UNIVERSITY Oi- iiAvVAII U8RARY’ ¿M a ria n a s CV ariety ,g Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 1972 OCX} Vol. 20 No. 65 Saipan, jWP 96950 © 1 9 9 1 Morianas Variety October 29, 1991 Seiving CNMI for 19 Yeore Rise in alien births alarm health officials by Rafael H. Arroyo prompting health planners from This was learned in an inter­ “planned” for the benefit of lo­ a total of 82, which is 67% of the the Department of Health and view yesterday with Health cals turn out to be used by total for that month. Births of children not of Environmental Services to get Deputy Director Ned Arriola and population groups other than Admissions to the Neo-natal Marianas descent has continued back at the drawing table and CHC Administrator Pete Chamorros and Carolinians. Intensive Care Unit (NICU), by to outpace local deliveries at the reevaluate their current capa­ Untalan, who both said that According to the latest statis­ Filipinos and other non-locals Commonwealth Health Center bilities. programs that are supposed to be tics gathered by the department, were also high for the same pe­ a total of 218 deliveries from riod such that an average of 42% April to June this year were at­ of those admitted to the NICU tributed to non-CNMI people were non-CNMI. who gave birth at the CHC, or According to Arriola, several 62% of the 353 total. of the deliveries had no pre-natal Of the 105 total bom in April, check up (PNC), with one patient 40 were Filipinos, 5 were Ko­ delivering a premature infant at reans, 4 were Chinese, 1 was home and then came in several Thai, 4 were Japanese, 2 were hours later. Palauans, and 8 were Chuukese, The remaining patients who for a total of 65, which is 62% of delivered attended PNC in late the total. second trimester to early third In May, 44 Filipinos were trimester. Some delinquency in recorded, 6 Koreans, 4 Chinese, the number of PNCs attended by 9 Palauans, 4 Chuukese, 2 these patients were noticed, with Pohnpeians, and 2 Yapese for a Micronesians slightly less com­ total of 71 out of a total of 125, pliant with PNC attendance. a 57 % non-CNMI birth. According to Arriola, the In June, a total of 123 deliv­ sudden influx of non-resident eries were recorded, with 51 births at CHC has suddenly Filipinos, 2 Koreans, 9 Chinese, caused a great degree of uneasi­ Sunday was a fun-filled day for the family as the Republican Party held a grand picnic at the Kilili Beach 1 Thai, 7 Palauans, 5 Chuukese, ness for the department. 5 Pohnpeians, and 1 Yapese for Continued on page 28 in Susupe. B oat sinks o ff Tinian, A i r M i K e six-m an crew rescued by Terl M. Flores sized 15 miles west of Tinian when their vessel experienced p u r c h a s e d on Friday afternoon. engine malfunction several Saipan authorities Authorities rescued the miles off the coast of Tinian. successfully rescued on Fri­ vessel’s all-Filipino crew After receiving a call from day six crew members of a composed of the captain, Tinian, the Civil Defense f o r $ 2 9 0 capsized 40 foot vessel on its Sancho Diaz and five other Office in coordination with way to Tinian to deliver some Tinian Stevedore employees the Department of Public Guam-based Pacific that we will do our best to cargo. Anastacio Tunaonao, Jose Safety-Boating Safety Divi­ Micronesia Corporation yes­ make the airline an exciting Coast Guard Saipan Liai­ Gadion Jr., Eulalio Cruz, sion conducted a search and terday announced that it has place to work in in the com­ son Officer Lt. Commander Domingo Bulaclac and rescue operation. signed an agreement with ing years,” Doubleday said. Jerry Swanson said the crew Rosendo Nalicden. Authorities then sought the Continental Airlines, Inc. to Both Doubleday and Se­ of the Sweet Cha-Cha were Swanson said the crew assistance of Macau Heli­ purchase Continental’s Air nior Vice President Scott rescued several hours after were heading to Tinian from copters and Pacific Island Micronesia operation, other­ Gibson have extensive expe­ the vessel reportedly cap­ Saipan to deliver some cargo Aviation after they located wise known as “Air Mike.” rience, as well as specific the vessel at about 11:30 The agreement was filed expertise in Asia/ Pacific Friday morning. with theUS Bankruptcy Court trade development and tour­ The crew from Macau He­ in Wilmington, Delaware, and ism. licopters headed by its pilot will involve the purchase of Doubleday was previously Mike Cunningham and its Air Mike by PMC for $270 Regional Managing Direc­ crew, Rufus Crowe and million in cash, plus $20 mil­ tor—Southeast Asia with Armando Villamor arrived at lion in preferred stock. Hong Kong-based Pan