Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 5-26-1953 The B-G News May 26, 1953 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News May 26, 1953" (1953). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1132. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/1132 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. gp —■ s^ S^IIN. OK* Your Cooperation Good Luck Has Been Appreciated To Graduating Seniors Throughout The Year "Bourdtw Green State Uniirersitij From The B-G News VoL37 Official Student Publication. Bowling Grean. Ohio. Tuesday, May 16. 1953 No. 55 Students Gain Recognition At Yearly Honors Day * * ¥ Commencement Exercises Set ROTC Names Honors Given Today Listed Annual Honors Day ceremonies For June 5 In Amphitheater lOutLnding' were held at 2:30 p.m. today at the University Amphitheater with Commencement exercises will be Twenty-four cadets from the President Ralph W. McDonald held June 5 for 641 candidates for Bowling Green Army ROTC Jun- presiding*. bachelor degrees and 26 candidates Graduating Seniors ior class have been selected by the Thomas Curtis, University or- for masters decrees. The cere- Ac Fees Committee Army ROTC as Distinguished Mili- ganist, played the processional and mony will be held in the Amphi- To Get Alumni Mag tary Students. The selection was the invocation was given by the made by Col. Thomas R. Malone theater at 10 a.m. Approximately MO seniors will List Appropriations Rev. Walter C. Eyster, pastor of bt inducted into the Bowlinjr Jr.. professor of Military Science the Bowling Green Methodist Dr. Harold W. Stoke, dean of (ireen Alumni Association, accord- Activity Fees Committee report- and tactics, with advice and recom- Church, following the national the Gradoatc School of the Uni- ing to (ilenn Van Wormer, secre- ed Friday the following appropria- mendations from the University anthem. versity of Washington in Seattle, tary, upon graduation. tions of student fees for the sum- officials. Dr. Wilfred E. Blnkley, profes- will be speaker for the ceremony. The University Alumni Maga- mer . i'-.-ion of 1953 and the aca- These students will have special sor of history at Ohio Northern His topic will be "Indispcntable zine, issued (juartcily, will he demic year 1953-54. Lloyd A. opportunities to demonstrate their University, delivered the main ad- People." available to all members in June. Helms, professor of economics, is capabilities at summer camp. The dress. Dr. Blnkley received the 31 Honor Slud.nli No membership dues or fees chairman of the committee. final selection as Distinguished honorary degree of Doctor of Sixteen .-indent - will be gradu- are paid, stated Van Wormer, and Summer Session: Military Graduates will depend Public Administration at the cere- nted magna cum laude. They arc he added that Howling (ircen has B-G News $ 620 on their record at camp and their —rnato by Dallas Mi monies. Margaret Wepler Bond. Barbara alumni club* in Chicago, Cleve- Drama 690 progress in their final year in the Student Senate PTM. Albert Dykes A program feature was the ini- land, and Columbus. advanced course. Other cadets and Ian* Wlnll.ld. AWS president, Bowman, Ralph Bradrick, Paul Music 280 tial presentation of the Alice Prout Guthrie, Iris Halderman, Martha Seniors will be notified by mail may become Distinguished Military try on caps and gowns to be used Memorial Scholarship Award. Irwin, Nancy Joehlin Johnson. of their membership. Social Committee 1,360 Students by showing outstanding for Honors Day today and for Com- Other awards presented by Presi- Carol Luis, Agnes Oates, Kathcr- Artist Scries 1,150 performance at summer camp. m.nc.m.nt June 5. dent McDonald included 18 special ine O'Connor, Suzanne Prinr., Mar- Selected for DMS are: Karl E. departmental awards and the Pres- Mauerhan, William R. Bittner, tha Reichelderfcr, Nancy Roe, El- Senior Committee Total |4,000 ident's Award to the outstanding mer Stonehill, Jane Turner, and (ilenn K. Smalley, Robert J. Tro- senior man and woman. Makes Gift Provision knya, William A. Bradley, Bruce Applications Ready Miles Vance. Academic Year 1053-54: Following the Alma Mater and Gethin, Harry Bowers, Ronald The senior gift committe has Art Exhibits $ 360 the recessional, senior class repre- Graduating rum laude will be made provision for the purchase Cully, Wilbur Smith. David Slough, For Scholarships Robert Alberts, Barbara Anderson, Artist Series 6,820 sentatives conducted the annual of a record player for the student William Cunningham, John A. Darl Ault, Jeanne Butler, Peggy Athletics 27,170 Cheney. Students attending the Uni- tree planting ceremonies east of room of the future Student Union. versity on scholarships or grants- the Library. Cain, Ruth