North-Western Journal of Zoology 2020, vol.16 (2) - Correspondence: Notes 233 Merkl, O. (2008): Data to the knowledge on the beetle fauna of Maramureş 15.V.2017 (35°22´N, 46°11´E. 1344 m). Romania Coleoptera. Studia Universitatis “Vasile Goldiş”, Seria Ştiinţele This species was collected by light trap and bush net on Vieţii 18: 243-311. Pajač Živković, I., Kos, T., Lemić, D., Ctitković, J., Jemrić, T., Fruk, M., Barić, B. Quercus sp. (Fagaceae) in a mountain forest. (2018): Exclusion nets influence on the abundance of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in apple orchards. Applied Ecology and Reuteria jordanica Carapezza, 2002 Environmental Research 16(3): 3517-3528. Taboada, A., Kotze, D.J., Salgado, J.M., Tárrega, R. (2006): The influence of Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, habitat type on the distribution of carabid beetles in traditionally managed 26.VI.2017 (35°19´N, 46°09´E. 1834 m). “dehesa” ecosystems in NW Spain. Entomologica Fennica 17: 284-295. This species was collected by light trap on a hillside (Fig. Teofilova, T.M., Markova, E.P., Kodzhabashev, N.D. (2012): The ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. Bulgarian Journal 4d). of Agricultural Science 18(3): 370-386. Varvara, M. (2004): Variation of the species diversity of Carabidae (Coleoptera, Tribe Halticini Carabidae) in two vegetal associations in the Bârnova forest, Iaşi (East of Piezocranum corvinum Puton, 1895 Romania). Analele Ştiinţifice ale Universităţii „Al.I.Cuza” Iaşi, s. Biologie Animală 50: 117-139. Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Marivan, Chuin, 30.IV.2017 (35°24´N, 46°30´E. 1493 m); Marivan, Chuin, Key words: Carabidae, new data, Romanian ground beetles, distri- 1.V.2017 (35°25´N, 46°32´E. 1611 m). bution, Transylvania. This species was collected on Gundelia tournefortii (Aster- aceae) in steppes and meadows by aspirator (Fig. 1). Article No.: e197201 Received: 12. September 2019 / Accepted: 03. December 2019 Available online: 13. December 2019 / Printed: December 2020 Dimorphocoris seidenstueckeri Linnavuori, 1984 (Figs 5a, b) Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Marivan, Chuin, 30.IV.2017 (35°24´N, 46°30´E. 1493 m); Marivan, Baghan, Teodora TEOFILOVA 1.V.2017 (35°27´N, 46°26´E. 1857 m); Sarvabad, Daraki, Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research (IBER), Bulgarian Academy of 12.V.2017 (35°20´N, 46°14´E. 1419 m); Sarvabad, Dezli, Sciences (BAS), 1 Tsar Osvoboditel Blvd., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria; 15.V.2017 (35°21´N, 46°10´E. 1806 m); Sarvabad, Daraki, E-mail: [email protected] 22.V.2017 (35°17´N, 46°11´E. 1876 m). New record for IRAN. This species was collected in meadows and hilly steppes with rich vegetation by sweeping. A faunistic study on plant bugs (Hemiptera: Euryopicoris nitidus (Meyer-Dur, 1843) Heteroptera: Miridae) in western part of Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, 12- Kurdistan Province, with two new records 13.VI.2017 (35°20´N, 46°14´E. 1419 m). This species was collected in mountain meadows among from Iran the forest by sweeping. Plant bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) are one of the Subfamily Phylinae most species-rich families of insects and the largest family of Tribe Hallodapini Hemiptera, with nearly 11020 described species (Cassis & Acrorrhinium conspersus Noualhier, 1895 Schuh 