Parker Range (Mt Caudan) Iron Ore Project MS1054 ANNUAL COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT 2019-2020 Proponent: Polaris Metals Pty Ltd Address: 1 Sleat Road, Applecross, WA 6153 Postal Address: Locked Bag 3, Canning Bridge LPO, Applecross, WA 6153 Contact: Tim Berryman Phone: +61 8 9329 3713 Email: [email protected] 12 June 2020 Issue Date: 12/06/2020 ENV-TS-RP-0232 Page 1 of 21 MS892 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2019-2020 Revision History Revision Issue Date Prepared By Reviewed By Distribution Number A 12/06/2020 N Smith T Berryman DWER Issue Date: 12/06/2020 ENV-TS-RP-0232 Page 2 of 21 MS892 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2019-2020 CONTENTS 1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Project Overview ............................................................................................................................. 4 1.2 The Proponent ................................................................................................................................. 4 1.3 Objective .......................................................................................................................................... 4 2. Compliance Audit Table ............................................................................................................................. 5 3. Statement of Compliance ........................................................................................................................ 13 3.1 Internal Audits ............................................................................................................................... 13 3.2 External Audits .............................................................................................................................. 13 4. Non-complainces and Corrective Actions ................................................................................................ 13 4.0 Non compliances ........................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 Corrective actions .......................................................................................................................... 13 5. Monitoring Results................................................................................................................................... 13 5.1 Vegetation and Weed Monitoring ................................................................................................. 13 5.2 Significant Flora monitoring .......................................................................................................... 14 5.3 Fauna Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 14 6. Company endorsement by general Manager Environment of mineral resources limited ...................... 16 7. PUBLIC AVAILABILITY OF THE COMPLIANCE ASSESSMENT REPORT ........................................................ 17 APPENDICES APPENDIX 1: STATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE .................................................................................................... 18 APPENDIX 2: PHOENIX (2020) BASELINE HEALTH ASSESSMENT OF VEGETATION AND WEED MONITORING FOR THE PARKER RANGE IRON ORE PROJECT ......................................................................................................... 19 APPENDIX 3: PHOENIX (2020) BASELINE SIGNIFICANT FLORA PLANT HEALTH MONITORING FOR THE PARKER RANGE IRON ORE PROJECT.............................................................................................................................. 20 APPENDIX 4: PHOENIX (2020) BASELINE MALLEEFOWL MONITORING REPORT FOR THE PARKER RANGE IRON ORE PROJECT ................................................................................................................................................... 21 Issue Date: 12/06/2020 ENV-TS-RP-0232 Page 3 of 21 MS892 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2019-2020 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview Cazaly Iron Pty Ltd (Cazaly) received approval by the Minister for Environment; Water on 12 April 2012 to develop the Parker Range (Mt Caudan) Iron Ore Project (Project) approximately 15 km southeast of the town of Marvel Loch in the Shire of Yilgarn in the Eastern Wheatbelt of Western Australia. The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) issued Ministerial Statement 1060 to Cazaly on the 17 July 2017 to amend Condition 3 on Ministerial Statement 892 to extend the time limit of authorisation to the 12 April 2022. The Parker Range Iron Ore Project Mt Caudan Deposit (PRIOP) was recently acquired by Mineral Resources Limited (MRL) (through Polaris Metals Pty Ltd (Polaris), a 100% owned Subsidiary of MRL) from Cazaly Iron Pty Ltd in August 2019. Polaris propose to mine iron ore from the Parker Range deposit by conventional open pit hard rock mining methods at a rate of approximately 5 Mtpa. The estimated life of the mine is 6 years based on current economically mineable JORC resources. Approximately 62 Mt of waste rock is expected to be generated from the mining operation. Implementation of the proposed Project is expected to occur in July 2020 (subject to all necessary approvals being obtained and compliance with all relevant conditions of approvals). 1.2 The Proponent Following the Asset Sale Agreement and pursuant to section 38(6) and 38(7) of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA) (EP Act), Polaris was nominated as the person responsible for the Proposal. Proponent: Polaris Metals Pty Ltd Address: 1 Sleat Road, Applecross, WA 6153 Postal Address: Locked Bag 3, Canning Bridge LPO, Applecross, WA 6153 Phone: +61 8 9329 3600 ABN: 18 0852 235 70 1.3 Objective The objective of this document is to provide a Compliance Assessment Report (CAR) to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Department of Water and Environment Regulation (DWER) in accordance with condition 4-6 of Ministerial Statement No. 892 and the Compliance Assessment Plan approved on 12 July 2013. The CAR covers the Project’s status of compliance with Ministerial Statement 892 for the period 12 April 2019 to 12 April 2020. Issue Date: 12/06/2020 ENV-TS-RP-0232 Page 4 of 21 MS892 Annual Compliance Assessment Report 2019-2020 2. COMPLIANCE AUDIT TABLE Project – Parker Range (Mt Caudan) Iron Ore Project o Phases that apply in this table = Pre-Construction, Construction, Operation, Decommissioning, Overall (several phases). o The Audit Table provides a summary interpretation of the condition requirements applying to the Proposal under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (WA). Please refer to the Statement approval issued for the Proposal for the agreed condition wording and abbreviations. o Code prefixes: M = Minister’s condition, P = Proponent’s commitment. o Acronyms list: CEO = Chief Executive Officer of the OEPA; DEC = Department of Environment and Conservation (now separately DBCA (Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions and DWER (Department of Water and Environmental Regulation)); DIA = Department of Indigenous Affairs (now DPLH (Department of Planning Lands and Heritage)); DMP = Department of Mines and Petroleum (now Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DMIRS)); EPA = Environmental Protection Authority; DoH = Department of Health; DoW = Department of Water (Amalgamated into DWER), Minister for Env = Minister for the Environment; OEPA = Office of the Environmental Protection Authority. o Compliance Status: C = Compliant, CLD = Completed, NA = Not Audited, NC = Non-compliant, NR = Not Required at this stage. Please note the terms VR = Verification Required and IP = In Process. Audit Code Subject Action How Evidence Satisfy Advice Phase When Status Further information 892:M1.1 Proposal The proponent shall implement the proposal as documented and Implement project in accordance with Compliance Min for Overall Ongoing NR Project not commenced. Implementation described in schedule 1 of this statement subject to the conditions criteria outlined in Schedule 1. Assessment Env and procedures of this statement. Report. 892:M2.1 Proponent The proponent for the time being nominated by the Minister for Notify of any change in proponent details Compliance Min for Overall Ongoing C Polaris is the proponent. Nomination and Environment under sections 38(6) or 38(7) of the Environmental in writing. Assessment Env Contact Details Protection Act 1986 is responsible for the implementation of the Reports proposal. identifying the Name of Polaris (the proponent). 892:M2.2 Proponent The proponent shall notify the Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Notify the CEO of any change in proponent Copy of written CEO Overall Within 30 days of NR No change. Nomination and the Environmental Protection Authority (CEO) of any change of the details in writing. notification of the such change Contact Details name and address of the proponent for the serving of notices or CEO of any change other correspondence within 30 days of such change. in proponent details. 892:M3.1 Time Limit of The authorisation to implement the proposal provided for in this Notify in writing. Copy of written CEO Overall Prior to 12 April NR Project not commenced. Authorisation statement shall lapse and be void five years after the date of this notification to CEO 2022 Cazaly submitted a request to the EPA on 28 statement if the proposal to which this statement relates is not of substantial June
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