Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from LYRASIS members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/colonialecho193638coll THE COLONIAL ECHO THE COLONIAL ECHO In which Ye editors attempt to intenfijy the REVERBERATIONS of the Glorious Va^ OF The College of WILLIAM and MARY in rVtr^inia INSTANCE of the SENIORS 2LX(Williamjbur^ Virginia IN THE "YEAR OF OUR LORD MCMXXXVI V\^<2Ari Copyright I9j6: A, CRICHTON McCUTCHEON a»// WARNE ROBINSON A DEDICATION HE Spirit of William and Mary is a rich Inheri- tance from the Paft and a creative and transform- ing Force in the Prefent, for it manifefts a fpiritual Kinfhip between the Sudents of Today and thofe who have dwelt and developed at this College during the Two Hundred and Forty-three Years of its Lite and Service. In that quarter Millennium unimaginable phyfical and political Changes have taken place. Tranfportation has (hrunk the World to a mere Speck of its former Size. The Day of the little failing Ship and Oxcart has been fuperseded by the Aero- plane and Motor Car; the fwifteft Couriers are literally motion- lefs in comparifon with the Radio and Telephone, and coinci- dentally the Telefcope has enlarged the Bounds of the Univerfc until the ordinary Man is driven to fall back upon fuch incom- prehenfible Standards as "Light Years". Yet in thefe portentous, revolutionary and difquieting Changes the unconquerable Will of Man ftill ftands. The Forms of Faith have altered, but Man's Faith in Man remains. The Population, the Area, or the Wealth of this Country, important though they be, are in themfelves only one Phafe of the great Contribution made by the Sons of William and Mary to the accomplifhed Revolution in this Land. That Gift was firft Be- lief in themfelves and then the demonftrated Validity of that Belief in Man's Power to meet and deal with the Demands of Life. That is the Spirit we need to fee vital and energizing once more. At this Time of general Doubt and Uncertainty, confronted by new and menacing Forces, this Land is once again, as in 1776, thrown back upon the Light of Reafon and the Fortitude of Faith. Thofe were the moving Forces that have fhowed forth in the Sons of William and Mary in every Crifis which this College faced. With the fame Simplicity of Certitude the Spirit of William and Mary, today, turns inftinctively and furely to the unchanged Principles and the unobfcured Purpofes of the Student and Alumni of this College from its Beginnings and, like a great Artery throbbing and pulfmg from the Heart of Life, the Aims, the Obligations, the Courage and the Will of 1693 animate the William and Mary of 1936. John Stewart Bryan. PREFACE N Echo is an exceedingly ftrange and wondrous Phenomenon, which, given a fubftantial Background, will fpeak again in the Voice of Man, where no Voice is. The Prefent is a Symphony of Echoes, refounding from the receding and impenetrable Walls of the Paft. The Future waits upon it for its Memories. Our Day has come — we add another Echo to the rifing Voice of Time. We of Their Majefties' College oi U^illiam and Mary in Virginia, perhaps more clearly than Moft, have heard the Echoes of the Paft, and, liftening, we have wondered at their Power and Wif- dom. Is it then ftrange, good Sir, or ftrange, fair Madam, that we, your Editors, have endeavored to blend this your Book with the Memories of the Paft — praying always that as it echoes the Memories of your ftudent Days, it may bring alfo the Echoes of thofe who have gone before? Is it ftrange that we fhould feek to bind ourfelves, with fuch Ties as we may, to thofe great Scholars and Statefmen whofe Voices have echoed for two Centuries paft from the Halls of our College and from the Life and Strength of our Nation? What more could we hope, and for what more fhould we ftrive, than to join with Them in holding ftrong the Background which muft ferve the Echoes of the Future. TABLE OF CONTENTS BOOK I. Wherein is fhown a true Account of the Adminiftra- tors of The Coiledge, whofe Diligence and Addrefs hath been an Inftrument to per- petuate and increafe its good Repute. BOOK ONE THE COLLEGE lie K^>anwii^ LiiLaUL ClllCI atL f f Sir (_'/iriitop/a(;r "Wren 'building Thi 'Uieta }\appa and 'Washington '\}{ails 'jcjjcrsuu and "J3arrctt XiH'iMLs e5¥onroe '^all Qcorgc 'i^rcston Jiioiv (^ym)\asium T/x! '^eta K^appa c^lemorial ^all '^hc ^President's '^3{ouse ADMINISTRATION AND FACULTY The Colonial Echo JOHN STEWART BRYAN President of the College of William and Mary in Virginia For a scant two years John Stewart Bryan has been president of the College of William and Mary. During that time he has earned the sincere admiration and un- ending affection of the entire student body. His unfailing energy, his sympathetic attention, his genuine interest in every phase of college life, have endeared him to all. The Colonial Echo BOARD OF VISITORS James H. Dillard Rector George W. Mapp Vice-Rector THE VISITORS OF THE COLLEGE To March 7, 1938 James H. Dillard Charlottesville, Va. Gary T. Grayson Washington, D. C. George W. Mapp Accomac, Va. Mitchell Wallcerton, Va. J. Douglas John Garland Pollard Washington, D. C. To March 7, 1936 A. H. Foreman Norfolk, Va. Lulu D. Metz Manassas, Va. A. Obici SuflFolk, Va. Gabriella Page Richmond, Va. John A. Wilson Roanoke, Va. