Olympics Face Real Crisis Opportunity Knocks Daily In These Columns But Never Tarries—Answer All Ads NOT MANY-8UT Quickly LESS THAN 15S OF. a IN RIQHT PLACE! DISTRICT OR WATERBURT. M 1 THE BROADWAY Probata Court, Juno 11th i. D FOR 1991. Though our hero to nttlnr very MONEY NEEDED ESTATE OP Almas or Ami# Sols tow hita lately, pone can aay what vert, lata of Waterbury, In aald Dla^ BUGLE blnglea ho la getting, are not of trlet, dacaaaad. Upon tho applica- the moat timely variety. Saturday, ON tion of Arthur Montambault. pray' YANKEE HAND that ha ba authorised t< hla triple at Boeton, waa a moat Ing may •all eartaln raal aatata belonglm timeiy variety. to aald Batata—aa ipar appllcatlor By DAM PAKKIB Saturday hia on flla mora folly appaara. It la triple at Boston, No Contributions From 35 ORDERED. That aald appllcatlor was a most Im- ba haard and determined at th< portant sock, aid- Probata Off lea in Watarbury, -ir the Cubs to of Nation’s “Million- aald Dlatrtct, on the lfth day ol BILI> CARET’S LITTLE brother Mike built the Garden bowl ing o'clock ir take the first June A. D. lilt at t:10 The Garden now has an advertising manager Joe Sullivan, eon of the forenoon (Standard tlma), and game which they Eddie the alderman, has received offers to complete his higher educa- that notice ba given of the pendan- won 2 to 1. Yes- aires”—About $46,000 tion (which Includes football) at Notre Dame and Manhattan cy of aald application, and the tlm» his Arthur French, former Harvai I football, baseball and track star, who terday, single and plpca of hearing thereon, by PHONE I in the 13th in- thla order one tlma Ir married Joseph P. Day's daughter, now manages Brighton, Manhattan publishing ning brought Jur- Received, $350,000 scwie newspaper having a circula- and Oriental Point beaches for his pop-ln-lawr A1 Neave has tion on or before ges in with the In aald District, YOUR discovered that there Is a Burp Place near list St and Bergen Turn- the 19th of June lilt. a run that won the day pike, over In Jersey Before he learned he epuld really fight. Jack Wanted Atteat: ball game, but Bernstein was a tanker Nick Masters, middleweight boxer, who WILLIAM ». SULLIVAN. WANTS Herman's double Aaat. Clerk represented the Holy Name club in the recent national tourney, reach- right afterward, ing the semi-finals, has received word from Greece that he is to rep- ■toon sewed It up right, Detroit, Juno II—Confronted TO resent his native land In the boxing events at the Olympic games. 5 to 3. The net rftsult is that the STATE or Dlatrlct Masters, who Is II attend N. Y. U., lives at 1515 Central Ave, Far with the possibility that the Ameri- CONNECTICUT, and Cubs are On top In the National of Watarbury, aa. Probata Couri. Rockaway. can team at the game* of the 10th MISS league once more by a game and a June 19th, 1912. and Johnny certainly did his Olympic at Los Angelesnext month ESTATE OF Carmine 8bordone, THERE’S NO LONGER a tear In the eye of Charles (Broadway) half, late of the Town of In bit. wll be reduced to skeleton slse, Waterbury, ADTAKER Rose for he has taken over t' e management of Teddy Bandwlna aald Dlatrlct, dacaaaad. a His batting average, however slid Braun, who won a bare-knuckle decision Over Teddy and the George W. Graves, chairman of the •The Court of Probate for the Dia- Charley to 293 because of the fact that he limited popper, in a court not long ago and later brought suit against- American finance commit- trlct of Waterbury, hath police two bits out of the last nine Olympic and alx montha from the has been re-engaged as Teddy's trainer Lew BUrston and his got allowed both, times at bat. He also scored 26 tee, today appealed to every Amer- date hereof for the credltora of aald colored scrapper, Jimmy Tarante, alias John D. Dodgers, will be on clalma for runs In the past 38 games and hit ican pportsman—and sportswomen eatate to exhibit their this week after a long absence In Paris •, .Dr Schwarz, t« Broadway 47 times. Today and tomorrow the —for aid. Battlement. Thoaa who neglect a Teuton who is German Consul in New will their accounta properly at- jolly 300-pound York, Cubs flnlsh their series witb the Receipts of the committee until preeent represent the German republic at the big light. If you gain the doctor’s teated within aald time, will ba de- Braves. Friday night, June 10, were less barred a All peraona In. confidence he will draw you aside, give a of shush-shushes recovery. you couple than 15 per cent of the amount debted to mid eatate are requested then “Not for told 3. and whisper dramatically: publication, but Max CUBS. Hi BRAVES, needed for the American team. The to make will Dr 'Chicago. me confidently he win’’ ... Pat O’Callaghan, who’s coming committee is charged with complete I^ToMe, over with the Irish team, is heavyweight of Ireland ab. r. h. o. f-ll-it Administratrix. Olympic champion & responsibility for transporting the and has knocked out all his In the first round Besides J. Moore, cf. opponents Herman, 2b *, athletes tb the games and back to a the doctor the hammer throw being good boxer, won championship, English, 3b .