IIscocoo) Mpl folgg IsegOlrl 0000 010/.000 Evocaca 111COCO 0 00b >04 rarl!I co g20 A,Qt 4%11.1, 114i Lit^ 204 ":464 S's 0.6111 t. 840 04V °IP 0/4 11111 evs$4 40'2 7.1 co pr) ZO CO 4r4 4 THt4, WEEK'S RADIO PROGRAMS 0 0 TODAY. SUNDAY5 SEPTEMBER5, 1943 TODAY.SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 5.1943 WEN-Recorded Music WHEW-Hillbilly Music Johnny Comes Marching 1Home- WOR-Spear Orchestra Glee Club - WMCA-N. L Times Noses Bulletins MORNXNG WABC-Church of the Air: Speaker. WEVD-News in Yiddish Professor Ralph W. Tyler:S. H. WJZ-Eila Flzgerald. Songs 6 :25-WQXXt-News ;StudIo Orchestra WNYC-Premlere : A 'I'ale of Two WEIrD-Drama-Bide Dudley ;O9-WJZ--Concert Music Rev. James C. Flint Nerlove, Floyd W. Reeves WABC-Hostelanetz Orchestra: John 6:3O-WHAF--Tlie Great Gildersleeve Cities, Play-Two Patrols 10 :15-WOR-Song Spinners Quartet WNYC-Sunrise Symphony WMCA-N.. TImes Naws Bulletins15 :OS-WMCA---Gay Ninettes Music WOR-Music of America Browniee, Baritone ; Male Chorus WB.N-Ceivary Baptist Church WBVD-Studlo Music Wi-Radio Newsreel WNYC-Opera ExcerptB WNYC-News Reports WJZ-CflaPIaIn Jim U. S. A.-Play WMCA-Young people's Church WOE-Upton Close, Comments WEVD-Irish Melodies Variety 10 :SO-WEAF-Bob Crosby Show; Mildred WTNEW-Recorded Music WBN-.-Detroit Bible Class 12 ;15-WJZ-This Is Official WABC-Ceiilng Unlimited, With WNEW-News; The Time Machine WJZ-The Filth Year-Play 3 :03-WMCA-RecOrded Music Sruehl, Songs .7 :30-WNEW-News :Music 10 :O3-WMCA-Recorded Dance Music WMCA-News ; Recorded Music Joseph Cotten Nan Wynn 4 :45WJFlgitin Heroes-Play WABC-Anlenica in Usa Air-Play a :15WJZ-Nelghbors-SketClZ WOE-John Stanley, Comments 7 :4-WOR--Sflver Strains Music 10 :15-WOE-Prank Klngdon. Comments WNYC-Treasury Concert 4:S5-WB/e$'. WQXR-News Reports WMCA-Ave Maria PrOgram WABC-Leland Stows, Comments 10 :SO-MfHAF-Childrens Program WBVD-Maurice Ganchoff, Songs WMCA-Tls pilgrim Hour . WEN-Voice ut Prophecy 8 180-WEAF-One Man's Family-Sketch S :QO-%VEAF-News ; George Crooks. Organ WOE-Pauline Alpert. Piano WQXR-Luncheon Concert TEVD_News ; Music (Off 3-SJ 5:00-WEAF-NEC Symphony, Dr. Frank WJZ-Dorohy Kirsten, Soprano; WNEW-News Review WOR-Nows ;Children's Concert WJZ-$outbernaires Quartet 12 :30-WEAF-Tbat They Might Live : Play WQXR-Treasury War Bond Concert Black. Conductor; Harvey Shapiro, WNEW-News; Dance Music Mack Harrell, Baritone ; Orchestra10 :45-WOR-HIhl Orchestra WJZ-Mornlng Minstrels -Out of the Fog, Anne Seymour S :jO-WIIN-Basebali Preview 'Cello 6:45-WOE-The Rumor Detectivb WABC-Drama, Crime Doctor WABC-Gov. Raymond C. Bajdwin C WABC-News ; Organ recital WABC-Wings Over Jordan: Speaker. WOR-Soldiers of the Press Z;25-WHN-Baseball: Dodgers vs. Giants WOR-Lonibardo Orchestra WNYC-News Report WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins Thomas A. Webster WJZ-Stars From the Blue S ;SO-WEAP---John Charles Thomas. Earl- WJZ-Where Do We Stand?