2012). This family comprises eight subfamilies. Spe- Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, 17- cies of Miridae family exhibit a wide range of food prefer- 22.VII.2016 (35°19´N, 46°10´E. 1662 m), 20.VIII.2016 (35°20´N, ences and behaviors including phytophagy, predatory, and 46°14´E. 1419 m), 26.VI.2017; 4.VII.2017 (35°19´N, 46°09´E. omnivory. The phytophagous species of this family are the 1834 m); Sarvabad, Bahram Abad, 17.IX.2016 (35°21´N, most important pests of food and fiber crops (Cassis & 46°14´E. 1153 m). Schuh 2012). This species was collected on Medicago sativa (Fabaceae) The fauna of Iranian Miridae was recently studied by by sweeping and light trap (Fig 3a). different researchers e.g. Linnavuori & Hosseini, 1998, 1999, 2000; Linnavuori & Modarres 1999; Hosseini & Linnavuori, Tribe Phylini 2000; Hosseini et al., 2000; Magnien & Matocq 2008; Linna- Macrotylus galatinus Seidenstucker, 1968 (Figs 5a, b) vuori, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010; Lashkari & Hosseini, 2012; Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, 30. Hosseini, 2013a,b,c; 2014a,b; Hosseini & Shamsi 2014; Mal- V. 2017 (35°19´N, 46°12´E. 1699 m); 4.VI.2017 (35°17´N, vandi et al., 2015; Hosseini, 2016,2017; Mohammadi et al., 46°11´E. 1876m). New record for IRAN 2018 a,b; Zamani & Hosseini, 2018; Hosseini & Mohammadi This species was collected on Salvia bracteata (Lamiace- 2018, 2019 a,b; Zamani & Hosseini, 2019. ae) in hilly steppes and mountain meadows by aspirator. This study aims to conduct research on the fauna of mirid bugs of Kurdistan Province, with focus on Marivan Oncotylus setulosus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1837) and Sarvabad regions. Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, 26.VI.2017; 4.VII.2017 (35°19´N, 46°09´E. 1834 m). Subfamily Orthotylinae This species was collected by light trap on a hillside (Fig. Tribe Orthotylini 4d). Dryophilocoris persimilis (Puton, 1895) Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad: Daraki, Thermocoris rivalis rivalis (Horvath, 1894) 11.V.2017 (35°20´N, 46°14´E. 1419 m); Sarvabad: Dezli, Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Marivan, Chuin, 234 North-Western Journal of Zoology 2020, vol.16 (2) - Correspondence: Notes Figure 1. Gundelia tournefortii (Asteraceae), host plant of Piezocranum corvinum. (a) adults on host-plant; (b) nymphs on host-plant. Figure 2. Habitats and plant associations: (a & b) habitat and host-plant of Macrotylus galatinus; (b) Salvia bracteata (Lamiaceae); (c & d) hab- itat and host-plant of Thermocoris rivalis rivalis; (d) Salvia sp. (Lamiaceae). Figure 3. Habitats and plant associations: (a) habitat of Dicyphus eckerleini and Acrorrhinium conspersus; (b) habitat and host-plant (Nicotiana sp. (Solanaceae)) of Nesidiocoris tenuis. North-Western Journal of Zoology 2020, vol.16 (2) - Correspondence: Notes 235 Figure 4. Habitats of collected species (a) habitat of Deraeocoris rutilus; (b) habitat of D. serenus; (c) habitat of D. lutescens; (d) habitat of Reuter- ia jordanica and Oncotylus setulosus. Figure 5. Habitus photographs of new record species. (a,b) Dimorphocoris seidenstueckeri; (c,d) Macrotylus galatinus. 30.IV.2017 (35°24´N, 46°30´E. 1493 m); Marivan, Pir Khezran, Subfamily Bryocorinae 1.V.2017 (35°25´N, 46°32´E. 1611 m); Marivan, Hallizawa, Tribe Dicyphini 1.V.2017 (35°26´N, 46°28´E. 1103 m); Sarvabad, Dezli, Dicyphus eckerleini Wagner, 1963 15.V.2017 (35°21´N, 46°10´E. 1806 m). Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, This species was collected directly by aspirator or sweep- 17.VII.2016 (35°19´N, 46°10´E. 1662 m); Sarvabad, Daraki, ing on Salvia sp. (Lamiaceae) in meadows and hilly steppes 20.VII.2016 (35°19´N, 46°11´E. 1500 m); Sarvabad, Daraki, (Fig. 2c, d). 10.VIII.2016 (35°19´N, 46°10´E. 1662 m); Sarvabad, Bahram 236 North-Western Journal of Zoology 2020, vol.16 (2) - Correspondence: Notes Abad, 17.IX.2016 (35°21´N, 46°14´E. 1153 m); Sarvabad, Hosseini, R. (2013b): On the tribe Dicyphini (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae: Daraki, 25.VI.2017 (35°19´N, 46°11´E. 1500 m); Sarvabad, Bryocorinae) in Guilan province and adjacent area (Iran). Entomofauna 34: 157–158. Daraki, 26.VI.2017 (35°19´N, 46°10´E. 1662 m). Hosseini, R. (2013c): On the tribe Stenodemini (Hemiptera: Miridae: Mirinae) in This species was collected by sweeping in an Alfalfa field Guilan province and adjacent areas (Iran). Entomofauna 34: 377–396. with fruit trees among it, grasses, and herbs, also collected Hosseini, R. (2014a): A study on the genus Orthops Fieber (Hemiptera: Miridae: Mirinae) in Iran. Arthropods 1: 57–69. by light trap (Fig. 3a). Hosseini, R. (2014b): On the genus Adelphocoris (Hemiptera: Miridae) in Guilan province (Iran) and its adjacent areas. Entomofauna 35: 413–421. Nesidiocoris tenuis (Reuter, 1895) (Fig. 5b) Hosseini, R. (2016): A review on the genus Brachycoleus (Hemiptera, Miridae) with identification key to the species found in Iran. Vestnik zoologii 50(2): Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Bahram 105–110. Abad, 17.IX.2016 (35°21´N, 46°14´E. 1153 m). Hosseini, R. (2017): A new species of Isometopus from Iran (Hemiptera: This species was collected on Nicotiana sp. (Solanaceae) Heteroptera: Miridae: Isometopinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 57(1): 23–34. by aspirator in a garden (Fig. 3b). Hosseini, R., Linnavuori, R. E. (2000): A faunal study on the mirids of Guilan province (Het.: Miridae, Orthotylinae). In Proceeding of the 14th Iranian Macrolophus pygmaeus (Rambur, 1839) Plant Protection Congress (p. 357). Isfahan University of Technology, Iran. Material examined: IRAN, Kurdistan: Sarvabad, Daraki, Hosseini, R., Linnavouri, R. E., Sahragard A., Hajizadeh, J. (2000): Taxonomic study on the Miridae (Heteroptera) of Guilan province (sub family: 17.VII.2016; 10.VIII.2016; 25.VI.2017 (35°19´N, 46°10´E. 1662 Orthotylinae). In Proceeding of the 14th Iranian plant protection congress m); Sarvabad, Bahram Abad, 17.IX.2016 (35°21´N, 46°14´E. 2000 Sep (pp. 5–8). 1153 m). Hosseini, R., Shamsi, M. (2014): A new species of the genus Ectagela Schmidt from Iran (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Miridae, Phylinae). Zootaxa 3802: 389– This species was collected by aspirator on Nicotiana sp. 394. (Solanaceae) and in an Alfalfa field with fruit trees among it Hosseini, R., Mohammadi, S. (2018): A new species of the genus Phytocoris by light trap (Fig. 3a, b). (Hemiptera: Miridae) from western Iran. Zootaxa 4446(4): 567–574. Hosseini, R., Mohammadi, S. (2019a): A new species of the genus Phytocoris (Hemiptera: Miridae), with an identification key to amygdali–group species Subfamily Deraeocorinae of the subgenus Compsocerocoris found in Iran.
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