INSriTUT.MAX VON LAUE-PAUL [ANGEVIN-GRENOBLE-FRANCE ^ for the use of the ILL facilities All research proposals have to be submitted to the Scientific Commercially exploitable results Council for approval. The Council meets twice each year and the closing dates for the acceptance of applications are: Visitors and ILL scientists may occasionally be involved in ex­ February 15 and August 31. periments which have possible commercial applications. If any The completed research proposal forms should be sent to: scientist considers that this is the case, he should get in touch Scientific Coordination and Public Relations Office with the Scientific Secretary. (SCAPRO) Institut Max von Laue — Paul Langevin Other publications available 156 X Neutron Research Facilities at the ILL High Flux Reactor, Edi­ 38042 Grenoble Cedex tion June 1986. France Information and Regulations for Reactor Users, Long-Term Tel. 76 48 72 44 B. Maier Visitors and New Scientific Staff, Edition March 1984 76 48 71 79 G. Briggs Brochure "20 years ILL" issued on the occasion of the 20th 76 48 70 41 K. Mayer-Jenkins (Secretary) anniversary of the ILL on 19 January 1987 76 48 70 82 F. Cook (Secretary) all available from SCAPRO Telex: 320621 F Experimental Reports and Theory College Activities 1986 (Appropriate application forms may be obtained on I equest available from the ILL Library. from the above office). Under normal circumstances the ILL makes no charge for the use of its facilities. However, special equipment (other than the existing instruments, counters, standard cryostats and shielding requirements) must be provided by the user. This ap­ plies particularly to the experimental samples which must, in all cases, be provided by the user. Chemistry and Biology laboratory facilities are available for any necessary sample preparation. The ILL makes a limited contribution towards the travel and subsistence expenses for experimentalists coming from approv­ ed laboratories in the four member countries. (Details on request). Front Cover A decision was made in 1986 to build the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) next to the ILL, following the proposal made by the ILL in Spring 1984. Five countries: France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom have already accepted to join the project in its foundation phase. The construction work is expected to start at the end of 1987. The close proximity between the ILL and ESRF will reinforce the com­ plementarity between neutron and X-ray experiments and certainly result in a scientific complex unmatched in the world. 2 Contents THE INSTITUT LAUE-LANCEVIN p. 5 ORGANISATION OF THE ILL p. 6 VISITS AND EVENTS IN 1986 p. 8 DIRECTOR'S REPORT p. 10 Reactor Operation Colleges Department laCollege 2: Theory p. 19 SaReactor operation 1986 p. 109 College 3: Fundamental and nuclear physics p. 21 Work of the various groups p. 109 College 4: Structural and magnetic excitations p. 33 Other work p. 110 College 5.- Crystal and magnetic structures p. 39 College 6: Liquids, disorders and defects in materials p 49 College 8 and EMBL Grenoble: Biochemistry p. 56 College 9: Chemistry p. 60 Computing Department Instrument iàAutomation and Data Service (SAD) p. 113 Operation Department Central Computer Service p. 115 Special cryogenics 71 uCentral service 71 Maintenance and equipment of buildings and experimental positions 73 Fundamental and nuclear physics 74 ThreB-axis spectrometers 77 Time-of-Right, high resolution and diffuse scattering 80 Diffraction Instruments 87 Administration Special instruments and experiments 91 Special studies of experimental and instrumental techniques p 92 Department New projects p Finance p. 119 Personnel p. 122 Welfare + General Services p. 123 Directorate Services UScientific Coordinatio n and Public Relations Office p. 96 Library p. 98 Safety, Medical and Health Physics p. 99 SÉl^llB Miscellaneous List of seminars p. 126 Workshops, Theses p. 129 Publications p. 130 Author Index for Publications p. 153 Publications "in Press" p. 161 Experiments carried out at the ILL p. 165 ••I^H instruments & ^^^^fl Methods Department Multi-detectors p. 103 Mechanical construction p. 103 Electronics p. 103 Multi-Layer Laboratory p. 104 Monochromators p. 105 3 I I III I I II I I III I II I I III I I III i i mi i ii i .111 I I III I II I I III I « le nsiu 11 tax von -awe - au .angevin he Institut Max von Laue-Langevin (ILL) at Grenoble was formally founded in January 1967, with the signature of an intergovernmental convention between France and the Federal Republic of Germany. The aim was to provide the scientific community of the affiliated countrieT s with a unique neutron beam facility applicable in fields such as the physics of condensed matter, chemistry, biology, nuclear physics and materials science. The construction of the Institut