-Jobn 7 :CG-WSlAF-Those We Love-SketOh WHOA-Headlines on Parade Coon. at Republican Post-Wa WNYC-Tje Star Gazer WHOA-News : Recorded Music WABC-Transatlantic CaU tone; Young Orchestra Vandercook : Major George Fielding WOR-Euington Orchestra WNYC-Muslcal Oddities Advisory Conference, Maoludn WN-Recordcd Music WHN-Amerlcan Eagle Club WBN-Sports-Sam Taub WOR-liews ;Variety Show Eliot WJZ-Drew Pearson, Comments WHEW-News ' Dance Music Island, Mich S :O3-WMCA---Sacred Heart Program VNEW-News Recorded Music WNEW-News : Htilbfliy Music WJZ-Sammy Kayo Orchestra WAEC-B'amily Hour WABO-Jerry Lester Show; Carol 8:43-WOE--Gabrieleatter, Comments WEVD-Treasury Star Parade WQXR-Composers' Corner WABC.-Wonid News WMCA-N, Y. Times News Bulletins WNYC, WaN. WEIrD-News Reports WQXR-Musical Interlude 8 :30-WEAF-Shrednlk Orchestra 10 :45-WOR-Charles Hodges. Comments WHVD-Isobel Walters, Soprano WNYC-Marthe M. Motchans. Piano Landis Guest 8:55-WABC--Ned Calmer. Comments WOR-Uncle Don Reads the Comics 10 :S5-WQXR.-News Reports 1.2 :45-WOR-News ; Music WNEW-News ; Studio Music WHN-SpOrts Resume WMCA-. Y. Times News Bulletins 10 ;50-WQX'it-News ; Just Music WJZ-Woodsheciders' Music U:OO-WOR-tl. S. Marine Program WBVD-Jewish Melodies :55.-WABC-Mary Ann Maroon, Soags WHEW-The Brain Trust WNYC-Maaterworks Hour 9:00-WEAF-Manbattan Merry-Go-Round10 :55-WHN-Sports-Marty GhickmilB WABC-Concert Music WJZ-News : Production Story 12 :55-QXR-News ; Religious Talk WQXR-News Reports WQXE-Viennese Music WBN-G. H, Combs Jr. Comments WOR-Muslc for an Hour; Frances U :00-WEAF-News Reports WMCA-News Recorded Music WABO-News Reports 1 :00-WEAF-Rupert Hughes Comments S:OO-WEAF-RationingErnest H. Lind-5 :O3-WMCA-Recorded Music WNBW-'rreasury Star !E'arade Greer, Soprano; Donald Dame, WOE-News; Dance Music WflN-Hyms From the Chapel WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins WJZ-Wake Up. Amerl'ca-ForUm: Is Iey :Col. Oveta Cuip Hobby. Guest5:15-WItH-Woody Herman Records WQXR-Chamber Music Tenor; Benno Babinof, Violin; WJZ-News ;Dance Music WNEW-News ;Meditations WNYC-Etta SchiffPiano OurForeignPolicy Winning Ifs WIE-Women's Singles Finals. Na- S :25-WOR-Taik-Lorraine Sherwood '7 :OS-WMCA-Recorded MUSIc Others WABC-News-Bill Costello WQXR-Brealdast Symphony WHIt-Mail Call: 3&usic Friends?-Kenry 3.Taylor: James tional Tennis Championships. Forest Drummond-Sleetch; WJZ-Walter Wincheil. Comments WSICA-N. Y. Times News Summes'v 8:4S-WABC--Golden Gate Quartet WEVD-MUsic and Sketches G. McDonald Hills is ;SO-WOR-Bulldog '7 ;1S-WJZ-Edward TonlliflsOfl, Comments; WA.BC-Eadlo Readers' Digest WNYC-News ; Masterworits Music WQXR-Christlan Science Service WABC-Churcll of the Air; Speaker, WABQ-New York Philharmonic- The Crooked Knife Vice Admiral Jonas Ingram WHN-Radio Newsreel WHN-News; Religious Talk 11 :O3-WMCA--Recorded Music Mark B. Peterson Symphony Orchestra. Dlmttni Mitro- WJZ-Sneak Preview-Play WBN-Sports-Bert Lee WHOA-N. V. Times News Bulletins WHEW-Recorded Music S:55-WQXR-News; Concert Mulc J.1:05-WABC-Vera Brodsk.y. Piano WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins poulos, Conductor; Claudio Arran, WMCA-News: Recorded Music WHEW-World News Round-Up WNYC-Concert Hall (To 10) WEVD-Help Wanted Ads 9 :00-WEAF. WJZ-Wurid News U :50-WEAF-News : George Putnam WNYC-Mayor La Guardia-Talk Piano WNYC-Answering You (Recordings)'I :30-WEAF-Band Wagon Music WHN-Oid-Fasbioned Revival U !e6-WMCA-Tailcs and Music WOR-Fiesta Music WOR-Planning for Feace Through WHN-American Jewish Music WMCA-N. V. Times News Bulletins WIiN-Boston Orchestra Records WOE-News-Frank Singiser WEVD-Melodic Gems 11:15-WEAF-Cesar Searchinger, News WABC-News Reports Religion-Rev. Wilfred Parsons WNBW-Kerby Cushing, Comments WNYC.