22308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE October 5, 2005 2002; $1000, 02/11/2002, Washington State Re- them. To the best of my knowledge, the in- S. 1821. A bill to amend the Public Health publican party; $250, 02/16/2002, John Thune formation contained in this report is com- Service Act with respect to preparation for for South Dakota; $500, 02/24/2002, Trent plete and accurate. an influenza pandemic, including an avian Matson for Congress; $250, 03/31/2002, Friends Contributions, donee, date, and amount: influenza pandemic, and for other purposes; of Jennifer Dunn; $250, 04/01/2002, Scott 1. Self: National Restaurant Assoc. PAC, to the Committee on Health, Education, Armey for Congress; $250, 06/28/2002, Sydney 2001, $5000.00; Ed Tinsley for Congress, 2002, Labor, and Pensions. Hay for Congress; $250, 06/29/2002, Friends of $1000.00; National Restaurant Assoc. PAC, By Mrs. MURRAY (for herself and Ms. Jeb Hensarling; $250, 08/23/2002, David Fisher 2002, $5000.00; Gordon Smith Victory Com- CANTWELL): for Congress; $1500, 10/17/2002, Club for mittee, 2002, $2000.00; Oregon Republican S. 1822. A bill to amend titles XVIII and Growth PAC; $750, 10/29/2002, Friends of Jen- Party Federal Account (Gordon Smith Vic- XIX of the Security Act to make improve- nifer Dunn; $250, 11/01/2002, Norma Smith for tory Committee), 2002, $5000.00; Oregon Re- ments to the implementation of the medi- Congress; $250, 04/16/2003, Carl Isett Cam- publican Party Non-Federal (Gordon Smith care prescription drug benefit; to the Com- paign; $250, 06/30/2003, Pat Toomey for Con- Victory Committee), 2002, $13,000.00; Repub- mittee on Finance. gress; $500, 09/30/2003, Pat Toomey for Con- lican Eagles RNC, 2002, $15,000.000; The 2002 By Mrs. HUTCHISON: gress; $1000, 07/11/2003, Friends of Jennifer President’s Dinner (RNC), 2002, $12,500.00; Na- S. 1823. A bill to empower States and local Dunn; $2000, 07/23/2003, Bush-Cheney ’04 Pri- tional Restaurant Assoc. PAC, 2003, $5000.00; governments to prosecute illegal aliens and mary; $2000, 12/15/2003, Nethercutt for Senate; Bush/Cheney 04, 2003, $2000.00; Greg Walden to authorize the Secretary of Homeland Se- $2000, 12/15/2003, Nethercutt for Senate; $250, for Congress, 2003, $1560.01; Republican Na- curity to establish a pilot Volunteer Border 12/18/2003, Jane Hague for Congress; $500, 01/ tional Committee, 2003, $15,000.000; Gordon Marshal Program; to the Committee on the 14/2004, Cathy McMorris for Congress; $250, 03/ Smith U.S. Senate, 2003, $1029.06; Republican Judiciary. 22/2004, Arlene Wohlgemuth for Congress; National Committee, 2004, $10,000.00; Rogers By Mr. KERRY (for himself and Mr. for Congress, 2004, $2000.00; GO PAC, 2004, $250, 03/30/2004, John Swallow for Congress; SCHUMER): $250, 03/31/2004, Pat Toomey for Congress; $1000.00; Jim Feldkamp for Congress, 2004, S. 1824. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- $500, 04/15/2004, Pat Toomey for Congress; $2000.00; Coleman for Senate, 2004, $1000.00; enue Code of 1986 to strengthen the earned $250, 08/16/2004, Tom Coburn for Senate; $5000, Herman Cain for US Senate, 2004, $1000.00; income tax credit; to the Committee on Fi- 07/27/2004, Club for Growth PAC; $250, 08/02/ National Restaurant Assoc. PAC, 2004, nance. 2004, Connie Mack for Congress; $4017, 09/28/ $5000.00; Zupanzic for Congress, 2004, $2000.00; By Mr. SANTORUM (for himself and Bush/Cheney 04, 2004, 25.82. 2004, Republican Party of FL; $3125, 09/30/2004, Ms. STABENOW): 2. Spouse: Gail McCormick: National Res- Republican Federal Committee of PA; $1638, S. 1825. A bill to amend the Employee Re- taurant Association, 2002, $2500.00; Bush/Che- 10/01/2004, MO Republican State Committee; tirement Income Security Act of 1974 and the ney 04, 2003, $2000.00; Oregon Republican $1265, 10/01/2004, Republican Party of MN; Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to revise the Party, 2004, $10,000.00. $1042, 10/01/2004, OR Republican Party; $893, 3. Children and Spouses: Megan Clingham funding and deduction rules for multiem- 10/04/2004, Republican Party of WA; $1487, 10/ & Gavin Clingham—None; Andrew C. McCor- ployer defined benefit plans, and for other 04/2004, Republican Party of WI; $745, 10/04/ mick & Merilee McCormick—None; Alex- purposes; to the Committee on Finance 2004, WV Republican State Executive Com- ander McCormick—None; Sarah Marie f mittee; $2975, 10/04/2004, Republican Party of McCormick—None; Mary Alice McCormick— SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND OH; $2530, 10/04/2004, AR Leadership Com- None; Thomas Callaghan McCormick—None. mittee 2003 FCRC; $595, 10/06/2004, Republican 4. Parents: Mathew Murtaugh McCor- SENATE RESOLUTIONS Party of ME; $595, 10/06/2004, NH Republican mick—Deceased; Mary Elizabeth Callaghan State Committee; $595, 10/06/2004, NH