\... 6 their homes, equipping them, and as, at Amsterdam four years ago. Stephenson, If .. 6 feeding and lodging them while at DISTRICT OP WATERBURY. Dial Gudat, rf 5 the games and onroute to Los An-. Probate Court, June 11th A. D. HOWARD EHMKE, FORMER member of the A's flinging staff, Grimm, lb s 2ft 1932. 1 M. owns an awning store In Philadelphia Coach Jimmy Burke, of the Hartnett,c .6 “Unless the American public In- ESTATE OF Richard Fahy, ss 3 12 of In aald Dlatrlct, Yanks, takes his baseball very seriously. He growls at everyone when Jurges, Is little late Waterbury, 3 2 creases contributions, ther the o( 4-2121 p deceased. Upon application the club loses, but when the team is winning Jimmy grins like sixteen Bush, doubt that the of the personnel Mary A. pahy, praying that letters well-fed Cheshire cats The college baseball season now closing Totals ....48 6 12 39 29 American team must be reduced," of administration may be granted produced a fine crop of pitchers, including Ken Auer of Fordham, Bill Boston. Mr Graves said today. "No contri- on aald Eatate aa per application on bution is too small. Almost one- Ale more fully appeara, It la isn't it? Just Dial 4-2121 ab. r. h. o. a. That mid Easy half of the money received so far ORDERED. application Knothe,nothe, 3b31 5 1 2 be heard and determined at the 0 4 Is from donations of ten cents and Urbanskl, Probate Office In Waterbury. In aald 6 1 r> the and marine and Miss Adtaker will as- Berger, cf up by army, navy on the lfith day of June gladly If 6 4 3 Dlatrlct, Worthington, corps, the National Collegiate Ath- D. 1932 at 3:80 o'clock In the 3 0 1 A. Schulmerich, rf .. letic association and police depart- forenoon (Standard time), and that a 3 13 sist you in the of Shires, lb .6 ments of cities such as Washing- notice he given of the pendency of wording 2b .. 4 S Maranvllle, ton, Detroit and Now York,” aald application, and the time and Hargrave, c 3 of hearing thereon, by pub- that will insure .1 Men Silent Want-Ad quick Sophrer, o Money Glaceahlng the aame one time In some .... 5 Cantwell, p appeals have newspaper having a circulation In o Although personal Frankhouse, p .. been made' to 35 of the nation's •aid Dlatrlct, on the 13th day of realization of want. aClark 0 your every rated as mil- June 1932. bLeach .1 millionaires—or men of these men hus lionaires—not one JOHN J. HOWARD, Totals .46 3 10 39 22 contributed to the fund, Mr Graves Clerk. a-Ran for Hargrave In 7th. revealed. Over one million pieces b-Batted for Schulmerich in 12th. of mall have been sent from tho THE DEMOCRAT committee's headquarters In De- 00 000 000 2—5 'rii.a fc,i Chicago ..080 0, but have been less lloHton ....2 00 000 100 000 0—3 troit, receipts NOTICE Sig. Fugaiy. H. Ehml. Lot Gthrif. than five million pennies for the total contributions until the Lomax and Quinton of Providence college, Charles Devens of Harvard, Rrrora—Harman. Runs batted In up This la to give notice that I, of June 10, amounted to John Broacca of Bill of Boston Coughlin of tho —Worthington (2), Hartnett, Jurgea night $45,- Eugene Murphy, of Oakville In th« Yale, Gallagher college, J. Moore (2). Shlrea, Herman. Two* 857.94. Army, and Bob McNamara of N. Y. U. Though he's one of tho Town of Watertown, will no longer base hit*—Knothe, Hartnett, Jurgea Scores of yacht clubs have been WANT-ADS smallest and lightest in college Nick Tremark hit .4G0 he responsible for any debts con- players baseball, (2), Worthington (2), Herman. requested for aid, but contributions for Manhattan and has an arm like Babe Ruth Art whom Three-baae Home tracted by my wife, Helen Murphy. Smith, hit—Worthington. from tho clubs or their members the White Sox secured in a deal with used to run—Shlrea.
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