlci coplsnage agedta.— (N EA tricpbelo). Igeed Russian spies, Oondon com­ U-lynching legislation moved o«m fenses “in first class condi­ brary like books. The librarians green, copen Muc, ten, grey end light roee. mented to a reporter: step further toward passage In you’ll thrill to the dis­ 100 W %irgln wool........................................Td. down prices generally. tion” as wen as combatting will be glad to explain the plan, $3-29 •That’a Just too* vague to talk Congress today, and a aoutham Aims H w srk s at Falrleaa Communism through aid to covery that your per­ and the concert will afford an op­ Range and Fuel T s^ head tof the Senate-House In Palestine about.
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