the exact time when the ves­ The acquisition is expected American World Airways, sel was about to sink. to be finalized early next year. and is currently chairman of The crew members of the “We are pleased and excited the Inner-Asia Group in San ill-fated vessel were then about reaching an agreement Francisco, California. given a life raft, supplies, a with Continental on the Air Gibson was formerly Se­ tracking device known as an Mike purchase,” said PMC nior Director-International EPERB and a navigational Chairman and Chief Operating Marketing and Planning at system called a LORAN. Officer George Doubleday II, Continental Airlines, and has The Filipino crewmen were in a news release faxed to the been a partner in the con­ transported back to Saipan Variety. sulting firm, INTERACT. after the vessel, Carolinian “The Pacific region has John Eckel Jr., an indepen­ was dispatched to their loca­ tremendous growth potential, dent Houston, Texas busi­ tion. with markets that are rapidly nessman, is also a member of Swanson said the incident expanding. I want to assure the founding team. was the “classical search and the nearly 1100 employees of The PMC investor group rescue operation which Air Mike that they may all will be led by Arral & Part- The wreckage of a car that figured in an accident along As Terlaje showed a well-coordinated remain with the company and Continued on page 27 lies by the roadside. A Filipino died while five others were injured effort between the oublic and in this accident. private entities." ' j s f z d s TUESDAY, OCTOBER 2 9 ,1991-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-TUESDAY-OCOTBER 29,1991 Congress bids to support CNMI’s 902 claim CHC not against private practitioners-Untalan by Rafael H. Arroyo I. DL. Guerrero’s August 28, said. benefit of the people.” lands as to which right, title or 1990 letter to the legislature The initiative process enables Likewise, S.L.I. 7-3 seeks to interest have been vested in the by Terl M. Flores cemed of is the health care made not currently being practiced. cess sets the conditions by which the Horiguchi Building in Senate President Joseph S. which outlined the difficulties the people of the Northern amend Article XI, Section 1 of Resident Commissioner under available to the public and the One contention which the government approves a cer­ Garapan. Inos recently called on his for the Commonwealth in clearly Marianas to effect a statute after the constitution such that refer­ Secretarial Order 2989, promul­ Hospital officials said they are successful monitoring and pre­ Hocog’s attorney, Anthony tain project. It is issued when an Untalan said there were no counterpart in the House of stating its sovereign claim to a majority of the electorate votes ence to US law as basis for com­ gated by the US secretary of the just following the stipulations of vention of communicable dis­ Long stated was that since Iasi expenditure of more than clear plans as to when the Phase Representatives to act immedi­ exclusive jurisdiction over ma­ in its favor, pursuant to Article monwealth claim to ownership Interior on March 24,1976, the the law when they rejected to eases, Untalan said. year, the CHC had honored the $50,000 will be needed for the II of the project will commence. ately on twolegislativeinitiatives rine resources in submerged XVIII, Section 3 of the Constitu­ of submerged lands off its coast lands to which right, title or in­ recognize the certificates of Labor officials only honor non-resident COH’s issued by project, when the project will be He said that before Hocog can that would address the lands and off-shore waters. tion. is eliminated. - terest have been or hereafter are health (COH) issued by a local Hocog. relocated and will also state the put Phase II of his plans into Commonwealth’s sovereign The governor submitted two Senate Legislative Initiative That article would be amended transferred to or by the govern­ doctor. Untalan flatly denies that such need why project is being pur­ action, he first must re-submit claim to exclusive jurisdiction drafts of House bills, apparently 7-2 seeks to amend Article XIV, to read: “The lands as to which ment of the NMI under Article Hospital administrator Pete is the case. He said that the DPH sued. his application for further scru­ over marine resources in its asking the legislature to assist in Section 1 of the Constitution to right, title or interest have been v m of the Covenant, and the Untalan said the Department of and the DoCL never honored It was formerly under the helm tiny.
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