•• ST/LIB/SER.B/S.22 ST/LIB/SER.B/S.22 Index to Proceedings Indexof thetoSecurityProceedingsCouncil of the Security Council Fortieth Year -1985 Fortieth Year -1985 Dag Hammarskjold Library New York, 1986 United Nations Dag Hammarskjold Library New York, 1986 United Nations DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series, No. S.22 DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LIBRARY Bibliographical Series, No. S.22 ST/LIB/SER.B/5.22 ST/LIB/SER. B/8.22 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION Sales No. E.86.I.9 00950 UNITED NATIONS PUBLICATION ISBN 92-1-100293-1 Sales No. E.86.I.9 ISSN 0082-8408 00950 ISBN 92-1-100293-1 ISSN 0082-8408 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••• •• v CONTENTS ABBRE VI AT IONS ••••••••••••••••••• •• v1I SESS IONAL INFORMATiON. •••••••••••••• •• Ix INTRODUCTION ••••••••••••••••••• •• v CHECKLIST OF MEETINGS. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• xl ABBRE VI AT IONS ••••••••••••••••••• •• vII AGENDA •••••••••••••••••••••••• x l t t SESS IONAL INFORMATiON ••••••••••••••• •• Ix SW JECT I NOEX ••••••••••••••••••••• CHEO<L 1ST OF MEETINGS. •••••••••••••• •• xl INDEX TO SPEECHES ••••••••••••••••• •• 45 AGENDA •••••••••••••••••••••••• x, t I NUMER ICAL L 1ST OF OOCUMENTS •••••••••••• •• 81 SIB JEeT I NOEX ••••••••••••••••••••• RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SECURITY COUNCIL, 1985 • •• 83 INDEX TO SPEECHES ••••••••••••••••• •• 45 VOT I NG CH,AR T OF RE50LUT IONS, 1985 ••••••••• ., 85 NUMER ICAL L 1ST OF OOaJMENTS •••••••••••• •• 81 RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED BY THE SEaJRITY COUNCIL, 1985 • •• 83 VOTING CHI'RT OF RESOLUT IONS, /985 •••••••••• , 85 -I"- -11 1- This page intentionally left blank INTRODUCT ION The security Council Is the United Nations The Voting Chart Indicates the voting for organ which has primary responsibility for the resolutions adopted by the Council. maintenance of InternationalINTRODUCTpeaceION and security of the Charter of th& United Nations. The DOa.JMENTATION OF THE SECUR ITY COUNCIL Council, whIch Is canposed of 15 members, Is so The Security CouncilorganizedIs asthe toUnited be ableNationsto function continuously.The Voting Chart IndicatesAI I documentsthe voting of the forsecurity Cour.cll are organ which has primary responsibility for the resolutions adoptedfirstby theIssuedCouncil. In mlmeographed form. A selected maintenance of International peace and security The Index to Proceedings of the security number of them are subsequently printed In the of the Charter of th& United Nations. The Council Is u guide to the documentation andDOaJMENTATIONquarterlyOF THE SECURSupplementsITY COllNCI to Lthe Official Record~. Councl I, whIch Is composed of 15 members, Is so proceedings of the security Councl I, ~nd of Its where they are arranged chronologically. Some organized as to be able to function continuously. commissions, committees and ad hoc committees.AI I documents specialof the Securityreports areCour.cllIssuedareIndividually as first Issued In mlmeographed form. A selected The present Issue covers the fortieth year numbered Special Supplements. Resolutions adopted The Index to Proceedings(1985) of theof securitythe SecurityCouncil and Itsnumberone of them are bysubsequentlythe securityprintedCouncil,In thefirst Issued In Council Is u guide sub-bodyto the documentation which met duringand this year. quarterlyThe IndexSupplementsmlmeographedto the.Q!..flclalform, areRecord:-.later collected along with proceedings of the IsSecuritypreparedCounclby theI, ~ndDagofHammarskjoldIts whereLibrarytheyas are arrangeddecisionschronologically.taken, In a separateSome volume of the commissions, committeesone ofandtheadproductshoc committees.of the United Nationsspecial reports areOfficialIssued IndividuallyRecords of theas year. After their The present Issue coversBlbllagraphlcthe fortIethInformatIonyear System (UNBIS).numbered Special Supplements.republicationResolutionsIn the OfficialadoptedRecords, the (1985) of the Security Council and Its one by the Security Council,provisionalfirstmlmeographedIssued in documents are no longer sub-body which met during this ARRANGEMENTyear. The IndexOF THE INDEXmlmeographed form, available.are later collected along with Is prepared by the Dag Hammarskj81d LIbrary as decisions taken, In a separate volume of the one of the products of theTheUnited Index consistsNations of the followingOfficialparts:Records of the DOUble-symbolyear. After theirdocuments bearing both S/- and Blbllagraphlc InformatIon System (UNBIS). republication In theA/-Officialsymbol s Records,~/ere submtheItted to both the Secur Ity The Sessional Information providesprovisionala list mlmeographedCouncildocuments and the Generalare no longerAssembly. ARRANGEMENT OF THE INDEX available. of both members and officers and lnfor-maf lon on rules of procedure and resolutions and