2/1/80 [2]; Container 149

2/1/80 [2]; Container 149

2/1/80 [2] Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 2/1/80 [2]; Container 149 To See Complete Finding Aid: http://www.jimmycarterlibrary.gov/library/findingaids/Staff_Secretary.pdf . .: THE WHITE HOUSE . -.-. - �:�.'.._·_.1 . I • .• . / WASHINGTON �.� .. �-, 1 . ,. .. .. ,i 01 Feb 80 .- . - -._ - , -. ... .. --- -- _. _:,·: •. � ·- . 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" - .,_. :. ' - - . - - - : - �/ Rick Hutcheson -- ---- ·-- . ";cL::l ;:;'':..".:::· ,, ��":':c_;:���"-"':i ;,::�. '�"'':2:�''�,';�Z,�' : ' . ... " --IJ .. '] j -1 ! J .· I ··.!." .:.:.....' -- I - -- ------- ----- -- .. -r -1 j ., -i I "\ -- - - � ·----:- -. ---- � --=-=----------- - - - - ._ - ·-�-::-�----�..::�_:, .. - --- ..::-::-.. 7-� :-�· . 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' ;. .: --..:.:'· . :- -'- . �· .:.··--- .: - - . - _ -- ----' -:;-o-- - , · · .-- - __ .- - . - - : ...:.� _;�{'_.: _i.=.:· - --::-�.':-. ' ;.;.·-.:.., ..;,,,�. ···: -) ._, THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON January 29, 1980 MEMORANDUM FOR THE PRESIDENT FROM AL MCDONALD� SUBJECT: Guidelines for Camp David Several staff members have expressed concern that you may not have an adequate degree of privacy at Camp David during your visits there. Since last summer staff members and Cabinet officers have continued to plan trips even when you intend to be in residence as long as facilities are available. As I understand it, the initial guidelines call�d for others to have use of Camp David only when you are not in residence. This would leave not only privacy for you and your family but the availability of facilities for any special invitees you might want to have there for whatever reason. Later, in discussions with Hugh Carter, you indicated that others could be present with your approval, but this process is apparently being bypassed. I suggest we return to the initial pattern of accepting reservations conditional on you not being present at Camp David. Staff and Cabinet reservations would then be automatically cancelled when you are scheduled there. On those occasions the military office would then clear guests not by request but only by your personal invitation. Please indicate your preference. Return to initial automatic pattern Continue present practice Personal approval of Camp David requests during your stay * *(e.g. Secretary Duncan has reservations for this weekend.) EYectrost�t�1.: t��w ��J ��w forr Pre$�wv�ll:etiln !?u��;,?Jet$$$ - - - -' - - THE WHITE HOUSE '. .· - - ·-�- . -� .�.. WASHINGTON ·- _. .. ' ·-:: -· / .. ---'"""" .------· - · .• • ... 7- ·� --·r -- . --�- ·---.� .. �.: · . ...:,.:-_·_ .... �-- - .........- ... .. ... ' 01 .;- · · Feb 80 _ . - ---: _:--:-:_--::::::..: _ -:_--:;--:;_-- -- � - � · �- :-·- -- . ,..,; . - . : . -- ·- __. : ·:=_"'-=-· •- Land on Butler The attached was returned in l ...: . ----;--_:___ - - the President's outbox today L_.�---:- ---·�-� - -- _____ ---· - --- - - � ·-:-·'---�:::�·-· ___ -":____:_.. -� -- :c::.._7-':-:-__,- _:__:_:_:::-_ _ -----·-------- ____ and is forwarded to you for · . "',·,--::. ------ ------:------:--:-,� �-·-r��--:::�::=:�"_-:· -�:-�.::.;�· -- - . -- -'--�-- � . � -�- ::�� _:_:-=1 appropriate handling . : _ · - _ · _ _ �_-;..::�::�:..·;-.;_� . : � -- -�:::::'.: · .. � ;_::_ ��----'-� ,: -��-'_ ::: :_:;:�;�}:�·:�<!����>_·;._:. :.. ;_· � _ ---�� ' ..�: . - ;_: :.., -= _: }\;;_ : '•1"-:. - .;::;::;;_ � .j:,;_--; -� _ _ _ - - •• ·:< ��� _ - - - tf- - � - --�- - � :· . .. - - 1--:=���:.- -� z��:-��-: ��=-�� ��� _- - -- - � - Rick Hutcheson \ -- i -- �! i -! . - --�- ---- - . ___ ...:.--------------;--"""�--- .-- - - _, -"-· �-::------- i ' ---------- - --�-�-----�·-..- - __._ --_- · - - - ··�·--·-' .. - ·'; -:...- · __ -- ._.: . , . -" -----------�----�- _ _ . --- - , - - --· ---:-::----·-----;-.