20 - EVENING HERALD, Sat., Jan. 3, 1981 * \ M andtpatpr MANCHESTIR HAS If! Fair BUSINESS DISE6T0SY BUIDE FOB MAVWEIUOKtT Fair tonight with lows 3 PUTTERt A SALADS W EATHER ^ ^ Ltetoils on page MANCHESTEB AND SUBBOUNDING FOS YOUR HOLIDAY WEBIEIID • irauM teiGuina VICINITY MraUMiaiB BBHT I VOL. C, No. 80 — M anchitef, Conn., Monday, January 5,1981 YOUR HOMETOWN NEWSPAPER the Marinated Mushroom, Inc "S £uiU Sii •£ lufu, £o4i 4 iA«. FEATURING THIS WEEK .. 182SONttMUr IL • MtH Wherenhiiuts Unknown CUNUFFE m BODY 8w)o«.Miii«.Mioiri.iilng ID III-ii4i»riWii)tfc» »!«<>< inoiW D m '» M i you M h4p PM m M DM ilgM |4M llnlah lor DW job youV* pliii' w w MINIT-MAN PRINTING . ling, lo o uo lor pobii inD oonloo «hon you plon (ouf n M oroltcl 643-0018 - ■ EflJoAflsow PAINT CQ Hostages moved ^O M PU n COLUMOM'NkPAUI lOuo •POraiaN AND AMMliCAN CAN* . INOIPINDENT B y United P r e s R Inlernalional the moVe such as whether Iran might Ahmad AZiZi, the official in charge of ministration’s final U.S. response to 4IUITV MMCDWDT PNbonNa Iran spirited the three American be assemblying all the hostages in the hostage issue at the prime Iran’s financial demands for the HD hostages held in the Iranian Foreign one place in preparation for their minister’s office, was quot^ as release of the hostages. Pars, Ministry to a secret detention site, release. saying by the official Pars News quoting an informed goverenment making the whereabouts of all 52 cap­ The other 49 hostages have been Agency Sunday. source, said only that an answer V « ! lS t3 7fi3. tives a mystery as the Carter ad­ moved around Iran since the aborted White House press secretary Jody “will be announced later.’’ m A i n s i . ministration’s final hostage proposal U.S. rescue mission last April but Powell said U.S. officials "are not in was considered in Tehran. their wherabouts are not known. The a position at this time to make a Iran initially asked 124 billion in 6 4 3 - n 9 1 The three — Bruce Laiiigen, the three Iranian clerics, the Vatican judgment” about the move, but it financial guarantees ^ to cover up to ' 191 charge d'affaires at the U.S. Em­ representatives and the (wo Algerian “does cause us some concern in as $14 billion in frozen Iranians assets MAIN ST. le s ig n s jn c bassy, Victor L. Tomseth, the em­ diplomats who visited the Americans much as (they) had been under and to serve as a $10 billion MANCHESTER Ml INOAO STREET. KMNCHESTER. CONN. 0M«0 bassy’s senior political officer, and over Christmas were taken to the somewhat more favorable con­ guarantee for getting help in retur­ 6 4 3 - 1 9 ( H ) Michael Howland — sought refuge at captives blindfolded. ditions, both in terms of communca- ning the late shah's wealth to Iran. Manchester Professional Park, Suite A-1 Betty Gallagher, Prop.^ the ministry when the embassy was it is still not known whether the tion with them and in terms of the After Washington scoffed at the $24 WE SERVICE m IN8TAUINOUSTRUL AND COMMERCIAL seized Nov. 4,1979, and bad been held government has taken over guarding amenities they enjoyed.” billion demand, Iran said it would be there apart from the other 49 the hostages from the Moslem State Department spokesman John receptive to any guarantee that Hostages transferred AIR CONDITIONING • REFRIGERATION BUCKSMITHINB hostages in better conditions. militants who seized control of the Trattner said, "In the ,past the would recover funds. The three American hostages held at Iran’s Foreign Em- HEATING and SHEET METAL Communication with the three also embassy 14 months ago and government of Iran has said that AW ELDIN8 had been easier, which means their technically agreed in October to let those in the Foreign Ministry were in The current U.S. proposal bjassy were moved to another place as Iranian officials con­ • HAN6 AnaiD rriMS transfer cut off a link in the network the government take control of the protective custody and the conditions reportedly would send $5 to $6 billion sidered the latest U.S. reply to Tehran’s demands for the • rriMs CUSTOM maoi km England Mechanical Services, he. • SJMJ} RUSTINQ in obtaining knowledge about the Americans. of their detention were somewhat in frozen assets not encumbered by release of the 52 captives. The three, Bruce Laingen, left, the status of the hostages. "The government of the Islamic better than for the other 49 legal claims into an Algerian bank, charge d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy, Victor L. Tomseth, WALTSCAOIKN Republic of Iran has moved the three Americans.” 