HAVERF N , S VOLUME 32—NUMBER 2 HAVERFORD (AND ARDMORE), PA., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1940 Z 627 $2.00 A YEAR H. W. Elkinton, '14 Activity Fee Netted Dickinson to Talk Seniors To Entertain Rhinies To Meet First Common $3100 Last Year At Collection Rhinies Tomorrow A total of $3100 was receiv- Seniors and freshmen will Bryn Mawr '44 ed last year from the Student Former U. S. Official enjoy an hour of mirth and Room Speaker Activity Fee it was announced song (and refreshments) to- yesterday by Bursar William Will Discuss Law gether at 9 o'clock tomorrow On Gala Week-end Activities Of Friends Mintzer Wills. evening at a joint meeting of This total was balanced by John Dickinson, general solicitor the two classes in the Common Annual March, Service Committee allocations to various campus for the Pennsylvania Railroad and Room. activities amounting to a sum This get-together is being Serenade To Feature To Be Topic of 83108.94, an overdraft of former Assistant Attorney Gen- sponsored by the Class of '41 Freshman Frolics Howard Elkinton, '14, will be the 88.94. eral of the United States, will dis- in an effort to individualize first Common Room speaker this The list of allocations fol- cuss "The Profession and Practice the prevalent "Hey you Rhinies who thus far have found lows: Haverford rather monastic in spirit year, it was announced Monday by of the Law" at next Tuesday's Col- Rhiniel" Shaping up plans for Professor A. Jardine Williamson. 1940 Record 11085.00 the meeting is a committee will have a chance to dispel their Mr. Elkinton will talk on the ac- Cap and Bells 310.00 lection, President Morley announc- headed by Arthur Ashbrook. ndoinughts tivities of the American Friends H. A. A. 820.00 ed Saturday. thiis Friday Service Committee during the last NEWS 573.50 A lecturer for many years at over to Saturday evening Student Affairs: In a Vic dance on the campus. few months and on the outlook for Amherst, Harvard, and Ratcliffe, Detective Thrillers the future. (a) granted 232.50 Planned under the joint auspices (b) spent Mr. Dickinson has been a professor At the same time, Samuel Snipes, 98.99 of the Haverford Vie Dance Com- President of the Student Council, (c) remaining in of law at the University of Penn- For British Air Raids mittee and the Bryn Mawr Student cumulative fund 133.51 sylvania since 1929. He served as Government, the activities will made public appointments to the Student Council 188.00 various committees connected with commence with the annual Haver- Debating 101.94 Assistant Secretary of Commerce Local Group Collects ford Freshman march on Bryn the Common Room and Student- from 1933 to 1936 and Assistant Faculty relations. The Student- Relief Supplies Mawr with songs and cheers to Faculty Committee is to consist of Attorney General from 1936 to serenade the fair damsels. After John W. Dorsey, Tucker F. Morian, A1orley Stresses - 1937 when be became solicitor for Twenty-eight coats, eight men's this, a square dance has been plan- Robert E. Miller, G. M. Courts the Pennsylvania Railroad. suits, six women's suits and ten ned under the direction of Virginia Oulahan, and Snipes, ex-officio. Nichols, where the respective Value of Football Prediction that famine would cartons of sweaters and shoes were classes of '44 can meet and get to- Common Room Committee sweep Europe this winter, with oc- collected last week on the campus gether. In addition to the above named, President Favors cupied and unoccupied France the and from friends of the College for Vie Dance Saturday the Common Room Committee it- worst victims of the food short- distribution to homeless Britishers, The following evening will see self will include Kenneth S. Rob- Swarthmore Game Mrs. J. Leslie Hotson announced erts, Robert MacCrate, John W. age, was voiced this morning at the first in the new series of popu- . Sevringhaus, J. Dee Crabtree, Jr., Stating that he hoped for an up- Collection by Professor Howard recently. lar informal dances held on campus The articles, filling a station in the past few years. As usual, and Howard P. Wood. The Faculty ward trend in football at Haverford Comfort, just returned from six the Kilowatters will supply the Women's Club (Student Commit- this season, President Morley ad- wagon, were sent Saturday to the tee) is to be under the chairman- months in Italy as a representative music. dressed 200 students at a pep rally of the American Friends' Service British War Relief Headquarters. A completely new amplifier has ship of John L. Webb, Jr., and will been obtained over the summer also have as members William It. in the Union Friday night. Committee. Lack of information, Two tuxedos, in