Repub- The following concurrent resolutions McCormick—Deceased. and Senate resolutions were read, and lican State Committee; $595, 10/06/2004, ME 5. Grandparents: Mathew James McCor- Republican Party; $745, 10/07/2004, Republican mick—Deceased; Anne McCormick—De- referred (or acted upon), as indicated: Central Committee of NV; $1000, 10/19/2004, ceased; Edward Callaghan—Deceased; Mary By Mr. FEINGOLD: Jim DeMint for Senate; $1000, 10/20/2004, Pete Maher Callaghan—Deceased. S. Res. 265. A resolution recognizing 2005 as Coors for Senate; $2000, 10/25/2004, Friends of 6. Brothers and Spouses: Edward James the year of the 50th Anniversary of the Crop Dave Reichert; $1000, 10/25/2004, John Thune McCormick—None; Mathew Murtaugh Science Society of America; to the Com- for Senate; $1000, 10/28/2004, Tom Coburn for McCormick and Patricia McCormick—None. mittee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and For- Senate; $1000, 10/29/2004, Cathy McMorris for 7. Sisters and Spouses: Mary Jane Gervais estry. Congress; $1000, 03/26/2005, Friends of Dave and Andres Gervais—None. By Mr. HATCH: Reichert. Foreign Service nomination of Robert S. S. Res. 266. A resolution designating the 2. Spouse: Robert J. Herbold: $7900, 01/30/ Connan. month of October 2005, as ‘‘Family History 2001, RNC Republican National State Elec- *Nomination was reported with rec- Month’’; considered and agreed to. tions Committee; $5000, 09/29/2001, TechNet ommendation that it be confirmed sub- By Mr. FRIST (for himself and Mr. Federal PAC; $5000, 08/28/2002, Microsoft PAC; ject to the nominee’s commitment to REID): $1000, 07/11/2003, Friends of Jennifer Dunn; respond to requests to appear and tes- S. Res. 267. A resolution to authorize testi- $2000, 07/23/2003, Bush-Cheney 2004 Primary; mony, document production, and legal rep- $2000, 12/15/2003, Nethercutt for Senate; $2000, tify before any duly constituted com- resentation in State of New Hampshire v. 12/15/2003, Nethercutt for Senate; $1000, 03/26/ mittee of the Senate. Anne Miller, Mary Lee Sargent, Jessica 2005, Friends of Dave Reichert. (Nominations without an asterisk Ellis, Lynn Chong, Donald Booth, Eileen 3. Children and Spouses: Donna M. Herbold, were reported with the recommenda- Reardon; considered and agreed to. $0; James & Lisa Herbold: $25, 2004, John tion that they be confirmed.) f Kerry; Gregory & Alexa Herbold: $25, 2004, f John Kerry. ADDITIONAL COSPONSORS 4. Parents: William J. Kruse—(deceased); INTRODUCTION OF BILLS AND S. 98 Mary Louise Kruse—(deceased). JOINT RESOLUTIONS At the request of Mr. ALLARD, the 5. Grandparents: Edward A. Winter—(de- The following bills and joint resolu- ceased); Stella M. Winter—(deceased). name of the Senator from Ohio (Mr. 6. Brothers and Spouses: Bill & Mona tions were introduced, read the first VOINOVICH) was added as a cosponsor of Kruse: $0. and second times by unanimous con- S. 98, a bill to amend the Bank Holding 7. Sisters and Spouses: Clare & Dick Kulp, sent, and referred as indicated: Company Act of 1956 and the Revised $0; Judith & Joseph Murray, $100, 7/2002, By Mr. INHOFE (for himself and Mr. Statutes of the United States to pro- Harland Hale; $75, 6/2004, Pat McGrath; Jayne COBURN): hibit financial holding companies and & Frank Simms, $0. S. 1820. A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at national banks from engaging, directly *William Paul McCormick, of Oregon, to be 6110 East 51st Place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, or indirectly, in real estate brokerage Ambassador to New Zealand, and serve con- shall be known and designated as the or real estate management activities, currently and without additional compensa- ‘‘Dewey F. Bartlett Post Office’’; to the Com- and for other purposes. tion as Ambassador to Samoa. mittee on Homeland Security and Govern- S. 241 Nominee: William P. McCormick. mental Affairs. At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the Post: Ambassador to New Zealand. By Mr. REID (for himself, Mr. OBAMA, The following is a list of all members of Mr. BAYH, Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. HARKIN, name of the Senator from Utah (Mr. my immediate family and their spouses. I Mr. DURBIN, Mr. REED, Mr. DODD, BENNETT) was added as a cosponsor of have asked each of these persons to inform Mrs. MURRAY, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mrs. S. 241, a bill to amend section 254 of the me of the pertinent contributions made by CLINTON, Mr. KOHL, and Mr. DAYTON): Communications Act of 1934 to provide VerDate Sep 11 2014 12:17 Feb 28, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00074 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK16\NO-SSN\BR05OC05.DAT BR05OC05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE.
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