166 TUNNEL 22 WARREN! The sudden transfer of the three while an international arbitration right, the embassy's senior political officer and Michael VERNON, CT. 0606^ NUUKHEtlOLCT. brought expressions of concern from hostages, who were living at the Iranian officials meanwhile panel would mediate claims on the 671-1111^ F.64M 363J officials in Washington, but they Foreign Ministry, to a more ap­ studied what the State Department remaining assets said to be about $8 Howland, not shown, had sought refuge at the ministry when refused to give any interpretation to propriate' place of residence,” has called the Carter ad­ billion. the embassy was seiZed Nov. 4, 1979. (UPI photo) Serving IRanchftter over 50 yri. r ’ PAP _ PARTS “AUTO PARTS FOR LESS' pentlsnU Ths Florist Reagan^s trip could fulfill campaign promise HOURO 24 3IRCH ST. LOS ANGELES (UPI) - Ronald Later, Reagan flies to Washington to LopeZ Portillo, who mentioned 8 TO a MON.-FRI. E.A. JOHNSON PAINT TBL. 643-6247 at least until LopeZ Portillo's term States. about the future of our continent . ' Reagan’s trip to Mexico — his first for a three-day visit. violence in Central America, par­ ends in December 1982. In announcing his presidential can­ 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN. 643-4444 “It is time we stopped thinking of r.T.D. foreign stop as president-elect — Edwin Meese, Reagan’s ticularly El Salvador, as a possible Reagan, who Sunday prepared by didacy more than a year ago in New our nearest neighbors as 3Q7 E. CENTER 8T. (REAR) gives him a chance to make good on designated Cabinet-level general 723 Main St., MaiKhestor MSTR CHQ discussion point. studying briefing papers and con­ York, Reagan called for a North foreigners, " Reagan said. W O M O W IDE MANCHESTER AMER EXPRESS an early campaign pledge to forge counselor, said the purpose of the Another was Mexico’s decision to ferring with advisers by telephone American accord linking the United He said the three countries should SERVICE BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY The E.A. Johnson Paint Company at 723 Main Street, Manchester, is the town’s oldest new ties with America’s neighbors. visit was to “develop initial contacts terminate fishing treaties with the from his Pacific Palisades home, States with Mexico and Canada. work "toward the goal of using the and finest paint and wallpaper store. Besides being centrally located in downtown Reagan and Mexican President for what we hope will' be a very United States and the influx of illegal said last week he had little informa­ “No one can say at this point assets of this continent — its ABC APPLIANCE REPAIR Manheester, they offer convenient off Main Street parking in their lot adjoining their store. FLO’S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. Jose LopeZ Portillo were to meet productive partnership relationship aliens into the United States. tion about the fishing treaties but precisely what form future coopera­ resources, technology and foodstuffs Johnson Paint offers the complete quality line of famdus Di^ch Boy*and California* in­ today in the middle of Cordoba Inter­ between our twb countries.” Aides to both men have been quick “whatever should be done should be tion among our three countries will — in the most efficient ways possible A * 6 1 ^ l . 87S-32S2 national Bridge over the Rio Grande, Meese; Reagan’s national security to acknowledge Reagan is not yet 42 Oak Street terior and exterior paints. Johnson Paint is also your headquarters for the best in fair to both sides, to both countries.” take,” he said. One possibility, he for the common good of all its A COMPIHE I K ^ K i n O K m M i then discqss a “broad range” of adviser, Richard Alien, and Texas president. Neither side expects sub­ On the issue of illegal aliens, added, was to invite representatives people." Manchester, Conn. 649-8879 Wallpaper, Varnishes, Duco Delux, Painter Supplies, Artist Materials, plus Window topics at a meeting in Ciudad JuareZ, Gov. Bill Clements were to accom­ stantial accords to emerge, but the Reagan has said he favors easing from those nations to “sit in on n U M O N C T. But he promised the United States Shades. Their “Color Dispenser” offers any color ta suit your taste up to 1,400 different itieatmrn. JHL 'across the border from El Paso, pany the president-electi. meeting may help determine the border restrictions to i^ke it easier highlevel planning sessions with us, would be a partner, not a dominant This coupon worth ttO towards purchase lAWcw T t com JMWI , nnrmniia nnuii Texas. color selections. Be you an amateur or a pro — Johnson Paint Co. has the years of 0 H O U M Rragan has said he left the agenda direction of U.S.-Mexican relations for Mexicans to work in the United as partners, mutually concerned leader. of Mercedes Progress Vacuum ..
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