excellent condition, are now offered for sale to the which John B. Clark, committee Watson, Jr., Richard D. Bauer, President Morley, who claims Professor Comfort said, prevent- head, says will eliminate almost and Robert Macerate. Mrs. Clay- that "he was once too light to highest bidder at Professor Hot- ton W. Holmes is President of the ed him from saying just how ex- all distortion and at the same time make the team at Haverford," also tensive the famine would be else- non's home. The proceeds from add plenty of bass. The newest Club, which each year gives a and most popular records have number of teas, tea dances, and received a warm response when he where on the Continent. the sale will go to the Relief Fund. declared that "the sooner the In response to a call from the been obtained and the collection entertainments, including the Sen- No signs of unrest among the will be kept up-to-date all year. ior Reception and the Christmas Swarthmore game is established, English Speaking Union, a collec- Italian people existed when he left Refreahments Served Party, the better." tion is also being made of detective the country in mid-July for the stories and thrillers for reading The charge for the Vic dance will 12:00 Rule Extended Commencing with songs and United States, according to Pro- be 35c stag, and 25e with a date, Snipes also announced that there cheers, the program for the rally fessor Comfort Although there during the air raids. 'Tristram as usual. Dancing will be from will be a meeting of the Student consisted of movies shown by Bill is bitter opposition in certain quar- Coffin is in charge of collection on 9:00 until 12:00, and refreshments Association one week from tonight Docherty, a speech by Coach Ran- ters to the present regime, the the campus. A Red Cross Work- will be served. In addition, the in the Common Room; that women majority of Italians back the pol- room, open from 8 until 5 every 12:00 rule for having girls in the are to be allowed in the dormitories dall, individual cheers for the icies of the government, he said. day except Saturdays and Sundays, dormitories has been lifted to al- for one hour after Vic Dances, as Senior members of the team, and An invitation has been extended has been opened on the third floor low one hour's freedom after the well as after the formal balls; and a short talk by Captain Jeff by President Morley to all Alumni, of Professor Hotson's house. The dance. that serious steps to stop the use Hemphill. The soccer team and friends of the College, and persona committee in charge includes Mrs. Vic Committee Includes of firecrackers on Campus are to living in the neighborhood to at- H. K. Henry, Mrs. Clayton W. .B. Clark, Harry Stuart, Ed- be taken in the near future. "The its captain, Ned Allinson, were tend the 11:30 Collections. Seats Holmes, Mrs. J. Leslie Hotson and gar Bell and Tristram P. Coffin, setting off of firecrackers is con- also given a cheer. are available for outsiders in the Mrs. L. Arnold Post who was recently appointed. trary to both the College and State Coach Randall remarked on the balcony of Roberts Hall. laws, and must be stopped as soon excellent "college spirit" of the as possible," were the words of the Class of '43 and expressed the Council President. "The students hope that the new }thinks would Class of '40 Is Well Scattered; start with small escplosives and continue in their' firotsteps. Ad- Thirty Freshmen gradually get larger and larger vising any undergraduate, who noisemakers, until, before we know couldn't find it in him to support To Compete For Places Law and Medicine Claim Many it, someone is seriously hurt." the squad, to see the Dean for Editor's Note: This article, Kimball Union Preparatory School Robert E. Hecht, Jr., will have transfer papers, Coach Randall On News Board based on rumor as murk as on in New Hampshire, while Arthur charge of the Charity Cheat. Plans was roundly applauded. With the Thirty Frehsman signified their direct report, is probably inac- Magill has taken a prep-school for the 1940-41 Drive will get un- singing of "Comrade.s," the meet- curate in some details. teaching position. der way in the near future. ing came to a close. : intention of trying out for the News at a meeting held in Union By Discobolus The balance of the class on whom last Tuesday. Fifteen are trying Unofficial reports on the present information is available is either out for the editorial board alone. activities of more than thirty of still 'at liberty, or engaged in bus Class of '98 Prints College Paper Otherwise the Rhinies are trying last year's Senior Class reveal that iness.
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