-Gilbert-Sullivan Music WHEW-News; Trace Orchestra WJZ-The Quiz Rids WQXE-Sunday Concert WABC-Oiga Coelbo, Songs WMCA-N. Y. Times News Bulletins W.JZ-Joseph Marais. Songs WEVD-News in Yiddish WEEW-Stars and Stripes in Britain WQXR-Sysnphony Music WABC-We, The People-Interview 9 ;O3-WMCA--Labor Arbitration WEVD-On Wings of Song WNEW-Leatherneck Parade : Music WABC-Invitation to Learning :Life1 ;o3.wMcARecorded Music WQXR-O.pera Rxcerpts 5 :45-WABC-Dear John-Irene Rich WMCA-News-Johannes Steel 9 :l5-WJZ--Basin Street Chamber Music: 11 ;S0-WEAF-Pacific Story; India-From 9 :OS-1?VMCA-Morning Meditations and Opinions of Tristam Snandy-1:15-WEAF-Labor for Victory 3:03-WMCA-Volce of Young Democracy EVENING WHN-St. Anthony Program Jan Kiepura, Duke Elllngton. Guests Clive to Gandhi a :15-WEAFTaik-Mrs. Ernesta Barlow Marvin Lowenthal; Dr. Lionel Tril- WOR-The Holidays, Songs 3 :15-WEAF-WonidNews-(JptonClose;6 :OO-WEAF-Cathohic Hour : The Church WNEW-News ; Music WHVD-Talk-Rabbi Max $'elshin WABC-Fields Orchestra WJZ-Coast to Coast on a Bus hog: ICatherine Anne Porter WHN-News-Willlam S. Gailmore .Tames R. Young. Guest and the Sick-Rev. Alphonse 7 :45-WOE-Edgar Ansel Mowrer, Comments9 :30-WEAF-Album of Familiar Music WNEW-Newa; Dance Music WABC-E. Power Biggs.Organ: WNYC-Carolyn Thomas. Violin: WEVD-Vera Rosanka-Sicetch S :SO-WEAF-Ths Army Hour Schwitalla WABC-James Melton. Joan Roberts,12 :O0-WEAF. IVMCA-News : Dance Music String Trio Richard Willens. Piano WQXR-Mldday Symphony WOR-Home Front Pledge WOE-The Show Shop WMCA-Alice Hughes, Comments Songs; Goodman Orchestra 9 3-VEAF-Stopak Orchestra WHN-Calvary Baptist Church 1:SO-WHAF-Dinning Sisters. Songs WJZ-Hot Copy-Dracula WJZ-News Reports 7:55-WQXR-News; Symphony Hall WJZ. WABC-News : Dance Musl WOR-Navy Goes to Church WHEW-News: Music; Songs WOE-This Is Fort Dbc WHOA-Lutheran Program WABC-Play-OutofthisWorld,S :OO-WEA.F-Hdgar Bergen,Charlie Mc- WNHW-News ; Dance Music WHN-Music to Read By WMCA-Rellgious Program 11 ;45-WEAF--OU'vto Santoro. Yodeler WMCA-Variety Musicale WNEW-News ; Recorded Music Carthy; Dale Evans. Songs: Noble WHVD-George Rosette, Comments \VNEW-Milkman's Matinee WHN-Bibie Auditorium AFTERNOON WNYC-War Stamp Concert 4 :00-WOE--Variety Musicale Aes News Bulletins Orchestra; William Gaxton and 9 :45WJZ-Hollywood-Jlmmie J'idler WBVD-Syxnphonic Hour (To 1) WNEW-New Music 1.2 :00-WRAP-First Piano Quartet WHN-Iiarry Rerslltleicl. Comments WJZ-Our Footing on the Heights- WNYC-Csrol Cordell, Songs Victor Moore ; Jean Arthur, Guest WEVD-Bryce Oliver, Comments WQXR-News Reports 9 :45.WEAF-Recorded Music WOIt-Arzny Air Force Show. Lt. WNEW-News : Recorded Music Dr. Paul Scherer WHN-News ; Bing Crosby Records WOE-Alexander's Mediation Board;9:55-WQXR-News; Music 12 :55-B/HAP-News Reports WAEC-English Music William Molden. Narrator WEVD-Concert Music WMCA-N.
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