and its high flux reactor was undertaken as a joint French-German project, with a total capital investment of 335 million FF. The reactor went critical in August 1971 and reached its full power of 57 MW for the first time in December 1971. The year 1972 saw the start-up of the cold and hot sources, the first instruments and the beginning of the experimental programme. On January 1, 1973 the United Kingdom joined the Institut as a third equal partner, contributing its share to the total capital investment. The corresponding intergovernmental convention was formally signed in July 1974 by the pertinent ministers from the three affiliated countries. On December 9, 1981 a protocol was signed by representatives from the three member countries which extended the agreement until 1992 and beyond unless two years"notice of termination has been given. In December 1986, an agreement on 'Scientific Membership' of Spain was signed by the ILL and the Spanish Interministerial Commission on Science and Technology for a period of five years starting on January 1st, 1987.* The ILL is a non-trading company under French civil law. The three countries are represented by the following Associates: - Kernforschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH, Germany - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France - Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique, France - Science and Engineering Research Council, United Kingdom. These Associates are represented on a Steering Committee, which establishes the general rules of the management of the ILL. The Institut is headed by a Director and two Assistant Directors, ail with a five year tenure, the former to be nominated alternately by the German and the British Associates, the other two by the remaining Associates. A Scientific Council, nominated by the Associates, advises the Directors on the scientific programme and on practical aspects relating to its operation. The scientific users' community of the ILL is represented in 8 subcommittees of the Scientific Council, which meet twice a year to select those research proposals which are to be carried out at the neutron beam facilities of the ILL. A further subcommittee of the Scientific Council deals with questions of instrumentation, serving as a discussion platform between the ILL and its external users. The purpose of the ILL thus differs from other research institutes in so far as it is a service institute created so that chemistry, solid state physics, fundamental and nuclear physics, biology and metallurgy specialists from laboratories in the partner countries can use the unique power of neutron techniques to broaden the attack on their problems. Designing and operating instruments and helping the visiting users to carry out their experiments is thus the principal task of the Institut's own scientists. The experimental use of the instruments by ILL staff is subject to the same approval system as their use by external teams. *) Under this agreement Spanish scientists have access to the ILL facilities in the same conditions as the three member countries and have the possibility of sending two thesis students. A seat is reserved for a Spanish scientist in the ILL Scientific Council as well as membership in two of our sub-committees. The participation of Spain to the ILL Budget is limited to 1.5 "to. 5 External Organisation off the Institut Laue-langevin 1986 Associates of fho institut Science and Engineering Commissariat à l'Energie Kernforschungszentrum Research Council (SERC) Atomique (CEA) Karlsruhe (KFK) Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) Stooring Commlttoo («I lit larl nMHiii) Atkinson (SERC) Cribler (CEA) Blncsing (BMFT) Clark (SERC) Horowitz (CEA) Deyda (BMFT) Leadbetter (SERC) Lehmann (CNRS) Klosc (KFK) Coles (Imp. Coll. London) Miquel (CNRS) Peisl (Univ. of Munich). Audit Commission Badham Poldermann Noack Middlecote Denby-Wilkes Riess Scientific Council («I II» last Mtliql Blanquet — CNRS Palaiseau Haensel — Observer BSRF Rainford — Univ. Southampton Buckingham — Univ. Cambridge Hahn — TH Aachen Rossat-Mignod — CEN Grenoble Comes — Orsay Lambert — Cfc'N Saclay Scherm — PTB Braunschweig Drifford — CEN Saclay Maier — ILL Schmatz — KFK Karlsruhe Dubbers — ILL Marezio — CNRS Grenoble Schult — KFA Jiilich Eitner -ILL Michaudon — ILL Steiner — HM1 Berlin Enderby — ILL Nierhaus — MPI Berlin Stewart — Univ. Reading Finney — Univ. London Ottewill — Univ. Bristol Stirling — ILL Fuller — Univ. Keele Perez y Jorba — Orsay Thomas — Univ. Oxford GeUetly — Univ. Manchester Petroff — LURE Vettier — ILL Gliser — ILL Press '— Univ. Kiel Oyôrffy — Univ. Bristol SubcommHtoos of tho Scientific Council (at It» last smtlaf ) Fundamental and Structural Crystal and Liquids, Biochemistry Chem stry
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