©Ijc cta&Q Bern ri> 10c Copy Devoted To The Best Interests Of Cadiz And Trigg County Volume 87 Cadiz, Kentucky Thursday, Mar. 28, 1968 Number 13 T.C.H. Band Members Working- For Trip To Canada LBL Landowners Library Week Observence Comment On TVA Letters Set For April 6 Judge James Maihis that Trigg’s Library cannot con­ Mrs. Whitehead Speaks tinue to exist under its present For Landowners Asks All Cilizens To set-up. Rising costs in all phases Back Local Library of services and work continue to Association bring about upheaval in every N ext week, A pril 1-6, is Trigg TVA mailed purchase offers to facet of public service. The Li­ County Library Week, and atten­ 30 landowners in Land Between brary is no exception, and at the tion will be focused on the many the Lakes last week who had re­ present time it is in dire need of services the Trigg County Li­ fused to allow TVA appraisers to funds to continue to operate and brary offers the citizens. There enter their property. give the service we now have will be many displays of books, The letters offer the landown­ available. I am sure Trigg Coun- records, etc., in several of the ers three courses of action, ac­ tians are aware of the drive now stores in Cadiz and the week will cording to TVA officials. They in progress by Friends of Trigg be climaxed by an Open House may accept the offer; allow TVA County Library for additional at the Library on April 6. appraisers to enter their land to funds to keep this service for our make detailed appraisals, or they During this week the recently people, under its present limited may reject the offer completely, organized Friends of Trigg Coun­ capability.” thus clearing the way for TVA to ty Library will make a concerted “Most of the people in Trigg begin condemnation proceedings effort to obtain more members County have already indicated based on the offer. and funds for the local library. their willingness to support the Mrs. Corinne Whitehead speak­ The following are statements Library and have contacted the ing for the Ky. Chapter of the members of the Trigg County Education and the appoval of the to June 23 with the Band compe­ and Concert competitions. Each student is required to con­ by County Judge James Mathis Students Must Earn American Landowners Associa­ Fiscal Court. The Court, some Trigg County Band Parents or­ titions coming on Ju n e 21, 22, 23. The Band students have been tion and J. Granville Clark, attor­ pertaining to Trigg County Li­ Own Money For tribute $100 as his p art of the years ago, voted to contribute ganization for the trip, formal ap­ Thirty bands have already been working and saving their money ney for landowners Between the brary and its importance to this expenses covering Bus transpor­ $150 p e r quarter, or $600 per Expense Of Trip plication was made. accepted with three more to be earned from odd jobs in order to Lakes made the following com­ com m unity. tation, rooms and meals. Notices year toward the support of the Li Confirmation was received Feb. On Friday evening, March 15, approved. While Trigg’s Band is make this trip possible. While ments when contacted with re­ are posted in many places in “The word LIBRARY, as defin­ brary. When you consider the 16 of the acceptance of the Trigg Tom Siwicki of Paris, Ky., who is in Canada they will compete in there are no selling campaigns or gard to the letters to landowners. Trigg County asking for odd-jobs ed by Webster’s Dictionary is (1) fact that Trigg County is being County High School Band as a the Executive Secretary for the two parades, Field Show, and solicitations to be conducted for “This is just another step in which can be contracted by pho­ a room or building where a col­ operated on a budget from the Kentucky representative to the Exhibition, came to Cadiz and Concert competition. The final the purpose of this trip, any dona­ harassment TVA has carried on ning 522-8529 or 522-8033. W hen lection of books, etc., is kept for G eneral F und of 10.2c on each Red River Exhibition in Winni­ met v/ith the Parents and the parade on Sunday, June 23, will tions will be gladly accepted to against private landowners since patrons are calling to help the reading or reference, (2) a.