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ex-Officio Sidney B. Hall .' Richmond, Va. Secretary to the Visitors Williamsburg, Va. Charles J. Duke, Jr The Colonial Echo OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION John Stewart Bryan PresiAint and .hiiny Dtan of tin- Mars/mll-lfyl/ie School of GoTcrnmrnl and C'uhfnship Charles J. Duke, Jr. Assistant to the President and Bursar Kremer J. Hoke Dean of the Colleije and Dean of the School of Education J. WiLFORD Lambert Dean of Freshmen Grace Warren Landrum Marguerite Wynne-Roberts Dean of H'omcn Assistant Dean of Jl'omen Albion Guilford Taylor Assistant Dean nf the Marshall-ll'ythe School of Government and Citizenship Theodore Sullivan Cox Dean of School of Jurisprudence Herbert Lee Bridges Registrar Emeritus Kathleen Alsop Vernon L. Nunn Reejislrar Auditor Henry Horace Hibbs, Jr. Dean of the Richmond Division William Thomas Hodges Dran of the Norfolk Division Earl Gregg Swem Margaret Galphin Librarian Actint/ Librarian Charles A. Taylor Executive Secretary Alumni Association The Colonial Echo OFFICERS OF INSTRUCTION John" Sikwari Hrvan I'lrsidcni B.A.. M.A., LL.B., Litt.D.. I.r,.D. Pinfi'ssor Sn,iolo,/y Daniki. JAMKS Hl.OCKKR . of A.B,. A.M., B.D.. D.D. Theodore Sui.mvan Cox Profrssor of Juris firuJirm- A.B., LL.B. Lillian- A. Cummiscs Piofissor of Horn,- l-.ionomics A.B., A.M. DONALU Walton- Pavis Profrssnr of Riolmiy A.B., Ph.D. John Roberts Fisher Professor of Modern l.anijuaties A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Wayne Fulton Gibbs Professor of Aeeounlaney B.S., M.S., C.P.A. (Virginia) William A. R. Goodwin Professor of Rel'uj'ion A.M., B.D., LL.D. William Georce Guv Professor of Cliemislry B.Sc. B.A.. Ph.D. Inca Olga HEi.SETH Prufessor of Elementary EJuealion A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Professor EJuealion Kremer J. Hoke of A.B.. A.M., Ph.D. Lawrence Vauchan Howard Professor of Governmenl A.B., -A.M., Ph.D. Jess Hamilton Jackson Professor of Emjlish A.B., A.M., Ph.D. John Rochelle Lee Johnson Professor of Ent/lish A.B., A.M. L. Tucker Jones Professor of P/iysieal Educalion B.s. Grace Warren Landru.vi Professor of Enijhsh A.B.. A.M., rii.D. John Paul Leonard Professor of Education A.B.. A.M., Pli.D. Charles Franklin Marsh Professor of Economics A.B., .\.M., Ph.D. Richard Lee Morton Professor of History A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Litt.D. James Ernest P.ate Professor of Political Science A.B.. A.M., Ph.D. Robert Chlchrist Robb Professor of Orc/anic Chemistry A.B., B,S.. A.M., Se.D. Archie Garnett Ryland Professor of French .\.B.. .A.M., Ph.D. Shirley Donald Southworth Professor of Economics A.B., .A.M., Ph.D. John Minor Stetson Professor of Mathematics B.A., Ph.D. Charles H. Stone Professor of Library Science B.S., .A.M., B.L.S. Earl Gregg Swem Librarian A.B., A.M., Litt.D. Albion Guilford Taylor Professor of Economies A.B., A.M., Ph.D. Anthony Pelzer Wagener Professor of .Indent Languages A.B.. Ph.D. Helen Foss Weeks Professor of Education B.S., A.M.. Ph.D. Page 23 The Colonial Echo Dudley Warner Woodbridge Professor of Jurisprudence A.B., J.D. ROSCOE COKKLING VouNG Professor of Physics A.B.. B.S., A.M.. Ph.D. James David Carter, Jr Associate Professor of French A.B., Docteur de I'Universite de Toulouse Joseph C. Chandler -Issociate Professor of Physical Education B.S., A.M. Graves Glewvood Clark Associate Professor of Emjlis/i and Journalism LL.B.. A.B., A.M. Hibbert Dell Corey Issociate Professor of Economics A.B., A.M. Charles Duncan Gregory Associate Professor of Mathematics B.S., A.M. Charles Trawick Harrison -Issociate Professor of English A.B., A.M.. Ph.D. Andrew Edward Harvey Issociate Professor of Modern Lani/uai/es A.B., Ph.D. Althea Hunt Associate Professor of Eni/lish and Dramatic Art A.B., A.M. Victor Iturralde -Issociate Professor of Spanish and French A.B.
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