Davidson, William El- Any surplus remaining: from the B-G News 6,620 Charles N. Zimmerman, Ralph derbrock, June Emery, James Fa- in-aid may apply for their con- senior class gift will be used to Kyns 110 V. McKinney, Joseph A. Stanke- ber, Jean Geist, Doris Guhl, Jay wieh, Richard K. White, Ramon tinuation during 1953-54, an- Individual Scholastic Awards purchase records. Key 13,030 Hall. Mary Mesier, Alan Nichols, J. Fernandcs, Charles L. Green, nounced Dr. Ralph G. Harshman, Groff Memorial Award—Jerry Stuart R. Givens, coordinator dean of administration. Catherine O'Farrell. Hazel Rey- of student activities, has been Music 4,110 Donald Keller, Dean F. Russell, Helwig. nolds, Marilyn Roth, Constance named to take charge of the'trust. Marching Band 1,720 Joseph O. Dowdell, James Grimm, Any student who can prove a Faculty Women's Club Award Van Tyne, Otto Wegert, and Joan Social Committee 6,010 Harold McGrady, and Walter definite need for financial assis- - -Agnes Oates. Wilson. tance to continue his education, Drama 2,460 Duricy. Book and Motor Scholarship No summa rum laude honors Dean Harshman Elected The above students and approxi- and who has suitable grades, may Award—Agnes Oates. have been announced by the Hon- Dr. Ralph G. Harshman, dean Debate 970 mately 70 others will attend sum- apply for a grant or scholarship. Radio 940 Special Departmental Awards ors committee. of administration, was elected mer camp at Fort Sill, Okla. from Applications are available at the Student Senate 990 Phi Alpha Chi (Accounting)— Honorary Degrees Given vice-president of the Mid-Ameri- June 30 to July 31. Three students office of the Director of Admis- Klmer Stonehill. can conference at the group's Three honorary degrees will be have been selected to attend camps sions and must he filed by May 30. Air Force Association Silver meeting in Kalamazoo, Mich., over Total |70,2OO other than artillery. They are awarded during the program. the week end. Medal—Robert Williams. Mrs. Sarah Caldwcll, of Akron, Robert W. Bone, Fort George G. Rcta Beta Beta (Biology) — will receive the degree of doctor Meade, Adjutant General school; Art Building Parking John Youngpeter. STAFF MEMBERS NEEDED New Buildings For Everett F. Grubb. Fort McClellan, of pedagogy. She is president of Do you want to work on The Chemical Journal Award—An- Chemical Corps school and Charles Space Will Be Limited drew Ogg. the National Education Associa- B-G Ntwi not yaar? You mar tion. Classes, Recitation I.. Green, Fort Eustis, Transporta- The construction of new park- English Honors — Robert Al- apply for positions al a staff m«*t- tion Corps school. ing facilities near the Fine Arts The degree of doctor of laws berts, Agnes Oates. Inq tomorrow niqht at 7 In 315A. Illdg. will not be as extensive as will be awarded to E. T. Rodgers, This Is Ihs last Issue of Ihe Nsws Beta Pi Theta (French)—Chea- Says Kreischer previously planned. ter Wasilowskl. of Tiffin, president of the Uni- this Mmsstsr. Publication will rs>- Speech Activities Set John W. Runn, director of resi- versity Board of Trustees. sumo aftvr summsr school boalns, "A new classroom and recita- Field Artillery Medal — Nell tion building for Bowling Green Melvin Hyman, assistant pro- dential and plant operations, has Menzies. Dwight P. Joyce, president of A business manager and staff fessor of speech and hearing ther- announced that the increase in Gamma Epsilon (German) — Glidden Co. in Cleveland, will re- msmbsrs ars nssdsd for th« sum- State University is close to re- ality," E. J. Kreischer, business apy, reports a full schedule is the number of cars on campus Barbara Shiller. ceive the degree of doctor of busi- msr B-G Nsws. Intsrsstsd persons planned for the department this next fall will not be great enough John Schwartz History Award ness administration. The three should contact ihs journalism de- manager of the University, said this week. summer. to merit extensive parking facili- —James Radcliffe. honorary degrees will he presented partment secretary In 31SA. A children's clinic, an adole- ties. Home Economics Alumni Award by Pres. Ralph W. McDonald. The Ohio General Assembly is scent stutterer's clat's, an aphasia No definite plans have been now considering House Bill 816 --Food—Nancy Joehlin Johnson; An invocation and benediction group, and a parent education made as to the actual construc- Clothing—Martha Baden. which contains all major capital for the program will be given by program are the courses offered tion of these parking facilities. Waugh Journalism Cup—Gerald the Venerable Donald Wonders, Sutliff, Blore, improvement items for all state by the department. Miss Alice Klever. D.D., of Cleveland.
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