—A $100 of assessed valuation, th e peg, Canada. Band Canada Committee. At this be view ed by an estim ated 300,- cover many of the incidental ex­ Jan u ary of 1964. TVA recently ex Band earn money with odd-jobs, public or private instituton in Court’s contribution to the Libra­ A tentative invitation was meeting, Mr. Siwicki told of the 000 people and broadcast by BBC. penses. Some incidental expenses tended the period of completion they are asked to be generous in charge of the care and circulation ry represents a sacrifice, because made last fall and the Band Stu­ events and itinerary to be ex­ Bands will be divided in three which the community could help of the LBL from 1968 to 1974. their payment since the students of such a collection; b.—A com­ the County’s obligations and bills dents began working, saving, and pected with the help of scrapbook classes, according to their school with are Bus Banners, Printed TVA has completely strangled are representing their community mercial establishment that rents for all phases of services demand­ banking their money in October. pictures and a movie. enrollment, and trophies for First, Programs, equipment insurance the economy of the remaining in­ and learning to earn their own books; (3) a collection of books, ed and expected by the citizens, After receiving authorization This year the Red River Exhi­ Second and Third places in each and, most important, aid toward habitants who are forced to drive way. especially a large systematically has risen in direct proportion to from the Trigg County Board of bition will be held from June 17 class will be given for Field Show leasing an equipment van. many many miles to purchase arranged collection for reading or rising costs in every other phase groceries and necessities. TVA it­ reference, (4) a set or series of of life. And yet the County must self has gone into the restaurant books issued in the same format continue to try to operate and Safety Book Solicitations Local Gridder Named To Trigg Speech Students ’ Trucking Companies business and is now selling food by a publishing house.” perform these services on a bud­ Mrs. Dunn to visitors at the so called Conser­ Result In Court Hearing State All-Star Team Enter Contest To Lower Freight “Here in Trigg County, I am get that has not increased tax- vation Center. happy to say that we have a Li­ wise in proportion with the ris­ An examining trial has been Paducah Tilghman High Rates To Cadiz Every prediction TVA has scheduled for Monday, April 1, Passes Away brary at our disposal that meets ing costs. Therefore, I see no way School and Murray University made regarding LBL has proven regarding the canvassing of local The combined forces of the the definition nearly 100 percent. to increase the Court’s contribu­ Funeral Services Held School share top honors this to be inaccurate. For example, business people to sell them ad­ Chamber of Commerce and the Trigg’s Library has not had a tion to the Library.” week as co-champions of the Re­ they estimated 4 million visitors vertising to be printed in a safe­ Tuesday Afternoon At Cadiz Spring Products Division trouble-free existence, because gional Speech Festival which by 1966. A year later in 1967 by “I earnestly believe that when ty book. The agents that were of Hoover Ball and Bearing Com­ the Lirbary we now enjoy is the Flat Lick Church concluded Saturday at Murray their own estimate which includ­ Trigg Countians decide they selling and collecting for the ads pany v/ith cooperation of Skaggs result of hard work and long State University. ed many people living in the want something they are are said to have represented the Mrs. Lela Mabel Dunn, age 60, Motor Freight and McLean range planning by only a few Each school compiled 79 points area and who use the roads they “go-getters” and will not take action as being in behalf of an a resident of Cerulean, died at Trucking Lines have put an end people at first, and a Library in the high school division of the had less than 14 that many visi­ “NO” for an answer. It is only alleged Marshall County-Trigg to the discriminating truck Board composed of energetic 3:45 a. m., Monday, M arch 25, at festival. Lone Oak High School tors. natural then to have implicit ^Qunty * nergency ur.it. * freight rates imposed on Cadiz people with a great insight as to Jewish Hospital in Louisville took third place with 76 points. TVA admits that there are faith in Trigg Countians’ ability ,t James Guess, owner of the Ca­ afd Trigg County for many- just what a Library could and where she had been a patient for In the junior high division, the 33,000 acres of land and im prove­ to meet the financial crisis now diz Western Auto Store, became many years. would mean to the citizens of the past week.
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