decisions. AI I verbatim records of meetings of the The Index consists of the following parts: Double-symbol securitydocumentsCouncilbearing appearboth S/-firstandIn provisional ~/ere The Checklist of Meetings Is a A/-listsymbolof thes submittedmlmeographedto bothform.the TheySecuritymay be Identified by The Sessional meetingsInformationof theprovidesCouncila list and of Its sUbsidiaryCouncil and the GeneraltheirAssembly.symbol, which consists of the series Informa'~lon of both members andbodiesoffIcersthatandmet dur l nq theonyear. corresponding to that of the meeting, e.g., rules of procedure and resolutions and decisions. AI I verbatim recordsS/PV.2576.of meetings Verbatimofrecordsthe of meetings are later The Agenda lists matters consideredSecurItyby andCouncl I appearprintedfirstas separateIn provisionalfascicles In the Official The Checklist broughtof MeetingsbeforeIs athelistCouncilof thetogether mlmeographedwith the form. Records.They may be Identified by meetings of the Councilheadingsand underof Its whichsUbsidIarythese Items aretheirlistedsymbol,In which consIsts of the series bodies that met dur'lngthe Subjectthe year.Index. corresponding to that of the meetIng,I{)W TOe.g.,OBTA IN DOCUMENTS S/PV.2576. Verbatim records of meetings are later The Agenda lists mattersThe SubjectconsideredIndexbyprovidesand topicalprintedaccessas separatePrintedfasciclesdocumentationIn the Official for the security Council brought before the toCouncilsecuritytogetherCounclwithI documentation.the Records.It contains 1985 may be obtained or purchased fran authorized headings under which these Items are listed In an alphabetical arrangement of agenda subjects sales agents by providing the following the Subject Index. I{)W TO OBTA IN DOaJMENTS and provides for each a list of documents Information: submitted to the Council and Indicates the Printed documentation for the Security Council The Subject Indexmeetingsprovidesat whichtopicaltheaccessItems were considered and Official Records of the security Council, to Security Councl I documentation. It contains the action taken by the Council. 1985 may be obtainedFortiethor purchasedYear: from authorized an alphabetical arrangement of agenda subjects sales agents by providing the following and provides for each a Thelist Indexof documentsto Speeches prOVides Information:access to Meeting••• (specify meeting number) for verbatim submitted to the Councilspeechesand thatIndicateswere madethe before the security records fascicles. meetings at which theCouncil.Items wereTheconsidered Index Is SUbdIvidedand Into threeOfficial Records of the Security Council, the action taken by sectlons~the Council.speeches by corporate nameicountrles,Fortieth Year: Supplement for ••• (specify quarter of year or speaker and SUbject. special supplement no.) The Index to Speeches prOVides access to Meeting ••• (specify meeting number) for verbatim speeches that were made beforeThe Numericalthe SecurityList of Documentsrecordslists fascicles. Resolutions and decisions (for the collected Council. The IndexdocumentsIs subdIvidedarrangedInto bythree symbol. edition of resolutions and decisions adopted sectlons~ speeches by corporate nameicountrles, Supplement for •••during(specifythe quarteryear). of year or special supplement no.) speaker and subject. Resolutions Adopted by the security Council, 1985 lists the resolution number, the The Numerical List of Documents lists Resolutions and decisions (for the collected subject and the meeting and date when the documents arranged by symbol. edition of resolutions and decisions adopted resolution was adopted. during the year). Resolutions Adopted by the Security -v- Council, 1985 lists the resolution number, the subject and the meeting and date when the resolution was adopted. -v- This page intentionally left blank ABBRE VIAT IONS Add. Addendum (Add~nda) Art. Artl cle ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations ABBREeh, VIAT IONS Chapter Conf. Conference Corr. Corrlgendum (Corrigenda) Add. Addendum (Add~nda) GI'DR General Assembly Official Records Art. Artl cle IAEA International Atomic Energy Agenc V ASEAN Association of South-East Asian Nations ICJ International Court of Justice ch. Chapter ILO Internatlonel Labour Organisation Conf. Conference IMF International Monetary Fund Corr. Corrlgendum (Corrigenda) No. Number GI'DR General Assembly Official Records OAU Organization of African Unity IAEA International Atomic Energy Agenc V OAS Organization of hnerican S"ra+es ICJ International Court of Justice A..O Palestine Liberation Organization ILO lnternatlonel Labour Organisation Rev. Revision IMF International Monetary Fund SOOR Security Council Official Records No. Number sess. session OAU Organization of African Unity Supp I• Supplement OAS Organization of hnerican S"rates SW AA:> South West Africa People's Organization PLO
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