WorW'i. “ GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, ON EARTH PEACE, GOOD WILL TOWARD MEN.” No. 23, Vol. L] LONDON, TUESDAY, MARCH 15, 1859. [One Penny. TO OUR READERS. rises once for “No!” then immediately break The spirits were all properly tested by the The friends of truth and progress can aid the Two Worlds the rapport, or take the hands off the table. Hold medium, not only prior to but after the table lifted in three ways, First by circulating our window bills, prospectus, and small hand-bills among Booksellers, News Agents, and in no communion with such spirit. Don’t be hasty, its leg, and were declared by the Medium to be .letters, &c., to their own private friends.—Secondly, by sending but be decided. The reasons you will know messengers of God, and had there been or was us their business advertisements, and those of their friends; and thirdly, by sending their copies, when read, to their friends. By more of by and bye. If three risings take place, there the slightest truth in spirit-communion, the remitting, in advance, parcels will be sent as under, free:— 6 Copies for . .Os. Od. I 6 Copies per Quarter 6s. 3d. saying, “Yes!” to the question, then you may answers would have been infallibly correct. 12 „ .... 1 0 | 12 „ „ 12 0 proceed with suitable questions and manifes­ A word for “Investigator” by the^way. In ADvertisement Scale t A Line of Black Letter; Six Words tations, but refrain from trifling; ascertain who his last epistle he said, “I asked for “logical ar­ •of Large Type, or Nine Words of Small Type . 6d. Every additional Nine Words, or part of a line . 2d. are the mediums through whom they act, and gument.” Quite true; but more than that, I in what way they can best be used. Do not be asked for a public seance and a public demonstra­ NOTICE. hurried in questions or answers. Mistakes and tion.— The next number of the Two "Worlds will be discrepancies will arise. Because your relative “ Facts are chicis that winna ding published on the 1st April, and, till further is a spirit he does not know everything, and, And canna be disputed.” notice, be issued fortnightly. perchance, you know less; therefore, you must None of the professors of the New Philosophy Several interesting communications on Spi­ be patient and persevering. have dared to take up my challenge. But, just ritualism are still on hand. Fifth. Sit at regular intervals, once or twice a for a moment, look at the miserable twaddle of week, and do not keep on too long. “ The world Investigator:—“Whether lies or truths are the How to the “Two Worlds.” get was not made in a day.” But, in all things, answers, it is a proof of spirit communion.” Either send to the publisher stamps to pay for observe the spirit motto—“ Be prayerful, be care­ ■ Given, a table, chairs, two mediums, planted it and postage; or order your bookseller to get it ful, and truthful.” opposite each other, and Investigator. The last- for you every week till further orders. Sixth. If you find one of the sitters’ hands named philosopher puts a question. With the moved or agitated involuntarily, place a pencil slightest pressure of the hand the table tilts three fdhr between the fingers, and ask if your spirit-friends times, meaning, Yes; and, whether the answer be true or untrue, it is a proof of a spirit com­ SPIRITUALISM. wish to use that person to write ? If the person To the EDitor of the Two Worlds. is agitated, magnetically calm him, perhaps many munion, says my'friend. I offer no comment, SUGGESTIONS TO FAMILIES ■queer scratches may be made with the pencil, but but leave the case in the hands of your readers. Newgate Market. Yours, truly, who honestly wish to establish a communication if it be a good spirit-presence using the hand, it Feb. 7, 1859. W. Malthousb. between the Two Worlds, Material and Spiritual. will do the person good and not harm; and so contrariwise, the indications of which you will don’t argue now, but just try it. soon perceive; therefore, it only requires care and PROVE ALL THINGS. Sir,—Educationally and theologically we know faith in God and his laws, for such a one deve­ Sir,—I have no heart to write again respecting so little about the future state of existence, that loped may write many a gem from the spirit­ certain so-called seances referred to by your Hackney it becomes us to be humble and cautious in our land. enquiries and conclusions; but never fear that Seventh. If one of the sitters seems passing off Correspondent; suffice it to say, I adopted the truth will contradict truth; therefore, if God per­ into a sleep, test the spirit and never fear; it is Apostle’s plan, “ Prove all things,” and found out the mits man to hold more intimate communion with the spirit-trance, of which you have heard, the character of the mediums .by eyesight; and when I the spirit world now, it is for some wise end, and like of which you read in the Bible, which is related a portion of what I had seen to those in the your care must be to use and not abuse the gifts the best dictionary of Spiritualism. When the room, the acting medium called me a “ liar,” and my of God. Do not turn away this message, though daughter, who also was present, a “liar.” Since my subject is fully entranced, listen,,,and he may perhaps a stranger to you, “ perchance you may letter in No. 17 of the “Two Worlds,” other mani­ tell you of the heavenly glories which “ God festations I have heard of, one portion of which, was entertain an angel unawares.” hath prepared for all that love him.” Try it! Try it! Try it! Experience is the called “ Spirit Lights,” produced by damp phos­ Eighth. Remember, always, you have to do phorus, rubbed across the back of the hand in the only proof; but take the following as suggestions with a little-understood instrument, a delicate form of the cross, while sitting in what was called “ a as to the modus operand! (founded upon a consi­ experiment, and must be conducted accordingly; dark circle; ”—but while the sitters were expressing derable amount of experience) for beginners in it is not a plaything, but a precious gift of their surprise, &c., the medium rose to leave the sensible spiritual communion. Heaven, and, used as such, these small and ap­ room ; she having secreted some of the phosphorus on First. Let two or more persons, interested in the chair under her, of course, as she retired dis­ parently frivolous beginnings may end in the the matter, sit at a table; if few let the table be played the Lights on the sitting department of her realization of some of the grandest truths which small; elect a leader to conduct the sitting, and body; the phosphorus was laid hold of, the lights can occupy the mind of man. The falling of an let all remember, “ Order is Heaven’s first law,” were then produced in abundance. My confidence apple shows the act of the law of gravitation as in the character of the manifestations being laid on and ought to be ours. much as a revolving world. so solid a foundation; I am chary in giving credence Second. Place the hands fairly on the top of 25, Cambridge-terrace, I am, &c., to powers of another and higher kind. I wind up, the table, let the mind be calm and peaceful, as Dalston. S. Wilks. therefore, by stating a fact which occurred at my engaged in a sacred service. Do not anticipate house on Thursday evening, while, pen in hand, I was results nor yet oppose them; then read a chapter about to write a reply to your correspondent, and from the Bible, or any interesting book, on the SPIRITUALISM PROVED A DELUSION. wished to do so in the spirit of kindness, and yet subject; let prayer be used, and singing and Sir,—As promised, I now transmit to you a uphold my convictions as to the girl claiming to be a medium through whom spiritual beings were pro­ music, if possible, so as to harmonise all minds verbatim report of a private seance, held Sunday, and withdraw them from the selfish struggling ducing evidences of their existence. Feb. 6th, at the house of a well-known medium A person in my family, who is sometimes under world to higher and nobler thoughts. in Blackfriars. On entering the room and taking the influence of “ unseen intelligences,’.’ was suddenly Third. Ask your spirit-friends, if permitted by my seat, the table moved towards me, and the influenced, and passing into another room, laid hold God, to give a sensible token of their, presence, medium asked if a spirit related to me in the of my late wife’s Bible, laid it closed before him, his for “ ministering spirits ” may be ever around flesh was present.—Ans. Yes.—A father ? no.— hand rose, opened it with closed eyes, and with you, and yet give no sensible token of their A mother ? no.—A brother ? no.—A sister, yes. finger pointed to that part of 1 John iv. 12, which presence unless sought for. I then requested the medium to put the usual I found to be “ If we love one another, God dwelleth If a movement is felt, ask them to tilt it, if unfailing tests, according to their theory to ascer­ in us, and his love is perfected in us.” So much for they can, as distinct tilts are usually more satis­ tain whether it really was a good spirit, being guidance as to how I ought to answer your corres­ pondent.
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