--:;-:=�;c-� """:"". : .. _ . �---� ---- -. -:·::;;-�i::I�.--'-- - �---:...�_:;-..: - �-:-'.- • - - --- : ;--:- - --�-- - . - ----. ----------_ -_---. - ; .-:�- ----;:._7;�-�- ---:f-7.:" :-�..:.:::._�·___.,;::,_ _ -----,---..-=. _-;_ ::--::-;;;-----��-�-:..;: �:-:;--.:-::;...- - . - _ � --'-�---,e.��-·=-----=-- : �·�:,-::--:-� _ _ - - 0: ��-: - -----,-�-� -c-oc::::·��c-•�"-'-----�- - -- ---cc- -----�--'"----'--'-�;�---- -----------'0�·--c·:_ • ,-, . -.;--c -c- --�- · __ _ . ____ __:_ .:_:__:_-__ _ - . - - - �;��--�t!1!��c{;::t:f�-,Ji _ ...-- ------ � -- - /. 7 ,ti . ... .; fo f! .1,11 / ' / p· � . 1 . ' f!IV1�, ;�11/J'o Why the ILGWU Urges Its Members to -Reelect Jimmy Carter· and Walter Mondale ' The ·General Executive Board of the International endorsement of Carter is based on reasons that precede Ladies' Garment Workers' Union calls upon its members the events in Iran and Afghanistan and go back to the to support the reelection of Jimmy Carter and Walter time when the ILGWU President gave his personal hack· Mondale as President and Vice President of the United ing to Carter. · States. -· Although the President of the ILCWU, Sol C. Chaikin, The Non-Affluent American personally and publicly joined a committee many months The primary concern of the ILCWU is the neglected ago for the reelection of Carter and Mondale, the official portion of our population that does not share in the decision of the union was deferred to the January Board amucnce of our nation, and that in times of unemployment meeting to provide an opportunity to sample membership and inflation is even further removed from realizing the sentiment and to conduct a full and open discussion by American promise. More than two and a quarter million Board members. · of these people arc in the textile and apparel industry, Although the soundings sho":ed that the ILCWU mcm· the largest manufacturing employer in the country. There hers�just as the public at_ large-prefer Carter as the are additional millions in labor intensive manufacture, Democratic nominee by· an appreciable margin and choose in service trades arid even in public employment; they Carter over all Republican aspir,;:rits by an overwhelming - are the forlorn and forgotten of our society. majority, the decisive factors in the Board endorsement The traditional troubles of these millions have been were not the polls but the attitudes and actions of the multiplied in the last decade. The ten million workers em- Administration. The recent polls showing a rise in Carter ployed in labor. intensive manufacture have seen their ·popularity reflect a rallying of the nation around the jobs eroded by waves of imports from slave-wage coun- Prcsident at a time of international tension. The ILGWU's tries. Real wages for non-supervisory employees have been · -:--�-� :;� ��7-� : . -----�·· L�·-�·----·---------. ; : · .:�n-�-·����:ate::����;;;�--;;:-;::J��:-u::�::;;y•�n-J:;s- ; · --�-. · �.. :� · : · General :. :_. 1 ing President Carter Voted on January 10, 1980 by the - . · ..· -. · -· .: r ' _/ ····' ·. _:: .. ., · � : ·- '· · Executive Board of the ILGWU, Sol C. Chaikin, President.) - ... · · •.:, ·· :·:: -. '..::. , . >.i-�:.·_i:� �: < -->'• ··-·t>L�-� - -- --#-�=� •' .. was sent to stripping for: delivery. : .·.'· THE WHITE HOUSE WASHIXGTON /- - cf/�-f Yo �h?/ . .:............ -�· . ..d- �· ��d/y� � � �� a-/ "/'� Hdr#rL /,/ #�' . &/P$/�/ _A� �/ ��d�·· 4 7Z ./� /,..¢�� ,f,w(' .)#� 7- d d�/--..;..._ ,.{�-id � /4wfft/��/ .;;.__ ;k �&,;Y ¥ *c-nJ k- --- �--;::::-:----;----- �/ �7 7/d-.4- fl�/,-,£?{� .ezL tt��� ;�����!i�!�-�-�-i�l Jimmy Clark P.O. Box 531 Coatesville, Pa., 19320 Honorable Jimmy Carter President of the United States of America Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. President:

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